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our favorite games and the bad things about them?


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zera no zering in here pls

you...know you can kill racers, right? then they get 0 points...and theyre not smart enough to do that to you. you can kill 5 racers for an extra life too, and killing racers gives free energy. i think its fair lol.

I am aware of that. The issue is attempting to actually kill them when they zip past you with 5 times to speed of a regular racer.

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^ I agree. Death to Dark Pit! (I really hope he's cut in a Smash 5.)

first he was just a clone to pad out the initial roster, second he was originaly a costume for pit, and third he is just 1 character out of 50+ characters

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I thought a similar thread with slightly different wording was just shut down.

Every Ubisoft game, they all have the same collectable system with a bit of everything in a small area in a big map and once you have a full set to unlock something you've already finished the game with nothing challenging to try it on.

Everyone knows about Bravely Default.

The worst thing I hate are the small games that release a better version exclusively on another device, charge full price and don't bother updating the older ones: Kingdom rush, skullgirls, azure striker gunvolt.

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^ I agree. Death to Dark Pit! (I really hope he's cut in a Smash 5.)

hey dark pit has a good personality at least. lucina please die and never come back

Every Ubisoft game, they all have the same collectable system with a bit of everything in a small area in a big map and once you have a full set to unlock something you've already finished the game with nothing challenging to try it on.


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Victoria 2 handles wars in the latter half of the game terribly. Also, even if you completely occupy a country, you cannot force unconditional surrender. I know it's to avoid blabbing, but it feels unrealistic.

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Super Mario Sunshine has horrible corners and the boat.The corners make some interesting glitches,but the boat can stop defying logic and burn in the lava like it's supposed to.

It takes a shit load of time to fill in your boost in Sonic Colors and the first level in Terminal Velocity is almost impossible to beat without Super Sonic.At least for me,as I have discovered I'm a horrible gamer.

And Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky it takes forever to evolve.Waiting until after the true final boss and,in Sky,the Shaymin mission which it's dungeon is as long as hell (also needing to go through it again to recruit Shaymin.I know you have Driftblim by then,but it still takes a while) is way too long.Especially since,in the games before,you can evolve the moment you get back to Pokemon Square after the credits.

Edited by ShadowShine
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Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Let's see:

PoR was Fire Emblem's big return to home consoles that IS waited for. So for this, they finally brought back all the old mechanics from the SNES games... and kinda screwed them all up. And it's not like they worked all that well in the first place.

Compared to the SNES games, characters barely have any skills. And while those games were already bad about % based skills, at least some of them were useful. Like their version of Wrath and Prayer, or Charge and Charisma. And I guess, with a powerful weapons like the Brave Axe, even Ambush came in handy sometimes. And the PCC worked really well, allowing reliable critical hits with the right approach.

But in PoR, everything is either % based or painfully gimmicky, like those skills that affect Biorhythm. Usually, I don't even use most of the scrolls. Like, technically Adept is one of the more useful scrolls, but I can't rely on me getting an extra hit when I actually need it and the skill can actually backfire when it triggers at the wrong time. Smite is cool, though.

ReMove is back and... it was not balanced at all. Actually, I have the impression that the cavaliers are even more powerful then they were in the GBA games. It's a good skill and should stay, but those agile units needed some sort of drawback. But instead they kept being the best at anything.

Personal weapons are back. And instead of interesting and useful ones like the Light Sword or Daim Thunder we get... Rolf's Bow and Amiti. Yeah, might as well not have bothered with that.

The Str/Mag separation is back and basically no one gets any use out of it. Knifes for mages is completely and utterly useless and no physical unit can use the magic weapons properly. All it really does, is to nerf Mist and Elincia.

Meanwhile, weight got completely ruined. Using Strength to counteract weight makes no sense. If you have enough Str to counteract Weight, then you are already hitting hard, no need to make offensive even more overkill by allowing one to use heavier weapons without speed penalty.

Of course, in the actual game, weight basically doesn't matter at all. But it's enough of an issue in the early game to function as an beginner's trap, so good job there.

The only weapons with significant weight are effective weapons... and combined with the reduced effective damage multiplier, they end up being basically useless.

Then there is Biorhytm, which is useless, the Laguz don't work all that well, there are now two version of Con and neither of them really does anything... well, I could go on with this for a while, but the bottom line is that the game is a huge mess in terms of mechanics. And when it comes to the actual maps, while they were definitely trying to be creative and varied, they usually kinda blew it. Like with the Prison chapter, or the Bridge chapter with the holes, or the falling rocks... well, like I said, they were definitely trying but it's just not all that great in the end.

Also, it's awful that you are basically required to have Ike defeat Ashnard. If he gets unlucky, you are simply shit out of luck. Not to mention that... well, since the game isn't all that hard, you might not even want Ike to be all that strong. But in order to beat Ashnard and the BK, you basically have to make him so powerful that he can solo just about anything.

And both bosses seem to be designed based on the assumption that Ike has Aether. Which is a great use for the otherwise rather disappointing Occult Scrolls, but on your first run you would probably give Ike other scrolls before he promotes. I mean, it's not like you can know all that stuff in advance.

And there is no reason that Ike should be the one to defeat Ashnard in the first place. He is not some sort of personal antagonist for Ike, it doesn't matter who takes him down. And in terms of story, there are all kinds of reasons why saying that Ashnard has blessed armor is stupid. So there is absolutely no reason for this limitation. It causes all kinds of problem but doesn't add anything in return.

Also, I don't feel like the finale is a proper conclusion for the game. I mean, I do like it. It's not the usual "We have to defeat an seemingly unbeatable foe to prevent the End of the World" crap. It's simple and human and I'm glad I got to experience it. But I can't help but feel that the game was more building up to something like Part 4 of Radiant Dawn.

Also, needing the GBA games to unlock stuff that is already on the disk is bullshit. It doesn't help that the 3 maps that can be played without a Data Transfer are all very limiting and don't allow you to really let loose. And requiring the player to beat the game 15 times to unlock all the secret characters is an insane requirement.

I guess I could also talk about the battle animations. I mean, personally I don't think they are all that bad but... you can definitely tell that this is FE's first 3D game. The bandits and Axe Fighters in particular have really ugly animations and it doesn't help that these guys have the most presence early one. There is definitely stuff about it that I like but it's really not that great.

Also, god, that ending sequence goes one forever. Not because it's all that long in terms of text length but because all the dialog scrolls automatically and very, very slow for no reason. And the credits can't be skipped. I recall that the whole thing takes like 45 minutes. But hey, you better sit through that whole sequence every single time if you hope to ever unlock Ashnard.

Edited by BrightBow
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FE9's skill system was kinda meh because removing them caused them to go away forever. That was BS. Plus no numbers during the battle animations ruffles my feathers.

FE7's Real Plot Ending is so much of a bitch to actually get, its like, WHYYYY. Fuck you, 19xx!

EarthBound has balance issues in the first half of the game.

Xenoblade needs a few less "Please find me 20 bear arses" quests.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night is a little too easy. They should have made cheesing this game a little harder to pull off. (the removal of the Alucard Shield spell or a nerfing of such could have helped)

Twilight Princess' initial piece is really long. Not only that, but we need to establish motive as to why those kids were kidnapped in the first place.

Goat Simulator's manualing is too difficult to pull off.

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Majora's Mask 3D

Why couldn't there have been a Hero Mode? This game kind of lacks a few of the things that Ocarina of Time 3D had, which is disappointing to me, and the reason Ocarina of Time 3D is the better remake to me. It just...making the game run better and having fishing, yeah, that's good! Although fishing is kind of pointless. It just doesn't seem like there was too much added in the 3-4 years they worked on the game.

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Majora's Mask 3D

Why couldn't there have been a Hero Mode? This game kind of lacks a few of the things that Ocarina of Time 3D had, which is disappointing to me, and the reason Ocarina of Time 3D is the better remake to me. It just...making the game run better and having fishing, yeah, that's good! Although fishing is kind of pointless. It just doesn't seem like there was too much added in the 3-4 years they worked on the game.

I actually disagree with this, but i will add agreement that the fishing holes are fucking pointless and had no reason to be there. Like, freaking why?~

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I actually disagree with this, but i will add agreement that the fishing holes are fucking pointless and had no reason to be there. Like, freaking why?~

Because apparently, people wanted fishing in Majora's Mask. That's...it. I was excited to fish, until I found out that there's no reward for doing so.

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Okami: it's... pretty easy. Like, really easy. Even for someone as horrible at video games like me.

You didn't get all the Stray Beads, did you? For shame! There's even a Demon Gate with entire boss battles inside!

It takes a shit load of time to fill in your boost in Sonic Colors and the first level in Terminal Velocity is almost impossible to beat without Super Sonic.At least for me,as I have discovered I'm a horrible gamer.

No, and no. The boost meter should seldom run out if you're not spamming it, and Terminal Velocity is one of the easiest levels if you're playing it right.

Source: Me. I got all S ranks, except for the boss of Asteroid Coaster, the real flaw of Sonic Colors. Even with PERFECT execution, your rank is determined by how many rings you randomly collect when the boss explodes. It's really dumb.

Majora's Mask 3D
It just doesn't seem like there was too much added in the 3-4 years they worked on the game.

They had to rebuild the entire game from scratch using OOT3D's engine, and redo all the textures. That's literally a full game development right there.

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They had to rebuild the entire game from scratch using OOT3D's engine, and redo all the textures. That's literally a full game development right there.

And building said game from scratch the first time around took 1 year.

Majora's Mask is far from the largest Zelda game.

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And building said game from scratch the first time around took 1 year.

Majora's Mask is far from the largest Zelda game.

If by "from scratch" you mean "with OOT's engine", you're right. The biggest difference between MM and MM3D is that in the case of MM3D the basic game was already designed. However, there were additional challenges the developers faced. Read about it all here - http://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/#/3ds/majoras-mask-3d/0/0

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FE:A may be my favourite FE game, but the plot is shit and the maps are shit.

Also, all the Pokémon games have shit plot too, but I still keep buying them every time...

Fatal Frame is a gorgeous, wonderful, amazing horror survival game that is legitimately scary and excellent, but it also sometimes has these really annoying and awkward camera angles that the game automatically switches to for no reason and argh.

Second half of Bravely Default. Everyone knows it.

Golden Sun is an awesome RPG and one of my favourite series for the first 2 games, but I wish they actually told the story better than they did (amazing universe and world building, good plot, bad execution), and I wish we had gotten a proper sequel instead of Dark Dawn.

The Lunar series is also some really great RPGs but they fell into this horrible cycle where they just kept remaking the games and then someone got drunk and made Lunar Legends and the series lost all credibility. Also, the fan service was really awkward and unnecessary.

The Ace Attorney series of games is my favourite game series that is not actually a game but just an interactive story that pretends to be a game for some reason.

Yoshi's Wooly World is the best and the worst thing about it is that I'm not playing it right now.

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I still love FE10, but Ike, the main character, is ridiculously bland to the point he takes away from the game. Also they should have taken the time to work more on the Support system. It's fine gameplay-wise, but the generic convos are cringe-worthy.

Splatoon could let you customize hairstyles.

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Radiant Historia- It ended. Apart from that, I wish Gafka and Marco got more character development.

Adding on to what you said, the animation outside of combat was really sloppy for the most part (which is a shame, because everything else about the game could have passed for a stellar SNES RPG), they reused areas a little too much (so you are constantly darting in and out of field areas, although to the designers' credit this was never done enough to significantly detract from the experience), and there aren't enough dungeons. So yeah, if you think about it, besides the animation part (which I really do think would improve the experience), both of my other complaints are "not enough game, needs more game".

Golden Sun is an awesome RPG and one of my favourite series for the first 2 games, but I wish they actually told the story better than they did (amazing universe and world building, good plot, bad execution), and I wish we had gotten a proper sequel instead of Dark Dawn.

Too many words, not enough character development. The premise was interesting but it wasn't executed all that well. I also believe that the main game should have been harder (by which I mean, about as tough as Final Fantasy V, which is not like a particularly inaccessible game or anything) so as to encourage deeper exploration of the systems; alternatively, they could just have added a Hard Mode. Both work for me.

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Mother 3's Chapter 2 is easily its weakest point, being a difficult chapter for newbies cause Duster is the worst solo ever and because Wes is kind of an ass, albeit useful when he joins. Mix that in with a chapter that doesn't feel like it does much for the plot as a whole and just serves to introduce Kumatora and practicing her and Duster's skills before they disappear for a whole 2 chapters and you've got a temporary stopping point for many new players, myself included.

Melee has pretty crap single player because Smash Bros AI is and will always be horrible.

FE5 doesn't do a good job explaining anything but that's just how things were back then I suppose. Also the end of Ch 4 and the beginning of Ch 4x can go to hell are a bit too RNG dependent.

Dota 2 has the steepest learning curve ever for beginners though it gets much less steep as you learn what every hero and item can do (which is not as hard as it sounds) and learn general team compositions/positions. Also no one plays Shadow Demon, the best hero ever

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