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Opinions on Knights?


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I love knights especially in FE14 like others have said.Effie was an MVP in my playthrough.She slaughtered so much with a Beastkiller.

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Meg is probably my favorite FE character overall, so yeah knights are great. Knights are my 2nd favorite FE class after Shamans(and dark mage I suppose) and I make a point to always use at least one.

Defense is like, one of my favorite stats as well. I always tend towards high defense units over the fast ones. I also don't care much for efficiency or low turn counts, so the low movement is fine but inconvenient in large field maps.

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I'm hearing more and more good things about Effie. I'm looking forward to using her. I like using Kellam aswell, he and Sumia are like the only FE13 characters I cared about.

Knights never really seem to stop tanking for me. It seems like from start to finish, enemies do very little damage to them.

Knights I don't really use are Wendy, Wallace... that's basically it.

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Effie has great personal growths, and Defensive Formation is an incredible skill for Generals to have

That really depends on the situation.My Effe was blessed so she could easily double by the time she was a 20/5 General by really DF is not that useful unless you are extremely slow and even then it can be quite the hindrance when you actually can double.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Ϲharlie, August 26, 2015 - double
Hidden by Ϲharlie, August 26, 2015 - double

How'd this happen? Please delete.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Really? I think it's absolutely terrible.

Well, for someone who's constantly at risk of getting doubled, it isn't terrible.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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I like them a lot because they fit my slow yet defensive playstyle. I don't really care about LTC and try to focus on keeping my units alive so I use knights to take the hits and have other units finish the enemy off. Their Promoted designs in the GBA games also looked pretty awesome. They looked hilarious in FE1 though, by god those humongous shoulders and swords.

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Really? I think it's absolutely terrible.

Not having played Fates yet, I don't know how difficult it is for Generals to double/escape being doubled in that game, but on paper it looks like an excellent, albeit situational option for them to have on the harder difficulties. If she can double, just don't use it.

I can imagine it's probably pretty bad on the lower difficulties though, and learning it mid-battle when you don't want it does sound pretty awkward.

As for which Knights I use, the only one I typically seriously train is FE10!Gatrie, due to his high speed growth and high base level (which allows him to quickly promote and increase his speed cap). I do use Oswin early on, although I almost never deploy him after Pirate Ship. Does using Kellam as a pair-up bot count as 'using' him? Because I do that all the time.

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I tend to use Oswin, Gilliam and Gatrie often. They used to be one of my favourite classes, but I've got into the habit of wanting to clear chapters faster, so I don't use them except for the previous mentioned.

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Oswin is cool.

The thing is, knight seems like the easiest class to fuck up. Hell, the character that is debatably the worst in the series is a knight.

I don't use knights in general (FUCK I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT), for a variety of reasons. One of which being a lot are terrible (The trio from FE6, Macellan, Ardan, that axe guy from Thracia, and maybe Wallace), the other being they don't really suit my playstyle for most games, and the third being that the knight armor.. looks kinda stupid.

In fact, the character designers clearly noticed that, since most knights look like big dumb clueless idiots. Doga, Bors, Dolph, Ardan (who is even mocked for it) just to name a few.

I do kinda like the animation where they slowly and dramatically walk forward from the SNES games (especially FE3), but after that it looks kinda strange. And in Awakening, it looks flat out stupid, with the way they awkwardly move forward and stick out their lance.

So yeah, not a fan. Except Oswin. Oswin is awesome.

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I like em a lot. Like, in certain games (like the GBA ones), theres room for Knights/Generals to be on my team. But in some of the other games, not so much because mounted/move units are just that much better. If those guys had just a little bit more move, maybe id love them even more. Im pretty fond of thwomps though. Thwomp!Tharja is one of my favorite things to do in FE14. Oswin is my favorite Thwomp in the series. Meg would be amazing if she just...if her stats jived with her class better and stuff.

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I don't use knights in general (FUCK I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT), for a variety of reasons. One of which being a lot are terrible (The trio from FE6, Macellan, Ardan, that axe guy from Thracia, and maybe Wallace), the other being they don't really suit my playstyle for most games, and the third being that the knight armor.. looks kinda stupid.

In fact, the character designers clearly noticed that, since most knights look like big dumb clueless idiots. Doga, Bors, Dolph, Ardan (who is even mocked for it) just to name a few.

I do kinda like the animation where they slowly and dramatically walk forward from the SNES games (especially FE3), but after that it looks kinda strange. And in Awakening, it looks flat out stupid, with the way they awkwardly move forward and stick out their lance.

Hey, GBA!Generals have some of the most awesome melee animations in the series, in my opinion. Although I also like how in FE10 and FE13 they both have shields and actually use them.

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As a (mostly) defensive player, I actually like using Knights and Generals in my teams.

With a few exceptions *cough*Wendy*cough*, their high defenses usually ensure that I can draw the enemy in with minimal risk, allowing my other units to move in for the kill.

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I don't use them that often, other than Oswin, Gatrie and Brom, but they're something I wouldn't have too much trouble fitting in a team if I wanted.

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