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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 1


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With that dealt with, Cassandra had one more thing to do, as everyone was getting ready to leave. And that was harass Angus over his stupid decisions! It wasn't hard to find the boy, still holding onto that bear, trying to get it to like his horse, or... Something.
"Angus!" she belted, stomping over and putting hands on her hips, "what in blazing Hells do you think you're doing? It's a bear. Put it back! It's not an animal you take home!"
"Princess," Angus acknowledged quietly. "Thanks for noticing! I could've sworn I was carryin' a dog." Snark aside, the squire was mildly surprised; didn't she hear what Prince Owen said on the matter? "Nah, I kid. In all seriousness, though--I'm afraid I'm not gonna do that, Cassandra. The Prince cleared this pretty explicitly just a bit ago, remember?" Angus chuckles nervously, fully aware that Cass could still make his life very unpleasant, and he doubted she was in the best mood right now.
"I actually thought y'might find it interesting, but if you don't want to see the little beast, I scrounged up somethin' else too." Angus reaches into his pocket, conjuring up Marlain's ruined tome--the worst of the dirt and blood were scraped off, but it was still quite a mess. "I've already got trophy enough, and you're the one who really got torn up by this."
Cass eyed him cautiously, and the mongrel in his arms. It seemed harmless, but... "For once, I don't care what Owen said. It's still a wild animal, and you would do well to realize that. Even wild horses are not to be trifled with, you should know. So why attempt to raise a bear, of all things?" It didn't make any sense to her, but she felt that as long as he had Owen's approval, for this thing, he wouldn't budge. She grumbled over the realization, crossing her arms as she was want to do.
But then Angus produced something rather interesting. Not to her, especially, but perhaps... "You should show that to Claire, or Niko, at some point. Perhaps they would be able to make something of what's left. I want nothing to do with that trash's items, though..." And as she spoke, curiosity was biting at her, finally eliciting a groan.
"Alright, fine, show me this thing. If you're going to keep it I want to see it."
Angus shrugs, pocketing the book. "Good thing I'm not so easy to trifle with either, then! But aye, it's going to be quite the endeavor... come, come!" Angus coos at the bear, hoping against hope that it'll make a good impression. "Alright, little one, this is Cass! Don't worry, she's very nice. She's not for chewing on, okay~?" He sets his new pet on the ground; hopefully, if it feels skittish, it would just run behind him.
"He seems real friendly; I'd bet you can pet him if you treat him real kind." She could also ruin the whole endeavor by spooking him here and now, but she wasn't that petty... most of the time.
"I do not wish to pet him..." Cass couldn't exactly hate the creature, with how it looked. It was small, fuzzy, and it looked as innocent as a human child... It almost sicked Cassandra with how innocent it looked. "Stop that," she muttered, "or I'll actually get attached to you." She knelt down and stared at it. Should she...? Cautiously, Cass put a hand out for it to smell. If it tried to bite her, it was gone, no questions asked! But for now, it seemed fine to tempt it to get closer.
Angus chuckles, patting the bear's back encouragingly. I've got to admit, I'd be skeptical too. I never thought a bear could be this friendly. "Say there, Cassandra. If you're already gettin' attached to him--" here, punctuated by another laugh, "--then might you have any names in mind? I gotta admit, I can't name for beans."
"I-I am not attached! Hush..." It was cute, though... Cassandra sighed, standing back up, after the creature curiously sniffed her fingers. "A waste, is what I'd call it..." She shook her head and scoffed. "But, if you must. Call him-- or her, I don't know, something noble, like Geoffrey, or Camilla, or... Something you like. Do you even know the bear's gender?"
Angus paused, realizing that he wasn't sure as to the sex of the bear. "I will shortly." Angus gently, if unceremoniously, sweeps the bear's legs out from under it, cradling... yup, him. "Geoffrey..." Angus addresses the cub in his arms. "Does Geoffrey sound alright to you? Good boy~"
The squire sets down the bear, turning his attention to Cassandra. "Listen--Cass. You're one hell of a warrior; we might well be sunk without you. So, ah... no dyin' on us when we stick it to Dettard, alright?"
"Oh, really? You have no class, Angus..." Cassandra was quite appalled that he picked up the bear and checked so crudely, but at least they had an answer, now. "Geoffrey it is, then. A name I'm not sure a bear deserves, but he has it anyway." But Angus had to go and make things weird, getting mushy for nothing. "Wha-- Of course I'm not going to die! Fool! How would that idiot take me out, anyway? I'm far too strong for bandits and turncoats to handle~ You worry for nothing, Angus~" Cass folded her arms and laughed, smiling over herself.
"If that's all, then... I can't believe you're keeping that bear, but you are, so... I suppose I have nothing to bark at you over, anymore."

As the castle nears, Angus secures the cub, well away from the fight, leaving what food he has left with it. "You just pig out here, Geoffrey. I've gotta go kill some bad dudes, but I'll be back right quick, okay! I promise I'm comin' back." There's always the off chance that some bastard swings around and kills it... that much more reason to stomp Dettard down, and do it quickly.
"Right, who's ready to stuff some rebels! Don't even seem to be that many, either; five gold says the silly bastard thought we'd be down men!"
Angus deploys to (12,27)
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8-26, blast Soldier A w/Fire

Niko moved forward and sent a fireball straight at the man's face, hoping to distract the man enough that Cass would be able to attack without any danger. "Princess, now!"

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[spoiler=But first, RETRO]

"Of course I don't." Owen offered his shoulder, "It might be true that she's gotten strong, but I think she'll still see you as a role model. You outmatched her this time as well. I don't think I could've done that myself, quite frankly. I don't know how you did it." Owen held a chuckle at the thought of fist fighting his own sister, until he realized it'd probably be terrifying.

"Even if she's growing that fast, however... maybe it's a bit early to say she's outpacing you? She is able to sneak in a lot of free time at the castle, and..." Pause, Owen mentally chastised himself on the topic he was alluding, "Well... I understand you and your father have disagreements over your future; much like my own with Cass. I don't agree with their thinking, but maybe your father will come to see things your way. He can't keep trying to set you up for some random men forever."

"Thank you, I could certainly use it..." Adele replied, leaning against Owen's side, resting her head on the Prince's shoulder. Listening to him recount his thoughts on the matter was quite refreshing. Owen gave their little group a much needed injection of level-headedness and objectivity, something that surely had saved or at the least assisted them more times then they could possibly fathom.

"I wasn't lying, about what I said. For whatever reason, that sister of yours sees me as someone to look up to. No matter how far I need push myself, I can't very well let her down. Whether it's a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, or a rock to weather any storm she might find herself in..." Adele continued, grateful for the chance to rest, as the impact of more and more of the earlier blows was coming to her, as her adrenaline continued to fade.

"Yes, yes, my father. You certainly needn't remind me of... those dealings. My only hope is that he may grow tired of such things, or that I might endure so long that he feels he will not find a man to take me... ugh, I dread the thought of having to endure his folly for so long." Adele rattled on, mostly hoping that ranting in such a way might ease her pains elsewhere. It was working, to an extent, and Owen would cut her off if he truly felt issue with such talks, right?

"I suppose another option is to take on a husband for appearances, so that he could no longer make such attempts. The problem with that being that most men of today would spring on such an opportunity, trousers already tossed aside... it's too bad all of those flower rings you crafted for me when we were young amounted to nothing, you know? You're far greater a gentleman then I've met since in my life, and there would not be even a snowman's chance in hell for him to find complaint with it." The young Lady concluded for the time being, a bit of reminiscence doing good for her at present.

"That's really noble of you, Adele. If I didn't know who was talking to me, I'd assume it just some boy incredibly smitten by my sister pouring his heart out to impress me, but you've been there for my sister since I knew you." Owen smirked, hearing Adele go on like that was pretty rare. "You are really like her knight in shining armor, aren't you?" Of course, the rant on her dad had to follow but... he had it coming. "Hmm... yes, it can't go on forever. No matter how he tries." He reassured.

"Ah, that's also a possibility." Owen followed the logic over finding a husband for appearance, though... Adele had already explained the issues well enough. "Maybe we could still find someone... ah!" And then a part of their past was brought up. It was slightly embarrassing to remember now, of all times, but Owen shrugged it off with a chuckle, "Hah, yeah, I guess I'm at fault. I can barely give my sister the help she wants now, especially with my father's health as it is. Those really were easier times..."

"Well, what can I say? Our fathers were friendly enough to make me noble, I may as well act the part, even if it's not a role you'd think me to be typecast in. And please, were you looking for a knight, you'd do far better looking at the rest of my family." Adele replied, the whole knighthood issue clearly another sore spot for the young Lady. Finally regaining her balance after a few moments, she pulled away from Owen, though not so far as to remove her hand from him to use as a brace, at the least, Adeltrudis was no longer laying against the Prince as though he were some sort of pillow. Though the new angle did give her a bit of an interesting sight, to say the least.

"My my, could it be? Did I manage to make the stoic and fair young Prince Owen crack a blush? How scandalous, how vilifying! I might even be hung from the ramparts and pelted with spoiled eggs and dairy for such an indiscretion! I suppose all the more reason to take me as your wife, so that I might not suffer such an end, hmm? You needn't worry, I won't question your concubines should you require them, oh future King." Adele teased, giving Owen a subdued punch to the arm to inform him of her jest, before clearing her throat.

"All that aside though... you've plenty on your plate to be concerned about, Owen. Don't be afraid to ask of any assistance, you know? I've known you just as long as her, and as a friend, you're just as close to me. Do not feel you need face your future alone... so much as Cassandra and I might bemoan the fates our fathers have planned, it is yours that is undoubtedly most perilous."

"Hah... ah, sorry about that." With a wince, Owen was sure he hit a nerve there somewhere, "But I'll say Cass wouldn't choose any named knight over you..." Owen lost his train of thought, hitting an awkward tangent. "Do you two... nevermind." Awkward.

Not as awkward as the situation that followed, Adele making sure she would fluster Owen further; If he first cracked a blush, his face was definitely rosy by now. "That's --Hah, Adele, please!" Owen managed a smile and a chuckle, though he didn't shrug off the embarrassment entirely, feigning a flinch as Adele threw her playful punch.

"Truth be told, I do believe you're one of the most competent people I can rely on, Adele." Owen let out a sigh and emptied his chest, knowing what Adele said of his future to be true, "People on court don't look to me as highly as my father, naturally. I'm sure setting things straight with Dettard will set an example, and it's why I needed to come myself." Pause, inhale, "Yet, I doubt it will be over then. I count myself lucky, just like my sister, that I can have you by my side over any named knight."

"Hmm? Do we what?" Adele replied first off, rather puzzled. Owen grew even more rosy soon after, which only added more fuel to Adeltrudis' curiousity on what it was he had planned to say. Well, hopefully he'd ante up, else she might find need to press him even harder.

"You've grown even more red, you know? Perhaps the noble prince might have sprouted... impure musings? Perish the thought, surely... and to think of such things no sooner then speaking of my involvement with your sister! Or my involvement with yourself, perhaps? Dearest Owen, you may well take up a profession as a mortician, for how good you seem to be at digging holes." Adele continued, though her demeanor turned serious once again as Owen spoke on the court.

"Well, of course they look down on you. As of yet, you are unproven, a silken-faced babe, just finished suckling your mother's tit, so far as they are concerned. You'll need show them your mettle, and that you'll take none of their lollygagging... and as you said, dealing with Dettard with your own hand should go a ways in doing so. And, well... if the both of you hold me in such high regard, to choose me over your own Royal Knights... I suppose I'll have my work cut out for me, keeping tabs on the both of you."

"What? Ha, Please!" As Adele pressed him further, her teasing went from awkward to absurd, and, in a sense, absurd was easier to deal with. "You sure have a lot of imagination, Adele, but I protest; I admit, I do wonder about you and Cass, but wouldn't a brother and friend?" Hrm, that could have come out better, "Well, I've no idea if Cass feels the same, but I wanted to know from you." Perhaps Owen was actually digging a hole... damn it, Adele.

At least, he could shift to the latter topic. "Yeah, precisely why I'm glad I ended up getting your house's help. I don't want to think of if Dettard's men had successfully ambushed me." Owen's face turned to a frown for a split second, but he shoved the thought away quick enough, "Keeping tabs, though? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Imagination? Is that what you think of our prospects, hmm? Well, I suppose it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all..." Adeltrudis teased, her tone intentionally sliding from sappy to morose, before returning to her more usual, chipper self.

"Cass and I, huh? Not to say I haven't... entertained the thought. As you'd expect, she's a close friend of mine, knows me better then any other, and is a beautiful girl... in theory, we should fit together like a hand and silken glove. But, things are not so simple, with the both of us expected to produce heirs with men of our father's fancy, even if the King is at present more hands off then my own. Besides, the idea that a Princess might stoop to a noblewoman, the Kingdom would never have it... even if I'll admit that the idea doesn't seem unpleasant, in my eyes. It always seemed such an impossibility that it was naught ever more than a thought in passing." Adele replied, figuring that admittance was probably the best bet she had going for her, especially to Owen.

"So to be truthful, I can't really say. I never took the time to decipher my own feelings, nor to think of asking Cassandra on the matter. It seemed a futile effort, needless to say how divisive it could become, were she to not think at all in such a way." Adele concluded, letting out a sigh, and taking in a nice, refreshing breath.

"As for keeping tabs, it's simple, is it not? With how flighty and rebellious Cassandra is, and how stubborn you yourself can be, it will be quite the ordeal, trying to make sure that I am keeping the both of you not only safe, but in good spirits as well."

"Ah..." Perhaps Adele overestimated Owen's wits in these matters, but it took him a pause to catch up with her teasing that time, "Hmm, I didn't mean to break any hearts, alas."

Though getting a response on Adele's opinion was precedence to continuing being an awkward prince, and he felt some empathy as he heard what she had to say. "I see... it's like having the whole kingdom judging you as well, except without half the power over them." Owen felt he could relate to Adele's problem, if only tangentially, "Thanks for taking your time to talk about it." He moved a hand to Adele's shoulder, "It is a shame that things are so, though. I am only an unproven prince, as you put it, but I wish I could do something about that."

He sighed, "No matter what, it's not easy to change the mind of nobles just for the sake of changing their mind, at least in their eyes. Just uttering the word 'change' would get me at odds with some of the eldest Barons, I'm sure." The scenario did bring a chuckle to Owen's mind. "Stubborn, though? I'd like to think I'm a reasonable man." Owen managed a smile, sheepish as it was, but quickly subdued. "Though, if Dettard is any sign of what lies ahead, we probably won't have your work cut out for you."

"Well, it's probably a silly thought, to begin with. I'm certain Cassandra sees me as naught more than a close friend." Adele replied, figuring that putting a close to that line of thinking would do well for Owen, who was clearly in a bit of an awkward spot, understandably so.

"Yes, they do hold change in such contempt, don't they? I can recall many a time that I was harassed by lower-ranking nobility, out of jealousy and spite towards my father's Dukedom. And yes, stubborn, Owen. Reasonable you may be, most of the time. But I've seen your reason run it's course, and once you've set yourself to something, you'll refuse to budge regardless of what else you might see or hear. I'm surprised that nature of yours has yet to get you into trouble... though I suppose being the Prince helps, in that regard." Adele chided, with a grin.

"Hmm... I see." It made sense that Adele would think so about Cass, Owen himself doubted Cassandra could grow those feelings without some pushing, still... "Well, you never know... but I can't say I'd know either. Cassandra is a bit young, and I never had talks like that with her. I doubt our father did, either. You'd need to talk to her eventually, if it stays in your mind." Well, it was worth giving some final input, as weird a topic to dwell it was, as her brother.

"Of course, it's never easy when a bunch of spoiled nobles are so comfortable with their lives they'd rather spend their days wasting time and playing court." Owen spoke with a tinge of bitterness, "If I could revoke the title of a noble every time a meeting results in absolutely nothing... I digress." Owen exhaled and shook his head, "Just some bad past weeks. I'm sorry to hear you actually took harassment from them." Owen calmed down, and mustered a chuckle. "Well, sometimes thing go your way if you're adamant enough, I know that much. I might be the Prince, and it's true that it might help, but..." He sighed, "If I could have it my way more often, thing would be much different. It's... complicated, still."

"I suppose I will at some point, yes." Adele replied to Owen's closing remark on the matter, before he began speaking of his own experiences with the nobility. That was enough to cause Adele to smile, at least it gave her some confirmation that her sole reason for feeling as she did wasn't simply her relatively outside view.

"That will come in time, once you take up the crown, no? Though if you had your way with it, the noble class may be wiped clean within a manner of months... it would certainly be interesting to watch, if nothing else." Adele replied, nodding her head as Owen continued on.

"So long as they needn't bow to you, most won't. They are far too prideful for such a thing, and would rather attempt to abuse your father's poor health as of late, and attempt to accrue favours from him."

"Hmm... true." Owen sighed, "I guess that'd give me more enemies than friends, and work to be done from sunrise to sunrise... not good, but then it's also frustrating to deal with the self-important types. It's not about winning, I guess..."

The mention of his father's health being abused by the some nobles brought a chill to his spine. "Dear gods... I hope he can stay around for some more years." Owen spoke as if he'd run out of breath, showing some weakness, "Being thrust into his position so soon scares me. I can do being his regent for court meetings, but as the king? A young, unproven, single king! Hah, the easiest target... I don't know. I'm glad Dettard is the only one that's shown any shady activities, I hope it stays that way."

"Well, I know it's a lot to get around and figure out, but." Adele began, walking over to Owen and placing an assuring hand on his shoulder, giving the Prince a warm smile.

"If anyone can manage it, it's definitely you, Owen. I don't know anyone with a better head on their shoulders. And if you ever need help, I'm here for you. So is Cass, and my brother. We've got your back." Adeltrudis noted, eventually pulling back after she finished her piece.

"And thanks for having mine. I'm feeling a lot better, now. Just needed a bit."


"Hmph, it that really what you have to say, Dettard?" Owen scoffed, "Me and my father, in your way? Fool! You are delusional." Sword raised, Owen gave a stern look at Dettard's way, and spat on the ground. "You don't know anything about me, you just assume, and yet you have the gall to make deals with an enemy of ours?"

"But that's enough of that. Show me your honor in this duel, if you still hold any."

Owen advances to (6,15) and lunges at Dettard with his Epee.

Edited by Xinnidy
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"Wonderful~!" Cass didn't wait a moment, rushing in with her spare axe, and chopping the soldier's block right off! Obviously, she was granting him a mercy, since he'd just been set on fire~ "And who's next? Dettard! If you care hear me in there, you'd best prepare!" She spun her axe again, smiling at the rest of the turncoats hanging about. "Last chance to run."

Cassandra to 7,26, chop Soldier A with her bronze axe!

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[spoiler=More retros wao]

Angus and his bear talk dealt with, Cass moved on to the last thing she needed to finish. And that was... Clothes! Clothes. Clothes that Jeeves had said were available. The group had taken a small stop, so she took the moment to take Adele and her clothes aside. "Alright, Adele... I need a new dress. This one is not going to last, especially if I take another blast from magic like that. So... What would I look nice in? Jeeves said you have plenty of extra clothes. There must be something easy for me to fight in whilst still maintaining my royal air. Clothing is important, or so I've been told by the head maid... Being honest, I'd much rather be coated in armor... But that's besides the point!" Cass rambled for a moment, before staring Adele down.
"Haha, I was wondering how long it would take you to come talk to me about that." Adeltrudis replied with a smirk, as Cassandra finally made her way over, other business attended to, to inquire about Adele's spare clothing.
"Mmm, well, let me think, here. I know you tend to wear a lot of pastel blue... it's your father's colour, after all, but I must admit I've always thought you'd look rather striking in a bold red..." Adele mused, thinking over what she had brought with her, as she looked through the garments in question.
"Red!?" Cass immediately exclaimed, folding her arms under her chest and staring at Adele with a bit of disbelief... Well, actually... "I suppose that would take away the mess of the blood. Show me, then. We'll see if it meets my needs... It has to allow movement, not be entirely revealing, and provide me with a certain elegance. You think you can manage that much?" If it was anyone else, perhaps not. But, since it was Adele, she could pull it off, probably.
"Is red so offensive a colour to you? Need I be wary that you'll soon come stalking in the night, the mark of your nefarious plot the ruination of my oh so carefully cultivated locks? My thoughts aghast, Cassandra, I didn't think you such a scoundrel." Adeltrudis replied with a smirk, as she began looking through her clothing. Nothing that quite fit the bill by it's lonesome, but...
"Well, I do have something. A long dress, in red, as I mentioned earlier. It is slit up the leg, and while the intent of that design is to allure, it also makes for a nice amount of mobility, in it's own right. The top is also cut rather high, so you need not fear any ruffians, or perhaps thieves, catching a glance at your budding bosom. Admittedly the slit of the leg is rather high, but I do have some rather fashionable tights and shorts you could wear to remedy that..." Adele noted, pulling out the dress in question, and presenting it to Cassandra.
Cass rolled her eyes at Adele's joking, but still smiled. "No, I just didn't think, with my odd hair, that red would be a good choice. Don't wish to overload the senses... But I will concede to you, just this time. I am sure the dress is lovely. And you will not be bald, any time soon." Adele's hair was rather fabulous. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it, really.
That was neither here nor there, though, as Adele pulled the dress out. Cass wasn't too thrilled with the idea of a slit running up her entire leg, but she could wear something underneath to make sure she was covered. And the high cut top part was definitely appealing. "I am not budding, thank you," she remarked, snatching the dress and giving it a look over. "Have a pair of shorts in your case? I don't. And I can promise that my legs will not be in something so revealing without the proper coverage underneath. At the very least, I'll try it on." Cass took a few steps away and spun around, setting the dress down and fumbling with her own for a moment.
After managing to slip out of it, standing in her undershirt and boxers, she picked the dress up again and gave it another once over. "Hmmm... I mean, the red is nice, but... Hmmmmmm." Perhaps it was unladylike to stand there in her undergarments, but she was still thinking it over.
"I think there is nothing odd about your hair, Cassandra. And dear oh dear, if that's already past budding, then my sincerest apologies." Adele replied, giving Cassandra a light elbow to the side, to dictate that she was but joking, once again. Deciding that, having been apart from Cassandra for so long until recently, a tad more teasing was in order, Adeltrudis lazily rested herself against Cassandra's back, running her lightly calloused hands along the Princess' stomach. She really was getting stronger, wasn't she? At the least, she hadn't been so toned before, Adele recalling earlier times where Cass had yet to let go of the baby fat upon her stomach.
"You really have gotten stronger. I remember before, were I to pinch you here, I'd get naught but fat between my fingers. Where did my adorably plump little Cassandra go?" Adele asked, feigning a sense of great loss in her tone for a few moments.
"I just meant the color. It's pink. Not very common. Also stop it, goodness. Just because I'm not a cow doesn't mean I'm a valley." Cass stuck her tongue out, appreciating the joking, but not holding back on her return jab. While finally deciding to put the dress on, the hadn't expected Adele to get so close, stumbling a little bit, but catching herself and not falling over. "Er, Adele... I can't wear the dress, if you..."
The comments had definitely not been expected. Cass simply laughed, shaking her head a bit. "She died when father stopped actively trying to keep me in the castle. The town outside is wonderful, you know? But, no place for a frail little princess. I doubled my efforts, and training, with Angus and the other squires. And I avoided dessert, as much as it pained me... Alas! I have true progress to bear for it, so I feel no regret~"
"You really have grown up... heh, look at me, almost growing teary-eyed. I thought that was a father's job, as he walked down the aisle to give his daughter to her man." Adele replied, pulling away from Cassandra after a moment, and shaking her head. Giving Cass a smile, Adele turned around and rummaged a pair of black shorts from her store of clothing, and presented them to the Princess.
"Well, here they are, as requested. Go on then, give it a try. This particular dress has actually grown a tad tight on me, so hopefully it should negate your lack of... bovine features, hmm?"
"Grown up or not, I'm still me, you know? Don't cry over it. I appreciate the sentiment, but if we head back the group and your eyes are red, they'll wonder if we got onto another fight. As I am right now, perhaps I could even win, aha~" Ahh, Cass was freed from the hug, giggling a bit, and fiddling with the dress enough to pull it over her head. Taking a moment to settle herself into it, it felt rather comfortable. "This isn't silk, is it? It's wonderfully soft." She mused over the fabric, making sure everything sat flat on her, and then checking her leg.
"Egregious... I'll definitely need-- Oh!" A nice, thigh length pair of shorts had been handed to her, which Cass gladly accepted. Slipping them on under the dress, her leg was covered enough for her to be pleased with, and she finally nodded. "Wonderful! I think this shall suffice. And don't start with me, you. Were you not fully clothes at the moment, we'd definitely see who here has 'bovine features', hmm? Perhaps you should be doubling your own efforts. I'll take my lack over those getting in the way." Cass elbowed her back, laughing again.
"But, I must say... Don't remind me of father. While ill, he has still been a terrible thorn in my side. I hope he recovers, and his mind with him. There isn't a noble man alive strong enough to handle me."
"I doubt if there is any perhaps to be had about it, anymore. As for the fabric, you're partly there. It's an imported satin, quite lustrous, some even call it seductive, you know?" Adele replied, a bit of a feigned scowl adorning her face.
"Please, I'll have no need to redouble any efforts for that purpose. I am quite fond of my figure, after all." Adele continued, striking a pose that was rather haughty in appearance, giving Cassandra a playful smirk.
"Regardless of any of that, though. It does appear a good fit on you. And I was not lying that this one was a rather tight fit, as of late, so if you find yourself fancying it, you may keep it. As for your father... we all wish his health a swift recovery. I am sure he'll come to see the light, with regards to you, in time."
"Seductive, hmm? You keep making these jokes, and I might take you seriously, one day." Cass did a few spins in it, appreciating how it clung to her, whilst not sticking, and still being incredibly soft. They need this satin in Wyke,.. It would be all the rage. Cass went as far as to spin on over to Adele, stopping herself in front of her friend.
"We'll drive each other mad if we keep joking so long. Your figure is fine, all bovine features included. You can still fight like a mad man, so it doesn't get in your way, as it would for me~" Cass took a moment to slowly step around Adele, taking her turn to rest against her friend's back, getting revenge for her earlier touching. "See?" she started, with one hand on Adele's stomach, "still taught, still firm. A wonderful example of a fighting soldier."
Taking a small step back, she clasped her hands together and smiled at the news. "I can? How wonderful! I shall do my best to not have it ruined in the next fight. I am already growing attached to it, simply because of how it feels... Mmm, and yes, we all do. He is a resilient man, though! He will survive, I am sure... What of yours? That Jean fellow, is he your latest suitor?" Cass couldn't help but laugh thinking about it. "He's so portly and... Hairy. He fights well, but... I can't imagine you're thrilled,"
"Haha, I suppose that perhaps you might, indeed." Adele began, not expecting the appraisal in return, though she managed to dispel her slight blush with a shake of her head, before turning her head back towards Cassandra.
"Well, I suppose I'm glad you see it that way. As for the dress, please do. I only have so many brought along with me, and if I need keep finding replacements, I'll soon run dry of things that suit you, and not so far after that, of things at all." Adele continued, cracking a smile at Cassandra's demeanor over the whole thing.
"Ah, yes. Jean... my father thought I might find a Toulese exotic and interesting, and while his foreign arms are of note, as a man, he hasn't much appeal to me. Though I find little point in rejecting him as of this moment, as his presence is decently useful."
"I'll keep that in mind~" Cass replied, smirking, and leaning back against the nearby tree. It was a lovely thought to entertain, for a moment, but perhaps it should only be entertained, mentally. She didn't know. Was there a right time to bring something like that up, in anything but jokes? Cass mused for a moment,
"I will keep this dress, and any you feel fit to give me, free from harm, or my name is not Cassandra Meredith Gaffney!" She laughed along with that, pulling at the dress some, still marveling at how comfortable it was. This satin is so good... "It wouldn't do to have us running around here naked, so we'd best not get cut up." She nodded, talking a few steps back over, just as Adele mentioned Jean.
"He doesn't seem like the sort of man anyone would like... Really pompous, and not in a good way." He was a good fighter with a gun, so there was no point in scaring him off. "But if he tries to make a single move on you, I..." Cass caught herself, gently covering her mouth. "Er... Sorry... I spoke out of line." Cass blushed faintly.
"Adele... You seem to, you know. Reject every man your father provides. Are you, perhaps... Of the female, persuasion? In regards to suitors, and the like." It was a question Cass had been meaning to ask for a while, now.
"Well, I've met worse among nobility, so I can't fault him too much. At the least, he seemed to be reasonably respectful of my lack of romantic interest. He has his rough points, but don't we all? I'd rather keep him a friend if at all possible, unless my outlook of him finds reason to turn for the worst." Adele replied with a bit of a chuckle, smiling as Cassandra made her declaration of the shape she'd keep her dresses in.
"The first step towards that is to remove yourself from the front lines, I hope you realize? I'd hate to see you give up your name over a prideful boast with no substance to back it." Adele continued, before Cassandra began going down an... odd train of thought, considering what had happened not too long ago. What reason would she have, to ask such a thing? She couldn't actually...
"I don't think the sex of one's suitor particularly matters, really. I've met both men and women that I can admit that I've found myself attracted to, at one point or another. I would sooner say that my father's taste in men is abysmal, then to say I've no interest in them as a whole... why do you ask?" Adele replied, looking curiously over at Cassandra. In all likelihood, she was merely curious as well... right?
Cass wasn't about to remove herself from the front lines, but now that she'd brought the topic up, she had no qualms discussing it. "Personally, I'd much rather be with a woman," she said, bluntly. "Noble men are so stuck up, puffed up, portly and political. I've not met another woman that acts like that, even in noble circles... I haven't exactly met too many, but I have met plenty of men, and I grow very tired of them." She flipped a hand through her hair as she spoke, not even turning the faintest shade of red. Perhaps this was more matter of fact for her than one would think.
"There is always Angus... For a squire, he is certainly like of mind to me, and he doesn't pretend to act like he is something other than what he is... But I perished that thought a while ago, because he is my retainer, and that would just not do... Of course, I'd considered my brother, but that felt too tired a custom, and something that we should let die. Mix the royal families together, don't keep them all in one place. Besides, I've a feeling Owen is too busy with his politics to think of such things."
"And why? ...I must admit, that Sidney fellow has had my mind running all over the place with how she acts. And it's made me reminisce over the past, and over all of us, playing together. Owen used to make those little flower rings for you, and we'd all giggle about it, like the children we were. It was adorable, really, thinking back on it." Cass smiled, staring down Adele. "What about me? I wonder if I'll ever get my ring from someone."
"Is that right? Well, I can't say I disagree with your appraisal of them, at any rate." Adele replied, her tone somewhat more hushed than was usual for her, staying silent as Cassandra listed off potential male suitors that she had given up on, failing to even crack her usual smile or joke at the mention of Owen. Why was this happening now? Surely Cassandra would pop out from her musings any moment, tease that she had overheard Adele's earlier talks with Owen, and announce her jest... wouldn't she?
"I suppose it was, huh? Well, you're a lovely girl, so I'm sure you'll be courted sooner rather than later. Perhaps you'll have better luck."
Cass watched Adele carefully. She wasn't a master of wit, or conversation, but for someone she'd known for so long, she could notice the small changes. "Is something the matter? You're getting quiet." She felt it'd be more pertinent to point it out than leave it alone. "I'm just bringing it all up because I'm not going to be seventeen for much longer. It's been in my mind for a while, but between Dettard and all these bandits, I haven't had a chance to talk to anyone about it. Owen's always busy and too... I don't want to call him detached, because I feel that's too rude, but he's very... Hmm. Aloof? It feels like he's in his head a lot, so conversation with him tends to wane. Perhaps it's just with me; I wouldn't be surprised. I am very hard to keep up with, that's for sure."
With a quick glance away and then back at Adele, Cass smiled again. "But you're right. I suppose I am very lovely. Hopefully there's someone out there for me... I just," she looked away again, "I hope they don't wait too long, hmm? Almost eighteen. Most noblewomen would have someone promised to them, by now. I don't want to disappoint my father. He'd probably prefer I be engaged to someone before he passes on." She was still confident in his ability to recover, but... With the illness as it was, there were certain steps that had to be taken, just in case.
"No, nothing amiss, I just... feel a little blindsided, is all." Adele replied, wondering where the reveal was. Perhaps she needed come clean of her earlier conversation of her own accord, first?
"Owen asked earlier, of something like that, so I suppose it simply caught me unawares, hearing something like that so soon. He asked, ah... if the two of us were involved in that sort of way." Adele concluded, waiting for Cass to finally come out with her joke. Normally she would have been more supportive, following Cassandra's next comments, but at present, it was all Adeltrudis could do, to bite her lip and watch Cassandra.
"Blindsided?" Cass didn't quite understand. Couldn't she come talk to Adele about anything? Maybe she'd overstepped some boundary that previously, they hadn't set. She hoped not. Taken aback a little, she even went as far as gasping a little, not having expected Owen to have discussed the same thing. "Really?"
Well, that was news to her. Why would Owen be wondering about something like that? ...Did he fancy Adele? Cass wasn't sure. He might. I would understand why. After all... "I hadn't heard of this... I suppose we must look too close, to some. Of course, I'm sure Owen's just overthinking things... Right?"
"I'm not so sure... that's why I feel somewhat blindsided... to hear you say such things, so soon after. I had thought that any moment now you would admit you had been eavesdropping on us, and that you would exclaim, as the young children are so willful to do nowadays, 'It's just a prank, bro'... right? ...no?" Adele asked, fearing by this point that she had been incorrect all along.
"...No." Cassandra said, bluntly. "Owen told me nothing of this, nor had I heard you two were talking... The last time we spoke, I left to bother Sidney and Angus. I had no idea you'd even stopped to talk to him." What had Adele been expecting? Cass wasn't some sneak, skulking around the for the juiciest piece of information. "There are no pranks... I wished to speak my mind on something that had been plaguing me, to someone I trust."
"I see... I'm sorry, for jumping to such a conclusion..." Adele replied somberly... well, she had just managed to make quite the ass of herself, that was for certain.
"I guess the timing just seemed too... close to be a coincidence. But I shouldn't have doubted you, Cassandra."
"No, it's fine. I would understand how one would come to such a conclusion, if you truly did speak with Owen on something to similar." Cass shook her head, leaning back against the tree, and folding her arms. "I just wished to speak with you on it since we're in the same boat, regarding it all... I figured you may have had some other answer for me, or advice--" Cass stopped abruptly, staring at the ground for a moment, before smiling and laughing a bit.
"Hah, that's it~ We're in the same boat, so why don't we just get together, ourselves? No waiting for our fathers to bring us some pointless suitor, no having to worry about if we like each other, no dealing with court customs. Wouldn't that just be perfect?" Cass laughed for a few more moments, before calming down with a sigh.
"Of course, I'm sure our fathers would have our heads if we did something like that. Leaving poor Owen and Graham to carry on the lineage by themselves. How selfish that would be." Cass seemed almost disappointed, saying that, but it was still true. "Ah, well..."
"Yeah... such a thing is pretty well unheard of, after all..." Adele replied, clenching her fist for a moment, before shaking her head and walking over to Cassandra, a hand at either side of the Princess, vaguely pinning her against the tree she chose to rest on.
"But... even if such a thing would be impossible, and not solve any of our problems, I... I wouldn't be unwilling to try... no one needs to know." Adele admitted, her face growing pink, as she struggled to maintain eye contact with Cass.
"Adele?" That was swift. Cassandra had been joking, somewhat, but perhaps she shouldn't have been. Adele seemed to take things a bit more seriously. "W-We couldn't, come now..." She said, slipping out from Adele's grip against the tree. "We both have to bear children, as much as we may not like it. And besides, even if it was kept secret, it would leak out, eventually. Then what? We'd be in trouble more than we've ever known, you know that."
She glanced back at Adele, who Cass figured was certainly not enjoying hearing this. "I... I will not, say no, alright?" she managed, flushing red a bit, and turning to face her. "But it is a big step, to go from friends to... Gosh, we were practically siblings." No one needs to know... "...What do you think?"
"Owen... while he was understandably awkward of it... I couldn't help but feel as though we'd have his blessing. People already consider us quite close, no one would question time spent with one another..." Adele began, her mind racing, world spinning. Perhaps Cassandra wasn't interested, after all? No, her words following that made it abundantly clear that wasn't the case.
"Practically siblings and actual siblings are not the same, Cassandra. If you think of it, we only became so close due to a natural compatibility in the first place... is it really so strange?" Adele asked, watching Cassandra. She was unused to seeing the Princess in such a state, and it was admittedly rather exciting, for how exotic it was.
"Owen would okay almost anything I wished... Even I realize he dotes on me far too much," though I'll not stop him, of course... "And even if they wouldn't, what if... What if someone saw us, being more than just close? We hold hands, fair enough, but, you know... What people do together, they hug, they... K-Kiss." Cassandra gulped. This was getting far too serious.
"I know they're not the same! Gosh, I just... Yes, it is strange. I know what I said, but with you..." Cass didn't know if she could bring herself to do it, to be with Adele like that. Cassandra brought a hand to her face and sighed into it, shaking her head some. I must calm down...
"Very well. We can leave it at that then, I suppose." Adele replied, her expression sinking slightly as she pulled away. That was that, then... Adeltrudis cursed in her own head, she had let herself jump too far ahead.
"Oh, Adele, dear..." Cassandra slowly took steps towards her friend, calmly placing a hand on her face. "Listen to me. I said I wouldn't say no, didn't I? I just can't jump straight into something like this. I didn't know you even had these feelings for me. Why have you never said any-- ...Well, I... I suppose with such a response, it would be terrifying to think of ruining this, hmm..."
Cass smiled, trying to stay calm. "Come on, cheer up, Adele... N-No one... No one has to know, right? Be patient with me. I had this in my head, but I never had you, so it's a large step. You understand, don't you?"
"Alright, I understand." Adele replied, managing a small smile. It was certainly better then the alternative...
"Take as long as you need. Let me know when you're ready then, okay? It'll stay between us, for as long as you need..."
There was a smile! Good, good. She didn't want to see Adele so sad. She looked up to her, after all! And if her best friend was sad, how would she be able to be happy? "Uhm... Here." Cass turned her face, faint blush still residing. "Kiss me. M-My cheek. Let us start somewhere." That was simple enough, no?
"I am ready for this much, so, go ahead, knock yourself out." Cass was back to her proper self, commanding and calm. The embarrassment was starting to leave her.
"Alright then." Adele replied, closing in and pressing her lips against Cassandra's cheek, holding them there for a few moments, before pulling back. It was a simple gesture, but it still felt nice to do, and seemed a decent enough starting point.
"That was... Fairly nice," Cass said with that same smile, giggling a moment to herself. "Alright, perhaps I had this blown out of proportion. The whole prospect of this simply scared me, but if that's all it takes, you could kiss me right now, and I wouldn't find a single problem with it~" Cass had entered back into full confidence mode, propping her hands onto her hips and laughing a bit. "Really, why was I so worried? And I call myself the princess~" Of course, her perceptions were being based on just one kiss to the cheek, so perhaps her confidence was entirely unfounded.
Oh, Cassandra was asking for it, at this point. Pouting for a moment, Adele resolved herself with a shake of the head, grabbed Cassandra by her chin, so as to lift her face ever so slightly, and then, without any continued hesitation, pressed her lips against Cassandra's own, nibbling at the soft, pink flesh, gently prodding and tasting with her tongue.
Certainly, there was no way it could be so bad. Certainly. C-Certainly-- "A-Adele? What are you--" was all she could manage, before her mouth was captured. She squeaked, quietly, and flushed red, unsure how to handle the sudden teeth and tongue pressing against her mouth. Her hands shot to Adele's shoulders, pushing at her, realizing just how wrong she'd been about being able to handle something like this.
Adeltrudis had been about to press further, when she felt Cassandra begin pressing at her shoulders, and with some disappointment, she pulled away from Cassandra's soft lips, licking her own for a moment afterwards, before looking down at Cass' flustered face.
"I thought you'd not have a single problem with it?"
"Hah, haha, ah, w-well!" Cass stumbled to say, as she was released. "I was wrong." She said it so simply it made her smile, just a bit. "I was very wrong... M-Maybe we should hold off on that, for just a bit. W-Was... Was there anything else you wished to talk about?" she asked, with a very desperate attempt to change the topic. She could still feel Adele's teeth on her lips, which was... Frightening. Exciting? But mostly frightening.
"Not really, I think we've covered the basics well enough." Adele replied with a grin. It was good, seeing that Cassandra still had her moments of weakness after all, It contrasted enough with her projected tough exterior to end up solidly in the spectrum of cute, which Adeltrudis was glad for.
"If that's all, then!" Cassandra exclaimed, clearing her throat and taking a few steps back. "I shall return to the rest of the group. Thank you for the dress, and the talk! Don't take too long to catch up, else we'll have to send Graham to collect you." She tried to curtsy, but the dress didn't really have enough leeway to do so, leaving Cass fumbling with the fabric and then grumbling. "A-Anyway, see you, Adele." She dropped the princess motif for a moment, at the end, before walking off. Whether or not Adele could see, she found herself bringing a hand to her lips, and staring at the ground as she walked.

Enough was enough, of all this. There was no way Adeltrudis was going to sit by and let Dettard have his way. Deciding to get the help out of the way first, Adele swung her axe down on one of the armoured foes.
Adele moves to 7,24, attacks Axe Armour B with Nacht
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Niko moves to 8,26!

Niko attacks Soldier A with Fire!
15 Atk, 94% Hit, 5% Crit
(36 15)
Soldier A takes 15 damage! (9/24 HP remaining)

Niko gains 8 XP!
Niko gains 1 Tome WEXP!

Claire moves to 9,23!

Claire attacks Axe Armour B with Fire!
13 Atk, 100% Hit, 24% Crit
(87 80)
Axe Armour counters with his Hand Axe
(88 12)
Good work!
Claire attacks again!
(60 40)
Claire deals 26 damage in total! (4/30 HP remaining)

Claire gains 10 XP!
Claire gains 2 Tome WEXP!

"Oh dear, Owen. My claims are far more substantial than you can imagine." Dettard retorted. "There's something my father... well, the man who raised me told me before he passed away. Our King isn't quite as noble as you think he is. Before you were born, he was rather fond of my mother... I'm sure you can fill in the gaps. You are but a few months younger than myself, the throne rightfully belongs to me ahead of you!"

Owen moves to 6,15!

Owen attacks Dettard with his Epee!
9 Atk, 84% Hit, 0% Crit, 7% Astra
(29 50 23)
Dettard takes 9 damage! (18/27 HP remaining)
Dettard strikes back!
6 Atk, 80% Hit, 0% Crit, 3% Astra
(53 53 81)
Owen takes 6 damage! (19/25 HP remaining)

Owen gains 10 XP!
Owen gains 1 Sword WEXP!

Cass moves to 7,26!

Cass attacks Soldier A with her Bronze Axe
Yeah, he's kinda dead.

Cass gains 23 XP!
Cass gains 2 Axe WEXP!

Sidney moves to 6,24!

Sidney attacks Axe Armour A with her Zodiac Claw!
17 Atk, 100% Hit, 17% Crit
(56 51)
Axe Armour A takes 17 damage! (13/30 HP remaining)
Axe Armour A counters with his Steel Axe!
16 Atk, 42% Hit, 0% Crit
(36 71)
Sidney takes 16 damage! (10/26 HP remaining)
Sidney finishes him!

Sidney gains 40 XP!
Sidney gains 3 WEXP!

Adele moves to 7,24!

Adele kills Axe Armour B with Nacht!

Adele gains 30 XP!
Adele gains 2 Axe WEXP!
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Nearly everyone had jumped to action, Lionel swiftly joined them, taking out his Iron Lance. While briefly giving quick instructions to Zadkiel. "Strike the mage, let's show these curs true Kylander might."

Lionel moves to (5,27), attacking Soldier B with his Iron Lance

Zadkiel moves to (8,25) attacking Mage A with his Steel Lance

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Lionel moves to 5,27!

Lionel attacks Soldier B with his Iron Lance!
10 Atk, 74% Hit, 4% Crit, 10% Sol, 10% Adept
(78 45 63)
Lionel misses!
Lionel attacks again!
(82 96 52)
Lionel misses again!
Soldier B counters!
10 Atk, 61% Hit, 9% Crit
(82 61)
Soldier B misses!
Lionel attacks!
(77 72 58)
Lionel misses yet again!

Lionel gains 5 XP!
Lionel gains 3 Lance WEXP!

"Yes, my Lord!"

Zadkiel moves to 8,25!

Zadkiel attacks Mage A with his Steel Lance!
14 Atk, 77% Hit, 13% Crit
(5 97)
Mage A takes 14 damage! (9/23 HP remaining)
Mage A counters with Thunder!
12 Atk, 68% Hit, 7% Crit
(34 89)
Zadkiel takes 12 damage! (13/25 HP remaining)

Zadkiel gains 10 XP!
Zadkiel gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Edited by Shin
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It did not occur to Doug that they would be going indoors for the fighting. He really hoped this bastard lord had high ceilings or he'd be almost useless. By the time he had broken out of his thoughts, Claire already moved on. Perhaps the rider shouldn't have been so focused on architectural features.

Doug urged his aging steed up into the sky to see where he could be more useful. He caught sight of Sidney doing battle with a knight and coming out victorious. Judging from the enemy positions, she was liable to get ambushed soon after. The rider flew over to her and offered a hand.

"Hey, you're fixin' to get shived. Get on!"

Doug moves to (7,24), rescues Sidney. Moves to (9,24)

Doug looks through your screen, winks.

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Graham moves to 8,24!

Graham attacks Mage A with his Iron Bow!
(50 15)
Mage A dies!

Graham gains 36 XP!
Graham gains 2 Bow WEXP!

Graham grows to level 5!
(9 46 53 68 12 70 87 41)

HP up!
Strength up!
Speed up!

"I hope you're watching, ladies."

Ermin moves to 7,27!

Ermin attacks Archer A with his Steel Sword!
4 Atk, 94% Hit, 9% Crit
(79 5)
Fabulous hit! Ermin deals 12 damage! (10/22 HP remaining)
(17 70)
Ermin deals another 4 damage! (6/22 HP remaining)
Ermin charges!
(38 45)
Ermin deals another 4 damage! (2/22 HP remaining)
(13 7)
Ermin finishes in style!

Ermin gains 33 XP!
Ermin gains 5 Sword WEXP!

Gerrard moves to 6,25!

Gerrard attacks Priest A with his Iron Blade!
(43 52 17)

Gerrard gains 20 XP!
Gerrard gains 4 Sword WEXP!

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Angus chuckles, approving greatly of the new blood's vigor in battle. A man after his own heart, that one! Best not to be upstaged by this new warrior, but it seemed as though everyone else had that wing well covered...

Time to open up their front lines, then, at least if they'll take the bait.

"Jeeves, let the others know I'm going on ahead, would you~?"

Angus equips Hand Axe

Angus moves to (12,19)


Andromeda to (9,26)

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"What?!" Owen eyed Dettard furiously, biting his inner cheek at the ridiculous statement. "So you're not only shaming my father's name, but claiming the throne as your own at the same?" Owen's anger just made it all a harder pillow to swallow, was Dettard mocking him? "What proof do you even have? Come now, surely, you can back your claim if you truly hold any likeness, not just your passed away father's words, made for only you to hear... Or are you just trying to test my patience?"

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Jean sighed. That girl was going to get herself killed. Though Jean honestly wouldn't have expected her to be on the front lines. People like her tended to be the ones backstabbing whoever they could to get ahead. Considering their last exchange and how well they got along, he was considering ignoring her but it wouldn't be fitting his honour. Jean took her off Doug who had dragged her away and moved her to the back lines to receive treatment for her wound.

"Get back here! You aren't invincible, you know."

Jean moves to 10, 24, drags (rescue drops) Sidney to 10, 25.

"Jeeves! Some assistance, if you will. The... lady, has suffered a rather serious wound."

Order Jeeves to move to 11, 25 and to heal Sidney.

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Angus equips his Hand Axe!

Angus moves to 12,19!


Andromeda moves to 9,26!

Jean moves to 10,24!

Jean rescue-drops Sidney to 10,25!

"Of course, I shall be there shortly."

Jeeves moves to 11,25!

Jeeves heals Sidney to full HP!

Jeeves gains 8 XP!

Jeeves gains 2 Staff WEXP!



"Owen, I have more to claim than a dying man's word. My hair, whilst not as vibrant as yours is tinted a gentle rose! I also have something else to show. The royal family's sword technique! Only those of noble blood can use such a mighty technique, and I have perfected it! That is proof enough, Owen! Your plan to silence me shall fail!"

Dettard attacks Owen with his sword!
5 Atk, 80% Hit, 0% Crit, 3% Astra
(80 31 2)
Dettard's sword glows a brilliant emerald!
Dettard swings but misses!
(18 36)
Owen takes 2 damage! (18/25 HP remaining)
(74 33)
Owen takes 2 damage! (16/25 HP remaining)
(85 57)
Dettard misses!
(77 68)
Owen takes 2 damage! (14/25 HP remaining)
Owen counters!
9 Atk, 84% Hit, 0% Crit, 7% Astra
(66 42 41)
Owen deals 9 damage! (9/27 HP remaining)

Owen gains 10 XP!
Owen gains 1 Sword WEXP!

Baleros howls!

"Calm down, little brother. Just keep listening to the music... no need to kill us all just yet..."

Soldier #4 moves to 10,17!

Soldier #5 moves to 9,17!

Soldier #6 looks at Angus!

Soldier #6 stays put!

Soldier #7 stays put!

Archer #1 moves to 11,10!

Archer #2 moves to 7,10!

Archer #3 stays put!

Mage #1 moves to 14,11!

Soldier B moves to 7,28!

Soldier B attacks Ermin with his Steel Lance!
15 Atk, 64% Hit, 7% Crit
(45 64)
Ermin takes 15 damage! (8/23 HP remaining)
7 Atk, 66% Hit, 10% Crit
(90 38)
Ermin misses!

Ermin gains 5 XP!
Ermin gains 1 Sword WEXP!

Cavalier A moves to 2,23!

Cavalier B moves to 3,23!

Cavalier C moves to 4,24!

Reinforcements spawn!



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"...What? What?!" Owen brought his sword to a parrying stance as Dettard closed in with five swift strikes. Owen was able to successfully parry two and bring down a debilitating counter to Dettard's shoulder, but this time Owen held his sword in silence as Dettard stopped, pointing towards him.

"Put your sword down." Owen stated, his tone shifting, trying to maintain a certain level-headedness he had already thrown away... "Forfeit this duel, the outcome is clear." Giving a stern look, Owen slowly advanced, "I can take you to my... I can take you to the king, Dettard. However, you will drop all contact with Magonsaete, and our king shall hold the final word." Owen paused, looking carefully at Dettard's sword arm. "I don't care if you claim to be a bastard or the second coming of my grandfather, you are a threat for the way you conspire. You will not become king, yet, you could perhaps get some recognition." Deep inside, Owen was frustrated that he even gave Dettard the thought, judging the baron's nature, yet hiding in methodical thinking was the natural move...

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Angus turns his axe over in his hand, grinning at his foes as they wait for reinforcements. "You understand why I confront you alone, then. In your shoes, I would surrender; Prince Owen is more merciful than you imagine." The squire tilts his head back, now leering, hoping to convey absolute menace. "Any of you whose knees are not bent, weapons still at hand... I, Sir Angus Kearney, will visit upon you the charge that tears armies asunder!"

[OoC: if the target has surrendered, belay this whole move.]

Angus moves to (10,19)

Angus attacks Soldier #4 with Hand Axe

Canto to (11,21)

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Dettard looked up at Owen, his eyes full of mistrust. "The King will kill me, he sent you to do his dirty work, Owen." Dettard spat, having no intent on fading into obscurity. "I'm not working with the bandits because I want to, they have something I need. You don't understand, it's all very distant for you on your comfortable perch, watching as the people beneath you struggle. I will never stop trying to gain what is rightfully mine."


Niko moves to 7,26!

Niko attacks Soldier B with Fire!
15 Atk, 95% Hit, 4% Crit
(95 22)
Niko misses!

Niko gains 5 XP!
Niko gains 1 Tome WEXP!

The soldiers look at Angus!

"What a mooncalf."

Angus moves to 10,19!

Angus attacks Soldier #4 with his Hand Axe!
16 Atk, 84% Hit, 3% Crit, Charge Possible
(77 63)
Soldier #4 takes 16 damage! (10/26 HP remaining)
Angus charges!
(19 96)
Angus finishes!

Angus gains 33 XP!
Angus gains 3 Axe WEXP!

Angus cantos to 11,21!

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"Mooncalf, eh~? Tell that to your friend there." Angus chuckled softly--maybe he stretched the truth, and perhaps that was a bit too dramatic... eh, better laughed off by foes with high morale than failing to intimidate cowardly ones.

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