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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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online: depends on context entirely, but if I HAD to pick one, it'd be "mhm"

IRL: "yeah"

e: actually IRL I use "okay" or variations thereof a lot too

Edited by Euklyd
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irl i tend to use a really clipped "yeah" or "okie-dokie" but that's just comparatively, i use a whole lot of shit

online tends to reflect my speaking patterns, so various clipped forms of "ya" "ye" "yeh" etc are the most common

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY EIGHT: What's your villainous motivation? How do you intend to carry it to fruition?

it's wednesday, it's the middle of the week, let's get evil sf

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Revenge and hatred would be my motivators, I'd carry it out with brute force and violence. With brutality and death sprinkled in.

...Then I'd cry myself to sleep erry night 'cause screams of agony would haunt me.

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revealing my objectives and keikakus* would only undermine them

you'll know when the time is right

*note: keikaku means plan

True strategists doesn't reveal their objectives, except if they want to fool the enemy.

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True strategists doesn't reveal their objectives, except if they want to fool the enemy.

i can do secrecy but trickery isn't my forte

or is it

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Power. Power. If only I had power, the most power in the world, then nothing can stop me. Nothing I can't do. That's my motivation.

But of course...

revealing my objectives and keikakus* would only undermine them

you'll know when the time is right

*note: keikaku means plan

...this is very true as well.

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626: Bought any merch, or however it was:
Nah. Was looking for an Amaterasu (Okami) plush but I couldn't find any. ;n;

So I went with a Croconana plush instead. Look it up.

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY SEVEN: What's your preferred affirmative? Is it different in text versus in voice?
Voice: 'I guess', 'Alright', and 'Ye'.
Text: 'yeah', 'yes', and 'ye' again.

628: I have no idea. Bonus: I have no idea.

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I'm gonna have a golden doorknob somewhere in my house, and I will totally tell everyone that asks/sees to not touch it. Of course then they'll want to touch it, and I'll stop them. When they ask what's in the room I'd be like "nothing" or w/e.

The door wouldn't lead to anything interesting, it'd probably be completely uninteresting. Like the laundry room, or something. Just have some great self-inflicted mystery just from seeing it, and then even if you sneak a look behind my back you end up completely disappointed.

How: idk get just rich enough, or a small-ass doorknob

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the pursuit of life, liberty, and quality strippers drives me to be a ruthless businessman, taking over other businesses by doing what they do but throwing strippers into the equation and therefore making it better

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my motivation is simple world domination and i will accomplish it with force of arms

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY NINE: Is it better to be actively dislikable or utterly forgettable?

apply this to yourself, people, media, whatever. is apathy preferable to distaste?

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i prefer being forgettable

but as far as media goes, dislikable trumps forgettable any day of the week, as it can provide entertainment and foster discussion (and often provide entertainment because of the discussions - ie flame wars - it fosters)

entertainment that isn't worth discussing at any level is a literal waste of time

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Utterly forgettable by far

I don't like doing stuff that is bad or makes people hate me. At least being forgettable doesn't have to suggest that I am doing bad stuff. I care more about turning others off and making enemies than being uninteresting...

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