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Is there any way the translation team could fix the story? (spoilers)


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I wanted to resist seeing spoilers about the game but I really wanted to see if the game lived up to all the story hype it was advertised for. And it looks like it flopped pretty hard, so I wanted to know is there any chance at all that the translation could fix things? I mean, they do have about 6 more months till the game is localized.

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Well, you have to keep in mind that the translation team is primarily a translation team. They're not miracle workers. If the premise is flawed from the beginning there's only so much one can do.

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I've seen a lot of people saying that if Kamui chooses Nohr, he feels guilty about going against Hoshido for the rest of the game. If that's true, I hope they do away with that mess. That would irritate me to no end.

Edited by Sir Frederick
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They could, but they won't.

They may tone down some supports and maybe rewrite a few *cough*soleil*cough* but for the most part I think that's it. There's no doubt there'll be some changes nevertheless.

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What are the major differences between the Japanese and the English versions of Awakening? Is it reasonable to assume that Awakening's localization will be an indicator of what the localized version of Fates will be like?

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I wouldn't get my hopes up... The major plot points/character decisions are fixed in place, and those are the main things people have a problem with. They can't be changed unless the localization team can somehow change entire scenes. I would expect questionable supports to be fixed, though, and maybe tweaking the characterization of certain units.

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What are the major differences between the Japanese and the English versions of Awakening? Is it reasonable to assume that Awakening's localization will be an indicator of what the localized version of Fates will be like?

Not really. 8-4 handled the translation of Awakening, as well as Shadow Dragon, but Nintendo Treehouse is doing Fire Emblem Fates themselves. There are a few possible explanations for this change, which I think should be discussed as it might indicate the quality of the translation:

My theory is simply that FE is a more popular series now, and so Nintendo's handing it to their main translators now. But it could also have to do with Nintendo wanting a closer hand in tweaking the rather questionable aspects of skinshipping and incestuous themes. Or maybe they realized that the story sucks and have a plan for changing it, although I doubt it.

Can they salvage the story? I can't say it's impossible, but it certainly would be unprecedented. Sure, there have been minor details before (warp powder, anyone?), but Fates plot is so screwy it'd take a lot more than that. Unless they actually edit/remove/add scenes, there's not much that can be done.

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They don't have to change the Hoshido story at all, really. It's standard Fire Emblem fare, if maybe a little darker.

Nohr can't be salvaged completely, but they could go a long way by changing the dialogue so that it doesn't seem like you made the wrong choice for the entire game. They could make the Hoshidan rebels more questionable, or build upon why Corrin needs to obey his superiors other than "I have to". Some clever changes could make a big difference.

IK is a bit of a contrived mess. Maybe they should just replace all the lines with gags and make it a comedy route

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They don't have to change the Hoshido story at all, really. It's standard Fire Emblem fare, if maybe a little darker.

Nohr can't be salvaged completely, but they could go a long way by changing the dialogue so that it doesn't seem like you made the wrong choice for the entire game. They could make the Hoshidan rebels more questionable, or build upon why Corrin needs to obey his superiors other than "I have to". Some clever changes could make a big difference.

IK is a bit of a contrived mess. Maybe they should just replace all the lines with gags and make it a comedy route

Yeah as long as they replace every single annoying "I made the wrong choice" dialogue I'll be happy, honestly. It was kind of endearing the first two times but then it just got tired. I mean, come on, I bought this game and it spends the entirety of the story telling me it's the wrong one? But yeah Hoshido doesn't need to change no matter how much I'd like the siblings to be your half siblings and I can't think of anything they could do to "fix" IK considering it's basically just an excuse to have a "true path." Kind of looking forward to what they'll do and as long as it's not completely watered down I'd happily accept some changes.

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Maybe they could change something, like they did with Radiant Dawn, but a complete rewrite...? I don't think so, that'd have to change some scenes altogether, I guess.

I do see them toning down or changing some of the characters in their supports, like Zero, since he can be so porny.

Also I could see them changing Soleil' support with Kamui, since that received some critiques.

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Honestly, if they can fix Nohr so it stops shitting on you for picking Nohr and they fix some of the more questionable supports/dialogue (looking at you Soleil) I'll be happy. I don't think they can completely salvage Nohr and IK, but if they can fix it to the point where I'm not facepalming myself throughout the game I'll be satisfied. And really what's with all the "I picked the wrong side" dialogue. It's okay to doubt yourself but damn, I picked Nohr for a reason.

Edited by BluCommander
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They don't have to change the Hoshido story at all, really. It's standard Fire Emblem fare, if maybe a little darker.

Nohr can't be salvaged completely, but they could go a long way by changing the dialogue so that it doesn't seem like you made the wrong choice for the entire game. They could make the Hoshidan rebels more questionable, or build upon why Corrin needs to obey his superiors other than "I have to". Some clever changes could make a big difference.

IK is a bit of a contrived mess. Maybe they should just replace all the lines with gags and make it a comedy route

Not gonna lie, I would totally buy a DLC that let me toggle whether I would have normal dialogue for IK, wacky dialogue, or everything written in Wingdings.

But I agree with you for the other routes. Hoshido is pretty good story-wise. Nohr would need some changes. It's a Japanese game though, and nationalism is a major thing there, so it doesn't surprise me that the general feel of Nohr was that you picked the wrong side. I do hope they'll change it a bit for a global audience, but I won't hold my breath.

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every story in any medium is completely subjective. Some people really like the story and some didn't like it, in the end it's up to you whether it's "good" or "not". Like for instance, I think the walking dead is very entertaining, but I have a friend who thinks it sucks.

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Nohr's fundamentally flawed and Touma's a contrived mess. I'm with the majority; the best thing that could realistically happen is the Hoshido bias being toned down.

Now I almost wish 8-4 was doing the localization.

Edited by The DanMan
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every story in any medium is completely subjective. Some people really like the story and some didn't like it, in the end it's up to you whether it's "good" or "not". Like for instance, I think the walking dead is very entertaining, but I have a friend who thinks it sucks.

Some writers are better than others. It might be harsh, but still.

Anyway, I wouldn't expect much improvement beyond MAYBE toning down Glorious Hoshido and rewriting certain supports.

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They usually tweak things. I'm not sure what could be done for Invisible Kingdom, but I feel like they could smooth things over a bit with Nohr.

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