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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 1


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With Dettard passed out, Owen caught his breath and shot an aggresive glance past the door as it was open, gaze meeting one of Dettard's men and... some man, or thing --it was hard to tell from the sheer size,-- which shut down any aggressiveness in Owen to surprise, and caution.

Quickly wrapping his arm around Dettard's torso, Owen tried to heave the unconscious baron along but ended up walking an awkward jerk as he dragged the man along to the entrance. "Help." Owen quickly demanded, thankful for seeing the group right by, "There's more inside... one behemoth of a man." Owen found he still needed to pick his breath.

"Also, change of plans, this guy is coming with me." Owen noted, dropping Dettard's unconscious body by the stairs, "Jeeves, anyone, take this man and tie him up, check for any sidearms. Long story."

Owen to (7,19).

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Seeing soldiers gathering from the other direction, Doug needed to get someone over there to deal with them. Luckily, Lionel just arrived.

"Hey, we've got company," Doug said to Lionel, unsure of his name. the rider motioned towards the approaching reinforcements and handed over his lance.

"Here, this one's stronger. Now get on! We're gonna poke some soldiers."

Once Lionel was on, Doug flew off towards the eastern front.

Doug trades his Steel Lance for Lionel's Javelin, Rescues Lionel, Cantos to (8,23)

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Graham moves to 4,24!

Graham attacks Cavalier E with his Iron Bow!
10 Atk, 100% Hit, 0% Crit
(34 54)
Graham deals 10 damage! (6/28 HP remaining)

Graham gains 10 XP!
Graham gains 1 Bow WEXP!

Niko needs to think about his move!

Lionel moves to 6,25!

Lionel attacks Cavalier A with his Javelin!
9 Atk, 99% Hit, 4% Crit, 10% Sol, 10% Adept
(82 85 38)
Cavalier A takes 9 damage! (4/26 HP remaining)

Lionel gains 10 XP!
Lionel gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Owen moves to 7,19!

Doug trades his lance with Lionel!

Doug rescues Lionel!

Doug cantos to 8,23!

Jeeves moves to 8,24!


"I shall hold point!"

Zadkiel moves to 8,26!

"If you say so."

Ermin moves to 9,27!


Andromeda moves to 7,25!

Edited by Shin
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Sidney moves to 4,23!

Sidney attacks Cavalier D with her Iron Bow!
7 Atk, 100% Hit, 4% Crit
(34 44)
Sidney deals 7 damage! (10/28 HP remaining)
(90 25)
Sidney deals another 7 damage! (3/28 HP remaining)

Sidney gains 15 XP!
Sidney gains 2 Bow WEXP!

Sidney grows to level 6!
(88 41 40 67 38 79 56 52)
Strength up!
Speed up!
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Seeing the rest of the group easily dealing with the soldiers, Cassandra felt it would be a good use of her time to make sure that Jeeves didn't push himself into healing any more people. Approaching the quiet giant, Cass began to heal the impressive wounds on Graham-- they were impressive in that they existed at all. He was a veritable wall, and it took a lot to harm the man.

Cassandra to (5,24), cast Heal on Graham, After Jean moves

Edited by Snake Mom
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Gerrard moves to 6,26!

Gerrard attacks Cavalier A with his Iron Sword!
Too lazy for numbers, it's death.

Gerrard gains 33 XP!
Gerrard gains 2 Sword WEXP!
Gerrard picks up the Devil's Edge!

Cass tries to move to 5,24!

Jean's already there!

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Angus moves to 9,23!

Angus rescue-drops Lionel on 10,23!

Jean moves to 3,24!

Jean attacks Cavalier E with his Iron Lance!
(33 25)

Jean gains 33 XP!
Jean gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Claire moves to 3,23!

Claire attacks Cavalier D with Fire!
(74 31)

Claire gains 33 XP!
Claire gains 2 Tomes WEXP!

Cass moves to 5,24!

Cass heals Graham!

Cass gains 15 XP!

Cass gains 2 Staff WEXP!

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Adele moves to 7,23!


"Hold still, maybe Baleros will scare them away!"

Baleros roars at Owen!

Thief #1 moves to 13,3!

Thief #1 opens the chest!

Thief #1 acquires a Hand Axe!

Soldier C moves to 13,20!

Soldier D moves to 12,21!



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Adele moves to 12,22!

Adele attacks Soldier D with Nacht!
9 Atk, 83% Hit, 27% Crit
(20 41)
Adele deals 9 damage! (22/31 HP remaining)
Soldier D strikes back!
10 Atk, 94% Hit, 9% Crit
(96 13)
Soldier D misses!

Adele gains 10 XP!
Adele gains 1 Axe WEXP!
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Niko moves to 12,23!

Niko attacks Soldier D with Fire!
13 Atk, 100% Hit, 5% Crit
(17 12)
Soldier D takes 13 damage! (9/31 HP remaining)

Niko gains 8XP!
Niko gains 1 Tome WEXP!

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Lionel swiftly moves towards his foe on the staircase of the castle, giving the others a signal to follow his, Adele's and Niko's lead, "Be cautious of traps however, they may wish to surprise us with some devious devices."

Lionel advances to (13,21), striking at Soldier C with his Steel Lance

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Lionel moves to 13,21!

Lionel attacks Soldier C with his Steel Lance!
12 Atk, 100% Hit, 6% Crit, 10% Sol, 10% Adept
(94 74 24)
Lionel deals 12 damage! (19/31 HP remaining)
Soldier C counters!
6 Atk, 48% Hit, 2% Crit
(66 88)
Soldier C misses!
Lionel attacks again!
(97 12 72)
Lionel deals 12 damage! (7/31 HP remaining)

Lionel gains 10 XP!
Lionel gains 4 Lance WEXP!
Lionel reaches C Lances!

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Angus settles for a moment, considering how to move forward. [Everyone here, they can handle this front. But that roar was sure as hell no bear... scare all of us off, eh? Sounds like my bag.] Even Angus could recognize that going in alone, no medicine was not the brightest idea he's ever had. "Ho, you there, Lionel's man! I've got to split off from the healers, mind tossing that vulnerary my way?"

Zadkiel to (9,23), trade Vulnerary to Angus

[Alright, good. Maybe I'll die a little slower this way], Angus pockets the medicine, soon charging off down the other hall, encountering his lord hardly the worse for his duel.

"Good man, Prince! Ah, there's a healer on the east wing; if you can keep 'im away from the big guy... well, you'll have a much easier time of it."

Angus canters on, readying his hand axe. There's at least one archer down there, it seems; with any luck, he'd come down for a friendly hello.

Angus to (7,18), equip Hand Axe, talk to Owen, Canto to (7,17)

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