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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Running's aight. My asthma seems to much prefer rowing.

Fuck no. I have asthma, so I run out of breath after just a few minutes

The more you run the better your asthma deals with it! You can make your asthma and endurance stronger and get healthier!

I've gotten up to running 3 miles in a session before

I don't get to run as often as I'd like tho, although it's my fault I can't motivate myself to run on my own~ Though just this morning I was considering starting to do just that. I gotta exercise more than just once a week :c

Edited by Freohr Datia
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i used to like running but i stopped running every day when my allergies got so bad i couldn't step outside without getting congested

i had to quit cross country

so yes, at one point i did like running, but now i am indifferent to it
my longest session was probably like ~3.5 miles because i was in middle school

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I do, but not as much as I used to. It was kind of my thing back in the day, despite not joining any teams or anything like that.

Longest session was some 2-3 miles or something like that.

Edited by Soledai
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I have...weird preferences when I run:

-It has to be raining (I love the sound of rain)

-Occasionally listen to music (not in the rain ofc)

I have an OCD with running 13,14 or 16 laps which is in the vicinity of 3.4-4 miles.

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[spoiler=Kpoppers Only]

[spoiler=Bigger Kpoppers Only]

I love running! Mainly because I'm fast as hell and can outrun a lot of people.

Furthermore, after I run I can last longer periods of time doing other stamina activities and it feels wonderful.

Hiking is way better though. I'd rather not know the distance and explore.

Edited by ~Summer~
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running is lame. longest i've ever run is during a rugby game, about 30min (40min halves, i didn't play the whole thing). i was dying yo. i don't understand how people can run half-marathons or 5ks, let alone a full marathon

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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yes, and about nine miles

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE: If you were a font, which would you be?

courtesy some guy sorry man i don't remember who asked

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