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Serenes Arena Cup II (QUINT WINS)


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So looking at the bracket, the situation appears to be one where we need a match to finish in order to have another match. Namely,

Carmine is waiting for me vs. Elie to finish to have his game. Then what Carmine's game is done, Nintales can have his game. Nintales' game is over and Anon can play. Dan plays against whoever wins that one. The winner of Dan's match faces Quint in the final. Should Quint lose, he has an extra life (Miracle proc off 100 luck) and the last game decides the champion for real. If Quint wins on the other hand, then that's it for the tourney.

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For my game, whoever my opponent is, don't you think it could be funny with these rules?

- No B, A or S tier unit allowed.

- No procs allowed.

Just for a game that steps out of the meta. FOR FUN!

The Edit : By proc skills I mean any skills who are based on %. From Miracle to Vengeance. Even Sol dies.

Renewal and Vantage are A-ok though. Same goes for bond.

Edited by Nintales
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It's a tourney, anything goes, within the rules! Play to win! Unless he agrees to it.

I think it'd be pretty boring without proc skills personally anyway. Send your teams my way.

Edited by General Horace
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