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Unnecessary Units

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You what? Matilda is awesome in Gaiden, and probably better than Zeke.

EDIT: Misread.

If we're on Gaiden, Atlas is nearly completely pointless. His base strength is nice but his speed base and speed growth are so poor that making him a Merc "seems" like it would be a good idea, but you get far too many Merc line units in Celica's side anyway (and Saber is the best because of his level lead and good defence growth). You can make him an Archer, but even though Leo sucks he'll probably have promoted into Sniper by then (only needs 3 levels and maybe he can make it to Bow Knight for later), wheras Atlas has to get through 7 levels of tier 1 to promote for a miniscule amount of extra speed. Atlas is relgated to chipping an enemy or two near the start of the map before Catria and Palla fly ahead and decimate everything, and everyone else grabs what they can to clean up.

His other promotion options also suck. He's too slow to work as a melee unit like Cavalier or Soldier, and his spell list is bad (he only gets Fire until level 16...), combined with the fact Celica's story has plenty of good Magic users anyway.

Edited by Irysa
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Wendell and in general every pre-promote after Minerva in Shadow Dragon. They're crap units, and there's little reason to be receiving them throughout the mid-game.

Also, Tomas. Quite possibly the worse archer in the series; Gordin cringes at the mere thought of him.

Edited by The DanMan
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You what? Matilda is awesome in Gaiden, and probably better than Zeke.

EDIT: Misread.

If we're on Gaiden, Atlas is nearly completely pointless. His base strength is nice but his speed base and speed growth are so poor that making him a Merc "seems" like it would be a good idea, but you get far too many Merc line units in Celica's side anyway (and Saber is the best because of his level lead and good defence growth). You can make him an Archer, but even though Leo sucks he'll probably have promoted into Sniper by then (only needs 3 levels and maybe he can make it to Bow Knight for later), wheras Atlas has to get through 7 levels of tier 1 to promote for a miniscule amount of extra speed. Atlas is relgated to chipping an enemy or two near the start of the map before Catria and Palla fly ahead and decimate everything, and everyone else grabs what they can to clean up.

His other promotion options also suck. He's too slow to work as a melee unit like Cavalier or Soldier, and his spell list is bad (he only gets Fire until level 16...), combined with the fact Celica's story has plenty of good Magic users anyway.

Matilda is perfect.

Even some Magic units don't have as much Res as her, her other bass are great and her growths are really high.

Yeah, I was thinking about Atlas too. He's pretty pointless.

Another one you could makes a point about is Deen. He has some good base stats, but with so many Mercenary already, he's pretty useless. Sonia is just a far better choice (She is the best magic unit in Celica's party, and one of the top Magic unit of the game with Dute.)

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Wendell and in general every pre-promote after Minerva in Shadow Dragon.

Why do people keep saying Wendell is a bad unit? Have you actually played Shadow Dragon...?

Have you seen his stupidly good speed and stuff?

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Benoit in FE14 is very unneeded.When you have Elfie who is available much earlier and is just better in general Benoit just really sucks.At least Charlotte who joins in the same chapter has some use as she can be a crit monster if you get her the right skills.

Also many of the kids in FE14 are just bleh and unneeded.They serve no purpose to story but unlike in FEA where kids were really good and outclassed the first gen units in literally every way, most of the 2nd gen in this game are just unnecessary as their parents more oft then not will out class them especially the royal brothers who have their Prf weapons and also thanks to buyable skills and statues which are basically Limit Breaker but does not take up a skill slot, kids are unnecessary.Not even Kanna is good cause of the fact (S)he only has three classes instead of the amount Morgan had.Also they are hard as hell to recruit a lot.(Especially Shinonome in which I had to reset I think three times cause he kept suiciding himself)Really in this game children get screwed up a lot cause parents have really bad mods.I mean Belka has -2(Or -1)Str!The children chapters are really only good for grinding.Nohr really did not need more units with how limited grinding is if you don't have DLC.

Also Nyx in terms of story like Carter has said.Great unit if trained, pointless story wise.

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Another one you could makes a point about is Deen. He has some good base stats, but with so many Mercenary already, he's pretty useless. Sonia is just a far better choice (She is the best magic unit in Celica's party, and one of the top Magic unit of the game with Dute.)

But then you'd be wrong, because Deen is great and Mercenary is the best class in the game barring Falcoknight or w/e Alm is. It's kind of hilarious that you're saying Sonia is better than Deen and using redundancy of all things to prove your point.

Edited by Refa
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But then you'd be wrong, because Deen is great and Mercenary is the best class in the game barring Falcoknight or w/e Alm is. It's kind of hilarious that you're saying Sonia is better than Deen and using redundancy of all things to prove your point.

And Bow Kights. There is few good Bow Knights (outside of reclassing), but it doesn't stop the class itself to be truly amazing (8 move and Bow is just so damn great.)

Priests are pretty good, just for the sheer amount of things they can do (hits both Res and Def, and small healing.

It's not as clear cut as I put it, but Sonia have a great spell disposition, good bases and great growths (for Gaiden). ANd a Priests promotion. She needs some training, but she ends up surpassing both of the others. (you already have two mages, both with their own utility. Sonia can do more or less what the other two can.)

As for Deen... He has great bases, and a great class. Thing is, you already have 3 Mercenary at this point. A 4th ones is certainly not bad, but I'd say he adds less to the team than Sonia does.

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Why do people keep saying Wendell is a bad unit? Have you actually played Shadow Dragon...?

Have you seen his stupidly good speed and stuff?

By virtue of being a pre-promote he gets significantly less EXP. Plus, you just got Merric the previous chapter (who is better in every way in the growths department and thus will eventually outpace him). Outside of maybe back-up healer, I just don't see any reason somebody would ever use him; besides a surprisingly high base speed, he hasn't got much going for him.

Edited by The DanMan
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As for Deen... He has great bases, and a great class. Thing is, you already have 3 Mercenary at this point. A 4th ones is certainly not bad, but I'd say he adds less to the team than Sonia does.

The best thing about Deen isn't his bases, it's that he's only 5 levels away from Tier 3, and that increases just about all his parameters anyway along with a meaty 7 mov. Merc is a great class set but the fact is that Atlas just takes way too long to get to tier 2. Saber is almost certainly in tier 2 by the time Atlas shows up and thus has enough of a speed buffer to use good swords and beat his atk without losing in speed.

That being said, I actually do disagree with Refa here because Sonia's Excalibur is fantastic to have on any enemies indoors because of Gaiden's dumb terrain bonuses, and your other mages take significantly longer to learn it, and they probably won't ever double. Additionally, Chapter 4 has a fair few obnoxious Tier 3 Armors that having competant Magic Users around for is nice, and May, Booey and Jenny all honestly start falling off really hard in late Chapter 3 because their EXP gain is so slow and promotions so far off, and Jenny has to get priority on the EXP shrines so she can promote and learn Dear ASAP.

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By virtue of being a pre-promote he gets significantly less EXP. Plus, you just got Merric the previous chapter (who is better in every way in the growths department and thus will eventually outpace him). Outside of maybe back-up healer, I just don't see any reason somebody would ever use him; besides a surprisingly high base speed, he hasn't got much going for him.

Merric has a way harder time doubling, especially with Excalibur. The fact that Merric "eventually" outpaces him (I doubt he really does in H5 since doubling is so important) doesn't negate Wendell's amazing start. He also has access to prepromote classes like Dracoknight and has access to Warp makes him useful at so many different things. Meanwhile all Merric has over him is...one strong attack with Excalibur every turn.

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Merric has a way harder time doubling, especially with Excalibur. The fact that Merric "eventually" outpaces him (I doubt he really does in H5 since doubling is so important) doesn't negate Wendell's amazing start. He also has access to prepromote classes like Dracoknight and has access to Warp makes him useful at so many different things. Meanwhile all Merric has over him is...one strong attack with Excalibur every turn.

It's my playstyle: I've never done H4 or H5. On the average play through for me, Wendell isn't very useful. As I said in my previous post, I see no real reason to use him outside of the highest difficulties except maybe a back-up healer.

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It's my playstyle: I've never done H4 or H5. On the average play through for me, Wendell isn't very useful. As I said in my previous post, I see no real reason to use him outside of the highest difficulties except maybe a back-up healer.

You can say that about the majority of Shadow Dragon's cast, so that's hardly an argument. However, Wendell has other advantages going for him that other units do not (promoted reclass options, Warp, excellent personal Speed base). I'm not saying you should try him out or anything, but he's certainly not unnecessary.

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You can say that about the majority of Shadow Dragon's cast, so that's hardly an argument. However, Wendell has other advantages going for him that other units do not (promoted reclass options, Warp, excellent personal Speed base). I'm not saying you should try him out or anything, but he's certainly not unnecessary.

I never really thought outside the box when it came to potentially using him. It's just that SD has an absolute glut of prepromotes and most of them are crap no matter how you slice it; Wendell never struck me as that useful, so I just lumped him in.

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FE11 has a lot of really solid prepromotes

the only prepromotes i'd write off as entirely useless are midia and lorenz (and arran kind of but samson is better).

I'm not overly fond of Astram, unless Horace was skipped. At least Midia can reclass to Dracoknight and visit secret shops.

By virtue of being a pre-promote he gets significantly less EXP. Plus, you just got Merric the previous chapter (who is better in every way in the growths department and thus will eventually outpace him). Outside of maybe back-up healer, I just don't see any reason somebody would ever use him; besides a surprisingly high base speed, he hasn't got much going for him.

He can do things like Warp after gaining a bit of staff experience, reclass to Sniper and lay down some solid chip, or reclass to Swordmaster and sit on 21 base Speed (he'll take some penalties thanks to weapon weight, but that's still a really impressive number) and insta-Armorslayer access. Hell, he can jack Merric's Excalibur and use it!

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It sucks that a lot of characters in Shadow Dragon are locked behind those Gaiden chapters, which is terrible if you're trying for a perfect run through.

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