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About same-sex marriage function...


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TBH, I hope they at least keep same-sex marriage as an option in the next game even if there are children in it.I know many would say it is pointless, but unless they do an FE4/13 on it and include them into the story line, they are pointless anyway too.I mean at least give people such as myself who are gay the option to marry a same-sex character, especially considering that the game has custom avatars which for the most part, are supposed to be representative of the player.

I would love for them to cut children for a bit and go back to more platonic stuff and keeping marriage in the epilogue like in previous games while also still having same-sex marriage.

And yes, while I do love Zero I do hope that if same-sex marriage is in the next game, we get characters who are not so stereotypical.(Especially considering said stereotypes are quite offensive, sexual deviant/pervert and crazy obsessive yandere)

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And funnily enough, in Elibe it's actually an important plot point that different worlds have different rules and that the rules of Elibe changed dramatically at some point, an event that's called "the Ending Winter."

Edited by BrightBow
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And how so ?

A kid with the same hair color, growth rates, stats, reclassement etc ? Lucky. And what's gonna happen to the biological parents ? They died ? Lucky.

The principe of relativity exists, but gay parents having biological children don't.

Magic does whatever the fuck writers want it to.

Also scientists are already looking into ways for that to happen.

And gay parents having biological children do exist. If a trans girl has frozen sperm she can use that.

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Magic does whatever the fuck writers want it to.

Also scientists are already looking into ways for that to happen.

And gay parents having biological children do exist. If a trans girl has frozen sperm she can use that.

Also, surrogacy.While yes, only one would be a biological parent, it is still very much so a thing.

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The degree of mental gymnastics people are willing to go through in order to 'justify' a game being less inclusive is incredibly concerning.


Stats aren't even visible, and people who have this much objection to gay couples having associated child characters would never even encounter the 'issue' to begin with. like what is even the motivation here

Regarding hair though, it'd be neat if they just had the uncoloured default or something. Rather pleasant shade of grey, innit? Or they could just have default hair colours that don't match the parent, e.g. Inigo, Mitama, and Soleil

But yeah. I really don't understand the crazy degree of opposition people have to making the game better for some people (not even better, even - just closer to the experience of everyone else) whilst making it no worse for anyone.


Really though, child units shouldn't even be a thing anymore

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I miss the epilogue endings of the old games. The only thing I can think of that S-supports have over the old support system is that you can A-support as many people as you want and none of the support chains would feel "incomplete". But instead of S-supports being reserved for marriage it should just be an indicator of a paired ending. Marriage and children wasn't even important to the plot of FE14, we could've done away with it.

Characters should've had a limited number of people they can have a paired ending with, either through epilogue marriage (and same-sex marriage would definitely fall under here) or even platonic same-sex or opposite-sex endings. I really miss the platonic opposite-sex supports. It was a nice reminder that not every man and every woman are compatible and wanted to bone each other.

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I miss the epilogue endings of the old games. The only thing I can think of that S-supports have over the old support system is that you can A-support as many people as you want and none of the support chains would feel "incomplete". But instead of S-supports being reserved for marriage it should just be an indicator of a paired ending. Marriage and children wasn't even important to the plot of FE14, we could've done away with it.

Characters should've had a limited number of people they can have a paired ending with, either through epilogue marriage (and same-sex marriage would definitely fall under here) or even platonic same-sex or opposite-sex endings. I really miss the platonic opposite-sex supports. It was a nice reminder that not every man and every woman are compatible and wanted to bone each other.

I miss those, too. I like how Sacred Stones has so many platonic paired endings like Amelia&Duessel. I'd really like it if baby production were taken out of the game, then we could have more age diversity and more families in the army, like Rebecca and Dart, or Ross and Garcia. I'd like the game to have a universe in which people don't insta-marry during war. I also hope that same sex marriage returns in future titles with more pairings. We could have a game in which an established same sex couple joins as does their adopted kid. Their supports would be super cute.

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Also, surrogacy. While yes, only one would be a biological parent, it is still very much so a thing.

Oh thank you for mentioning this, because I was about to throw something at somebody who said gay parents can't have biological children. Haha. And then there would be no weird explaining. Kanna/Morgan/whatever would still be your child. And in Zero's case, his daughter still his. And you'd get both.

The degree of mental gymnastics people are willing to go through in order to 'justify' a game being less inclusive is incredibly concerning.


Stats aren't even visible, and people who have this much objection to gay couples having associated child characters would never even encounter the 'issue' to begin with. like what is even the motivation here

Regarding hair though, it'd be neat if they just had the uncoloured default or something. Rather pleasant shade of grey, innit? Or they could just have default hair colours that don't match the parent, e.g. Inigo, Mitama, and Soleil

But yeah. I really don't understand the crazy degree of opposition people have to making the game better for some people (not even better, even - just closer to the experience of everyone else) whilst making it no worse for anyone.


Really though, child units shouldn't even be a thing anymore

But really. It is kinda concerning. Especially with dragons and magic and time portals, the issue of biology suddenly becomes so paramount to the story. -_-

But I like that hair color idea. Or they could just take your hair color. Aka: Kanna is whatever hair color I had, and Zero's daughter being his hair color. Yay, problem solved. And then for stats, it could just be a basic neutral thing, like a villager. But honestly, I agree, it's kinda silly to be that particular about such a small detail, when it would be easier to just use the stats of whomever you marry.

And as much as I loved Morgan (and will love Kanna), I honestly just wouldn't mind if child units weren't a thing next time, and we just got endings at the end of the game instead of marriage. But I guess it sorta depends. I can see them keeping this—just hopefully with better writing for the kids next time.

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The degree of mental gymnastics people are willing to go through in order to 'justify' a game being less inclusive is incredibly concerning.


Stats aren't even visible, and people who have this much objection to gay couples having associated child characters would never even encounter the 'issue' to begin with. like what is even the motivation here

Regarding hair though, it'd be neat if they just had the uncoloured default or something. Rather pleasant shade of grey, innit? Or they could just have default hair colours that don't match the parent, e.g. Inigo, Mitama, and Soleil

But yeah. I really don't understand the crazy degree of opposition people have to making the game better for some people (not even better, even - just closer to the experience of everyone else) whilst making it no worse for anyone.


Really though, child units shouldn't even be a thing anymore

Aye. In Geneology they were fine. Awakening, fine. This had no excuse. I hope they take them out.

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Really, it is all up to Japan and their reaction since NoJ don't tend to listen to us and mainly focus on Japan and such.I would be really interested to see what Japan thought of with the inclusion of kids in this title.

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In what way?

Well, you could consider them very old and ignorant stereotypes of gay people.Like how Zero is a sexual deviant on the verge of a pervert(Especially with Elise)and how Shara is just odd.(Really I don't know if you could consider Shara a 'token gay' since I don't recall yandere being a typical lesbian stereotype but Zero, definitely)

Edited by Azz
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Well, you could consider them very old and ignorant stereotypes of gay people.Like how Zero is a sexual deviant on the verge of a pervert(Especially with Elise)and how Shara is just odd.(Really I don't know if you could consider Shara a 'token gay' since I don't recall yandere being a typical lesbian stereotype but Zero, definitely)

Not exactly yandere, but the "psycho lesbian" stereotype is apparently popular.

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Shara is not a lesbian and Zero is not gay. I don't see why that is so hard to grasp.

It also seems a bit extreme to call Zero a perverted sexual deviant. If regularly including double entendres in your speech makes you a perverted deviant then I guess that makes me one too...

Anyway, I hope they continue to include them in the next game if it has marriage options, maybe even expand it a bit. As for the children characters, will they even include them again? I know it has become something of a staple, but they would need yet another contrived reason to include them. If they do I see no reason not to make adopted children. I mean, in the epilogues of Fates it says that Zero/Kamui and Shara/Kamui adopt kids that sound identical to Kanna and Eponine anyway, so it's already super contrived. Actually adding them to the game wouldn't make it more so.

Or they could simply revamp the child system entirely? I doubt they could keep the whole "children tied to a singular parent" thing a third time around, they'd have to mix it up somehow. Maybe they will throw out the weird time travel scenarios and make all the children adopted, or have fewer pairings but give each one a unique kid. There are many things they could do if they wanted to include the child units again.

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Characterization comes first. I don't want to see everyone suddenly become bisexual. And I'd really rather not see children return unless it's done Genealogy style. That essentially means that romance is meaningless, since a maxed support doesn't even have to equal romance.

Also keep in mind that statistically having many gay people in a small army is pretty unlikely, not accounting for if they even like each other.

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It also seems a bit extreme to call Zero a perverted sexual deviant. If regularly including double entendres in your speech makes you a perverted deviant then I guess that makes me one too...

It's because he's the only one. Everyone else speaks cleanly and finds him disturbing. He's consdered a creep in-game. Also, this (pic)


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It's because he's the only one. Everyone else speaks cleanly and finds him disturbing. He's consdered a creep in-game. Also, this (pic)

Yikes. That doesn't sound fun.

I wonder if Zero will be rewritten like Henry was in Awakening during the localization process?

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Yikes. That doesn't sound fun.

I wonder if Zero will be rewritten like Henry was in Awakening during the localization process?

Please no.Henry was ruined by localization IMO.I just hope they tone him down.Don't ruin his character.

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Please no.Henry was ruined by localization IMO.I just hope they tone him down.Don't ruin his character.

Yeah, that sounds better. I think they will tone him down somewhat because he sounds super creepy with those FE Amie lines. >_>

I didn't think Henry was that bad. He made me chuckle here and there with his bad puns.

Edited by Leif
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Characterization comes first. I don't want to see everyone suddenly become bisexual. And I'd really rather not see children return unless it's done Genealogy style. That essentially means that romance is meaningless, since a maxed support doesn't even have to equal romance.

Also keep in mind that statistically having many gay people in a small army is pretty unlikely, not accounting for if they even like each other.

Not to mention the whole "You can support (almost) everyone of the opposite sex and romance them if you try hard enough!" thing is unrealistic too (the marriage system as is). Not every man and woman are compatible with one another, or even want to bone each other. And I so miss the platonic relationships.

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Characterization comes first. I don't want to see everyone suddenly become bisexual. And I'd really rather not see children return unless it's done Genealogy style. That essentially means that romance is meaningless, since a maxed support doesn't even have to equal romance.

Also keep in mind that statistically having many gay people in a small army is pretty unlikely, not accounting for if they even like each other.

And guess what. Nobody's even asking for every character to be bisexual. What people ARE asking for is a couple reasonably well-written bisexual characters as options for gay players (in both games - that version-exclusive thing is total BS). It shouldn't be about what's "statistically likely"; it's fucking fantasy. Practically nothing in the game is statistically likely. And it's also about having some respectable LGBT characters presented in popular culture for once, instead of depraved stereotypes.

But seriously. I really really really really don't understand why one's willing suspension of disbelief is so thoroughly eradicated by giving non-straight people some reasonable romance options, yet not by basically everything else portrayed. Like, why? Is there even any explanation? I'd really like to know what reasoning underlies this thought process.

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