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Will this game get patched?


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It's not a big deal, but one thing that bothers me a bit are the horses. Their legs and tails clip through all their armor and decoration. It happened in Awakening, too. I don't understand why they dress them up so if they're not going to fix that.

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Daniela confirmed for witch

Okay, that needs to be patched. Do you know if this applies to all captured enemies or is Daniela just being a special snowflake?

I stand corrected. though I'd like to see you spin around and twirl that fast without pulling a neck muscle :P

Eh, it's actually not so bad. The most dangerous part is your hair slapping you in the face when you snap your head. I wonder how Jakob deals with that considering his long ponytail. :/

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Daniela confirmed for witch

Okay, that needs to be patched. Do you know if this applies to all captured enemies or is Daniela just being a special snowflake?

I don't have many captured enemies on my army but the ones I tested it on could go into dark flier just fine.

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The clipping slightly bothered me in Awakening, but it isn't anything too bad. Just, as others have said, annoying as it feels lazy that this is two (technically three) games in a row where they've not fully addressed this problem. But yeah, considering they never did anything about it before, I don't really see them doing it now.

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I haven't bothered using the Blacksmith class much, but I at least know that if Ryouma gets a critical hit as that class, the triggering of the critical hit plays twice. It sort of bothers me, but I doubt something so minor would get fixed.

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If you guys don't like clipping. Aqua is literally Clipping: The Animation

She clips nonstop.

Which is actually incredibly disappointing when you consider that she was the well-animated focal point in most of the trailers.

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IS and 3D don't mix well. We knew this since the first Paper Mario. And FE if is already their best so far.

I also hope they nerf the statues or just completly remove their effects in PvP.

May I suggest that instead of granting improved caps for all units, it would only ever affect the owner? Say, level 1 would give +1, level 2 would give +1 in 3 stats, level 3 would give +1 to all. Or just make them completely cosmetic.

I don't care about fighting other players (which I won't do), but this is seriously going to make it look almost Awakening-level silly.


Edited by nocturnal YL
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IS and 3D don't mix well. We knew this since the first Paper Mario. And FE if is already their best so far.

May I suggest that instead of granting improved caps for all units, it would only ever affect the owner? Say, level 1 would give +1, level 2 would give +1 in 3 stats, level 3 would give +1 to all. Or just make them completely cosmetic.

I don't care about fighting other players (which I won't do), but this is seriously going to make it look almost Awakening-level silly.

Given the enormous Dragon Vein Point requirements for high-level statues, that's definitely never going to happen. They'd have to redesign the whole system.

Gameplay changes are not going to happen. Not until the next FE game.

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I'm kinda offended by the comment about Paper Mario... as it is one of my favorite games, but let's not talk about that. I'm pretty sure PvP won't have any My Castle bonuses. Seeing as you can take away any gains from eternal seals, it would be a simple feat to take away statue gains... in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there was no way to use the statues.

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Given the enormous Dragon Vein Point requirements for high-level statues, that's definitely never going to happen. They'd have to redesign the whole system.

Gameplay changes are not going to happen. Not until the next FE game.

Yeah, I do know that there probably won't be any gameplay changes. In fact, they never modified FE13 beyond what the retail game offered. Notice how the wave 2 DLC didn't have new items or anything else that requires editing the existing game. Wouldn't be surprised if this is the case this time.

Besides, if they really tone down the effects of the statues, there will be a different kind of outcry. I've seen lots of castles filled with gold statues, and there's no way they won't complain. But man... just when I was pleased to see ordinary stats cap at 35 this time...

I'm kinda offended by the comment about Paper Mario... as it is one of my favorite games, but let's not talk about that. I'm pretty sure PvP won't have any My Castle bonuses. Seeing as you can take away any gains from eternal seals, it would be a simple feat to take away statue gains... in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there was no way to use the statues.

No offense intended -- It's not about Paper Mario itself; it's IS graphics in general. Their solution to have 2D characters and ride with it to give it a whole paper theme is actually a pretty elegant solution against their own weakness.

Aren't there discussions elsewhere in this forum that confirms that statue bonuses do carry over to single player and PvP? Certain growths like Aqua's insane speed and skill would mean that even if Eternal Seals are ignored, they'll still end up with stats above what the initial caps would have allowed.

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Yeah, I do know that there probably won't be any gameplay changes. In fact, they never modified FE13 beyond what the retail game offered. Notice how the wave 2 DLC didn't have new items or anything else that requires editing the existing game. Wouldn't be surprised if this is the case this time.

Besides, if they really tone down the effects of the statues, there will be a different kind of outcry. I've seen lots of castles filled with gold statues, and there's no way they won't complain. But man... just when I was pleased to see ordinary stats cap at 35 this time...

No offense intended -- It's not about Paper Mario itself; it's IS graphics in general. Their solution to have 2D characters and ride with it to give it a whole paper theme is actually a pretty elegant solution against their own weakness.

Aren't there discussions elsewhere in this forum that confirms that statue bonuses do carry over to single player and PvP? Certain growths like Aqua's insane speed and skill would mean that even if Eternal Seals are ignored, they'll still end up with stats above what the initial caps would have allowed.

I've looked at all the PvP stuff on this Forum for Fates, and I have not seen one confirmation that Statues carry over. I mean, maybe I missed something. I'll use the search function. Single Player, maybe. I'll just search statues.

EDIT: It seems like people are unsure. I am betting there is an option to turn it off in PvP, as that would make the most sense. I have heard there are customization for rules in PvP. Not sure about Single Player, as no one has said a solid answer for that either.

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Well that was intentional because they didn't know how to create extra space for feet (as I recall from past interviews).

The reason that the Awakening characters don't have feet is because they thought that a 3DS cart had less memory capacity than it actually does. They could have easily added feet in a post-release patch, but they didn't bother, just as they won't be issuing a patch to fix this game.

No offense intended -- It's not about Paper Mario itself; it's IS graphics in general. Their solution to have 2D characters and ride with it to give it a whole paper theme is actually a pretty elegant solution against their own weakness.

All N64 games have clipping issues, not just ones made by IS.

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The reason that the Awakening characters don't have feet is because they thought that a 3DS cart had less memory capacity than it actually does. They could have easily added feet in a post-release patch, but they didn't bother, just as they won't be issuing a patch to fix this game.

All N64 games have clipping issues, not just ones made by IS.

But the whole feet issue wasn't really an animation glitch/error.

The ones that I, as well as others, pointed out, like some Dark Fliers lacking wings, Kamui freezing, etc. are animation glitches that can and should be fixed. It's not like they are redoing the animations.

Another thing that I can't wrap my head around is the reason why they created such crappy spell animations for Basaras, Dark Bloods, and Shuras. Is it too hard, programing-wise, to give them the same animations as Dark Mages or Spell Casters?

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Fixing clipping would require a lot of work/re-doing of animations. Nobody puts in that much effort, not even for AAA console/PC RPG releases. Clipping everywhere.

For some of it, when talking about FE:F specifically, the fixes you want would require, first of all, more rigging on the models which 3DS might have trouble handling. Beyond that it'd require actual unique animations for every hair paired with every weapon on every class and/or actual collision detection. One would be way too much effort and thus development cost compared to the payoff and the other would require sacrifices elsewhere in order to work/run well on 3DS.

Some of it is just laziness on their end, like the kamui class stuff or the odd way they handle palettes/shading on re-classes, but I still don't really see them patching it. Even now that games can be patched, the sort of patches Nintendo likes are ones that prevent actual game-breaking bugs, not ones that improve anything. That way of thinking works well for them on most titles, but I would agree that it feels kind of shitty for FE given they are still doing post-production work on other things, like DLC. Even free DLC. It'd be better to improve all that they could rather than add more things in, in that case.

Awakening never even had its language swap bug fixed, for instance, since it wasn't actually game breaking. Though it being presumably a NoA/NoE only bug might have also played a role in that.

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I'm actually not bothered at all by clipping. Some of these glitches sound annoying but having played through I never experienced anything but some minor delays and pop-ins with Attack Stance. I doubt it'll get a patch, but given that this one's a bit more high budget maybe they'll put in the effort to patch some things.

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The reason that the Awakening characters don't have feet is because they thought that a 3DS cart had less memory capacity than it actually does. They could have easily added feet in a post-release patch, but they didn't bother, just as they won't be issuing a patch to fix this game.

Adding feet, when the models were designed without them on purpose, is a pretty frivolous use of dev resources in a post release patch...

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The Dark Blood freeze looks pretty silly, it's like Kamui is trying to hold his breath in and stay still for whatever reason he's posing for the camera

Though for the most part I actually like the animations in the Butler class, definitely something different.

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The Dark Blood freeze looks pretty silly, it's like Kamui is trying to hold his breath in and stay still for whatever reason he's posing for the camera

Though for the most part I actually like the animations in the Butler class, definitely something different.

It's not only just for Kamui/Corrin, but also any male in the White Blood, Dark Blood or Nohr Prince class. I am sure this applies to Male Kanna, and any male children who inherit the class since they use the same animation.

How could they not have noticed this?! Male Kamui/Corrin is the star player in the game. Ugh...

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Not exactly an error so I highly doubt they would change this, but a few of the magic animations are literally copy-paste of one another. If there really is a difference between Fimbulvetr and Missiletainn, I just can't spot it with my naked eyes. The same apply for Odin's Black Tome and Siegfried's ranged animation IIRC. They look exactly the same.

Generally, I'm less than impressed with the magic animations in this game, even Awakening's was better IMO. They look so awful and uninspired, especially the rarer tomes/spells that you randomly get from MC. I also don't understand why Nosferatu is the only real dark spell here, while some other tomes can definitely pass as dark magic basing on animation alone (some of them arguably even look "darker" than Nos). :/

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Wait, it applies to all of his classes as well? Good grief, I see what you mean, you'd think you'd notice something like that on your main character...

And hearing about the magic tomes is depressing as well, that's just a shame.

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Wait, it applies to all of his classes as well? Good grief, I see what you mean, you'd think you'd notice something like that on your main character...

And hearing about the magic tomes is depressing as well, that's just a shame.

Yes, I saw his Nohr Prince, White Blood, and Dark Blood freeze up during the Treehouse footage, as well as during the class roll.

I haven't seen any Magic Animations, but it's sad they didn't re-use Awakenings...

Does anyone have footage of the magic animations.. ?

I believe they threw away most of their budget on FE-Amie... :(

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