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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1) how do you feel about women.

2) do you feel sexy outfits empower or objectify individuals in general?

3) how ya doing today?

4) ...yeah I don't really known that much about you other than constant boob sigs tbh... so what is the quality you appreciate most in a potential crush/love interest/object of desire.

5) ...do you find yourself having to deal with questions over your sigs often?

More than 5?

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1: How did you come up with your user name?

2: Do you find it ironic to type in any non-black color when your name is Raven?

3: What do you look like? Your link in the selfie thread is now an invalid link.

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Sorry for the delay - time zones are a bit of a bother.

First/current impressions

impressions of suku

My first impressions of you were "Hey, a new active member, maybe they will be interesting and also stick around." You've fulfilled my expectations, and despite my minimal interactions with you, you're a nice person and member. I do prefer to use Shirley, which is the username I recognise you as most.

Sorry for my ignorance, but I don't know anyone by the name of Suku...

1. Wait a second your sig isn't freaking lewd right now what gives?
2. Aren't girls with somewhat scruffy hair like in your avatar so cute?

1. The sig is of Maria, a character from this light novel which I really enjoyed. She is not a lewd character, but I'm fine with this.

2. Yep, the girl is again Maria like in the sig. I love her whole appearance and character, but especially the hair. A character's hair is a rather important trait, I think.

1: What makes Sacred Stones your favorite FE game?

2: Still wubbing those nice dresses/skirts?

1. Sacred Stones, huh. I've put more hours into the game than any other FE game if I'm to be honest. The choice of chapter pathing, branching promotions, the post-game content, Leon and his OP tome (the name of which currently slips my mind), the large variety of likeable characters. I also ship Ross and Amelia. FE7 is my second-favourite FE title, but FE8 just edges ahead. The GBA series are the best, imo.

2. Every day. Frilly skirts/dresses just make me want to hire a maid. Not that I have the money or need for one.


I'll be back in an hour or so to answer the remaining questions.

Edited by Raven
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1) How do you feel about being interviewed?

2) Do you think that the Kingdom Royale could be successfully made into a forum game?

3) What three videogames would you recommend?

4) The protagonists of the last three things that you played/watched/read are now the members of your zombie apocalypse team. How screwed are you?

5) Impressions, if any.

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Ok back, gonna answer as much as I can now.

1. What show brought you into the inescapable death trap that is Anime?

2. How often do people confuse you with Lord Raven?

3. Favorite song?

Haaa oh boy, let's see here. I was watching Dragon Ball Z on and off as I was growing up and even some Samurai Pizza Cats at earlier stages, but I was blissfully ignorant that it was anime, and also ignorant of all the thousands of other anime that was simply not aired or I wasn't interested in watching.

As for when the whole "this anime stuff looks interesting, I wonder what all the fuss is about" phase began, the first was... Love Hina.

1. Favorite food?

2. Favorite genre of music?

1. I'm glad you didn't ask for just one food, because I like a bunch of things. Pizzas, brownies, several chocolate-flavoured things not limited to cakes, ice cream, Kit-Kats and other chocolate bars, as well as CRUMPETS, the contents on the plate of a British breakfast meal (sausages, eggs, bacon, beans, toasted/fried bread, etc.), sushi, pancakes, Marmite (+ toast is optional, I eat that shit straight from the tub with a spoon), Nutella...

I really could go for some Marmite right now, though.

2. My favourite genre is always changing, so I'm just going to name a few off the top of my head: , DnB, J-core, UK hardcore, dance, house, happy hardcore, psytrance... I also like some rock music and classical music such as Pachelbel's Canon. That's not to say I like every song within these genres, but it should give a general idea.

Small trivia: The first album I bought for myself was Linkin Park's Meteora.

1) how do you feel about women.
2) do you feel sexy outfits empower or objectify individuals in general?
3) how ya doing today?
4) ...yeah I don't really known that much about you other than constant boob sigs tbh... so what is the quality you appreciate most in a potential crush/love interest/object of desire.
5) ...do you find yourself having to deal with questions over your sigs often?

More than 5?

1. A strange question I think, and I'm not sure how I should answer. Just like men, women are a necessity for certain. Not only for the continued existence of the human race, but for the preparation of mankind's food and clothes, and for the wearing of cute frilly clothing.

2. I think dressing up nicely, without looking like you walked straight out of a strip joint, will definitely empower a person. Confidence is key, and if you can pull it off you can get people to (figuratively) kiss your arse and lick your shoes to a certain extent. Looking good gets you noticed, and handling the extra attention well will ensure you get treated normal. Of course, human nature is to oggle the opposite sex to find worthy mating partners, so looking is only natural if you see someone you like the look of. It's all rather complex and I don't care to go deeper, to be honest.

3. Today, I am fine. Food has been eaten and I'm sitting here typng this, whilst doing actual work whenever necessary, as well as checking up on my email, browsing Reddit, Travian (online browser game), all the while taking a swig of my water every so often. Later I plan to go home and do more even more nothing.

4. It's probably just a coincidence that numerous old love interests of mine have had rather large breasts, but a personality I can get along with is the most important trait of any person I'm to spend a long time with. There has to be mutual understanding, respect and love between myself and them, amongst other things. But I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't initially attracted to these people because of their looks.

5. Not really. Sometimes I may get people asking who is in the sig or what anime or whatever, but not very often.

If you have more questions, feel free to post them and I'll answer everything.

1: How did you come up with your user name?

2: Do you find it ironic to type in any non-black color when your name is Raven?

3: What do you look like? Your link in the selfie thread is now an invalid link.

1. I was a member of the Nintendo Official magazine UK forums from the time I joined the internet in 2006 to 2007 before I joined here in 2008. My username was "Shaun_K" there. My RL name is Shaun kelly. Go figure. Anyway, I was signing up to this forum when I thought I should go for something more FE-related. I really liked FE7's Raven, so I went for that. Red Fox of Fire had a Priscilla avatar upon my joining, so for a while it was a running gag for us to RP in threads.

2. If the need arises for whatever reason, I will use black. But I have no memory of ever posting in any other colour except red or black.

3. Oh, I didn't notice the link wasn't working. I have not felt the need to take any pictures of myself for a long time, but this picture is the most recent of me. It was last Christmas, I'm on the left taking the picture. I've been told I turn Asian when I'm smiling.

1. Favorite videogame song?
2. Do you like Welsh more than English?

3. Have you any self set targets you want to reach so badly?

4. Opinion about "Brexit"?

5. Favorite Snooker player?

1. Only one? Fuck.

2. Languages? I know very little Welsh to be honest, so I'd have to say I prefer English. Rydw i'n hoffi coffi, and all that, like.

3. My own entertainment/gaming room.

4. I'm curious as all fuck to see what would happen if the U.K. did leave the E.U., so I'd have to say yeah let's leave, just to see what would happen. All these theories about how we'll crash and burn, or how it's ultimately best for us... Let's just do it and see what happens next.

5. Mark Williams. Back when my Great-Grandfather was alive, we'd watch the Snooker and support him and Ronnie O'Sullivan in the big tournaments.

How did you know I have a fondness towards Snooker?

Do you like sheeps?
What do you think about the current state of the world?

1. I fucking loves sheeps, I do. There's enough sheep in Wales for every person living here to have 2.5 sheep each. Yet the only sheep I've ever owned is actually never alive and gets cooked and eaten. Those bloody sheep farmers, hogging all the sheep for themselves and their families. It's not fair.

2. Most places are fine and I'd like to see as much as I can, but there's also a bunch of places I would like to avoid, too.

3. You joined only in 2013 but it feels like you've been around for much longer. I haven't had many interactions with you directly from what I can remember (hell I haven't interacted with many people here since 2010) but of course I see you around here a lot, and you've almost always got something worth reading when you post, which is good. What you lack in sigs and avatars, you make up for in posts.

1) How do you feel about being interviewed?
2) Do you think that the Kingdom Royale could be successfully made into a forum game?
3) What three videogames would you recommend?
4) The protagonists of the last three things that you played/watched/read are now the members of your zombie apocalypse team. How screwed are you?
5) Impressions, if any.

1. It's quite a bit of work, replying to everything in a way which hopefully satisfies the people asking the questions. But I'm ultimately glad I'm getting a go at this, it's actually quite fun.

2. Believe me whan I say I've already thought about this lol. But there are some instances where IRL interactions (e.g. the ability to kill others with your own hands/weapon) must be replaced with some other form of action that can give the same results or removed all together. Otherwise, it would be pretty damn interesting for a few games, just to see how it would work in a forum setting.

3. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, Ace Combat: Squadron leader (AC5: The Unsung War outside Europe), and uhh... Pokemon R/S/E.

4. Pretty safe, to be honest. I'd have Goku and Vegeta (Dragon Ball Super anime), Mikasa Ackerman and Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan manga), along with Maria Otonashi and Kazuki Hoshino (Hako to Zero no Maria light novel). I could have only Goku with me and I'd still be perfectly fine.

5. You're a relatively new member, and I simply have not interacted with many people here for a number of years. But of course, from what interactions I have had with you, I think you're a nice guy, and I'm also very pleased that I got you into reading the HakoMari light novel series, too. You seem like the type who's willing to give things a try, so I like that. Nothing bad to say abuot you, so I'd say that's a good thing.

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1. Best waifu?

2. Favorite Sega system? (And top 3 games for it?)

3. Fond childhood memory?

4. Cake or pie? (and which kind do you like best?)

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How did you know I have a fondness towards Snooker?

I think it was a question in QOTD with the question What sports do you do or watch? (probably worded slightly differently) and you came up with Snooker.

I noticed your post at once because it's very rare to see someone who knows about Snooker, even less who's watching this sport.

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Who are you?

What makes Sacred Stones your favorite FE?

Why do you write in red? Is it the blood of your enemies?

Greatest prank you've pulled?

Have you played/downloaded/heard of my game?

How do you feel about the world today?

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Some good , thoughtful and interesting responses. Raven is looking like a good interview choice imo.

6) you used to have a hack... Do you ever check out the fangames forums nowadays?

7) what makes a good game in your opinion?

8) do you consider yourself an artist?

9) what would you do for a career if nothing was stopping you and everything was a possibility?

10) do you think love can be found on a battlefield...? snake?

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Sorry for my ignorance, but I don't know anyone by the name of Suku...

Suku isn't a person, but a... a... thing from Touhou. Kinda. It's in my profile or here


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I accidentally missed 2 questions by Carmine earlier, so here are the replies for them:

2. How often do people confuse you with Lord Raven?

3. Favorite song?

2. It used to happen rather often, particularly around the time when FESS was closing/merging with Serenes Forest. These days, rarely. People often distinguish me from LRaven as Red Text Raven, and I'm fine with this.

3. Tough question, it's always changing and I sometimes like a lot at once. I'd say it's a tossup between these two right now:


The buildup of these songs is slow, but I enjoy them both nonetheless. Infected Mushroom are probably my current favourite band to listen to.

I'm in the middle of answering the recent questions right now, so they will come soon.

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1. Best waifu?

2. Favorite Sega system? (And top 3 games for it?)

3. Fond childhood memory?

4. Cake or pie? (and which kind do you like best?)

1. Uuhhh FE7 Rebecca is my first and still my otw, but others have also come close, including FE9/10's Mia.

2. Mega Drive and Master System were the only Sega consoles I owned, so it's going to be Mega Drive, hands down. Top 3 games for that would be Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic 2, and Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island (Blast in North America, for whatever reason).

3. Give me a minute. Okay got it. I was probably 8 years old and it was Christmas time. I opened a boxey-looking present, tore off a corner of the wrapping paper and saw the PlayStation logo underneath. All my friends already had PlayStations and I think this was my most requested thing for a long time.

Somewhat related: I played Crash 1 and Air Combat all day and night for a long time; those were my first PS1 games. Because I had no memory card, I recall having to complete Air Combat in single sittings and also having to write down the passwords for Crash after every bonus round. One day I loaded up Crash to continue and I accidentally entered the first half of one password and the second half of another password I'd written down previously, and the loaded game was even more completed than my own genuine progress. That was quite an early "wtf" moment for me.

4. Crumbs, what a question. It's gotta be cake, though. Specifically I love the sweet layer of icing sugar that usually surrounds a cake. Now I want some.

I think it was a question in QOTD with the question What sports do you do or watch? (probably worded slightly differently) and you came up with Snooker.

I noticed your post at once because it's very rare to see someone who knows about Snooker, even less who's watching this sport.

Oh yeah, I remember now. Good memory there.

1. Who are you?

2. What makes Sacred Stones your favorite FE?

3. Why do you write in red? Is it the blood of your enemies?

4. Greatest prank you've pulled?

5. Have you played/downloaded/heard of my game?

6. How do you feel about the world today?

1. I'm Batman Raven. Real name's Shaun. I'm from Wales in the United Kingdom. 27 years old, started using the internet in 2006, joined Serenes Forest in January 2008. As far as I'm aware, I have descendants from Ireland and England on my father's side. I'm also an arse man.

Other online personas I most commonly use would be VanguardRaven (since Raven is stupid common, need some way to distinguish myself from all the other Ravens) and Railgunz.

2. I answered this previously, but here's the copy/pasted reply:

Sacred Stones, huh. I've put more hours into the game than any other FE game if I'm to be honest. The choice of chapter pathing, branching promotions, the post-game content, Leon and his OP tome (the name of which currently slips my mind), the large variety of likeable characters. I also ship Ross and Amelia. FE7 is my second-favourite FE title, but FE8 just edges ahead. The GBA series are the best, imo.

3. Yes I choose to write in red because it was on a whim when I first posted to do so. The forum was still small at the time (as I am member 147), so I just roled with it. And here we are today, still red.

4. Uuuuuuh, I don't pull jokes or pranks on people often. I honestly can't recall a time when I pulled a prank on someone. Fun life, huh.

5. Yes, you made a topic about it a short while back. I was in work so I just read up the wiki for a while. I haven't actually played it, though.

6. I also somewhat answered this question previously too, so I'll c/p:

Most places are fine and I'd like to see as much as I can, but there's also a bunch of places I would like to avoid, too.

Some good , thoughtful and interesting responses. Raven is looking like a good interview choice imo.

6) you used to have a hack... Do you ever check out the fangames forums nowadays?

7) what makes a good game in your opinion?

8) do you consider yourself an artist?

9) what would you do for a career if nothing was stopping you and everything was a possibility?

10) do you think love can be found on a battlefield...? snake?

6. I did indeed have a hack, it also got made into a playable prologue state thanks to Hikarusa's help. But these days my flame for hacking has gone out, so I haven't kept up with the hacking scene for quite some time.

7. Another hard one with a number of variables. Fun, engaging gameplay is a must - take Metal Gear Solid V as an example of this. The gameplay for that game was very enjoyable for me, I didn't really care that the story was rather lackluster. I still 100%'d the game. Depending on the game, the characters must also be at least likeable or relatable. I don't particularly care much for graphics. I'm also a fan of fast and fun racing games. Burnout, Gran turismo, Rollcage, Destruction Derby, Race Driver GRID, are but a few series of racing games I've enjoyed over the years.

8. I was pretty good in art class. I haven't done anything artistic since I was in school before university, over 8 years ago. If you consider spriting/splicing "art" then I did a bit of that, too. So in short, yes I'd say I'm at least somewhat artistic.

9. No limits, I'd be in a police force. Instead I have an easy IT desk job. Yay..?

10. Yeah... I do. I think at any time, any place, people can fall in love with each other. But, if you love someone, you have to be able to protect them.

Suku isn't a person, but a... a... thing from Touhou. Kinda. It's in my profile or here


Oh THIS...thing. It's... It's interesting. Cute? Fluffy, I suppose? Those horns will have to be rounded off though, they would definitely hurt someone or damage something.

What do you think of my avatar and sig?

They are top quality. Both of them. If it's a manga, I'd read it.

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1.Greatest Achievement in life thus far

2.Can you recommend me one thing you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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Thank god more questions, work is tediously boring so just throw anything at me.

1.Greatest Achievement in life thus far
2.Can you recommend me one thing you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?
3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?
4.Furthest you've ever been from home?
5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. Probably completing university. Despite fucking up my A-levels I got into my university course through the foundation course (like a year 0) for it. We had to get 60% or more in the foundation year to be accepted into the main 3-year course, in which I did pass. Those 4 years of university have been the best of my life thus far.

2. Game-wise, if you're into futuristic fast-paced racing games (e.g. Wipeout, F-Zero) with power-ups (like mario Kart) and have a good computer, I'd highly recommend GRIP. This game is essentially the successor to Rollcage and Rollcage Stage II games that were published on PS1 and PC a long time ago. It's still in beta and probably will be for a while longer, but it's shaping itself into a great game, just as its predecessors were.

Food-wise, crumpets. You've probably heard of them but maybe you haven't tried them. Warm them up in the toaster and chuck a slab of butter on top, eat it just as the butter's melted. Damn good.

3. It's deep and Welsh. What's not to like. I'm impartial towards it to be honest. I guess it's ok, but you'd think I'm constantly bored if we were in a Skype call.

4. 9087951746.jpg

5. FLYGON. I was somewhat disappointed when I discovered it didn't have a Mega form in ORAS. Still used it, though.

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1. Why are ships coming out of the base?

2. Would you play a Senran Kagura game

3. Have you played any shmups

4. Are you excited for Pokemon GO

5. Are you excited for Pokemon Sun and Moon

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Had some more questions. Just hadn't gotten around to it.

Okay... time for the Impressions Questions!

11) impressions... do you do any? Like voices?

12) what is you opinion on impressionist art?

13) how does one leave a good impression in general, in your opinion?

14) have you ever struggled with depression? (Not necessary to answer if uncomfortable)

15) ...and I guess original/current impressions of me?

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