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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 1


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Graham moves to 11,22!

Jeeves moves to 12,23!


"Not now... please, let me last a little longer."

Jeeves clutches his chest!

Jeeves' Old Age drops to 1!

Adele moves to 11,19!

Adele attacks Soldier #7 with her Bronze Axe!

Adele gains 30 XP!
Adele gains 2 Axes XP!
Adele reaches C Axes!

Lionel moves to 11,18!

Lionel attacks Soldier C with his Steel Lance!
12 Atk, 100% Hit, 4% Crit, 10% Sol, 10% Adept
(47 82 38)
Lionel deals 12 damage! (10/31 HP remaining)
Soldier C counters!
6 Atk, 48% Hit, 2% Crit
(98 12)
Lionel dodges!
(47 3 91)
Lionel ends it in style!

Lionel gains 33 XP!
Lionel gains 5 Lance WEXP!

Lionel grows to level 6!
(36 83 92 84 49 81 76 15)
HP up!
Speed up!
Resistance up!

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Gerrard moves to 12,22!

"I don't like the sounds of these doors."

Ermin moves to 13,21!


Soldier #1 moves to 13,12!

Soldier #2 moves to 14,13!

Soldier #3 moves to 14,11!

Archer #3 moves to 10,12!

Mage #1 moves to 10,18!

Mage #1 casts Wind on Doug!
10 Atk, 75% Hit, 0% Crit
(26 53)
Doug takes 10 damage! (2/22 HP remaining)

Doug gains 6 XP!
Doug grows to level 6!
(84 9 32 6 43 45 95 38)

Strength up!
Skill up!

Mage #2 moves to 14,18!

Mage #2 attacks Doug with Fire!
10 Atk, 75% Hit, 0% Crit
(61 57)
Doug falls!

Thief #1 moves to 7,4!

Thief #1 opens the door!

Thief #2 moves to 9,4!

Baleros manages to free his arms!

"Brother, please stop... don't look at us like that... we're not your enemy..."

Cavalier F moves to 4,25!

Cavalier G moves to 5,25!

Reinforcements spawn!

The outside doors close!

Units on the door tiles are repositioned!


Chapter 4 Turn 6


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Doug's siege through the castle was cut short when two mages ganged up on him. The wind mage attacked first, knocking Doug right off his pegasus. Doug fell on his back in a grunt, struggling to get himself up. By the time he tried to use his lance to prop himself up, the fire mage appeared with a fireball made especially for Doug.

"Looks like I'm clocking out early..."

That was the last thought Doug had before the fire spell hit his chest. The rider was sprawled beside the pool, though not at risk of falling in. He really wished he stayed conscious long enough to fix his skirt...

Meanwhile, his pegasus Oldtimer was flying around the room in a panic. The wind attack disoriented the animal. In fact, it literally scared the crap out of him. The pegasus rained poop in and around the pool. With no Doug able to calm him down, Oldtimer continued to winnie loudly as he circled and pooped around the pool.

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"Duty above all! Glory to Kylander!"

Zadkiel moves to 11,26!

Zadkiel attacks Cavalier H with his Steel Lance!
10 Atk, 75% Hit, 16% Crit
(37 73)
Zadkiel deals 10 damage! (15/20 HP remaining)
Cavalier H counters!
15 Atk, 61% Hit, 0% Crit
(91 92)
Zadkiel dodges!
Zadiel gains 10 XP!
Zadkiel gains 2 Lance WEXP!
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Graham moves to 12,25!

Graham attacks Cavalier I with his Iron Bow!
12 Atk, 99% Hit, 2% Crit
(38 59)
Graham deals 12 damage! (15/27 HP remaining)

Graham gains 10 XP!
Graham gains 1 Bow WEXP!

Gerrard moves to 12,26!

Gerrard helps Graham equip his Over Flag!

Gerrard attacks Cavalier I with the Devil's Edge!
Gerrard feels an unusual surge of energy!
15 Atk, 87% Hit, 8% Crit, 12% Luna
(10 67 77)
Cavalier I dies horribly!

Gerrard gains 27 XP!
Gerrard gains 6 Sword WEXP!
Gerrard's Devil Meter increases!

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Change of plans!

"I don't like the looks of those horsemen."

Ermin moves to 13,24!

Jeeves moves to 14,23!


Jeeves is OK!

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Angus to (9,9), unequip Iron Axe, use Vulnerary, talk to Baleros' Keeper

Angus approaches the bestial man's handler, stowing his weapon in favor of a broad smile and an offered hand. "Angus Kearney. Make a good show of it, put her there, would ya?" The squire takes great care to demonstrate his chipper attitude to Baleros as he speaks. "In case I wasn't too clear, Dettard's out cold. He's our prisoner! Don't really have to bother with him anymore, do ya~? Now, I think yer a decent sort, but if yer wrong or lie to me... well, I don't think either of you would live through that~!

Can you keep 'im calm enough for us to stuff the rest and be gone? I'll help if that'll make the difference, mind."

Angus hopes the drive to survive is enough to compel Baleros' keeper... and that he could keep the poor bastard under control. No good could come for anyone if the beast was unbound.

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Angus moves to 9,9!

Angus de-equips his weapon!

Now that's ballsy!

The smaller man seemed rather startled by Angus, expecting the horseman to strike him down. As Angus approached, the man appeared to be older than he expected, perhaps in his late thirties. He wasn't your typical bandit, dressed much like a regular peasant and not of threatening build. Making a fearful glance at Baleros, his keeper turned back towards Angus.

"You're one of the Prince's men... I don't want to fight you, I needed the money. My little brother's far too dangerous, you need to leave now. Dettard doesn't matter, Baleros isn't listening to me, his madness has grown uncontrollable in the last few moons. All he seeks is to destroy everything around him, I very much doubt he even recognises me any more. Father was far too cruel to him, the damage has been done."

Baleros was a monster of a man, easily a good seven feet tall, if not more. It wasn't clear where his helmet ended and his face began, but Angus could tell that when Baleros glared at him, snarling and trying to free himself of his restraints, that he had the eyes of a monster.

"It took several men to chain my brother down, he would only be more powerful if he got free. Please leave now, I don't want to see him kill anyone else."

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"DOUG! NO! YOU ALL WILL PAY FOR THAT!" Seeing the only other member of the Reliants fall like that sent Niko into a rage. Pulling out his more powerful tome, he sent a giant fireball at the mage who had sent his friend to the ground.

Niko Elfire Mage 2

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[Poor souls. If it weren't for that damned trap, we could leave, but that's not much of an option now.]

Angus shakes his head pitifully. Unfortunately, there was only one way to go about this. The squire answers gently, knowing too well the pain of what he asks. "Mate... we're stuck in here, and I couldn't call our men back either way. But Baleros... if what you're saying is true, this isn't any way for him to live, aye? Forgettin' his only family, chained day and night."

"You see the shape of it. Help us give him peace; he'll suffer less, and you will be safe, on my honor."

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Niko casts Elfire on Mage #2!
15 Atk, 84% Hit, 5% Crit
(4 94)
Niko deals 15 damage! (8/23 HP remaining)
Mage #2 counters with Fire!
3 Atk, 75% Hit, 0% Crit
(19 99)
Niko takes 3 damage! (3/33 HP remaining)
Niko gains 8 XP!
Niko gains 1 Tome WEXP!

Baleros' Keeper shook his head. "He may be a monster, but he's the only family I have left. There's also the added matter that nobody's ever been able to slay him... only one man has ever been able to go toe-to-toe with Baleros, and he's long gone. Let me try and talk to him one more time, I pray that I can at least hold off his rage for a few more moments."

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"Doug!" Cass lost her lust for murder (mildly) as their skirted rider fell from his horse. While Niko and the others were dealing with the surrounding enemies, she rushed over to him and started pouring magic into his burns. "Get up! No dying on my watch! Not from something like this! All your extremities are still attached, so you can't give up!" With her rather basic thinking out, she'd managed to heal most of the wound, hoping it'd be enough to get him up.

Cassandra to (12,18), heal Doug

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The squire nods. An immediate ambush was a poor choice anyway; his nearby allies would need at least a short time to mobilize. "Be ready; if he's completely gone, and you don't see it, he'll tear you apart like anyone else."

Angus lifts a finger, for his comrades' benefit. [He scares me too, but we've got to hold for just a moment longer.]

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Owen bit his tongue in frustration, he'd been shoved into the room by the closing, mechanic gates. The inside of the room was... a scene, and he was sure he'd heard hooves outside. Hopefully Graham and the others could handle themselves. Right now, however, Owen had enough in his hands. "...Are they still willing to fight? What's going on?" Owen looked across the room as he raised his sword again. Considering the few soldiers in the room were a threat with their reduced numbers, Owen followed through Niko's outburst to bring down one of the mages before enough damage was done.

Owen to (13,18), attack Mage #2 with iron sword.

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Baleros' Keeper nodded, approaching his brother slowly. "I'm sure he's still in there, somewhere. Just let me to speak to him one last time."

Owen moves to 13,18!

Owen attacks Mage #2 with his Iron Sword!
Owen auto hits!
Owen gains 30 XP!
Owen gains 2 Sword WEXP!
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The room was a chaotic mess, Doug had received a near fatal blow, but before he could rush and defend him, Cass had already got him a little pick me up with her healing capabilities.

"Good, now its time to take out who I can"

Lionel stays in place and strikes at Mage #1 with his Iron Lance

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Lionel attacks Mage #1 with his Iron Lance!
13 Atk, 84% Hit, 1% Crit, 10% Sol, 10% Adept
(19 81 4)
Lionel's lance glows!
Lionel deals 13 damage! (10/23 HP remaining)
Lionel recovers 1 HP!
Mage #1 counters!
7 Atk, 65% Hit, 0% Crit
(54 8)
Lionel takes 7 damage! (21/28 HP remaining)
(92 72 42)
Lionel misses!

Lionel gains 10 XP!
Lionel gains 2 Lance WEXP!

"Don't you dare touch Lord Lionel!"

Andromeda chooses to move to 9,19!

Andromeda attacks Mage #1 with her Steel Bow!
(21 11)
Mage #1 falls!

Andromeda gains 40 XP!
Andromeda gains 4 Bow WEXP!
Andromeda picks up Wind!

"My Lord... outside, Zadkiel and Ermin..."

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Just when Claire thought they'd gotten an advantage in the battle, the doors trapped them inside. The corridor's only exit was straight up ahead, where a brute with an enormous axe struggled against his chains. So overall, they weren't in the best spot. Moving towards him was certainly dangerous, but waiting him to break free and trap them was suicide. Going forward was the only option.

Claire to (7,12).

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"Oh, Claire. You brought the burn cream? Why yes, you can rub that all over my body. I know I was just hit in the chest, but you can't be too safe. ...yes...go lower..."

Doug's imagination was only aided by the healing pulse that ran through his body, ensuring that he wouldn't be permanently disfigured on top of his other eccentrics. A goofy smile sneaked across his face.

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