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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 1


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Claire moves to 5,23!

Claire attacks Cavalier B with Fire!
10 Atk, 100% Hit, 14% Crit
(82 85)
Cavalier B takes 10 damage! (16/26 HP remaining)

Claire gains 10 XP!
Claire gains 1 Tome WEXP!

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Cass swung her axe to clean some of the blood off of it, taking a moment to breathe, before cocking an eyebrow at Niko. "Your lead?" She didn't question further, but she almost felt patronized... It must have been her imagination. Obviously, Niko was just impressed by her ability to fight, and wished to see her excel~ "Cower, traitors~!" With that thought out of her mind, Cass was back to her good mood, Dettard's men proving not much more of a challenge than the bandits.

Cass to 7,27, bash Soldier B with Razor's Edge

Edited by Snake Mom
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"Knock 'em dead, my dear Princess."

Ermin moves to 9,25!

Ermin seems happy with his current company!

Cass moves to 7,27!

Cass attacks Soldier B with her Razor's Edge!
12 Atk, 94% Hit, 14% Crit
(6 9)

Cass gains 23 XP!
Cass gains 2 Axe WEXP!


Andromeda moves to 8,27!

Edited by Shin
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Niko gave a slight shrug. "I just meant that since our combo had worked so effectively last time, trying it again would hopefully work as well. As it clearly did." Even though his blast hadn't done the damage he would have liked, he'd clearly managed to blind the man and leave him wide open for Cass.

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Quite content with bringing the axe down on another fool, Cass had entirely not noticed that Niko had missed the mark with his fireball. So when her axe hit and the man didn't fall, she became discontent, growling and applying more force, dragging the blade through his torso. That seemed to have done the trick, as her sharp axe split his armor, and then his insides! With a hefty sigh, she shouldered her axe, shaking herself a bit. "That one was a bit tougher than the other... Alas, that is fine! He's still dead." She wanted to ignore the comment of Lionel's man, but the 'my dear' bit stroked her too far the wrong way. "I am not your dear, Ermin... But I will "knock them dead", either way. If this really is all they have to offer, I am sad to say, I feel this fight may be over far too soon."

Letting her axe fall again, swinging it a bit to remove the blood, she gripped it and addressed Niko. "We do seem to, yet. Keep up setting these fools on fire. The distraction makes them quite easy to knock over, I must say~ I could do without their flailing, though... Sometimes I miss and hit their arm. Might you have something involving electricity or ice?" She asked him as quaintly as she felt was necessary, not entirely regarding her questions of murder with a very serious attitude.

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"Well..." Sidney smarted after a heavy strike from an axe, despite her otherwise ease in dispatching the armored foe. Thought I could evade that brute for sure... Still, she wasn't one to say no to help when Doug lent a hand. "Sure... I could use a lift," she agreed, climbing onto his pegasus. Jean helping her down struck her as a bit of a surprise, but in her injured state she still accepted it gladly.

"Why thank you... disagree as we may, it is good to know you're a reliable ally," Sid conceded, feeling refreshed by Jeeves's healing. "Not to get complacent, though. We've still much to do." With that said, she set off to attack one of the horseman that could've hurt her in her previous spot.

Sid strides to (6, 24) to attack Cav C with her bow

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It looked like Owen had Dettard handled, and as much as Adeltrudis loathe to leave Owen be with the unruly Baron, there were cavalry approaching the their flank that needed to be taken care of, before they took a devastating charge past their front line.

"You're making a mistake here. You should know that your Lord is finished... a smarter vassal would be attempting to curry favour by now." The young lady noted to the nearby cavalryman as she flanked him, striking with her axe.

Adele to (4,25), attack Cavalier C with Nacht

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"How unfortunate," Cass pouted, with a small sigh. "Well! We'd best find you one of these tomes, so you might make these fools stand still longer. I can still hit them, but the neck or shoulder plate makes dispatching them far easier, and most are reluctant to leave those unguarded." Bandits and traitors were just more effort than they were worth.

Edited by Snake Mom
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Sidney moves to 6,24!

Sidney attacks Cavalier C with her Iron Bow!
8 Atk, 100% Hit, 5% Crit
(21 10)
Sidney deals 8 damage! (19/27 HP remaining)

Sidney gains 16 XP!
Sidney gains 1 Bow WEXP!
Adele moves to 4,25!

Adele attacks Cavalier C with Nacht!
10 Atk, 100% Hit, 25% Crit
(23 3)

Adele gains 33 XP!
Adele gains 2 Axe WEXP!
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Well, that particular cavalryman wouldn't have a chance to consider Adeltrudis' words, but hopefully the others about the area would take his end as an example, and lower their arms as advised. As for said particular cavalier, well, his fate was at the last relatively quick. He had been staggered by Sidney's arrow, and in a moment of weakness, Adeltrudis had managed to leap at him, and with a heavy downward swing, drive the end-stake of her Nacht through the top of the man's skull, caving it inwards, and shattered the bone. By the time Adele had come back down, dragging her axe and the already dead man with her, the stake had pierced clean through the rider's jaw, the bloodied slab of metal hanging out his mouth, left open from his death-throes, a shriek caught in his throat before he could loose it in proper.

Although, perhaps Adele had used more power then necessary, as her downward momentum didn't cease there, the poor man's horse the next victim, Nacht driving itself into it's throat, striking the majestic beast through it's spinal cord, and felling it in in instant as the lifeline was severed. The sudden shift in weight as the beast fell unbalanced Adeltrudis slightly, but luckily she managed to wrench her axe away before she fell, taking the man's head with her, to her chagrin. Stepping on it so she might pull Nacht free of it, with a quick tug, Adele managed to re-arm herself, while at the same time crushing what remained of the skull between her boot and a stone laden through the forest floor.

"Now then... as I said, it would be in your best interest to curry some favour, rather than lay down your lives for that foppish buffoon. You're contending not only with House Gaffney, but House Herman as well. It's no use." Adele threatened, swinging her axe in an attempt to intimidate, whilst also clearing it of some blood.

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"That's enough." Owen brought his sword to Dettard's face. "Enough assuming, enough of that obsession. You can't hope to overcome me or my father with whatever you believe the bandits can give you. Your plan was flawed from the start." Owen had a moment of pent up anger surfacing, bringing his sword's tip close to Dettard's neck. "But most of all, you were wrong to assume me so much. I am not a pawn, not my father's, not yours." His tone became so begrudging Owen's words came out like a threat, defiance and anger clear in his eyes. Owen retreated his sword arm and balled his fist. A punch homing to the left side of Dettard's skull.

Owen strikes Dettard to knock him out.

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Lionel had been impressed with Owen's abillity to keep up with Dettards swift strikes thinking to himself "You've learned so well my lord", but cursed himself for missing his earlier target so utterly.

"Allow me to make up for that pitiful performance just now!" He said charging towards the enemy cavalry

Lionel to (4,24), attacking Cavalier B with his Javelin

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Dat Flavour!

Adele gains 1 XP!

Adele grows to level 6!
(76 1 45 43 0 66 82 53)
HP up!
Strength up!
Skill up!
Speed up!
Owen knocks out Dettard!

Owen gains 50 XP!
Owen picks up Dettard's Sword!
Dettard's Sword goes to Convoy!
Lionel moves to 4,24!

Lionel attacks Cavalier B with his Javelin!
8 Atk, 83% Hit, 3% Crit, 10% Sol, 10% Adept
(62 9 5)
Lionel deals 8 damage! (8/26 HP remaining)
Lionel also heals himself despite being at full HP!

Lionel gains 10 XP!
Lionel gains 1 Lance WEXP!
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Doug was surprised that Jean helped Sidney off. Of all the people to move in, he was the last person the rider was worried about. That was a matter for another time however. Doug flew to Niko's side to help meet the incoming unit of cavaliers.

"Your horses smell and so do you!" Doug equipped his lance, ready to take his sexual frustrations out on someone.

Doug to (7,25)

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Jeeves moves to 10,25!

Jeeves casts heal on Ermin!

Ermin returns to full HP!

Jeeves gains 8 XP!

Jeeves gains 2 Staff WEXP!


Jeeves' Old Age drops to 2!

Zadkiel uses his Vulnerary!

Jean moves to 5,24!

Gerrard moves to 6,23!

Doug moves to 7,25!


The Soldiers look at Angus!

"Yeah, still a mooncalf."

Archer #1 stays put!

Archer #2 stays put!

Archer #3 moves to 12,12!

Mage #1 moves to 9,13!

Mage #2 moves to 14,14!

Cavalier A moves to 6,26!

Cavalier A attacks Niko with his Devil's Edge!
15 Atk, 67% Hit, 0% Crit
(42 10)
Niko takes 15 damage! (17/32 HP remaining)
Niko counters!
13 Atk, 100% Hit, 410% Crit
(27 19)
Cavalier A takes 13 damage! (13/26 HP remaining)
Niko gains 9 XP!
Niko gains 1 Tomes WEXP!
Niko grows to level 11!
(54 76 44 0 87 97 78 46)

HP up!
Magic up!
Skill up!

Cavalier A cantos to 5,26!

Cavalier D moves to 3,23!

Cavalier D attacks Graham with his Steel Lance!
6 Atk, 67% Hit, 0% Crit
(99 60)
Cavalier D misses!
Graham counters with Over Flag!
11 Atk, 100% Hit, 1% Crit
(18 78)
Cavalier D takes 11 damage! (17/28 HP remaining)
Graham gains 10 XP!
Graham gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Cavalier D cantos to 2,23!

Cavalier E moves to 3,23!

Cavalier E attacks Graham with his Steel Lance!
5 Atk, 68% Hit, 0% Crit
(38 90)
Graham takes 5 damage! (28/34 HP remaining)
Graham counters!
12 Atk, 99% Hit, 0% Crit
(67 98)
Graham deals 12 damage! (16/28 HP remaining)
Cavalier E attacks again!
(58 45)
Graham takes 5 damage! (23/34 HP remaining)
Graham gains 10 XP!
Graham gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Baleros howls again!

"Calm down, little brother... you're awfully restless today..."

Reinforcments spawn!

The door opens!

Chapter 4 Turn 3



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