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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. What are you?

2. What are the values that drive you? How do you prioritise them?

3. What would you do if you no longer had to work for a living?

4. What were the greatest formative factors in making you who you are today?

5. First and current impressions of me?

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1. Favourite dinosaur?

  1. Philosoraptor

Favorite Operating System? (+Version)

  1. Used to be fond of Windows 7, but I've recently been converted to OS X. Since I work on software for Apple devices at my day job, I've gotten used to OS X and decided that it's basically like a flavor of Linux that has real major software support. I really liked Ubuntu and Debian, but since most of the software and games I play didn't support it, I stopped dual-booting it. I recently purchased a MacBook Pro and am boot camping Windows 10 for Visual Studios and the odd game, but most of my time has been spent on OS X. Even the majority of my Steam Library is supported by OS X. I'm running El Capitan.

1. Biggest accomplishment you have ever achieved in a video game?

2. What programming language did you find most difficult to learn?

3. What FE games have you beaten?

4. Favorite FE weapon type?

5. What was something that you always wanted to try that you haven't yet?

  1. Probably a tie between beating Hell in CaveStory+, and 100% completing Ocarina of time, including winning the race that earns you a cow for your house in Kokiri Forest.
  2. Probably C++. I really hate C++. C is simple and you can do a lot with it. C++ feels like someone just took C and threw a lot of higher-level-language constructs on top of it, without really addressing the core problem. I've heard later iterations of C++ have dealt with that issue in a better way, but there's a lot of crap. If I want high level language abstraction, I'll stick to Java or C#, thanks.
  3. BEATEN? Welp. Time to get exposed here: FE7, FE9, FE13. I stopped FE10 relatively close to the end and FE8 right before the end, because I got bored of them. The FE6 translation wasn't fully completed when I started playing it. I didn't have enough time to finish my FE4 playthrough, and I didn't want to play FE5 without it. FE3 I never attempted, because I was more interested in the FE4 story and had already made a lot of progress on it. FE1 is old, ew. I've seen people play it, but I'd rather play FE3 or FE11/FE12. FE2, even though it's old, doesn't have a modern adaptation, so I'd probably be more willing to try it at some point.
  4. Swords! SWORDS! SWORDY SWORD SWORDS!!!!!! Did you really expect a different answer from someone with a Joshua avatar??? Though, my favorite weapon combinations are Swords and Bows, or Swords and Magic.
  5. Skydiving.

favorite console(s)

why fallen angel

do you still stay in touch with bus

why is the fe4 thread your favorite guinea pig

have you gotten agarest on steam or should we gift them to you

  1. I have a special place in my heart for the NES, but I really like my PS3.
  2. I was young and stupid. At the time, I was also your run-of-the-mill angsty teenager. That name was borne out of the idea that I was a generally good person who did some stupid shit and the fact it sounded edgy. I meant fuck. Have you seen the character I play in Persona 4 Arena?


    Fuck. Look at all that edge.

  3. I do! Not as much as I used to, but we're all pretty busy people now.
  4. Because I love you all.
  5. No. NO. NOOOOOOOOooooOOOOOOOOooooooooo
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1. Favorite Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part?

2. Coffee or Tea?

3. Getting up early or sleeping in?

4. Upcoming game you're most looking forward to?

  1. I haven't read the manga, so I can only pick from 1-3. At the moment, Battle Tendency is my favorite. Joseph Joestar is the best.
  2. Used to lean towards tea, but I've been drinking a lot more coffee recently.
  4. Zero Escape III.

1. What are you?

2. What are the values that drive you? How do you prioritise them?

3. What would you do if you no longer had to work for a living?

4. What were the greatest formative factors in making you who you are today?

5. First and current impressions of me?

  1. A man with a keyboard. An electrical engineer, software engineer, server admin, gamer, and broadcaster all in the same person.
  2. I value honesty, intelligence, and empathy. I probably prioritize honesty the highest, intelligence second, and empathy third.
  3. I would spend my time working on software development, gaming, and traveling the world.
  4. Honestly? A highly shitty childhood and some friends on the internet are what made me into who I am. Without the people I met via FESS and Ragnarok Online, especially the former, I would certainly not have developed into the person I am today. One of the things I am most grateful for are the friends and mentors I met online during my high school years. Thinking about this actually makes me a little emotional, but they're great people that I absolutely needed at the time.
  5. I can't remember the first time I talked to you, but I remember early on thinking you were intelligent, but a little naive sometimes. You seemed 'young' to me. That's not really a bad thing. Now, I still think you're intelligent, but I question your choice of words at times. I think you would benefit a lot by getting more perspective from different people of different walks in life. Even if you don't agree with them, I think expanding one's own worldview is important.

11. Which FE's have you played?

12. Do you play Super Mario Maker?

13. What's your favorite gaming system?

14. What's your favorite Pokemon?

15. If you could make any fictional world real, which would you pick?

  • See above answer.
  • Yes, although I haven't played it too much recently. It's hilarious to watch, though. I sometimes keep a stream of it on in the background at work.
  • See above.
  • Dratini
  • Danmachi (Is it wrong to pickup girls in a dungeon?). I really like how it's similar to an RPG, but in a slightly believable way.

6. Pancakes or waffles or french toast?

7. Favorite pokemon?

  • French Toast
  • See above.
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16. Do you collect Amiibo?

17. If so, how many do you have?

18. Favorite Mario game?

19. Played any Mario Maker courses that made you rage?

20. Why is Dratini your favorite Pokemon?

  • Not really, though I have some.
  • 3 (none of them are Fire Emblem related because YOU PEOPLE BOUGHT THEM ALL)
  • Sunshine
  • Yes, although I can't remember what they were. I usually just skip if they are too upsetting (near impossible)
  • It's fucking cute. It also turns into a Dragonite eventually, which is pretty strong.
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I sat here for a while thinking of what to ask the head honcho big man yakuza don of SF. I'm probably trying too hard. Oh, well! Here goes:

1. Why are you so cool?

2. Are you willing to share something UNCOOL about yourself, such as a bad habit?

3. If you could be somehow safely fused with a certain living organism, and not only gain features similar to it, but also obtain its unique capabilities, what creature would it be?

4. You gonna save some lives with those powers or what?

Edited by Esme
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  • Reminds me of mameshiba.
  • Burbank has a lot of stuff to do! A fun place to visit occasionally. There's also recording studios over there. lol
  • I've been really busy, but overall things have been going okay. If all goes well, I'll even be able to pay off my car soon, which would be nice.
  • I really like this city. Fuck the desert. Holy crap, living in Lancaster was so bad.
  • I like graphic dress shirts and polos, like this http://i37.tinypic.com/35k23xu.jpg

    I also like stuff that borders on goth or visual kei, like this: http://www.sakazen.jp/photo/h-zenmall/c/7563100850c.jpg

    I used to dress more stylishly, but a lot of my clothes are worn out (and stuff like this is hard to get), I'm out of shape, and I've also been lazy.

Ew how?! Suku is way cuter than that mameshiba thing. (I had to google it.)

Burbank is definitely fun. I mentioned I wanted to move to Pasadena, but now it's Burbank lmao.

and being able to pay off your car is definitely good news. Or best news.

16. Is Keine's theme the best of all Touhou songs? 8)

17. How can you withstand this winter's ... winter? ;~; I'm freezing my butt off since like December and I've been here for only almost one year.

18. Have you seen snow before?

19. What do you think of penguins?

20. Oh yeah. Obligatory first and current impressions of me. Not sure if you have any though lmao.

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16. What fictional character would you marry?

17. First and current impressions of me everyone's asking this ?

18. Favorite Mario game?

19. Least favorite game of all time?

20. Favorite color?

21. Smash 4 main?

22. Greatest stunt you pulled off/walked away from?

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24. What's your favorite genre of film?

Fairly certain it'd be against our own code of conduct were he to go into detail answering this question. I'm keeping an eye out, Jyo, don't say anything warn worthy.

Edited by Tangerine
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...so if they say "I like horror movies more than fantasy movies" that's against CoC? Okay...I withdraw the question...

I'm pretty sure Tangerine wasn't being serious about that, despite what she is going to say

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- What did you feel when you have been chosen for this interview?

- Impressions about meh?

- What's your most favorite ice cream flavor?

- Most FF game you like?

- What kind of video game genre you tend to like mostly?

- Favorite sport?

- Favorite genre of TV / Cinema content? Like terror, action, drama, mystery, etc.

Edited by Erdall
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...so if they say "I like horror movies more than fantasy movies" that's against CoC? Okay...I withdraw the question...

You should invest in picking up a joke radar, my friend. (That was pretty good tho lmao)

1. Do you collect swords?

2. Have you played Etrian Odyssey?

3. What is your favorite event in history?

4. Favorite subject in school?

5. Do you play Starcraft?

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