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Series you wish were to continue


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Ape Escape. While I've only played the third, I had a lot of fun with that game. I think there were rumors about an Ape Escape 4 for PS3 some years ago, but obviously that never happened.

I'd also like to see another Dark Cloud game. While I didn't like the first one that much, I really enjoyed the second.

...Actually, that reminds me. When was the last time Level-5 made a console game?

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I would loooooooooove for them to make another Kid Icarus game because I loved Kid Icarus Uprising to death and I just hope it doesn't take them another 25 years for them to develop another game for it.

I also want that new Rhythm Heaven game because I am a sucker for rhythm games.

And because I have to add one odd-ball in there, I would love it if there was another Hatoful Boyfriend game because the first game and the sequel were pretty great imo.

Even though Okami ended on a good note in Okamiden, I would love to see more.

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I'd also like to see another Dark Cloud game. While I didn't like the first one that much, I really enjoyed the second.

...Actually, that reminds me. When was the last time Level-5 made a console game?

I actually really enjoyed the first game! I still have fun with it today, although parts of it haven't aged so well, and the character balance is a tad wonky haha.

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Osu Tatakae Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents.

- Osu's user created levels just don't have the same charm as the dev's beatmaps not to mention the scenarios are all great.


- self explanatory. I want people to experience the charm of the later games of the series. The 30 racer roster and the mayhem and challenge to pass through all those AI racers is exhilarating and heavily rewarding. SNES F-ZERO IS NOT A GOOD EXCUSE OF TRYING OUT THE SERIES!!! The X and GX are far superior games. Play those ones!

Mario Strikers

- Out of the Mario sports titles, this was the best of them all. Lots of personality see video below. Huge variety of competition, strategies, real time inputs and fast paced action. Football/Soccer with no rules. Just pure mayhem.


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I buried most of my regrets, but one that comes to mind is Suikoden.

...And I mean a main series one, not the spin-offs (which have also been MIA as of late...).

This is how i feel but put Breath of Fire instead of Suikoden. Yeap.

Not technically a series since it's only one game, but...

I want a sequel to Mischief Makers.


I feel this feel on a deep level, mate.

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Saint's Row would be cool.(Unless they are making a new one I am unsure but the previous game's ending was just a massive ending that needs a sequel)

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I'm going to jump on the rockwagon and say Megaman X and/or ZX. I always thought MMZero was the pinnacle, but ZX was a decent enough follow up and it ended on a dumb cliffhanger. Just one more game to answer one or two questions, and maybe refine the formula a little more!

Other unicorn wishes include:

Rival Schools. Project Justice was great, and this series has been overdue for another game for about twelve years.

Garou/Fatal fury. Mark of the Wolves is in my opinion one of the great underappreciated classics of the fighting game genre, and the series' characters were consistently more colorful and interestingly designed than, say, Street Fighter.

King of Fighters. Personally, I like Garou a teensy bit more that SNK's big flagship series, but KOF still had that inimitable quality to it, and I was pretty excited to see where it was going next. Too bad they just kinda stopped making games.

Star Gladiator. Okay, so I know Plasma Sword wasn't good, but the setting and characters were so cool! Laser swords and Venusian battle yo-yos forever!

Onimusha. Samanosuke and crew deserve better than a friggin' ios free-to-play card battler! Come on, capcom!

Legend of Legaia. This was one of those playstation rpgs that hit all the right notes with me, especially the world and the monster designs. Too bad the sequel was kinda shite. And that the rights holder of the IP dissolved. T_T

I have more, but I'm making myself sad thinking about all the things I used to love crumbling away.

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Rival Schools. Project Justice was great, and this series has been overdue for another game for about twelve years.

Garou/Fatal fury. Mark of the Wolves is in my opinion one of the great underappreciated classics of the fighting game genre, and the series' characters were consistently more colorful and interestingly designed than, say, Street Fighter.

King of Fighters. Personally, I like Garou a teensy bit more that SNK's big flagship series, but KOF still had that inimitable quality to it, and I was pretty excited to see where it was going next. Too bad they just kinda stopped making games.

YOU! I RESPECT A GUY WHO APPRECIATES GOOD FIGHTING GAMES! But...you didn't list Darkstalkers so you're dead to me :3

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The two series I want to return are Shadow Hearts and Ape Escape!!

Sadly, Shadow Hearts company Nautilus is no more and Ape Escape just disappeared after Ape escape Move and Spike's appearance in Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. I'm very upset about it.

The music in those two series were soo GOOD!!

Edited by ChocolaChao
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