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Season 1 DLC rewards translated! SPOILERS!!!

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I honestly think they are different worlds but different interpretations of the same world especially since almost every game has their own "fire emblem " fates included because a lot of canon lore in one universe would be retconned if it's not.

Edited by DragonLordKamui
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Lots of games use the multiverse concept; it's not "bad writing" by itself.

Blazing Sword already hinted at alternate realms with its Dragon's Gate, which surprise surprise returns in Awakening as the Outrealm Gate and Fates as its original form. Awakening just threw it out into the open.

...And leaving things unexplained isn't necessarily bad writing either. It's meant so fans can use their imagination, rather than being spoon fed all the time.

We're already told the most important plot points, eg. Priam is descended from Ike. Do we need to be told the entire family genealogy or can we guess it ourselves?

I'd call it lazy writing if it's just to add dubiously canon cameos from other games. Other stories have multiverses but the better ones actually tie it to the plot in a substantial way (like Blazing Sword). It's for this reason that characters like Priam are criticized. Okay, so Ike went to and passed through the outrealm gate (for some reason) and later had a kid (with someone we never heard of) and an undisclosed amount of generations passed and Ragnell (somehow) lost its blessing, all so we could get a descendent of Ike in Awakening! That's not good storytelling that leaves us hungry for details. It's just a lazily written tribute to a popular character from a past title.

Even for Fates which seems to be trying to canonize the multiverse with the Awakening expies, it's not well explained. Were those 3 (or all 6 possibly) characters important enough to the story of Fates they needed to be brought over? Maybe it will be explained in the DLC but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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How Owain, Inigo, and Severa crossed over to Fates is not really important to Fates' story as-is. All that's important is that they are currently working for the royal siblings in Nohr and have matured from their Awakening appearances (or at least, this Owain, Severa, and Inigo did and have). Their impact on the story is as servants to the Nohr siblings and to show how far they've come as adults.

Also (in a similiar vein to Priam) to show that the worlds of Fire Emblem are connected to one another (after IS initially were reluctant to connect any of their future games to the games Kaga were responsible for). Heck, with the advent of Amiibo, certain FE characters could possibly become the Gilgamesh of Fire Emblem. Heck, Awakening at some point gave me FFV vibes: The multiple Annas thing seems to poke fun at how Anna almost always appears in every game, and Owain in Awakening mistaking a normal (and indeed, is implied to be actually quite unsuited for battle) sword for the legendary weapon Mystletainn and his boisterous speech about being the scion of legendary heroes seem to be good-natured ribbing on how legendary weapons in earlier FE games somehow could always only be wielded by that game's hero or were their rightful inheritance by blood (not to mention how similiar this is to Gilgamesh and him mistaking a useless knockoff sword for the legendary weapon Excalibur).

EDIT: And then there's Validar who is the Gharnef of the game: being the obviously evil sorcerer who's manipulating the heroes for his (or his master's) own benefit, but he is found out and his plans countered simply because he has all the traits of a Gharnef and just about everyone catches on to that (Chrom, Robin, heck even Gangrel and Walhart). And unlike most Gharnefs he's actually killed off early on in the story, by the player even. He comes back of course, but the damage is already done by that point.

Edited by Folt
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