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How should I torture this kid who "kept" my Radiant Dawn game?

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I could go with the knees first or maybe the ribs...

So, back in high school, I really wanted to push FE onto people to make more people aware of its awesomeness. I ended up lending Radiant Dawn to this scruffy red-head and.... that was it. I didn't really lean on him to bring it back any time soon, despite "Lent RD to *name redacted*" being writ on my whiteboard for about two years. I figured "Hey, this is only his second FE game and he might take awhile". Point being, my Radiant Dawn was, and is, gone. It gets better, because this kid moved away, I finished high school, and I am about four-ish years out from when I lent it. While I feel slightly responsible for its disappearance, I'd think the kid would have at least, I dunno, returned it by this point?

So I'm pretty bummed this kid is enjoying Radiant Dawn for free because I'm such a sap and "nice friend".

Outside of torture ideas, I think I'm just complaining here because my irl friends are like "so? buy a new one" and they just don't get it, man.

Here, have a random picture I drew of Henry to compensate for all the time you wasted listening to me.


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Buy a hardcore guro/horror/porno dvd. Use photoshop and make a "Radiant Dawn II: Return of the Avengers" cover and print it. Cut and glue it on the dvd that you bought. Lend it to him. Watch the world burns!

Just kidding, may be he forgot or misunderstood that you gave him the game without wanting it back. Just call him and ask casually.

Edited by Magical CC
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Buy a hardcore guro/horror/porno dvd. Use photoshop and make a "Radiant Dawn II: Return of the Avengers" cover and print it. Cut and glue it on the dvd that you bought. Lend it to him. Watch the world burns!

Just kidding, may be he forgot or misunderstood that you gave him the game without wanting it back. Just call him and ask casually.

Unfortunately, he has "magically" cut ties with me. No clue where or how to get contact info.

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i don't think there's anything you can do other than

and get over it honestly

yeah it sucks but shit happens

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That sucks. You should always be on top of things like that, though. At this point, slowpokefag's advice is probably the best answer here unless you wanna go full FBI on the guy and try to get his current info. I wouldn't go through all that trouble, personally.

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Well there was some reprint for gamestop last year it seems. (That's why it's cheaper than in 2013)

@LordTaco42: This one has the new Nintendo logo (Gray/White instead of red), so it is a reprint.

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YOU DO NOT LEND YOUR GAMES, ESPECIALLY TO GINGERS!!!! In all seriousness, don't lend your games. Some kids lack humanity and the thought "Oh, this game doesn't belong to me. Perhaps I should return it" never occurs to them. I lent my copy of Pokemon FireRed to some girl and she said she lost it, and I never saw it again (at least it was one of those chinese fake copies though, so joke's on her!).

Hopefully you have learned from this traumatising experience. I would personally beat him up, but since apparently that is not an option, you might consider buying a new RD. If the kid cut all ties with you, then it might be a good idea looking him up on facebook. Get closer to him perhaps, and bring up the subject casually. If he says he lost it, then NO MERCY!!!!!!

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Find a way to grant them immortality...then shove them into a black hole.

For more realistic torture, goring someone through the limbs with growing bamboo could work well. Just make sure to feed them.

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