charlie_ Posted September 16, 2015 Share Posted September 16, 2015 (edited) The Only New Bit The original thread, which was maintained for 4 years or something by Integrity, can be found here. 90% of this op is stolen from him. Any draft made before this thread won't be kept in the records, because nobody is gonna report a random FE10 Hard Mode draft from 2011. Because he's busy and understandably doesn't want to try and catch up on a forever's worth of drafts, I'm remaking this and moving everything to Google docs to start fresh and avoid clutter. The doc can be found here:]. It's not exactly complete yet, but it'll get there and I'll add more pages as I need to. The only other things that have been changed have been the rulesets, to update them to what I think is the standard? For a lot of them I'm just listening to Horace because he knows them better than I do. The rest is unchanged, because why fix what isn't broken? Also: I know the formatting in this post is fucked but I feel as though attempting to fix it is more likely to just break something else with how SF is right now. Remove subtitles from spoilers if you want to use them.Drafting: What? The simple, one-line, tl;dr explanation for a draft tourney is thus: A pool of characters is established, several people enter and take turns picking characters, then play through the game with only those characters. There's a wee bit more to it, obviously, but that's the basics. With the advent of several new types of draft flying out of the woodwork, I'm going to take an aside nice and up here to define a couple things. In a Standard draft, each person drafts his own team in order. This is typical. EX: I draft my team, Soul drafts his team, Donna drafts her team, and Furetchen drafts his team. In a SOYO (screw over your opponent) draft, each person drafts somebody ELSE'S team. Fair warning to hosts: don't set players in a SOYO draft to draft for each other or politicking will ensue. GOOD EX: I draft Soul's team, Soul drafts Donna's team, Donna drafts Furetchen's team, and Furetchen drafts my team. BAD EX: I draft Furetchen's team, Soul drafts Donna's team, Donna drafts Soul's team, and Furetchen drafts my team. In a Knickerbocker draft, each player nominates somebody else from outside the draft to draft for them. EX: Tangerine drafts my team, Spectakitty drafts Soul's team, Obviam drafts Donna's team, and Lumi drafts Furetchen's team.The Prelude Let's say my Spanish love, Donna, creates an FE8 draft thread. As the thread creator, several responsibilities are bestowed upon Donna. Primarily, she's supposed to keep the OP updated as the draft progresses before the actual playing starts. Anyway, Donna understands her responsibilities and creates the thread anyway. Donna declares that the pool of characters be split among 4 players, and the game be played on Hard mode. So our intrepid forumites - myself and my good friends Furetchen and Soul - all waltz over into the thread and declare ourselves committed. Everybody's in, and Donna randomizes the drafting order... Obviously, we're not all Donna. Some of us are Furetchen and Soul, for instance! As a contender, you do have responsibilities too. Also remember, dear Donna, that the thread creator is also a contender and shares those responsibilities. Honestly, these aren't nearly as many as the thread creator's - but the first, and very most important of all - is to be sure that you can finish the draft. As a mediocre player myself, I've only lost two drafts ever. Why? Because nobody else ever finished. So ask yourself: do I have the time and attention span to play this all the way through in a reasonable timeframe?The Process Donna's results are me, Soul, herself, Furetchen in that order. As I am myself and therefore not a smart man, I draft Neimi*. Furetchen, far down the line, shakes his fist in mute rage, as I have taken his favorite character out of the pool. Play passes to Soul, who drafts Syrene because he's kooky. Donna then drafts Kyle, and play moves to Furetchen. Furetchen, being at the end of the line, gets to draft twice and picks Franz and Vanessa - then play rolls back to Donna, then Soul, then me twice, then Soul. And around and around it goes until the characters are all gone - or until the teams are equal and there aren't enough characters to make another pass. To remember the order, simply count the number of contestants, say the last number twice, and go back around.1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3 ... Obviously, you don't want to hold up the draft. If you're pretty sure you're going to be sleeping or at school or at work when your turn comes up, and you won't be back for a while, you're allowed to implement a contingency plan. This involves - generally - sending a PM to another user with a list of picks. Let's go back to this FE8 draft that's going on. We're early in the draft, and we're waiting for Furetchen to get his double-pick done. Donna knows she'll be in bed like a good girl when Furetchen makes his pick and doesn't want Soul to have to wait. So, Donna sends Soul a PM. "Hey Soul, bestest buddy old pal, if I'm not around when you're ready to go could you draft Forde for me? If Furetchen takes him then give me Ross, then Duessel. Thanks! --Donna~"Generally speaking, I like to send the PM to the person drafting immediately after me. The reasons are many; the person can't shift his picks (soul: ooh, forde's a good idea. yoink!) to block me, and he's the person who would be stuck waiting anyway were I not around. Then, to the example, if Soul shows up before Donna does, he can say "Donna took Forde, and I want Lute." It's generally considered polite to leave a notice in the thread stating you might miss this pick and your second is X, additionally. Finally, I find it's best to, when implementing this plan, have a hierarchy of one plus however many drafters are coming before you. So if you're waiting for two people to draft, have three characters lined up for your second. If you're waiting for the double-pick and two more ...well, at a certain point there's no reason to have a second. This is really only for if you're almost up for picking and won't be ready. Rule of thumb: if there are more than two people between the current status and you, it's not worth it.* - for God's sake, if you're drafting FE8 don't take Neimi first.The Pr...uh, Gameplay Now we move to the gameplay itself. Things lose a lot of structure here; in the previous section, Soul could do absolutely nothing except twiddle his thumbs while he waited his turn. Now he can blaze out with all speed and rush into the game. As the tourney itself loses structure, so too does the expectations. Ostensibly, drafts are about getting the lowest turn count out of the contenders. Honestly, though, it doesn't matter in my experience. You are, however, expected to make semi-regular status updates. This is where the variation comes into play; some people like to leave updates until they've finished several chapters, some people like myself update every chapter's turncount and basic strategy into the thread as they finish it, some people like to do a complete play-by-play, and some ridiculous people named Balcerzak just record the experience and post it to Youtube. For the actual gameplay, you're only allowed to use the characters you drafted, and you take turn penalties if anybody else does something disallowed.The Variables Obviously, since Donna has control over her draft, she can impose rules. These can be as ludicrous and far-fetched as she wants, but I'll provide a few common examples here: * Common Characters: Most, if not all, drafts have a few characters who cannot be drafted because anybody is allowed to use them. This is almost always the main Lord but can often be extended to a game-changer like good old Marcus. * Prohibited Characters: The corresponding rule to the above. Some characters so thoroughly alter their game that they're not only out of the draft, use of them is prevented. I, personally, have only seen this extended to Seth but who knows? * And Many More! Undraftees, too, have different penalties depending on the draft. Generally, use of an undrafted unit (while forced, you shouldn't deploy undrafted units except to recruit) takes its toll in the form of a turn penalty. Since you're going for the lowest turncount in the draft, this is bad. Pay attention to what the OP says undrafted units can and cannot do without taking penalties. * Meatshielding: This one has a bullet because it's HIGHLY variable and difficult to predict from tourney to tourney. PAY ATTENTION TO WHETHER OR NOT YOU'RE ALLOWED TO MEATSHIELD! If you aren't, you take turn penalties any time an undrafted unit sees any combat, regardless of the outcome. I said to pay attention to the rules if you're signing up for a draft, but I seem to have forgotten the next most important thing. As the OP: state the rules clearly. If there are common units, make sure that everybody knows exactly who they are and when they're allowed. Keeping a clean post, while optional, is recommendable - but the priority is still to update it, regardless of quality. Spoilered at the bottom is a Generic Ruleset. The Generic Ruleset merely presumes a basic set of rules for the lazy or unmotivated. You may say "using generic rules except X" because they are not all-covering.Drafting II: The Process Again Since this is a bit of a hangup, I'm providing a spoilered section with a sample draft and how it goes. Besides that, my job here is done. I'll modify it later as new ideas come to mind. And, though it be egotistical to say, maybe this ought be stickied? [spoiler=a sample fe8 draft] Contenders are Integrity, Soul, Donna, Furetchen. Each gets five characters. Integrity: Neimi Soul: Syrene Donna: Kyle Furetchen: Franz, Vanessa Donna: Kyle, Forde Soul: Syrene, Lute Integrity: Neimi, Marisa, Natasha Soul: Syrene, Lute, Ross Donna: Kyle, Forde, Duessel Furetchen: Franz, Vanessa, Innes, Gerik Donna: Kyle, Forde, Duessel, Cormag Soul: Syrene, Lute, Ross, Gilliam Integrity: Neimi, Marisa, Natasha, L'Arachel, Tethys *DONE* Soul: Syrene, Lute, Ross, Gilliam, Moulder *DONE* Donna: Kyle, Forde, Duessel, Cormag, Rennac *DONE* Furetchen: Franz, Vanessa, Innes, Gerik, Colm *DONE* ----------Generic Rulesets and Recruitment Lists Prospectively hosting a draft? You could fight with Red Fox for a while about your special rules for units that you forgot to clarify, or you could just copy one of these lists! DO FEEL FREE to modify them if you use them. Experimentation is encouraged! And people, don't go copying that freakin' tier list like everybody seems to - that's just irritating. No, you want your lists laid out orderly, don't you? Yes, of course you do. And you're lazy? Yes, of course you are. Fear not! The relevant recruitment lists are included. All lists are laid out in recruitment order, with all necessary omissions (free units) ...omitted. FE4 is a special case: mothers will be listed first, followed by fathers. Any game with a route split involving different character lists (FE5, 6) will have the A characters until the merge, then the B characters until the merge. FE7 assumes skipping Lyn Mode for the order. FE8's list will assume Eirika route for the order. [spoiler=FE4, aka the one i don't really know] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Sigurd, Deirdre, Celice, Ardan, Oifaye and Julia are free for all to use. 3. When any mothers are drafted, their children come with them. Example: Drafting Ayra gives you Ayra, Lakche and Skasaher. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may only: Recruit characters, participate in Talk conversations and special events that do not require the participants to be lovers. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, giving Charisma bonuses, using the Give command, or participating in Lover/Sibling criticals. 3. Other and Neutral units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Arena use is allowed and encouraged. Penalties: 1. Non-holy weapon users (Noish, Ayra etc.) have a 3 turn penalty per unit per castle. 2. Holy weapon users (Levin, Shanan etc.) and Dancers have a 7 turn penalty per unit per castle. Example: Using Noish (if undrafted) en route to Jungby results in a 3 turn penalty. Once Sigurd seizes Jungby, you take another 3 turn penalty if you use Noish while en route to Evans. 3. Using the Give command is a special 12 turn penalty. Exceptions: 1. Generation 1 units may lose a bout in the Arena and then die to an enemy while unequipped to prevent them getting married. The enemy must have no other friendly units in his attack range and must finish the character in a single round. 2. Briggid, Claude and Tiltyu are free to use in Chapter 3. 3. Dew may lower the bridge in Chapter 4 if undrafted. He may not perform any other disallowed actions without penalty. 4. Leaf, Fin and Janne are free to use in Chapter 7. 5. Shanan is free to use in Chapter 7 until Yied is seized. Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining] (Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna) (Aideen, Lana, Lester) (Ayra, Lakche, Skasaher) (Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna) (Sylvia, Leen, Corple) (Fury, Fee, Sety) (Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny) (Briggid, Patty, Faval) Noish Alec Ardan Azel Lex Cuan Fin Midir Dew Jamka Holyn Levin Beowulf Claude Mana Radney Rodolban Tristan Dimna Femina Amid Johan Johalva Shanan Daisy Janne Ares Laylea Linda Asaello Hawk Hannibal Sharlow [spoiler=FE5, aka the one where you save state] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Leaf, Evayle and Sety/Cyas are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on Elite Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters; rescue undrafted units and NPCs; trade; visit Shops, Armories and Storage houses; and Escape. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: Meatshielding and Capturing or getting Captured (aside from being left behind). 3. The Warp staff cannot be used on Leaf or any unit holding Leaf. If a unit is warped or uses rewarp (or rescued by one of the above), they may not use the rescue staff on Leaf or any unit holding Leaf. 4. All Gaiden chapters except Chapters 8x and 24x are required to be visited, and do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 5. NPCs may do as they please without penalty. Penalties: 1. Undrafted characters have a 4 turn penalty per unit per chapter. 2. Skipping a Gaiden chapter not listed above results in a 20 turn penalty. Exceptions: 1. Two undrafted units are free for the Manster escape (Chapters 4 - 7). 2. Dagda and Tanya are free for Chapter 8x. 3. Glade and his knights are free for Chapter 13. 4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Master Proofs. Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining] Fin Othin Havan Dagda Tanya Marty Ronan Safy Lifis Makua Brighton Lara Fergus Karin Dalshin Asvel Nanna Hicks Shiva Carrion Selphina Kein Alba Robert Fred Olwen Mareeta Salem Pahn Trewd Tina Glade Dean Eda Homeros Linoan Ralph Eyrios Sleuf Misha Sara Shanam Miranda Xavier Amalda Conomore Delmud Galzus [spoiler=FE6, aka the one that definitely isnt FE1] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Roy, Marcus, Merlinus, Lalam/Elphin, and Fa are free for all to use. 3. Three units will remain undrafted. 4. The game will be played on Normal Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests. 3. Use of the Warp staff is banned. 4. All Gaiden chapters are required to be visited. Chapter 20x (either route) does not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken. 5. NPCs may do as they please without penalty. 6. The game must be played out to the True Ending. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty per unit, per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining] Alan Lance Wolt Bors Ellen Dieck Ward Lot Thany Chad Lugh Clarine Rutger Saul Dorothy Sue Zealot Treck Noah Astohl Lilina Wendy Barth Oujay Fir Shin Gonzales Geese Klein Tate Echidna Bartre Ray Cath Miredy Percival Cecilia Sophia Igrene Garret Hugh Zeis Douglas Niime Juno Dayan Yodel Karel [spoiler=FE7, aka the one with 6 modes]Note to hosts: remember to edit the Units Remaining list for whichever difficulty you pick. [spoiler=nested for eliwood mode][spoiler=copy this for normal mode]Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Eliwood, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Geitz and Wallace are drafted as a pair. 4. Marcus is banned after Chapter 15. 5. The game will be played on Eliwood Normal Mode(, skipping Lyn Mode). [spoiler=copy this for hard mode]Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Eliwood, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Geitz and Wallace are drafted as a pair. 4. The game will be played on Eliwood Hard Mode(, skipping Lyn Mode). Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, and talking to Fargus in Chapter 16x. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 22x and 26x are required to be visited. 22x and 26x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 2. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 15. 3. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining] Lowen Rebecca Dorcas Bartre Hector Matthew Serra Oswin Guy Erk Priscilla Florina Lyn Sain Kent Wil Raven Lucius Canas Dart Fiora Legault Isadora Heath Rath Hawkeye Geitz/Wallace Pent Louise Karel Harken Nino Jaffar Vaida Renault [spoiler=nested for hector mode][spoiler=copy this for normal mode] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair. 4. Geitz and Wallace will remain undrafted. 5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 16. 6. The game will be played on Hector Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. [spoiler=copy this for hard mode] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair. 4. Geitz and Wallace will remain undrafted. 5. The game will be played on Hector Hard Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11. 2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16. 4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining] Matthew Serra Oswin Eliwood Lowen Rebecca Dorcas Bartre/Karla Guy Erk Priscilla Florina Lyn Sain Kent Wil Raven Lucius Canas Dart Fiora Legault Isadora Heath Rath Hawkeye Farina Pent Louise Karel Harken Nino Jaffar Vaida Renault [spoiler=FE8, aka the one living in fear of seth] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Eirika/Ephraim, Orson, Tethys, and Myrrh are free for all to use. 3. Seth is banned from all use. 4. The game will be played on Hard Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests. 3. Map shopping is allowed. 4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. 6. Amelia and Ewan may be brought to level 10 of their Tier 0 class in Tower. All items gained from this must be tossed. 7: burning an rn to complete the prologue in 2 turns brings shame on me and on your entire family Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. 2. Seth has a special 8 turn penalty per chapter. Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining] Franz Gilliam Vanessa Moulder Ross Garcia Neimi Colm Artur Lute Natasha Joshua Forde Kyle Tana Amelia Innes Gerik Marisa L'Arachel Dozla Saleh Ewan Cormag Rennac Duessel Knoll Syrene [spoiler=FE9, aka the one that runs in slow motion] Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Ike, Titania, and one of Tibarn, Naesala or Giffca are free for all to use. 3. Nasir and Ena will be drafted as a pair. 4. The game will be played on Fixed Hard Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, and Arriving. 3. There are limits to how much BEXP may be used, and this is explained in detail below. 4. Partner and Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. 6. Chapter 27, Part 2 is not counted for final turncounts. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (Chapter 17 counts as 4 chapters). Exceptions: 1. Reyson and Janaff/Ulki may be used to obtain the Knight Ring if undrafted. They may not perform any other disallowed actions without penalty. BEXP Limits: 1. Use the table below to determine how much BEXP you're allowed to give your units when you're first able to give them BEXP. Characters are listed as either a level (such as 10/--) or an amount (such as 2.xx). You may use BEXP to get them to the level shown or give them the amount shown (Example: 2.xx would mean you're allowed to cap off their current level, then give them 2 more levels). 2. At the beginning of each chapter, you may give your units 50 EXP worth of BEXP. 3. Once you reach Endgame, you may distribute BEXP freely to whomever you wish. 4. Titania may not be given BEXP until Endgame. [spoiler=Table of BEXP limits] Ike: +0.xx Boyd: +0.xx Oscar: +0.xx Rhys: +4.xx Soren: +3.xx Mia: +3.xx Ilyana: +3.xx Rolf: +7.xx Mist: +6.xx Marcia: +2.xx Lethe: +0.00 Mordecai: +0.00 Volke: 12/-- Kieran: 13/-- Brom: 12/-- Nephenee: 10/-- Zihark: +1.xx Sothe: 09/-- Jill: +2.xx Astrid: +5.xx Gatrie: +2.xx Makalov: +3.xx Stefan: +0.00 Tormod: 14/-- Muarim: +0.00 Devdan: +1.xx Tanith: +0.00 Reyson: +0.00 Janaff: --/10 Ulki: --/10 Shinon: +6.xx Calill: --/08 Tauroneo: +1.xx Ranulf: --/12 Haar: +1.xx Lucia: +3.xx Bastian: +3.xx Geoffrey: --/13 Largo: --/10 Elincia: --/07 Ena: --/15 Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining] Oscar Boyd Rhys Gatrie Shinon Soren Mia Ilyana Mist Rolf Marcia Lethe Mordecai Volke Kieran Brom Nephenee Zihark Sothe Jill Astrid Makalov Stefan Tormod Muarim Devdan Tanith Reyson Janaff Ulki Calill Tauroneo Haar Ranulf Bastian Lucia Geoffrey Largo Elincia Ena/Nasir [spoiler=FE10, aka the one with 100 free units]Drafting: 1. This draft is for 7 players. 2. Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, the Herons, the Black Knight, and Lehran are free for all to use. 3. The drafting order is reversed for the last round of picks. 4. Haar is banned from drafting. 5. The game will be played on Normal Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape/Arrive, and transfer items/skills between teams. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, finding hidden items, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses. 3. Allied and Other units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (1-6 counts as 2 chapters, and 4-E counts as 5 chapters). Exceptions: 1. One of Edward or Nolan is free for each of 1-P, 1-1 and 1-2. 2. Volug is free for 1-5. 3. Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P 4. Nephenee and Brom are free for 2-1. 5. One undrafted, non-Lucia unit is free for 2-2. 6. One undrafted, 7 move unit is free for 3-1. 7. One undrafted, 6 move unit is free for 3-3. Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining]Edward Leonardo Nolan Laura Ilyana Aran Meg Volug Jill Zihark Tauroneo Fiona Tormod Muarim Vika Nailah Elincia Marcia Nealuchi Brom Nephenee Heather Lucia Mordecai Lethe Kieran Astrid Makalov Danved Calill Titania Soren Mist Rolf Boyd Oscar Shinon Gatrie Rhys Mia Ranulf Kyza Lyre Janaff Ulki Sigrun Tanith Skrimir Naesala Sanaki Tibarn Pelleas Stefan Oliver Bastian Volke Caineghis Giffca Kurthnaga Ena Renning Nasir Gareth [spoiler=FE11, aka the one with the 133 turn clear]Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Marth, Jagen and Nagi/Gotoh are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on (difficulty). Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, and shop. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors. 3. Gaiden (and prologue, if NM) chapters do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken. 4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want. 5. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 19 before Turn 5. Other: 1. Both the Wi-Fi Shop, and usage of the Warp staff are strictly prohibited. 2. You may not use loaner units. 3. Usage of the Forge is banned / capped at X. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining]Frey (NM only!) Norne (NM only!) Cain Abel Caeda Gordin Draug Wrys Ogma Bord Cord Barst Castor Darros Julian Lena Navarre Merric Matthis Hardin Sedgar Wolf Roshea Vyland Wendell Rickard Athena Bantu Caesar Radd Roger Jeorge Maria Minerva Linde Jake Midia Dolph Macellan Tomas Boah Horace Beck Astram Palla Catria Arran Samson Xane Etzel Est Tiki Lorenz Ymir Elice [spoiler=optional generics list] Unil/Zas Dua/Ida Trim/Ossa Quatro/Aenos Penvo/Athos Xestu/Kerkis Hepto/Foloi Octu/Giona Naunu/Kalon Dexa/Divri Hendexa/Voras Duadexa/Movri Wymp/Dirfys Owend/Delos Laim/Verno Auffle/Chasia Lucer/Gramos Rejek/Ithome Wieklin/Lyrkia Wladis/Lakomos Jeffers/Orthrys Augustus/Parnon Jiminez/Pelion Antony/Pindus Pinkley/Skarfa Aurelius/Kofinas Vladek/Kythnas Julius/Merenta Lever/Cynthus Justinian/Kypariss Sawyer/Cholomon [spoiler=FE12, aka the one i wanted to "accidentally" delete]Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players 2. Marth, Arran, Xane, Feena, and Rickard are free for all. Avatar is free for all, but may not use a mounted or flying class. 3. The game will be played on Hard 1. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, and shop. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors and activating Supports. 3. All characters are free for Prologue chapters. Prologue chapters count towards your total turncount. 4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want. 5. All Sidequest chapters must be visited and count towards your total turncount. 6. The game must be played out to the True Ending. I'm sorry. Other: 1. Forging, the Rainbow Potion, Lunatic Statboosters, Clock Bonus and use of Wi-fi features are strictly prohibited. 2. Male Class Set Combination is allowed. 3. Warp may not be used on Marth. Rescue may not be used on Marth by a unit who has been Warped or rescued earlier in the chapter. Hammerne may not be used on Rescue or Warp. 4. Use of the Drill Grounds is allowed. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4-turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Palla is free for Chapter 3. 2. Yubello, Yumina, Ogma and Sirius are free for Chapter 4. 3. Navarre is free for Chapter 7. 4. Merric is free for Chapter 10. 5. Nyna, Maria, Lena and Elice are free for Final. Teams: (names go here.) [spoiler=Units Remaining]Luke Rody Cecille Gordin Ryan Draug Malicia Catria Warren Cord Linde Palla Bord Julian Matthis Wrys Ogma Yumina Yubello Sirius Castor Caeda Barst Frey Norne Samto Wendell Caesar Radd Navarre Cain Bantu Roger Jeorge Minerva Etzel Merric Elrean Dice Maris Horace Jake Darros Robert Belf Leiden Beck Athena Tiki Est Dolph Abel Macellan Astram Katarina Tomas Sheema Samson Frost Roshea Vyland Sedgar Wolf Midia Ymir Michalis Nagi [spoiler=FE13, aka the one with(out) galeforce]Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Chrom, Avatar, Frederick, Olivia and Lucina are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on Hard Mode Classic. 4. The last round of drafting is reversed. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues are optional and are free up to 10 turns. 5. Challenge battles are banned. You may have undrafted units clear a challenge battle to shop, though any items obtained must be discarded/cannot be used or sold. 6. Map shopping is allowed, excluding items sold from Anna Merchant shops. 7. Mothers are drafted with their children, but are drafted at the same time as the rest of the units. 8. Use of items obtained from event tiles, the barracks and renown items are banned. 9. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited. 10. Forging is allowed. Extra: 1. A unit that activates Galeforce may not move. Taking another action with Galeforce other than using a healing item is worth a penalty of 10 turns. 2. Avatar may take on any unmounted class. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units performing any disallowed action is worth a penalty of 4 turns, 2. Undrafted units pairing up with drafted units is worth a penalty of 20 turns instead. Exceptions: 1. Ricken and Maribelle are free to be attacked without countering in Ch.5. 2. Nowi and Gregor are free for Ch.8. Teams: (names go here) [spoiler=units remaining]Lissa+Owain Sully+Kjelle Virion Stahl Vaike Miriel+Laurent Sumia+Cynthia Kellam Donnel Lon'qu Ricken Maribelle+Brady Panne+Yarne Gaius Cordelia+Severa Gregor Nowi+Nah Libra Tharja+Noire Anna Inigo Cherche+Gerome Henry Morgan Say'ri Tiki Basilio Flavia Edited May 11, 2017 by SB. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Integrity Posted September 16, 2015 Share Posted September 16, 2015 word Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baldrick Posted September 16, 2015 Share Posted September 16, 2015 But if we report drafts in defiance of your temporal restriction, would you log them? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
charlie_ Posted September 16, 2015 Author Share Posted September 16, 2015 I'm willing to go back and add in the fairly recent stuff (although I'm not sure how far back to go) but if it's too far back and not on the sheet I'll probably just laugh at you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Integrity Posted September 18, 2015 Share Posted September 18, 2015 and i'll warn you for spam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Horace Posted September 19, 2015 Share Posted September 19, 2015 (edited) how do you want things reported? finished #57491 in 108 turns I could edit the doc myself but I dunno how you want things to be organized so i'll make you do it. Edited September 19, 2015 by General Horace Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
charlie_ Posted September 20, 2015 Author Share Posted September 20, 2015 Any of topic number/name/link is fine. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gradivus. Posted September 27, 2015 Share Posted September 27, 2015 (edited) I guess it can't hurt to submit the units too, despite not having started the draft #56183 FE7 HNM Lopey*: Lyn, Canas, Priscilla, Oswin, Legault, Bartre + Karla, Rebecca Jedi: Sain, Lucius, Eliwood, Farina, Isadora, Hawkeye, Louise Gradivus.: Lowen, Erk, Rath, Dart, Guy, Renault, Jaffar Topazd: Kent, Fiora, Pent, Raven, Dorcas, Vaida, Wallace Sniper Knight: Florina, Heath, Serra, Matthew, Wil, Harken, Nino I finished in 152 turns and Topazd in 159 turns. Edited September 27, 2015 by Gradivus. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
charlie_ Posted September 27, 2015 Author Share Posted September 27, 2015 Got it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gradivus. Posted September 27, 2015 Share Posted September 27, 2015 Topazd did the 159 turn clear, not Lopey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lopey Posted September 27, 2015 Share Posted September 27, 2015 I haven't even finished. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gradivus. Posted October 1, 2015 Share Posted October 1, 2015 (edited) #56436 [FE8] Draft Nobody - Vanessa, Forde, Lute, Colm, Natasha, Knoll, Syrene - 108 turns Topazd - Franz, Moulder, Ross, Gerik, Innes, Ewan, L'Arachel - 126 turns Skellow - Tana, Garcia, Saleh, Gilliam, Amelia, Dozla, Rennac - 126 turns Gradivus. - Kyle, Artur, Joshua, Neimi, Cormag, Duessel, Marisa - 120 turns Edited October 2, 2015 by Gradivus. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carmine Sword Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 FE6 Draft - "BY Normal Mode Trash, FOR Normal Mode Trash" completed in 193 Turns. Should have taken Milady. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Horace Posted October 6, 2015 Share Posted October 6, 2015 FE5 Draft - I want an excuse to play Thracia again 1. Baldrick: Karin, Fergus, Lifis, Carrion, Sleuf, Glade, Linoan, Robert, Mareeta, Ronan, Galzus, Shanam 2. Jedi*: Fin, Asvel, Nanna, Pahn, Fred, Olwen, Hicks, Shiva, Selphina, Ralph, Delmud, Conomore 3. General Horace: Lara, Dagda, Othin, Makua, Eda, Sara, Tina, Alba, Homeros, Tanya, Misha, Miranda - 159 turns 4. Nintales: Safy, Brighton, Salem, Dean, Havan, Marty, Kein, Eyrios, Amalda, Dalshin, Xavier, Trewd I already updated the google doc myself, but after playing through the game again Fred should be free in chapter 11x and Mareeta should be free in chapter 12 since they're both pretty impossible to keep out of combat without Safy/Karin, so I think they should be added to the standard ruleset. I think there are other balance issues with Thracia drafting, but I don't really know a good solution for it, Karin is really OP and Lara is probably just as good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baldrick Posted October 6, 2015 Share Posted October 6, 2015 (edited) 157 turns for the same draft. Karin is definitely stronger than Lara as a pick, but if the player with Lara also gets one of the dragons (Misha sux) the other two have no way to compete. IMO make Lara free, since most games have free dancers anyway. Karin could possibly get the Marcus treatment, free for Manster, banned thereafter. Edited October 6, 2015 by Dylan Thomas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gradivus. Posted October 8, 2015 Share Posted October 8, 2015 (edited) Did [FE6] Typical Draft #53197 in 159 turns. Blaze the Great: Lance, Zeiss, Lugh, Oujay, Klein, Echidna, Shin, Garret, Barth + Wendy, Geese, Cath Gradivus.: Shanna, Treck, Percival, Astol, Niime, Yuno, Igrene, Douglas, Yodel + Wendy, Geese, Cath zhaoyunfan: Alan, Noah, Lott, Ellen, Cecilia, Sue, Gonzales, Dayan, Sophia + Wendy, Geese, Cath Ozarhok: Miledy, Zealot, Rutger, Saul, Ward, Lilina, Bartre, Dorothy, Hugh + Wendy, Geese, Cath MJThom_2009: Tate, Dieck, Clarine, Chad, Wolt, Ray, Bors, Fir, Karel + Wendy, Geese, Cath Edited October 8, 2015 by Gradivus. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gradivus. Posted October 13, 2015 Share Posted October 13, 2015 (edited) #54860 [FE11] Shadow Dragon H5 Draft Skellow: Abel, Draug, Sedgar, Merric, Athena, Horace, Roshea, Etzel, Trim/Ossa, Elice, Julius/Merenta, Aurelius/Kofinas, Vladek/Kyfnos, Hendexa/Voras + Jake - 169 turns KP 2010: Cain, Bord, Cord, Darros, Julian, Lena, Catria, Linde, Maria, Penvo/Athos, Hepto/Foloi, Wieklin/Lyrkia, Dua/Ida, Dexa/Divri, Lucer/Gramos + Jake *Gradivus.: Hardin, Wolf, Castor, Navarre, Roger, Matthis, Vyland, Boah, Ymir, Auffle/Chasia, Lorenz, Duadexa/Movri, Unil/Zas, Naunu/Kalon, Owend/Delos + Jake - 160 turns momogeek2141: Ogma, Barst, Gordin, Wendell, Minerva, Palla, Midia, Tiki, Astram, Arran, Xestu/Kerkis, Wymp/Dirfys, Quatro/Aenos, Octu/Giona, Laim/Verno + Jake Edited October 14, 2015 by Gradivus. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carmine Sword Posted October 15, 2015 Share Posted October 15, 2015 (edited) FE13 "Not a Battle" Draft in 66 Turns. My team was: Miriel + Laurent, Lon'qu, Panne + Yarne, Anna, Say'ri, Tiki, Inigo Inigo never existed because lol marrying Olivia to anyone besides Chrom in efficiency runs. I thought that I needed Falcon Knight!Say'ri to 1-turn Chapter 21, but she was neither at a high enough level to use a Second Seal, nor was she actually needed for the 1-turn clear after all. Tiki was pretty much filler. Everyone else saved turns at some point. EDIT: FE8 Experimental Picking Order Draft in 117 Turns. Team was: Gilliam, Artur, Cormag, Natasha, Joshua, Dozla, Syrene Being 4th pick still sucks. Edited October 20, 2015 by Carmine Sword Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gradivus. Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 (edited) #58113 [FE7] Ultra Sadistic ENM Draft: The Second Elieson: Bartre, Nino SRC: Oswin, Jaffar Jedi: Erk, Karel Zasplach: Hector, Harken Lopey: Rebecca, Wallace Icemario: Lyn, Hawkeye ZM: Dorcas, Louise eclipse: Serra, Legault Skellow: Canas, Guy Quintessence: Lucius, Dart Refa: Matthew, Raven Gradivus.: Pent, Wil Finished in 180 turns. Also the teams in [FE8] Experimental picking order draft although I haven't finished yet #58110 Gradivus.: Vanessa, Ross, Moulder, Amelia, Knoll, Rennac Jedi: Franz, Lute, Kyle, Colm, Neimi, Duessel General Horace: Garcia, Tana, Saleh, Forde, Gerik, Innes, L'Arachel, Ewan Carmine Sword: Gilliam, Artur, Cormag, Natasha, Joshua, Dozla, Syrene Edited October 20, 2015 by Gradivus. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Horace Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Fairly certain i've updated everything up to Gradivus's post above. If you see i've missed something let me know. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Refa Posted October 21, 2015 Share Posted October 21, 2015 #58113 Finished in 176 turns. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quintessence Posted October 25, 2015 Share Posted October 25, 2015 #58113 184 turns Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darros Posted October 25, 2015 Share Posted October 25, 2015 Is drafting a thing again? Guuuuuuuuuys I have midterms and school now, but you're making me want to sign up for drafts and not finish them draft FE now :'( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icemario Posted October 25, 2015 Share Posted October 25, 2015 #58113 Finished in 198 turns. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skellow Posted October 28, 2015 Share Posted October 28, 2015 Finished #58113 in 183 turns. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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