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What do you think will happen to Marth's voice in the English release?


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Since the Marth amiibo uses a Japanese voice, do you think they will keep it or give him an English voice actor? I would have said they would keep the Japanese voice since Smash Bros. retains the Japanese voice, but Codename Steam gave him an english voice so I'm not really sure.

I wouldn't mind if they gave him a good English voice, but please, anything but the awful Codename Steam voice. It doesn't fit him at all

As for Roy, if his amiibo has support. I think he will keep the Japanese voice if Marth does, but will get an English voice if Marth does.

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Huh, that's a good question, I honestly hadn't thought about that (although that's probably because I don't own any amiibos). I'd imagine that they'll keep the voice actors for Codename Steam though, at least if it's the same guys handling the localization. Lucina and Robin will both need some My Castle lines as well, right? Hopefully they'll get a hold of the original voice actors.

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They'll definitely keep the Japanese ones. It's based on Smash Bros. Marth even has "Minna, miteite kure!" as one of his criticals. Robin specifically references having been in Smash Bros. They're supposed to be the Smash Bros. characters, so they'll likely have the Smash Bros. voices.

And it's good too, Marth's english voice is awful.

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Roy, if he's added, needs to be Japanese, so I can get my HUH TEI TAA TORYAAA!!!

Marth could possibly remain Japanese as a nod to Smash, as everyone has said. But there is nothing stopping them from calling Yuri Lowenthal again. Really, we can't possibly know yet.

If they make the critical lines in the English version homages to Smash, I demand some "I fight for my friends."

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Yuri Lowenthal is quite likely, he never turns down a chance to VA.



You may be right.

If they make the critical lines in the English version homages to Smash, I demand some "I fight for my friends."

Duuude, yes. "So many new friends to fight for!"

Edited by Thane
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Ehhh, Ike'll definitely say PREPARE YOURSELF for one of his criticals but "I fight for my friends" would be better as a post battle line or something. Like "Just as planned!" and "Thanks, friend."

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Ehhh, Ike'll definitely say PREPARE YOURSELF for one of his criticals but "I fight for my friends" would be better as a post battle line or something. Like "Just as planned!" and "Thanks, friend."

It could be his line for everything.

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I would not really mind either way.I like his Japanese and I never heard his Eng dub from Codename Steam so eh.I doubt will be getting the Amiibo any way so it won't really bother me.

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I don't see why they wouldn't dub him. It'd be way too jarring to have everybody speaking in English except him, regardless of the familiarity from Smash Bros. They dubbed him in Codename Steam (albeit with debatable quality, sure), so why wouldn't they do it again?

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I don't see why they wouldn't dub him. It'd be way too jarring to have everybody speaking in English except him, regardless of the familiarity from Smash Bros. They dubbed him in Codename Steam (albeit with debatable quality, sure), so why wouldn't they do it again?

Well to be fair, if/when Roy has his amiibo, he could stay Japanese too.

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They'll probably dub it, there's no need for other games to adhere to Smash's own problems with Grandfather Clause. Plus, Codename S.T.E.A.M. already gave him an English voice actor despite also using the Amiibos, so why not reuse him?

If they do dub him though, I hope his signature "Minna, miteite kure!" is done well.

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please be dubbed please be dubbed please be dubbed

i'm still annoyed they didn't dub him in ssb4. seriously, fe11 happened. he's got an english presence now. there's absolutely no reason to leave him in japanese at this point

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I'm 80% sure he'll be dubbed. Hopefully with a better voice director.

As for Roy, I kinda doubt he'll even be in this one. The next one? Sure. But there doesn't even seem to be a trace of him in the game. And his amiibo will likely come out long after they're done with dlc for this game

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I'm 80% sure he'll be dubbed. Hopefully with a better voice director.

As for Roy, I kinda doubt he'll even be in this one. The next one? Sure. But there doesn't even seem to be a trace of him in the game. And his amiibo will likely come out long after they're done with dlc for this game

I don't really see why they cant prepare Roy content before the amiibo is out.

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What does he sound like in Fates? Does he have the same voice clips as the ones from Smash Bros or were they re-recorded? Does he have a deeper voice like in Codename Steam?


If his voice clips are taken directly from Smash, I think they'll keep them japanese, but if they are new ones made specifically for this game, then I think they'll have Yuri Lowenthal (or Spike Spencer like in the anime, but I find the latter unlikely) voice him.

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Marth having his OG Japanese voice would be pretty nice due to the fact hes a legacy character and totally optional DLC funzie for the game. So having him being all like in Smash and junk makes perfect sense.

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The fact that I don't like his Japanese voice aside...I doubt they'll make him speak Japanese when every other character will be speaking in English. It'd be especially strange if he's speaking in Japanese while all of the clearly Japanese Hoshidans aren't.

Besides, if you wanted to listen to FE characters screaming in Japanese, isn't there usually a setting for that?

Edited by Zachmac
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They'll surely have Yuri Lowenthal voice Marth in the English game, because the Amiibo characters actually have a little dialogue. Marth only speaking Japanese while everyone else speaks English wouldn't make sense.

Yes, we had characters like Leanne and Volug in the past, who could only speak a certain tongue that wasn't English, but that was because some other characters could understand their language as well as English (Reyson, Rafiel, Nailah, and Tibarn being the most notable ones).

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Huh, that's a good question, I honestly hadn't thought about that (although that's probably because I don't own any amiibos). I'd imagine that they'll keep the voice actors for Codename Steam though, at least if it's the same guys handling the localization. Lucina and Robin will both need some My Castle lines as well, right? Hopefully they'll get a hold of the original voice actors.

Considering their voice actors did their voices in Smash, I'd imagine they'll also get them for Fates. That's assuming they don't just reuse lines from Awakening

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So I just listened to Marths English voice for the first time from STEAM. ARGH! (Soz, ova reacted) But it's pretty cringe worthy. (Not as bad as K-On's dub) But I presume they'd do the same english voice actor, but comparing STEAM Marth to Fates Marth, the voice just won't fit. They could think getting another english voice actor. I think they'd do that with Ike too.

But I would like Marth to keep his original voice, or even get the original voice actor and redo it and even Smash Bros aswell.

Edited by Great Geargia Gateway
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