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Hey, Katarina's a good unit! Look at PKL's playthrough. <3 (is it alright to say she's my fav sage of the game, or will you kill me for that?)

Actually, FE10 had worse than Fiona. Lyre's even more unsalvageable. At least Fiona can rescuedrop.

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Katarina is annoying. Fiora is a victim of awful stats and the maps she's avaliable for being horrible for mounts, Lyre is just bad.



Because I don't actually like any of the units introduced here.


Luke has his priorities straight.


Ryan is probably oblivious to what a crush is considering he's 8 years old.


We'll just reclass Rody to Curate. Problem solved.


Nothing Katarina says can be good news though.


Which is why we get Wryssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


As you can see, Luke is fucking ecstatic to have him around.


please leave me alone


"Because last Chapter had a boss that could almost ORKO the entire party, this time we decided to step it up and include one that DOES ORKO the entire party!"

Isn't this game great?


Also it's that guy from FE11 who I always forget to recruit.

Apparently he's important now.


what story

you mean

we're becoming nights

like supposedly hundreds of others

wow, so unique, very exciting


That doesn't speak highly of his competition, let's be honest.


So yeah, like I said, Jeorge ORKOes the entire party because someone thought this was a good idea.

He moves if you get into range of the archer. The archer won't move until you get into his range. You have to A. figure this out on your own and B. figure out how to abuse this in order to beat this chapter which is pretty dumb.

Barring having a Knight MU or something with 11+ speed, there's no other way to clear the chapter.


General strat: Cavs+Shiida lure in enemies, then turn 2 is cleanup.


Because we can't have nice things, Jeorge chooses to move to THAT spot instead of 1 down 1 right which completely screws me over.




Hilariously, this is almost matching Rody in strength.


This setup is much more managable.


All you have to do is lure him into a place where you can circle him, and he's doomed.


And this is why I bench Rody.

Along with him being bad.


Jeorge tells us we're amazing, etc etc, and then tells gives us another bad archer for our group.

Athena, who is a Level 10 Myrm, will actually join you herself but Jeorge is a dick and just gives you Gordin who isn't that helpful. Hooray.


I don't, because I remember the chapter where Jeorge gets recruited later being really lame.


Also Cain tells us we're amazing too because nobody died.

I kind of wish I'd let Rody die now to see what he would say but effort.


And then we head to the castle or something.


MU is a genius and doesn't recognise Marth's sister for some reason.


Smooth, Paula. Smooth.


Anyway, Paula talks about how amazing Marth is and Elice's response can be summed up as "lol not really".


Marth is an anime character, apparently.

I don't think this talk is ever particularly relevant again but okay.


This really is an anime.


Deep stuff. Apparently.

Elise tells us to take care of Marth or something - I clicked enter by accident and missed part of the conversation but I'm pretty sure we were near the end of it anyway.


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Katarina is annoying. Fiora is a victim of awful stats and the maps she's avaliable for being horrible for mounts, Lyre is just bad.

you're thinking about league too much! FIONA is the cav, sheeeeeeesh

:Fiora: is peg knight in fe7 n00b!!!1

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you're thinking about league too much! FIONA is the cav, sheeeeeeesh

:Fiora: is peg knight in fe7 n00b!!!1

probably, although it also has to do with the fact i have never used fiona in my life because of how shitty her situation is

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ive used fiona a few times, she's not terrible stat wise, at least in a vacuum, but her problem is availability, as the time she's actually playable is when a cavalier is not useful at all/ actively hindered, and the fact she's in the dawn brigade kinda screws her over more as far as chances to prove she's useful goes. (tbh ive always kinda liked her, but im not sure why)

aaaaaaaaaaaanyways, this game looks pretty awful on harder difficulties, hope ya have fun in tiny boxes for the first few chapters, then trekking across stupidly large maps for the rest of the game!

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FE12 has literally the worst character balance in the series. At least FE10 Fiona was only one unit.

I don't really want to use either of them anyway.



##Vote: SB


The only maps I hate with a passion in this game are Chapters 3 and 19 - the former because it's 18 turns of walking, and the latter because of "LOL rAnDoM aMbUsH rEiNfOrCeMeNtS!"

The former reason is also why I'm not a fan of FE4. But I digress.

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The former reason is also why I'm not a fan of FE4. But I digress.

Funny, that's the reason why I am a fan of FE4 lmao

also, I own and have beaten fe11 and I don't really love it, but I really thought FE12 was a pretty great game when I played and beat it. shot

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FE12 is filled with units who are basically Wendy on higher difficulties.

How the hell is FE12 the worst FE game, although it's much improved compared to FE11?

No weapon weight and usable ballistas, but supports, barracks and more story.

Because it's basically the Ruby Destiny of Fire Emblem games. In exchange for adding a bunch of features that don't matter (who gives a fuck about barracks seriously) and making it look pretty, you get terrible balance and map design.

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Sadly, this is only half way through the Prologue. At least this chapter is actually a Fire Emblem chapter, and not something out of Advance Wars.


So we're wandering in the woods for some reason. Okay.


I feel like we shouldn't take directions from the girl who won't open her eyes. But maybe that's just me.


Rody, what are you doing here? Get back on the bench.


I can't take anything Paula says seriously, especially when Luke is making a face like that.


We might have lost our way, but we found THE PLOT.




This guy already fulfills our "one boss per map" quota or something because the bandit stood on that village doesn't actually have a face, contrary to what that cutscene would have you believe.


Gordin is here with us now, and he kind of blows. Not as much as Ryan, but he's still not very good.


Here's the faceless boss in all of his glory. It's a good thing he only has a Hand Axe, because his strength is ridiculous.


Highlighted: the area of the map that I can't move Shiida onto without having her explode instantly.


Attempt #1 features throwing Luke on a fort and praying.

He lives, but it's not pretty.


After turn 1, Merric spawns and says something like "oh no bandits HEY YOU TELL ME WHAT TO DO". As you can see, he beats Paula in basically every stat that matters. Hooray!





I restarted knowing that i can't actually win. Without a good MU (rofl) or Athena, this chapter is awful because you have no offense to kill these bandits except for Shiida, who explodes when shot by a Hunter and takes over half her health from one hit anyway.


I have a New And Better Strat that involves splitting the bandits so Merric can murder something immediately after spawning and everyone else won't get overwhelmed.


As you can see, Ryan is a Good Unit. You could blame this on him being base level, but he could easily have just not procced speed and he'd be in the same situation so...


Because I fucked positioning up, I kind of needed to dodge here or restart (and I could probably have fixed it easily) but somehow I got it. I'm so good at Fire Emblem.


Paula almost dies horribly but crits one of them back.

Aaaaand Luke gets a much better level this time around.
I'll give you a moment to figure out what's wrong with this picture.
Figured it out yet?
This isn't me deliberately repathing Merric's movement.
It's the fact that there's an invisible forest tile here because Why The Fuck Not? I love FE12.
Paula actually picks up an okay level and her tome breaks. It's great having no usable weapons (without stealing one from Merric).
I see Wrys is coming along nicely.
Merric, Luke and Shiida go for the boss. Luke gets another good level. He thinks he's a Merc or something like that. Shiida kind of misses the two most important stats for her but I don't really care.
Chapter is over, and Katarina fangirls over Yet Another Character. Please stop.
Sadly, Merric is expecting us to be competent. It doesn't really work out that way.
Meanwhile, Insane Guy and some other lady are talking about being evil. Apparently it's freelo.
And they want to murder Marf. I guess the game had to stop throwing filler Prologue chapters at us at some point...
(But not yet, sadly.)
And now we have another route split. If you answer yes, you get Draug, who's easy to kill and is pretty okay for the rest of the Prologue.
If you answer no, you get a much better unit, but his chapter is also harder. I'm doing this partly for the challenge and partly because I need someone actually competent on my side.

We make an excuse to escape Katarina, but she continues to stalk us anyway. Conversations are hard.
Marth has put his serious face on. Sadly, Kat's still with us.
"Are you going to punish us for saving a bunch of innocent people's lives???"
Katarina is a fucking genius.
She's obviously wrong and now Marth is telling us we're amazing.
I don't think Marth has appeared since Prologue 1 so uh... I don't know how he did this.
Marth now wants us to be his royal guards. I don't know why he doesn't just have Cain/Jagen/Frey do this but like... yeah.

Paula actually says this is dumb but Marth says to think about it anyway. And uh... that's the chapter.

Edited by SB.
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FE12 is filled with units who are basically Wendy on higher difficulties.

. . .and it took me a while to figure out why, too.

Back when FE3 came out, there were a bunch of units that were cut. Many of 'em came back, even though life would've gone on just fine without them. Throw in the BSFE guys and the Shadow Dragon gaiden people, and there's a gigantic cast to be had.

Cut it down to the originals in FE3, and it'll look a bit less unbalanced (I say "a bit", because Roshea sucks in both versions).

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Yeah I'm playing FE12 myself for the first time at the moment, because everyone said it was awesome. I do like it, but I agree that there is a balance and map problem. This series seems to be really inconsistent in those departments.

In terms of units there is basically no reason to use any unit outside of the ones you get early on. There are way too many pointless units you get that are underleveled and statwise have nothing on your early units.

I agree on some of the maps. I've played up to Ch. 6x (that chapter was a ragefest) and sending Marth all over a large map just to reach a few villages or recruit a unit becomes boring. Also, some maps so far have been rather same-y, especially chapter 3 and 5 iirc. Second, sometimes it's almost impossible to play smart and keep fragile units safe as the maps just don't allow it and you can't go anywhere. I'm also kind of missing decent terrain bonuses, what I loved about some of the other FE games is using the terrain to your advantage, but in this game the bonuses are too small to really matter.

FE6 had a few bad maps too, but overall I thought it was actually quite decent in that department. They were usually challenging rather than annoying, and there was always a strategic way to go about them, but with many 5 Move units large maps become kind of boring, which was the main problem imo. I always get bored with chapter 6 where you have to send Chad all over the place to open doors and chests, ugh.

Anyway, cool LP so far. Seems like it would be a pretty annoying game to play on Lunatic. :/

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Anyway, cool LP so far. Seems like it would be a pretty annoying game to play on Lunatic. :/

I think Lunatic is relatively well designed outside of the unit balance issues, although there are SOME later units who can do stuff, FE12 Lunatic imo is a well done difficulty, especially compared to how Awakening handled it.

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I think Lunatic is relatively well designed outside of the unit balance issues, although there are SOME later units who can do stuff, FE12 Lunatic imo is a well done difficulty, especially compared to how Awakening handled it.

Hmm well Awakening Lunatic was pretty darn annoying from what I remember, so I believe you there. Weak early units and far too open maps don't go well with trying to strategise against difficult enemy units.

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Hmm well Awakening Lunatic was pretty darn annoying from what I remember, so I believe you there. Weak early units and far too open maps don't go well with trying to strategise against difficult enemy units.

Awakenings can also be cheesed eventually. New Mystery at least has you keep a constant team well trained.

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Yeah I'm playing FE12 myself for the first time at the moment, because everyone said it was awesome. I do like it, but I agree that there is a balance and map problem. This series seems to be really inconsistent in those departments.

In terms of units there is basically no reason to use any unit outside of the ones you get early on. There are way too many pointless units you get that are underleveled and statwise have nothing on your early units.

I agree on some of the maps. I've played up to Ch. 6x (that chapter was a ragefest) and sending Marth all over a large map just to reach a few villages or recruit a unit becomes boring. Also, some maps so far have been rather same-y, especially chapter 3 and 5 iirc. Second, sometimes it's almost impossible to play smart and keep fragile units safe as the maps just don't allow it and you can't go anywhere. I'm also kind of missing decent terrain bonuses, what I loved about some of the other FE games is using the terrain to your advantage, but in this game the bonuses are too small to really matter.

FE6 had a few bad maps too, but overall I thought it was actually quite decent in that department. They were usually challenging rather than annoying, and there was always a strategic way to go about them, but with many 5 Move units large maps become kind of boring, which was the main problem imo. I always get bored with chapter 6 where you have to send Chad all over the place to open doors and chests, ugh.

Anyway, cool LP so far. Seems like it would be a pretty annoying game to play on Lunatic. :/

Yeah Marth being the only one able to visit village was goddamn annoying. I know it was the case in FE3, but a remake is supposed to takes care of those annoyances.

Reaching Bantuu in Chapter 8 was a real pain. (which is why I missed him. I missed a lot of units for different reasons actually.)

Maybe it's actually fun if you're a really good player, idk.

This game is far too rigid gameplay wise. I think the Advance Wars comparison is quite appropriated actually.

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FE12 is filled with units who are basically Wendy on higher difficulties.

which is why I played maniac on FE12 once, and I can't be bothered with it again. i like the game, but I was never for the higher difficulties anyway, i'd rather just play hard and use MATTHIS and CAESAR or something

tbh I saw this exact same thing when trying to play FE11 on H5 or such

Yeah I'm playing FE12 myself for the first time at the moment, because everyone said it was awesome. I do like it, but I agree that there is a balance and map problem. This series seems to be really inconsistent in those departments.

Is any Fire Emblem game without balance issues? Edited by Tryhard
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Is any Fire Emblem game without balance issues?

Not really! I'd say the closest they got to a balanced cast was Thracia and even that was borked lol.

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Awakenings can also be cheesed eventually. New Mystery at least has you keep a constant team well trained.

Not really! I'd say the closest they got to a balanced cast was Thracia and even that was borked lol.

Actually, FE13 has the most balanced cast on Hard Mode if you play with no-Nosferatu (no-gamebreaking strats please) no-MU (screw Rally Spectrum, OpieOP) no-pairs up and no-reclass (like a true fire emblem!). Anyone can be good, and the game remains hard all the way through the end.

The only ones I'd say would suck would be Donnel (no reclass) and Nowi (awful bases). Panne can pull out quite her weight on the Valm arc thanks to the army of cavs.

Flavia and Basilio reveal themselves to be awesome as they come at your cast's level.

Say'ri and Anna have good dodging, especially Anna who with Levin Sword is a monster and thanks to Lucky Seven gets 9% hitrate on chapter 23 zerkers if trained up.

You feel the uniqueness of each unit, and all of them have their strength and flaws. :wub:

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