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Fire Emblem fates archetypes


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I've only seen Xander classified as a Camus. But I know a few more.

Kaze and Saizou - Abel and Cain (Birthright and IK)

Lena - Sakura (Birthright and IK), Elise (Conquest)

Maria - Elise (IK)

Gunter - Jagen (early game and IK)

Do we have more?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, I remember somewhere that Boyd and Nolan are classified as Bord and Cord respectively. If this is correct, Charlotte and Arthur may be respectively classified as such.

Note: even though the former two didn't join the same Chapter

Edited by Jayvee94
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Correct me if I'm wrong, I remember somewhere that Boyd and Nolan are classified as Bord and Cord respectively. If this is correct, Charlotte and Arthur may be respectively classified as such.

Note: even though the former two didn't join the same Chapter

well Charlotte and Arthur don't join together either, so it's all good

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imo, Felicia or Jakob could be an Oifey. They join very early-game and can be quite impressive. Felicia excels more at Magic, but that could easily be fixed with the Explosive Shuriken or her personal Ice Tray Kunai. Camilla could be one too, but I'm not entirely sure about her...

Crimson could be a Minerva, but she doesn't join you in Conquest.

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It's really hard to say, though I would say that

(We only have FE13 and FE14 right now)

It seems like they might be trying to steer away from a Jagen and/or Oifey style of game

And a more balanced game as well..so to speak

(None of the characters are as bad as say..you know, people talking about Sophia in FE6, etc)

The character distribution seems to be really well..balanced, in the sense that, you have alot less pre-promoted units compared to previous games I believe, and the recruits are more or less all bunched up early

Back "on topic", I find Felicia and Jakob to not nearly be strong enough to count

The avatar is kind of the closest thing, assuming you have sufficient speed it's not that difficult to ORKO enemies, tanking is.....I'm not sure

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I've only seen Xander classified as a Camus. But I know a few more.

Kaze and Saizou - Abel and Cain (Birthright and IK)

Lena - Sakura (Birthright and IK), Elise (Conquest)

Maria - Elise (IK)

Gunter - Jagen (early game and IK)

Do we have more?

Ch15 Nohr

You forgot that he joins you later in Ch15 in the Nohr path.

imo, Felicia or Jakob could be an Oifey. They join very early-game and can be quite impressive. Felicia excels more at Magic, but that could easily be fixed with the Explosive Shuriken or her personal Ice Tray Kunai. Camilla could be one too, but I'm not entirely sure about her...

Crimson could be a Minerva, but she doesn't join you in Conquest.


Forgot that the Explosive Shuriken does Mag dmg instead of Physical.

She doesn't even though that she was formely from Nohr. She couldn't stand Nohr's rule. No one can stand Garon.


I would say that Sakura is more like Maria instead of Lena. She does look like Maria's mirror. Of course, Izama/Rainbow Sage could be Narga's ancestor. Who knows? Elise is Maribelle's ancestor. Oh wait, there is Foleo who is the male Maribelle. She'd looks like him if she were male. Odin is Wood's, Duh! Both are the Aless archtype. We know Lazward's and Luna's. Severa is too popular, of course she gets an ancestor.

Edited by Princess_Florina
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imo, Felicia or Jakob could be an Oifey. They join very early-game and can be quite impressive. Felicia excels more at Magic, but that could easily be fixed with the Explosive Shuriken or her personal Ice Tray Kunai. Camilla could be one too, but I'm not entirely sure about her...

Crimson could be a Minerva, but she doesn't join you in Conquest.

Felicia and Jakob seem to promote from Lv1 Rod Knights.

They cannot be classified as any prevenient characters.

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Felicia and Jakob aren't really Oifey's as their base stats aren't much (if at all) better than Kamui's, so they don't serve as a crutch character. Felicia especially, as she will die in two hits to pretty much anything in chapters 2 and 3. The closest thing to an Oifey is Camilla, who joins as a promoted unit with promoted-level stats when all of your other units are at best level 12 or 13 unpremoted, and serves as your crutch for chapters 10 through 14.

While Gunter fits the Jeigen role early on, the fact that he's taken out of the fruit bowl before he has a chance to go sour means he never really gets a chance to demonstrate his poor growths and punish the player for using him like a typical Jeigen. This game doesn't really have a classic Jeigen.

It doesn't even really have an Est, either. Mozume joins far too early to be one. I'd argue she's part of a new archetype, the Donnel, a optional unit that joins early on with awful bases but has superior growths. I suppose you could call that a "Ross" (who was also a weak level 1 unit in a unique class obtained early on who's village was destroyed and is optional to recruit in Hard Mode), but Donnel and Mozume have too much in common to not be lumped together as a separate archetype.

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It doesn't even really have an Est, either. Mozume joins far too early to be one. I'd argue she's part of a new archetype, the Donnel, a optional unit that joins early on with awful bases but has superior growths.

'The Donnel' sounds like a superhero name or something

for hoshido I believe Tsukuyomi is the Merric of the game, but I'm not completely sure. And there are two 'bandit twin' archetypes for Kanna's prologue, William and Hormone, who fill in that role. Least that's what I understand anyways. I know nothing of stats so correct me if I'm wrong, idk.

Edited by Shadowess
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Felicia and Jakob aren't really Oifey's as their base stats aren't much (if at all) better than Kamui's, so they don't serve as a crutch character. Felicia especially, as she will die in two hits to pretty much anything in chapters 2 and 3. The closest thing to an Oifey is Camilla, who joins as a promoted unit with promoted-level stats when all of your other units are at best level 12 or 13 unpremoted, and serves as your crutch for chapters 10 through 14.

While Gunter fits the Jeigen role early on, the fact that he's taken out of the fruit bowl before he has a chance to go sour means he never really gets a chance to demonstrate his poor growths and punish the player for using him like a typical Jeigen. This game doesn't really have a classic Jeigen.

So... would that make Gunter the first unit to fit the Eyvel archetype?
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Ogma-archetype checklist

Strength-oriented Swordsman

Scar on face/less than perfect facial structure

A sellsword

Inigo - 'An enigmatic sellsword with a flair for philandering.'

Severa - 'An enigmatic sellsword with low self-esteem and a bad attitude.'

Again, that's a very general statement that can be argued for anything...

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While Gunter is "role wise" a Jagen, stat wise he really doesn't count though....in my opinion

I suppose he can still fit

There aren't really that many archetype-ish characters in this game

He's better statistically then some Jeigans in the series though.

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Inigo - 'An enigmatic sellsword with a flair for philandering.'

Severa - 'An enigmatic sellsword with low self-esteem and a bad attitude.'

Again, that's a very general statement that can be argued for anything...

Are they strength oriented like do they deal most damage in fewest strikes?

In this game they start out as retainers rather than actual Mercenaries/sellswords

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A lot of the archetypes don't apply very well to Fates as far as story and join time go because of a few factors unique to this game:

1) Almost everyone who joins you is either part of the royal family, a subordinate of the royal family, a soldier sworn to the royal family or a representative of the neighbouring tribes. So you don't have any mysterious wandering swordsmen, plucky theives, or expensive battle-hardened mercenaries. In fact, nobody in the army is a theif: Zero stopped his criminal activities before the game starts, and Hoshido just has Ninjas instead. That alone knocks off two archetypes and makes Fates unique.

2) Everyone joins before chapter 17 in every route, except Asyura in Hoshido and the three My Castle bonus characters. That means there is no late-game enemy general joining your team, no end-game poweful dragon, no true Est, no teacher sage, or really any other join-time related archetype because nobody is joining you in the story for the last ten chapters.

3) Nobody really defects from the enemy side. This is the nature of a game about picking sides, I suppose. The only defects are Kaze and Silas, and they join you almost immediately. So you don't get any foreign princesses or pure-hearted enemy generals to join you.

4) There are 21 completely non-canon characters with no involvement in the plot, variable join times, and malleable stats. A fat chunk of the cast therefore can't fit into any sort of existing archetype at all.

As a result there can be no true Est, Ogma, Nabarl, Julian, Jeorge, Minerva, Tiki, Lorenz, Beowulf or Wendel.

Edited by gayserbeam
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About the only archetypes I can see in this game would be these:

Jagen: Gunther is pretty much a comeback of the Jagen archetype, after the Jagen had been all but phased out for the Oifey archetype; Gunther does have a couple things that makes him stand out from most Jagens: depending on the route, he is either a temporary unit (and thus is forcibly retired a little earlier than the point where you'd start to think about benching him), gets increases to his bases to stay relevant for a longer time at the cost of rejoining late (and thus never really becomes completely useless), or comes back almost immediately after his first departure (and thus becomes a traditional Jagen, though the path where he closest embodies the Jagen archetype as we know it is also the path where he becomes pretty major to the plot).

Abel and Cain: Kaze and Saizou as the green-and-red themed units using a class that is basically Hoshido's Cavalier (though the two not being Cavaliers is a notable thing and something that's currently unique to them)... alternatively I think Kaze and Silas might fit better than Kaze and Saizou on the grounds that Kaze's Ninja class is an analogue and counterpart to the Cavalier class while Silas IS a Cavalier, Kaze is speedier while Silas is stronger, both join you on all three paths (while Saizou is barred from the Nohr path), both kind of pledge loyalty to the Avatar at some point, etc. etc. (In this case, the Abel and Cain pair is unique because they are both of different classes, but are both still in a class that is suitable for the Abel and Cain archetype.)

Arran and Samson: Let's face it: A majority of the units will be open on at least one path while barred from at least one of the others, so a lot of the units in this game will fit right at home into this archetype. Not to mention that you can draw an analogue between units from one side to the units of the other side. Furthermore, one of the reasons for doing a game about joining sides was so that the developers could take the "Arran or Samson" choice and expand on it.

There's also no real Gharnef in this game (Iago's role is more like the role Ephidel and Sonia played than the role Gharnef played). Garon could technically qualify, but his role is more like Vigarde than Gharnef.

If someone like Mozume or Donnel shows up in the next game, then it's likely a new archetype. And given that Donnel and Mozume kind of resemble the Est archetype (people who join with bases bad for the chapter they're in, but has good growths, whether by innate growths or by a skill, and thus becomes one of your most powerful units if trained), the developers might be trying to phase that particular archetype out (which doesn't really surprise me: despite Donnel and Mozume having flaws inherent in a "requires babying to truly grow" archetype, I still like that they join early rather than late in the game).

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