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Series you wish were to continue


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You're all forgetting the cliffhanger to end all cliffhangers.

...Or more like, I just really want an ending to my favorite childhood game.

Mega Man Legends.

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Valkyria Chronicles really needs to be a long-running series, it did the best at modernizing SRPG's for a new generation.

Too bad Sega seems to have lost interest in the series.

Speaking about Sega titles that need sequels, Resonance of Fate is in most need of one.

It was a diamond in the rough; good, unique ideas that wasn't executed as well as it was supposed to.

Despite how experimental it was, it's biggest problem is it stuck to close to traditional JRPG design. Specifically the grinding and padding.

Seriously, make a sequel with tweaked gameplay that is not focused on making a long 40-60 hour game with bland dungeons,

but a 20-30 hour game with more variety in enemy types and dungeon design.

There is so much potential in this game and I hate to see that it will go to waste.

Edited by Shrouded In Myth
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Yes.It needs to continue.I want to know what happened to Felix in between the Lost Age and Dark Dawn,and what happened to him during Dark Dawn. I just want more Felix,honestly.

I think everyone wants that. :)

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All of the series you guys mentioned and Stalker, The Last Remnant, 2D Metroid, 2D Castlevania, Space Rangers, Fatal Frame, Toukiden, Xenosaga and Star Ocean.


This is at least a thing. All the acknowledgement to the other games was awesome too

Edited by Jedi
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Oh oh, and also, Zone of Ender. Have anyone here play ZoE? I just wish Hideo spend some of his time away from MGS and make a new ZoE already.

I've only heard of it, but I have heard pretty great things about it.

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I've only heard of it, but I have heard pretty great things about it.

I've read up on it and seen bits of gameplay from both games; basically, the 2nd game is the one that gets all the praise, as it's a much more solid of a game with less cliche of a story and decent English VA's, while the first one was cheesy amalgamation of mecha anime tropes with a fittingly cheesy dub that would suit the early 90's.

Wait really? Well... I've been lied to then, thanks for telling me.

I thought you were in denial about the series' direction.

Layton 7 is a multiplayer smartphone puzzle platformer with little overarching plot, and it probably won't ever come to the 3DS.


Edited by The DanMan
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I wish for a brand new Custom Battle Arena/Custom Robo Arena!

I want No More Heroes to rise again!

I must hit Mach 1 again (or more if I don't screw up)! So I wish Wipeout to continue.

And finally, I miss Jet Set Radio so much.

Also, as a lot of people here, Golden Sun.

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I've read up on it and seen bits of gameplay from both games; basically, the 2nd game is the one that gets all the praise, as it's a much more solid of a game with less cliche of a story and decent English VA's, while the first one was cheesy amalgamation of mecha anime tropes with a fittingly cheesy dub that would suit the early 90's.

Gameplay and graphics wise, the first game was great but the main character was so annoying and the plot was confusing. The second game was indeed the best. The spin-off game on gba was cool too, it's similar to FE in gameplay.

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All of the series you guys mentioned and Stalker, The Last Remnant, 2D Metroid, 2D Castlevania, Space Rangers, Fatal Frame, Toukiden, Xenosaga and Star Ocean.

Fatal Frame? It just had a new entry last year.

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Ogre Battle needs more, it was originally supposed to be 7 games, and even counting Tactics Ogre they didn't get to that point.

I miss the unique gameplay style they had (not so much Tactics Ogre considering Final Fantasy Tactics ripped that straight off and it isn't nearly as unique as Ogre Battles).

IMO FFT also borrowed from FE4. Dunno if OB/TO borrowed from FE4.
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Fatal Frame? It just had a new entry last year.

Yeah, it came out in Japan last year and was announced for an international release at E3. I've actually been a part of a group that was lobbying NoA for a release after the 4th one was kept in Japan. EU and AUS will be getting Fatal Frame 5 this coming October (and we even get a special edition with a steelbook that looks awesome <3 <3 <3), and it's coming to NA, too, though no firm release date yet.

(Yes, my username is actually an homage to a Fatal Frame character from the first game; this is a series I am passionate about)

As far as actual on-topic posts go... would love to see more Golden Sun and Lunar games. I don't really expect Lunar to continue (especially after the crap that was the DS "game"), though I guess there was an iOS remake/port of the first game back in 2012 which wasn't all that long ago, all things considered, so the IP isn't completely dead. Golden Sun I could still see continuing I guess, so maybe we'll get more there, though I'd prefer them to be more like the original two than the 3rd one, and I'm not sure how likely that is.

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Gradius(Otomedius too because Wynaut)

Pocky and Rocky

Custom Robo

Klonoa(stop wanking off to Sophitia's cleavage, Namco)

I'd say Ace Combat, but Infinity is a thing. I honestly feel like they wrote themselves in a corner with 3. I mean, sure, the next Strangereal Ace Combat could take place before 3.

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I can never say it enough, but Mega Man.

ALSO. WHEN THE HELL IS THE NEXT GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES AND KING OF FIGHTERS, SNK?! I know you just got bought out, but come on! Good thing the ppl that bought you out love the franchises and want to expand them to other markets and make you popular again :D

Cmon Capcom, give us a new Darkstalkers! You can take a risk! I've grown to believe you so much more over the last few years. PLEASE! D:

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I would really like to see StarTropics, EarthBound, and F-Zero series continue. And plus have The Mysterious Murasame Castle included a sequel also.

Edited by King Marth 64
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