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Post your Super Mario Maker levels!


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What do you mean password? Do you mean the code? You have to be entering it wrong since others were able to access the level just fine. I really don't know what else to tell you...

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I'm used to calling codes passwords thanks to older video games.


Unless you changed it from this, or one of the inputs is different from what I'm seeing, I have no idea.

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Alright, well, another way to find her level is to click on her profile (after using another of her codes or whatever) and search through her submitted levels. Have you tried that yet?

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Here's my new stage.

The Haunted Bridge: 0E03-0000-00AD-2F17

Here's some hints:

It's seems fairly straightfoward but don't rush, and if there's an enemy with a projectile, kill it, or if you can't kill it, wait until the projectile vanishes, otherwise you will get overwhelmed by them.

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Edited by Water Mage
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I've been playing some of your levels, Water Mage, and they're really solid for the most part. Here are some tips for your levels -

Yoshi vs Bowser: For the lack of challenge you should use regular Bowser for a shorter battle. The stage itself could have also been shorter.

Underwater Tunnel: That escalated quickly! The horizontal tunnel early on should have at least one enemy.

The Fallen Angel's Pursuit: This stage has a great pace until things slow down dramatically with the boo wheels near the end. (The large boo wheel rotates more slowly.)

Oceanic Airship: This is a very fun concept. The enemies in the underwater section (sans wigglers) were too spread out to be a substantial threat. Add more enemies or make the area smaller. The single gap to the right of the thwomp simply kills the player without warning, so you should remove it. Finally, your level contains a large negative possibility space on the second level of the ship.

Deadly Rain: The random element of this level is not good. Here's a secret tip: Nintendo never puts lakitu in a level that is already challenging. The level itself is fine; the chain-chomp throwing lakitus just make it annoying, especially since they're offscreen.

Chain Chomp Reef: That was... easy. You should fill in the visible area above the ceiling to make it look official.

Bowser's Flying Castle: Really good, save for an insane difficulty spike at the end. Oh, and your power-up blocks never come with other blocks...

Haunted Bridge:The single random thwomp and the fact that there is no variety in the terrain elevation gives away the fact that it's not a Nintendo level.

Keep up the good work, and you'll reach Nintendo quality soon.

Edited by Zera
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I'm used to calling codes passwords thanks to older video games.


Unless you changed it from this, or one of the inputs is different from what I'm seeing, I have no idea.

Oh, I see.

And yep, you were putting it in wrong. That D should be a zero. If I typed it as a D at first, I don't know why I did, as I see a zero on the index card I wrote it down on when I copied it from the tv screen... Did I misread my own writing? o_O Weird...

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Oh, I see.

And yep, you were putting it in wrong. That D should be a zero. If I typed it as a D at first, I don't know why I did, as I see a zero on the index card I wrote it down on when I copied it from the tv screen... Did I misread my own writing? o_O Weird...

That certainly explains a lot, but it was a D when I saw your post. XD

Anyway, Berry Land is fine. Lack of berries aside, maybe put in some power up variety aside of mushrooms. Unless the mushrooms look enough like berries.

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Made a new stage I call "Keep on Flying": F4E0-0000-00B6-09F4 Be sure to hit to goal at the end, or else death!


I played several of your stages. I don't know what to do in "The Cave of Many Questions" and I feel that the gaps on the "Mushroom Gorge" stages are too far apart. "Bowser's Really Solid Castle" was a pain and it feels awfully... similar to one of my stages. I was also the first person to clear your "Power-Up Panic" stage. (Now see if you can clear my "Run of Doom!" stage!)

Having played your levels, Zera, I don't feel like you should keep criticizing our levels like you do, seeing as your levels themselves don't meet up to your own "specifications." We create levels to have fun, and it seems like you do, too. :) So here's my own dos and don't of Super Mario Maker:

[spoiler=Do]make whatever you want.

[spoiler=Don't]be a jerk.

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To clear "The Cave of Many Questions", jump on the floor pipe and crouch right next to the second piranha plant. The spiny will take care of it for you. Then, grab the spring, turn around, jump, and let go of the spring. It should land nicely in a corner. Before the bloopers get you, time a jump so you bounce off a goomba bouncing off the spring and get on the high pipe. The rest is easy.

"Mushroom Gorge" has almost no gaps at all. You're talking about the alternate version, "Mushroom Gorge EXTREME". I intentionally made it nightmarish, but this course pulls no punches (except the end, perhaps). I'm sorry if you can't handle the speed of Mario Kart.

Actually, Randoman already cleared "Power-up Panic!", but I reuploaded it to include sound effects. He gave the original a star.

I think "Bowser's Really Solid Castle" is a really solid course. The joke is that the inside of his castle is completely empty! XD

I cleared "Run of Doom!" and have proven my ultimate superiority. Out of the 539 courses I've cleared, that was definitely one of the worst. I had to download it just to see where all the traps were. A few parts were interesting, but a lot of the obstacles required memorization or were simply unfair. I'll give it a 3/10. You tried.

Update: I also cleared "Run of Doom! (easy mode)" without taking damage. Now THIS is a good level. You can actually beat it without taking damage or using power-ups! 8/10

"Where's the exit?" has 4 auto-kill paths, and you can't reach the top of the flagpole. So 5/10

"Keep on Flying!" is just... empty. There's no stage. At all. Luigi could make this level by doing absolutely nothing. 0/10

Here's an new level I made.

Bombshell Barrage: 8BD7-0000-00B6-0E28

This bombastic airship level has high paths and low paths, but I think the low paths are more fun!

Edited by Zera
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"Keep on Flying!" is just... empty. There's no stage. At all. 0/10

Yep. That was the point. Stop flying and you die! There was an obstacle originally, a bouncing Bill Blaster, but I took it out... for some reason I no longer remember XP

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Got another level for you guys called "Bowser's Super Castle" It's a recreation of the final castle from SMB3, but with a... surprise ending.

Due to the space and block limits, I wasn't able to get the entirety of the castle, but it's close enough.


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Power Master, I've been staring at this wonderful map of SMB3 Bowser's Castle for like half an hour, so I can recreate it in Super Mario Maker as accurately as possible. Having played your version, I easily noticed a ton of inconsistencies with the source material. "Wait, that's not right!....that shouldn't be there! The width is wrong!" etc. As you might imagine, It was pretty torturous for me. You got the general ideas right, but fudged the details. Kinda like this Marth amiibo. I can understand if you needed to crunch the stage to make room for the super boss, but that was actually the worst part. When I reached SUPER FLYING BOWSER I had 365 seconds left. By the time I grabbed the axe, I had 1 second left. Your boss battle is designed to take over 5 minutes. Not only do I have to wait for RNG Koopa to smash through seven layers of blocks, I also had to hope he would smash in the same exact place repeatedly, or it would take even longer. The boss fight was tedious, boring, frustrating, and... not fun at all. Oh, and there were a couple times Bowser jumped back behind the blocks and ended up underneath them, which was lame.

BTW, I actually replayed New Super Mario Bros. today, and the levels in that game are so balanced and fun and....mm, just delicious. Your level was not delicious. I'm currently making the block-to-block recreation of SMB3 Bowser's Castle, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the sideways thwomps... would they make good DLC?

Update: And... it's finished! I think this turned out quite well.

Bowser's Castle (SMB3): C460-0000-00BD-7B49

Edited by Zera
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I was on a bit of a space crunch, but I also knew of the block limit, so I didn't "fill in" some sections. I know it's not perfect, I was looking at a game guide to help, but it doesn't specify dimensions.

The Big Bowser was meant to be somewhat tedious (I kinda like trolling players as you can probably tell from my other levels), but I had no idea he could jump behind the blocks. I'll have to fix that. When I played through my level, I had about 10 secs left, so it was supposed to be long. I wanted to add something different to the end, but I wasn't quite sure what other than that.

And I knew you would try to compare my level to the actual map. I wasn't trying to make it a perfect recreation, just a representation of it. I would add the Bowser laser statues if I could. It was supposed to be torturous (it IS the final level of a game, after all), but... idk... I'm running out of things to say to you now, Zera, other than please stop nitpicking all the levels just because they don't reach certain specifications. I think you're being a bit too strict on the reviewing process. I reeeeeallly don't want to have to think "What would Zera think of this one?" every time I make a level. That's more tedious than the levels I create! We're just doing this because we want to, not to please one person, but to please ourselves.

I'm about to turn in for the night, but I'll try your level tomorrow! You do make pretty good levels, so I'm looking forward to it!

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This wasn't a level I made, but seeing how this level did a lot of things I didn't know were possible and I can't reproduce the "fake block" effect this level produces (even when downloading it and editing it in the level editor, except for using the mass copy command, though that still won't let me use it in my own levels that I can upload online), I thought it'd be worth sharing to you guys. I encountered it in the Expert 100 Mario Challenge.

Fake Block Level: 6951-0000-00A3-0225

Edited by Randoman
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@Power Master: One of the key points of game design is knowing that tedious or otherwise poor design is NOT a requirement to surprise or even troll the player. Let me show you some levels from the Bangai-O series that might inspire you.

"Don't Give Up!"


This is one of the only levels that requires a specific weapon. If you don't use the Freeze attack instantly, the level will blow up in your face and kill you in less than a second. Since the level name doesn't explicitly tell you to use Freeze, you are guaranteed to die at least once. Most developers would not include a level like this, but Treasure knows that at most you can only lose a couple seconds every time you die. Not even Super Meat Boy has levels this short. Is it a troll level? You bet. But is it tedious? Not at all.



This is a good example of how to incorporate luck into a level without punishing the player for poor luck. I've seen luck based levels in Mario Maker, but most of them involve spamming enemies with random patterns like hammer bros. In these levels, you are punished for having poor luck. Horoscope doesn't do this, providing the best of both worlds. Your level has the player deal with RNG Koopa on a strict time limit. That is a very bad combination.

"Marine Sisters"


This level won't teach you anything, but it's based on SMB, which is cool. And it has infinitely more tanks.

"YAMATO" and "The Earth"


The penultimate stage takes place over Japan. Feel free to attack North and South Korea, but if you fire a single missile at Japan, they will unleash their mecha against you. This is all kinds of awesome. The final stage increases the scope even further, with a battle against a group of powerful enemies and bosses. What I love about this stage is that not only can you destroy Earth, but there's even a max life box at it's core, so you are encouraged to do so. The blocks in Super Mario Maker are too large to make levels like these, but you can still get creative with them.

Fury 8


Here's a gimmick surprise level, kinda like yours. Unlike your super boss, there isn't a long level getting in the way and the time limit is plentiful, keeping frustration to a minimum.

Extreme 3


This is the only endurance stage. You must survive an increasing onslaught of enemies in an enclosed area for 4 minutes straight. I personally would've made the time limit 3 minutes instead, but whatever tedium there is gets washed away by all the pretty colors and explosions.

Extreme 10


This level has you solving mathematical equations to figure out where to go next, discovering new weapons to explore. It's like Bangai-O meets Metroid... but with math. Unfortunately, the maximum time limit is 10 minutes, which isn't enough to complete the level, regardless of how fast you are. To work around this, Treasure included several shortcuts, just as you might find shortcuts in math. In other words, this level is a metaphor for math itself. Simply brilliant.

@Randoman: That is definitely a glitch. The "fake block" glitch seems to be related to the "invisible block" glitch, but I can only seem to make fake blocks in the editor. I hope Nintendo patches this out.

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My friend made this weird level called "Nintendo Please Fix This". You can't die and you're walking on air.

ID: B6DE-0000-0096-AF2C

EDIT: Try this one, too.

ID: B62D-0000-009F-FC52

Edited by Sunwoo
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Update: And... it's finished! I think this turned out quite well.

Bowser's Castle (SMB3): C460-0000-00BD-7B49

This is a pretty good level, it certainly looks better than mine. But I felt it was too easy. Maybe if you had the fire bars in place of the spike tops, it'd be more challenging.

I made another level titled "Don't Lose Yoshi!" It'll test your skill with Yoshi on Grinders and if you get hit, you'll fall. 37AA-0000-00C0-6D45

To Rando and Sunwoo, I only had a little time today, but I'll try your levels tomorrow. I have yet to see first hand how the "Fake Block" or "Invisible Block" glitch works. And, no, I don't think they need to fix it, as it can lead to a whole lot of possibilities. That's just my opinion, though.

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This is a pretty good level, it certainly looks better than mine. But I felt it was too easy. Maybe if you had the fire bars in place of the spike tops, it'd be more challenging.

Only the first statues in the late rooms fire lasers, so my course should actually be harder than the original. The course is easier because of the increased visibility in Mario Maker. Instead of 15 x 12 = 180 blocks, the screen is 24 x 14 = 336 blocks. In fact, ANY course remade in Mario Maker will be easier because of the increased gameview.

Fun fact: There are actually two different arenas to fight Bower in, depending on which path you reach him with. To save blocks and make the level more convenient, I only used the easier arena.

Fire Flower or Star Power?: 8814-0000-00C0-818E

This is a standard ground level that gives you a choice between two powerups. There's also the option to take nothing, keeping true to the "no powerups required" rule of classic Mario.

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