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Invisible History DLC Full Story Summary


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Honestly, I don't get why some people thought Blood of Anankos would grant Nohr Prince/ss, especially when it was revealed that the item was unlimited.

Maybe it's because it's literally the blood of Anankos which allows Kamui to transform into a dragon. I don't know, just a thought.

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I think I'll wait until I see in the English released game to make a judgment on the story.

So, assuming I'm reading correctly, Lilith isn't a sibling in the sense that Mikoto gave birth to her, but rather a piece of Anankos treated like a "daughter", I think.

this is correct so basically she's an essence of hydra.
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Can you imagine Kamui wanting to draw their family tree? Like...how would they go about doing that?

Hydra reproduced asexually

In all seriousness, what even is Kamui's family tree right now I am so confused

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Go home IS, you're drunk, and you failed at logic. Again.

Still, thank you very much Kirokan ! :D

Can you imagine Kamui wanting to draw their family tree? Like...how would they go about doing that?

Kamui is too dumb to even wish to do so. :p

Edited by B.Leu
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Hydra reproduced asexually

In all seriousness, what even is Kamui's family tree right now I am so confused

Hydra is a plant now!?

Does he even have one anymore?Like literally nothing makes sense anymore.(Why couldn't they have just made it so Kmaui was the son of Sumeragi and Mikoto while the others were the children of Sumeragi and Ikona!It would have been so much easier but Waifus>Logic.Oh and look, now we have a sister is is actually your fathers essence and your cousin is your aunt and Aversa 2.0 is a granny)

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Does he even have one anymore?Like literally nothing makes sense anymore.(Why couldn't they have just made it so Kmaui was the son of Sumeragi and Mikoto while the others were the children of Sumeragi and Ikona!It would have been so much easier but Waifus>Logic.Oh and look, now we have a sister is is actually your fathers essence and your cousin is your aunt and Aversa 2.0 is a granny)

Well, more like Ryouma and Hinoka were the children of Sumeragi/Ikona, while the younger three would be from Sumeragi/Mikoto I hope you mean … otherwise this implies some infidelity going on! Honestly, I wouldn't have been upset at Kamui being the product of Hydra/Mikoto AS LONG AS Takumi and Sakura were from Sumeragi/Mikoto. Because those two have no excuse to not be related to you.

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Don't forget to feed your dragon pet sister who served you as your maid your entire life, everyone!

This game really turned out to be all sorts of fucked up, huh...

Edited by Thane
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Well, more like Ryouma and Hinoka were the children of Sumeragi/Ikona, while the younger three would be from Sumeragi/Mikoto I hope you mean … otherwise this implies some infidelity going on! Honestly, I wouldn't have been upset at Kamui being the product of Hydra/Mikoto AS LONG AS Takumi and Sakura were from Sumeragi/Mikoto. Because those two have no excuse to not be related to you.

True.(But I always liked romantic affairs.I think it would have given the so called perfect mother a stained past.)

But yeah I get what you mean.Just uhhh, God dammit IS.

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So, Kamui is a child of Mikoto and the "heart" of Hydra.

No I believe that is Lilith.I think Kamui is the legit child of Mikoto and Hydra.However I could be completely wrong.

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I really liked the story of the DLC. Sure there are some things that create more questions than the original game did, but who cares. It's nice to see that the developers took time to flesh out the story and instead of pointing out the wrongs, why not appreciate the effort?

Edited by P_4_Panda
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I really liked the story of the DLC. Sure there are some things that create more questions than the original game did, but who cares. It's nice to see that the developers took time to flesh out the story and instead of pointing out the wrongs, why not appreciate the effort?

That is true.

Heck, I wished they at least tried something like this with Grima in Awakening.

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I really liked the story of the DLC. Sure there are some things that create more questions than the original game did, but who cares. It's nice to see that the developers took time to flesh out the story and instead of pointing out the wrongs, why not appreciate the effort?

I definitely feel the same way but there's also nothing wrong with pointing out flaws especially if some of them boggles the mind haha. If the developers had enjoyment in making something, then it's never a waste of time and I'm glad that I got to see the content that they put out. I'm just happy to see them trying something new.

At the end of the day, every experience you get from creating something is all part of your growth as a creator.

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I definitely feel the same way but there's also nothing wrong with pointing out flaws especially if some of them boggles the mind haha. If the developers had enjoyment in making something, then it's never a waste of time and I'm glad that I got to see the content that they put out. I'm just happy to see them trying something new.

At the end of the day, every experience you get from creating something is all part of your growth as a creator.

Wow, someone actually taking a positive outlook. That's nice to see. :)

I've already gotten tired of the cesspool of hate people are forming about this DLC on places like Gamefaqs and such. Granted, I've chosen to not know every single detail until the game comes out, but I hardly believe it's worthy of the bloody murder some are crying.

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Wow, someone actually taking a positive outlook. That's nice to see. :)

I've already gotten tired of the cesspool of hate people are forming about this DLC on places like Gamefaqs and such. Granted, I've chosen to not know every single detail until the game comes out, but I hardly believe it's worthy of the bloody murder some are crying.

You'll inevitably run into people who are not as happy with something that you're a little more positive about, but don't waste your time brooding over how other people feel. It's their thoughts and feelings after all.

Anyway, I'm excited to experience this DLC for myself and frustrate myself with keeping those three alive hahaha. I love the Awakening children so regardless of the underlying reason why they're the only three who are brought into Fates (popularity poll or what have you), I'll take it.

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I'm kind of cool with Hydra growing mad because this happened back in Archanea with the manaketes. Likewise, I'm fine with there being personifications of the good and evil halves of Hydra. I mean, he's practically a god after all and it at least explains how MikotoxHydra is possible.

But a lot of the elements are kind of messy, mainly the family tree. First, Shenmei is Mikoto's sister but now she's her mother? Lilith is Kamui's sister but also the embodiment of Hydra's malice? I still don't know what the deal is with Astral Dragons btw.

Also this DLC does not make me care about Lilith. It's really sad that this is the most important she'll ever be to the plot, because she still doesn't do shit in the main one. Also a lot of this information should've been in the main game to begin with, it's really obnoxious to have to pay just to get an actual, proper backstory on the main villain of the game.

Finally, Inigo, Severa, and Owain just cause more problems. Ok, the DLC does explain how they got to Nohr as promised. Except that it doesn't explain why Hydra needs these three morons in particular or why he doesn't get all the Awakening children period instead of just these three. Furthermore, he acts like they're actually important to the story which really bugs me because they're not since in the game proper, the game ignores them after they're recruited like every Fire Emblem. Do they give any indication that they know Hydra exists in the story? Because you'd think in the third path that they'd vouch for Kamui and Aqua when they're saying that there's a third enemy. And the curse affects Hydra? Didn't he make the curse? If not, where did it come from?

And finally how does Aqua know about the Invisible Kingdom and the curse like she does in the story? She couldn't have been told about by someone because they wouldn't have told her (they would've disappeared). That's the real burning question that I want an answer for.

(Also I find it funny that Hydra uses his powers to change their hair color and tells them to change their names to hide their identities. Nobody's gonna recognize them and it's such an obvious excuse to not have to decide on canon parents that it becomes more amusing than irritating).

Edited by Dark Sage
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I'm pretty sure the Shenmei being Mikoto's mother part is a typo...

^ Having read the Japanese script, I can confirm that it says Shenmei and Mikoto are sisters. It's just a minor translation error.

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Finally, Inigo, Severa, and Owain just cause more problems. Ok, the DLC does explain how they got to Nohr as promised. Except that it doesn't explain why Hydra needs these three morons in particular or why he doesn't get all the Awakening children period instead of just these three. Furthermore, he acts like they're actually important to the story which really bugs me because they're not since in the game proper, the game ignores them after they're recruited like every Fire Emblem. Do they give any indication that they know Hydra exists in the story? Because you'd think in the third path that they'd vouch for Kamui and Aqua when they're saying that there's a third enemy. And the curse affects Hydra? Didn't he make the curse? If not, where did it come from?

And finally how does Aqua know about the Invisible Kingdom and the curse like she does in the story? She couldn't have been told about by someone because they wouldn't have told her (they would've disappeared). That's the real burning question that I want an answer for.

I don't find it that odd that a curse affects the person who made it, though maybe I just have a different opinion on curses. (Alternativley, Hydra made it that way so his good self would have a harder time telling someone? lol)

Yeah, not really sure about Azura there, though.

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I feel like they should have just kept their names as they were because I do agree that they don't really need to change their names if they're going to a different world that doesn't seem directly connected to the world of Awakening. But, I'll let the hair colour thing slide.

Not to mention there was a looooooooot of backlash in the beginning with fans accusing the characters designers of being lazy by passing off three characters that look exactly like Inigo, Owain and Severa as completely new characters. Of course that isn't the case if you spoiled yourself in order to know that those three are in fact the children from Awakening.

If I were to put into one sentence of the things I've seen from the story: I just feel like they were trying too hard that the story inevitably led to loop holes and contradictions.

BUT, this is their first time trying to create three different games that are all connected in some way (I'm not counting the choice you can make in FE8 of going with Eirika or Ephraim) and although it didn't turn out the way a lot of people had hoped, I'll give them credit for giving this interesting concept a go.

If it turns out that it didn't work out as well as they had hoped (which I'm sure a lot of you agree), then they might just go back to the old formula if they decide to make another game.

Edited by carefreejules
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