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Opinions on Knights?


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GBA Knights look good in all colors. I like Bors Yellow the best. I really wonder what Isadora would look like as a Knight.

"The worst character in the series is a knight" Sophia isn't a Knight. I do see your point, though. Barth and Beniot were trying to be "Extremely-Knightly" characters and they ended up being useless because there's no reason to have 30 strength if you have 4 Speed.

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Really? I think it's absolutely terrible.

Well, for someone who's constantly at risk of getting doubled, it isn't terrible.

Defensive Formation is great for Hard mid to late game if you haven't been grinding, even doing side chapters at all. Effie actually having existent speed is really RNG dependent, and by end game, if she doesn't have 21+ Spd, then she is going to be in high danger of being doubled, especially if you decide to have her use 1-2 Melee weapons such as a Javelin.

Personally, I would just rush her to Level 5 after promotion and then reclass her to Great Knight for the higher Move and Sword access, using a Arms scroll afterwards to give her at least D Ranks in everything.

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That's kinda how I see it. There's weapons that flat out state "This weapon cannot double" such as Javelin, so having Defensive Formation helps you with not getting punished for using them

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Knights are so so so bad. Moving is more important than fighting, and usually Knights suck at both of them.

I'm cynical about Effie and Benoit. Every a new Fire Emblem comes out, people say "Knights are finally good! They have Great Knight promotion/Knight Ward/good speed growths/reclass/Pair Up/Defensive Formation that solves all their problems", and then we actually play the game and hey... they're still bad. So I'll believe it when I see it.

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Thoroughly disappointed with the class as a whole from 4-13, have not played 1-3 and 14

Had some uses in 12 situationally midgame (and as MU's starting class), but otherwise I wouldn't use them

Kjelle gets insta-reclass to cavalier if I want to run GK on her; Sumia had to go knight once because I was doing axes run and it's more exp efficient to have her go knight than DF into Great Knight and that was a pain ferrying her around to actually pick up those kills, 4 move really sucks

I actually like strong and tanky classes, but when GK loses only a few points of str/def in comparison to General and has a bit more speed(better offense at that level of str) and 2 more movement in 13 it's like, why even bother, plus I can get to GK from Cav and GK also gives other people more move when they carry you around

Wyvern Lords and Paladins and Heroes do a pretty solid job of being able to take a couple of hits anyway

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My least favorite class in FE because...

  • low movement (main issue)
  • low speed

In FE4 they can't do anything, because they simply can't reach the battlefield in time.

In FE6 they're nerfed because of the inaccuracy of lances (using triangles isn't worth the effort).

Because of their low speed they've issues to dodge and get doubled. Magic users can wreck them easily.

In general I prefer a class with a low defense but high avoid (myrmidon) than a class with a high defense but low avoid (knight).

The only knights I like, are Draug and FE10 Gatrie (because of ridiculous growths).

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Benoit looks completely useless to me. I mean, you can probably rush him to General and then try to feed him 5 more levels to get Defense Formation to not suck but you'll have such an albatross around your neck for awhile and he still requires some investment to get anywhere.

Effie looks much better but that's because more due to her jointime and situation than anything else. You are undermanned and don't have enough people who can take hits, so you literally have no choice but to use Effie, just like Oswin. Unlike Oswin, Effie probably has more of a future because she can go Great Knight and can get something like Paladin or Wyvern Lord to reclass to later once she reaches A+/S support with someone.

I mean, this happens constantly when a new FE gets released and I'm always skeptical. Remember when Gatrie and Oswin were considered broken? Or when General was considered much better than Great Knight? It happens with archers too, mostly with RD where you get people insisting the class is broken because of Crossbows (weak), Double Bow (lol), and caps when the only good one was Shinon and even he was not that good. Units like Effie, Benoit, and Takumi probably look amazing right now because the game's just come out and very few of us have delved deeply into it but I guarantee that there will be a point where we'll discover strategies and tactics effective and reliable enough to make armors look like the chumps they've always been.

Edited by Dark Sage
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In general I prefer a class with a low defense but high avoid (myrmidon) than a class with a high defense but low avoid (knight).

Same thing here. In the GBA game, Avo Tanking is so much superior to Physical tanking (and Mage Tanks tends to have good avo too.) that it's just not too worth it after early game. I have a slow playstyle, so movement isn't that much a problem, but I'm not particularily a fan.

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Due to FE3's nature it was very feasible to build up 9 move ~5 stats capped unbreakable Gradivus generals. And they're the only lance-users available for indoor maps.

Lorenz also had his use in FE1, but I generally tend to avoid the class in any games past 3 (bar FE11 which is extremely general-friendly).

Edited by Topazd
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I mean, this happens constantly when a new FE gets released and I'm always skeptical. Remember when Gatrie and Oswin were considered broken? Or when General was considered much better than Great Knight? It happens with archers too, mostly with RD where you get people insisting the class is broken because of Crossbows (weak), Double Bow (lol), and caps when the only good one was Shinon and even he was not that good. Units like Effie, Benoit, and Takumi probably look amazing right now because the game's just come out and very few of us have delved deeply into it but I guarantee that there will be a point where we'll discover strategies and tactics effective and reliable enough to make armors look like the chumps they've always been.

First of all, people are saying Benoit is hard to use due to coming in as level 10 unpromoted mid-game.

Effie is utilitarian as she comes early on and is the only defensive unit you have for several chapters and has non-sucky speed growth.

What makes Takumi good is that he can double the majority of enemies with a 15 might personal bow. Plus, an 80% skill growth as a Holy Bowman on top of the revised (read: nerfed) critical avoid formula is a definite plus.

But anyway, back to knights: as somebody who doesn't prioritize LTC or any one set strategy, I always run a knight on my team. They tend to fit their niche, and I like them they are. It's always satisfying to set up a choke point and hear the "*ting*" of no damage. As I said, I don't care for low turn count and generally focus on a mixture of hit-and-run meets defensive strategies, so knights always have their uses for me.

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First of all, people are saying Benoit is hard to use due to coming in as level 10 unpromoted mid-game.

Effie is utilitarian as she comes early on and is the only defensive unit you have for several chapters and has non-sucky speed growth.

What makes Takumi good is that he can double the majority of enemies with a 15 might personal bow. Plus, an 80% skill growth as a Holy Bowman on top of the revised (read: nerfed) critical avoid formula is a definite plus.

Still, I can't help but fear for Takumi once the dust settles...

I mean, this happens constantly when a new FE gets released and I'm always skeptical. Remember when Gatrie and Oswin were considered broken? Or when General was considered much better than Great Knight? It happens with archers too, mostly with RD where you get people insisting the class is broken because of Crossbows (weak), Double Bow (lol), and caps when the only good one was Shinon and even he was not that good. Units like Effie, Benoit, and Takumi probably look amazing right now because the game's just come out and very few of us have delved deeply into it but I guarantee that there will be a point where we'll discover strategies and tactics effective and reliable enough to make armors look like the chumps they've always been.

Speaking of which, I saw swordmasters and berserkers being hyped as being in their prime in Fates - however, I ain't convinced. And then there was the pre-release Edward hype on GameFAQs - needless to say, he failed to live up to it.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Knights are so so so bad. Moving is more important than fighting, and usually Knights suck at both of them.

I'm cynical about Effie and Benoit. Every a new Fire Emblem comes out, people say "Knights are finally good! They have Great Knight promotion/Knight Ward/good speed growths/reclass/Pair Up/Defensive Formation that solves all their problems", and then we actually play the game and hey... they're still bad. So I'll believe it when I see it.

Knights are good in the games where you actually have a purpose in playing more defensive. FE4, 5, 7, 10, and 14 are really the only games I'd even think about using knights, and out of those, 4 you only use knights because everyone can be used but they'd never reach the battle anyway. 5 Dalsin is actually quite good and can be a decent person to capture with and the only indoor lance user besides Xavier god fuck him. 7 has plenty of maps with chokepoints and Oswin is okay but doesn't really stand out and Wallace is bad and Hector is basically an Axe Armor. 10 I actually consistently use Meg but that's because I like her over her actually being good. Most 10 maps you can end very quickly if you're aggressive so knights aren't super helpful for holding chokepoints besides in a few defend chapters or something. Awakening finally gives knights some purpose with Pair Up and protecting squishier units, but Dual Guards block the attack 100% anyway so it's not like they have some benefit over other tankier classes like Wyverns or Great Knights. And now Fates where I think is the first time in the series using knights is not only encouraged but you actually have a good knight in Elfie so I'm pretty excited about it too.

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Still, I can't help but fear for Takumi once the dust settles...

Speaking of which, I saw swordmasters and berserkers being hyped as being in their prime in Fates - however, I ain't convinced. And then there was the pre-release Edward hype on GameFAQs - needless to say, he failed to live up to it.

Takmui is OP as hell.While his Prf Bow is not as useful later on from what I have played, he is still good and easily pulls off crits.(Especially with a Killer Bow)

As for Trueblades and Berserkers.Trueblades don't always crit(Well Ryouma does a lot cause his Prf weapon is OP as all hell)and they are certainly better at doge tanking.In fact, not many of the Samurais are good.You have Hana who can't take hits and Hinata who can't double, Ryouma is really the only reliable Trueblade.

As for Berserkers, they can crit, a lot, but I do not find them useful much.I rarely used Charlotte or Harold so yeah.Though Berserkers are still good but not in their prime and neither are Trueblades.

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Takmui is OP as hell.While his Prf Bow is not as useful later on from what I have played, he is still good and easily pulls off crits.(Especially with a Killer Bow)

As for Trueblades and Berserkers.Trueblades don't always crit(Well Ryouma does a lot cause his Prf weapon is OP as all hell)and they are certainly better at doge tanking.In fact, not many of the Samurais are good.You have Hana who can't take hits and Hinata who can't double, Ryouma is really the only reliable Trueblade.

As for Berserkers, they can crit, a lot, but I do not find them useful much.I rarely used Charlotte or Harold so yeah.Though Berserkers are still good but not in their prime and neither are Trueblades.

I'll believe it when I see it - it's too easy to hype something when the majority, if not entirety, of the playerbase are either importers or Japanese...

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Benoit looks completely useless to me. I mean, you can probably rush him to General and then try to feed him 5 more levels to get Defense Formation to not suck but you'll have such an albatross around your neck for awhile and he still requires some investment to get anywhere.Effie looks much better but that's because more due to her jointime and situation than anything else. You are undermanned and don't have enough people who can take hits, so you literally have no choice but to use Effie, just like Oswin. Unlike Oswin, Effie probably has more of a future because she can go Great Knight and can get something like Paladin or Wyvern Lord to reclass to later once she reaches A+/S support with someone.I mean, this happens constantly when a new FE gets released and I'm always skeptical. Remember when Gatrie and Oswin were considered broken? Or when General was considered much better than Great Knight? It happens with archers too, mostly with RD where you get people insisting the class is broken because of Crossbows (weak), Double Bow (lol), and caps when the only good one was Shinon and even he was not that good. Units like Effie, Benoit, and Takumi probably look amazing right now because the game's just come out and very few of us have delved deeply into it but I guarantee that there will be a point where we'll discover strategies and tactics effective and reliable enough to make armors look like the chumps they've always been.

As someone going through Lunatic (and beat Hoshido Lunatic), I'm gonna tell you right now that the old school method of throwing a Paladin/Wyvern Lord in the middle of a million enemies with a hand Axe equipped isn't gonna fly. Effie's downright necessary for the completion of Early game Nohr and can grow into something good for long term use. Her personal skill makes her able to OHKO enemies reliably (in Lunatic). Not lying when I say she's been able to OHKO 90% of the map for about 2 chapters now.Takumi has more or less everything going for him, especially since the map after he joins is 100% fliers and he one shots or ORKOs them all at base. There are plenty of fliers throughout the game and his ability to ignore terrain is surprisingly more helpful than you would think. I mean, having a 14 Mt, infinite use, no penalty personal Bow that grants +10 Crit and avoid is kind of a recipe for awesome. This isn't hype, it's experience talking. Any other person who's played will tell you the same. Continuing on that, Nohr is particularly against one man armies and Hoshido's enemy density gets pretty ridiculous near the end.

Basically, Knights and Archers have an actual purpose now because of the game design. No more high movement 1-2 range rushes.

Still, I can't help but fear for Takumi once the dust settles...

Speaking of which, I saw swordmasters and berserkers being hyped as being in their prime in Fates - however, I ain't convinced. And then there was the pre-release Edward hype on GameFAQs - needless to say, he failed to live up to it.

Not in their prime (probably still FE6 for Swordmasters and FE12/13 for Zerkers), but this is one of their best games.

To answer the actual thread: Effie's making me a fan. Rare combination of high durability and (extreme) offense, packed into a nice little 4 mov package. Doesn't matter that she has 4 move because you're gonna fucking deal with it.

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Not in their prime (probably still FE6 for Swordmasters and FE12/13 for Zerkers), but this is one of their best games.

I'll believe it when I see it (which might as well be never in the case of Berserkers, because the innate dodge penalty is a dealbreaker).

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Basically, Knights and Archers have an actual purpose now because of the game design. No more high movement 1-2 range rushes.

The English version doesn't come out until next year. Why are you doing this to me. :(

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FE6: So far, Bors is a terrible unit and I haven't heard great things about Barth or Wendy either.

FE7: Oswin is an amazing unit. He tanks everything and deals great damage. His availability and starting level and bases are great too.

FE8: Gilliam is pretty good, not as good as Oswin was but decent and I heard Amelia makes a great General but I never used her before.

FE10: From what I've played, my only armoured knight was Meg and she wasn't very good at all.

FE13: I've always ended up forgetting about Kellam and he went to the bench. For postgame, Kjelle usually ends up as a good unit, but I prefer promoting her to Great Knight after her supports with Sully.

I've heard great things about Effie so I'm looking forward to trying her out.

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