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Serenes Arena Cup II (QUINT WINS)


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As in, none of them stack or Demoiselle cancels Charm out on the same team? Chrom's got better things to do then be a charismabot, though.

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Sorry to be a nag, but could someone with Hex be used to support others by dropping their foe's avoid, or is it only useful for the user?

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So if I brave bow the foe, it's useless, if I brave sword them, it works. Do I have that right?

It only fails to work when one of the sides (or both) is a bow user. So countering a bow user with a Gradivus won't benefit from Hex either.

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Anyone want to begin and start hosting Anon vs. Darrman? I'll be going to bed any minute and both teams are ready; I could just send them to you right now.

Quint, Baldrick, anyone? I don't think Horace is back yet.

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