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H5 Warpskipping LTC (completed in 55 turns)


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  1. 1. Who will get the most kills?

    • Marth
    • Caeda
    • Jagen
    • Hardin
  2. 2. Who will enter the most battles?

    • Marth
    • Caeda
    • Jagen
    • Hardin

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Upon looking at a speedrun that just turn 1 warps marth into the boss area, it doesn't seem to make Heimler move.

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Upon looking at a speedrun that just turn 1 warps marth into the boss area, it doesn't seem to make Heimler move.

Dang! If only there was some way to kill him (without a second warp) before the end of turn 2...

This would fix all of our problems, because then we could train Hardin to level 10 before Chapter 11 (tough, but possible I think) promote him with the Chapter 10 Master Seal, and then have 3 fliers available (since Minerva should have joined, we have two DK classes available) for Chapter 11. Jagen would go for Anna, Caeda to recruit Jake and kill the boss, and Hardin could go for the Manakete.

Then we could kill Heimler in Chapter 12, and have Caeda promoted in time for Chapter 15.

EDIT: This doesn't seem to work anyway, since the Sniper will move onto the throne to prevent us from seizing (at least that's what happened in the speed run). So we have to kill that boss with Jake, not Marth.

Edited by ruadath
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Actually, this should work out totally fine! If we're promoting Hardin, we actually never need to promote Caeda! It just means that our primary boss killer for non-armor/cavs will be forged Silver Lance Hardin!

So now the question reduces to: can we get Hardin to level 10 (4 levels) before Chapter 11? I think that should be completely reasonable, although we should note that he doesn't have a chance to do anything in Chapters 9 and barely does anything in Chapters 6 and 8... so it's really crucial that he gets a ton of EXP in 5, 7, and 10!

Edited by ruadath
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On a different note, routing for Chapter 4 has been completed. I should have the video up by tomorrow.

I'm quite a bit clumsier with the controls than dondon, so I think I'll leave preparations out of the video, unless you guys insist otherwise.

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Is Jagen actually able to gain something out of those level-ups with the amount of manipulation you permit, or are you having him fight for weapon rank alone?

Every Str proc that Jagen gains saves money on the Silver Lance forge he needs for Chapter 9. I want him to hit level 3 in the next Chapter, because after that he will be delegated to staffing duty, and even if he gains another level, his 0% growth in Str won't allow him to make much use of it.

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On second thought, for that reason alone, it might be better for me to rerun Chapter 4 and let Jagen go Bishop instead (he can get 4 Mends in quite easily within the confines of the chapter). Then I can use him as a fighting unit in Chapters 5, 6, and 8. Cain has (I think) just barely enough HP/Def at this point to survive the attacks from the archer and cav.

EDIT: Actually, Cain can't quite do it... but surprisingly Cavalier!Navarre can (and his Spd is just high enough to prevent him from getting doubled)!

Can Jagen survive the Arena in Chapter 8? In any case, this should allow me to get him to level 4 with both levels occurring as a Paladin/Dracoknight.

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Can Jagen survive the Arena in Chapter 8? In any case, this should allow me to get him to level 4 with both levels occurring as a Paladin/Dracoknight.

Are you serious? Its not likely that Jagen (or anyone for that matter) will survive the arena. From what I understand, you might be better off to recruit Wendell and spend one turn more. How this will help? Now you can full skip chapter 10. Which is probably much needed. Jagen as a priest early on is nuts.

Still, he could use heal/barrier for:

2x Ch6.

2x Ch7.

2x Ch8.

4x Ch9. (if you have DracoKnight Wendell)

1x Ch10.

2x Ch12.

2x Ch13.

1x Ch14.

2x Ch15.

1x Ch16.

1x Ch17.

1x Ch18.

1x Ch19.

Which is 24 uses, which is JUST enough for C-staff. Without Wendell / Other DracoKnight support, I think chapter 9 will be near impossible. I also you rely on using a crit from Jagen's Silver Lance? If so, I believe it is impossible to reach C, or is there an easy Armscroll to grab we are forgetting about?

Can't you just get the boss kill with a crit. from a "regular" Rapier? If so, try to save your money for a bit. I believe forges get cheapier the lower uses the weapon has. In theory you only need to boss kill Ch6, Ch7 and Ch8 with the Rapier. So maybe it gets a bit cheaper if you wait and lets you just have enough money for the other forges?

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Can't you just get the boss kill with a crit. from a "regular" Rapier? If so, try to save your money for a bit. I believe forges get cheapier the lower uses the weapon has. In theory you only need to boss kill Ch6, Ch7 and Ch8 with the Rapier. So maybe it gets a bit cheaper if you wait and lets you just have enough money for the other forges?

I've confirmed this to not be true; forges cost the same regardless of how many uses the weapon has left. Also, Marth needs at least one extra Mt forge to kill this Chapter's boss.

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Here is the new and improved clear of Chapter 4! Let me know what you guys think about the changes!


As our first chapter with reclassing, we make two changes, with Jagen going Bishop and Navarre changing to Cavalier. Unlike last time, we have Navarre bait the enemy army across the river instead of Jagen (they both have the same Def stat of 9). Marth again gets the kill with a forged Rapier after Lena warps him on turn 3.

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Can Jagen survive the Arena in Chapter 8? In any case, this should allow me to get him to level 4 with both levels occurring as a Paladin/Dracoknight.

Jagen might be able to win in the arena if he's reclassed to Sniper and you fight a Bishop. Bow users have the best chance because they can 2HKO enemy magic users even if they get 2HKO'd back. Although frankly, I wouldn't count on it, the promoted stat bonuses are probably too much. If he's a Draco or a Paladin then forget it.

Edited by Irysa
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I was looking to make more money from the arena, but honestly, at this point I think Jagen can hit level 4 without a problem as long as he can gain 30-40 EXP from Chapter 5 as a Dracoknight (which doesn't seem to be a problem).

Still, I'll probably want to send someone (Hardin?) to the arena for cash+EXP. Does that sound like a reasonable idea?

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Unless you can't get A Lances on Jagen, I need to correct my calculation. I forgot to account for the +1 str from Dracoknight that puts base!Jagen at 22 Atk, so he only needs level and A Lnc to oneshot C9's boss. If you can't hit A Lnc though, then yeah, he needs to be level 4 or a +1 silver lance forge (not too expensive, only 1k-2k from what I recall) has to be made.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Unless you can't get A Lances on Jagen, I need to correct my calculation. I forgot to account for the +1 str from Dracoknight that puts base!Jagen at 22 Atk, so he only needs level and A Lnc to oneshot C9's boss. If you can't hit A Lnc though, then yeah, he needs to be level 4 or a +1 silver lance forge (not too expensive, only 1k-2k from what I recall) has to be made.

Right, I already accounted for that (since he can't hit A lances). If my calculations are correct he needs 26 Atk to crit kill the boss (2 Base Def + 9 Def Firestone + 2 Gate Def = 13 Def, 38 HP), so he still needs +1 forge even at level 4. But I think it should be quite easy for him to hit level 4, and then the +1 forge costs only 2200G.

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I was looking to make more money from the arena, but honestly, at this point I think Jagen can hit level 4 without a problem as long as he can gain 30-40 EXP from Chapter 5 as a Dracoknight (which doesn't seem to be a problem).

Still, I'll probably want to send someone (Hardin?) to the arena for cash+EXP. Does that sound like a reasonable idea?

Try sending Barst as a Hunter. He has a huge personal base str and hunter's class str is also great, so he's the most likely to be able to 2HKO a mage or w/e.

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Chapter 5 is going to be (with the exception of Chapter 20, perhaps) the trickiest Chapter to plan and execute, since it's both the last non-warpskip Chapter, and I have EXP pressure on both Jagen and Hardin. In addition, I also have the side objective of needing to kill Wendell for his Barrier staff.

I'm currently in the middle of drawing up a plan regarding both EXP allocation and general strategy (i.e. who should go after what objective), but if anyone has any suggestions, I would be glad to hear them. Dragen will probably get reclassed to Dracoknight (unless you guys think he would serve better as a Paladin?), and my deployment will probably be

Marth*, Caeda, Cain, Abel, Jagen, Ogma, Barst, Castor, Lena, (Cavalier!Navarre or Bord)

I'm a little bit concerned about how to get Hardin EXP; he doesn't get a chance to attack anything until turn 2, and I need to clear out some of those archers so that he and/or Jagen don't get shot to death. Ideally, I'd like to have Hardin go after the thieves, but I'm not sure how that will work out.

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the h5 arena is a load of bullshit, barst won't win a round against a mage because he'll be outsped and/or potentially oneshotted unless you rig a crit, but I guess its easier than rigging the Jeigan crits earlier on so that might be your best bet. Might as well send in Hardin if you're gonna do that though.

Edited by General Horace
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Nah I'm pretty sure he can do it given that near perfect level he got in Chapter 4. I've had scrubs like 24hp 10 str 9 speed Castor win in H5 Arena as long as he gets vs a Dark mage. Barst will currently have 23 hp 12 str 9 speed as a hunter so he should be fine.

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What do you guys think about the inclusion of the Battle Preparations screen in the videos? I'll always include it when I forge something, but if I'm just trading around a bunch of items and perhaps reclassing one or two people, do you guys still want me to include that? Or would you rather I just started the video from the beginning of the map?

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Chapter 5 has been completed.

Our final non-warpskip chapter, this map is essentially beaten with a cavalier rush, though we again apply decoy tactics, this time with Sedgar and Wolf, to draw away certain troublesome enemies from our main force. In addition, Wendell needs to get killed for his Barrier staff, so the deployed foot units go after that objective. There were a couple of random critical hits on the last turn, although they didn't really accomplish anything, save from depriving Caeda of two extra points of WEXP.

Hardin got a solid amount of ~120 EXP, which means he should hopefully be in good shape for hitting level 10 by Chapter 11. Meanwhile, Jagen is at 3.27 EXP, already well on track for reaching level 4 by the time Chapter 9 rolls around.

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So it appears that I'll have to redo at least one of the chapters, because Marth needs to hit level 3 (currently at 2.94) before Chapter 6 so that his Str is high enough to crit-kill the boss in one hit. Any suggestions as to where you think I can gain the extra 10 EXP?

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