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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1: Obligatory "What are your impressions of me?" question, if you know who I am

2: What do you think of the name Rachel?

3: Just how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

4: Aspirations in life?

5: Opinion on kids, and do you have any/plan to have any?

Will you be enforcing the 5 question limit?

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1. What is your tea of choice?

2. Which could you go for right now, chips or crisps?

3. What's your favourite topping on your morning crumpet?

4. Is it true that your secret identity is Jack the Ripper?

5. Why prostitutes specifically?

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I'm SHIN, I'm essentially a piece of furniture on SF at this point, that coffee table you own despite never actually drinking coffee. I opted out a while back because I was lazy busy, but people voted me anyway so I was too lazy to opt out again.

1. When did the rivalry with Horace originate?

Gather around for a mighty tale.

Many eons ago, where man battled each other archaically by selecting units from FE games and battling each other with only their wits, willingness to cheat and sheer determination. At the height of the conflict was the arena known as FE4. After many moons of conflict with Integrity, SHIN had come out victorious, holding a solid record. However, this victory was short-lived, a new evil had reared its ugly face.


Shin made battle against this HEAVY force, claiming many temporary victories, only for the record to be taken back. The challenge was immense, the pinnacle of Shin's combat with this Horace being SFDTT. Shin actually won to everyone's surprise, but then Horace broke his record the next day. What a JERK.

In short: We both drafted FE4 a bunch, played various games against each other which then devolved into a juvenile attempt to best the other at anything remotely competitive. WORTH IT.

Impressions of sukusuku hakutaku.

impressions of yours truly if any. It's fine if none.

I spent several minutes trying to figure out what that thing was. They were among the least productive minutes of my life. I also spent several minutes trying to see if I remembered who you were, the results were just as empty! However, being the good sport I am, I'll give an ARTIST'S IMPRESSION.

Fat Dog Mendoza was a really weird show, same shape as that sheep thing though!

1: Obligatory "What are your impressions of me?" question, if you know who I am
2: What do you think of the name Rachel?
3: Just how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
4: Aspirations in life?
5: Opinion on kids, and do you have any/plan to have any?

Will you be enforcing the 5 question limit?

1. I've seen you about I think, but this comes to mind so it's time to give an ARTIST'S IMPRESSION.


2. It wouldn't score very much in scrabble.
3. My age is cleverly concealed somewhere in this post, I figure it'd be more fun if you found it!
4. To acquire an address that isn't a hospital.
5. I've seen enough kids grow up in my time to know that they're the future and how we treat them today determines which retirement home they put you in tomorrow. I guess that explains why most of mine live on the other side of the ocean
6. Unfortunately, I am not obligated to answer this question, but I'm lifting it assuming I don't get like 50 questions from one person.

1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?
2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?
3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?
4.Furthest you've ever been from home?
5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. I would say when I got into uni or appeared on national television, but that'd be lame. I'd prefer to say watching the disabled swimming group I coached win medals in regional competitions.
2. You should totally try jjajangmyeon, a Korean noodle dish. It's a little messy but it's more than worth it!
3. Actually yeah, it's distinct enough to be recognised as me but not so out there that it's weird. It also lets me have fun like THIS.
4. I've been the west coast of the US, so probably that. I keep meaning to do Egypt but I'll save that for another time.
5. I was hoping this would have been the design for Mega Slowbro. Otherwise, I'd like to see a Mega Weezing.

How did you get so PERFECT?

It's all about having a positive self image, if you believe that you're amazing, everyone else will too. I did it by following 5 easy steps, described in detail in my latest book "How to SHINcrease your performance". Unfortunately the current batch is stuck in a storage container in Nigeria, owned by my friend, who happens to be a prince. If you give me your account details, I can transfer the money needed to release them and then we can ship them out for a reduced price!

1. Obligatory impressions question?
2. Favorite video game?
3. Favorite Fire Emblem protagonist?
4. Favorite FE antagonist?
5. Least-favorite food?

1. I feel like there's a whole generation of people I don't know, forgotten about or didn't pay attention to. Time to make up for my deficit in knowledge with my deficit in ART.


2. That's probably a hard question, and really depends when you ask me. Probably a game called Hunter for the Amiga, I don't expect anyone to remember it though, or know what an Amiga is!
3. Probably Leaf, I enjoyed the fact that he wasn't the perfect leader and beacon of hope everyone wanted him to be, he felt a little more human.
4. Trabant, mostly because he was being bad for good reasons. His character was complex, he wasn't exactly the nicest guy, but he was acting for his country rather than himself.
5. Probably corn. It's one of the foods I struggle with and don't particularly like!

2. impressions on coffee?
3. impressions on your age?
4. how old is old?
5. how young is young?

1. OK, I actually recognise you! Unfortunately, I recall nothing about you. Have a badly drawn picture in condolence.

Three out of four letters is close enough.

2. I hate Japanese coffee, American coffee is better. Saying that, I don't actually like coffee!

3. Looking at the current moment, I'm the youngest I'll ever be again and will only get older.

4. When you start singing God Save the King by mistake.

5. When you reply "Who?" when asked who the Modfather was.

1. What is your tea of choice?
2. Which could you go for right now, chips or crisps?
3. What's your favourite topping on your morning crumpet?
4. Is it true that your secret identity is Jack the Ripper?
5. Why prostitutes specifically?

1. Earl Grey, bag left in for a minute or so, small dash of milk, no sugar. Bag is then removed. Bag in people are FREAKS.
2. Either, with crumpets placed beneath them. Probably chips, mostly so I could have both if I spoke to an Eaglelander.
3. See the above. Margarine, you need to let it seep into the HOLES. It goes great with Japanese coffee, Japanese coffee is the best.

[16:12:35] Ether: and I mean, no one has ever seen you and Jack the Ripper together in the same room

5. Dinner at 8? I'll show you why afterwards.

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6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Should men wear skirts?

10.I don't normally ask for impressions, so I won't. Instead I'll ask specifically for a portrait of myself.

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2. I hate Japanese coffee, American coffee is better. Saying that, I don't actually like coffee!

man i thought this was a coincidence and i was like "haha it's funny that you said that because joseph hates japan" but then i realized it was from that part where they were like "I HATE JAPANESE COFFEE" "actually it's american coffee"

or maybe this is your actual opinion and it's just a huge coincidence

or you're just actually joseph i don't know

either way i posted here so i probably have to ask questions!

1. What is your favorite snack?

2. What's a song you like a lot?

3. My age is cleverly concealed somewhere in this post, I figure it'd be more fun if you found it!

I did it by following 5 easy steps, described in detail in my latest book "How to SHINcrease your performance".

3. Are you in fact, 5 years old?

4. Where does the name "Shin" come from? Does it relate to your shins? that was two questions

5? 6?. impressions because despite the fact that you probably have no idea who i am i want to see what you'll since i have no avatar right now

Edited by unique
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7: Is Gaston your favorite Disney character?

8: Is Crumpetland England, or another area of the UK?

9: Since you dislike Corn, does that carry over to dislike for Corrin?

10: Favorite Historical era?

1. I've seen you about I think, but this comes to mind so it's time to give an ARTIST'S IMPRESSION.


2. It wouldn't score very much in scrabble.
3. My age is cleverly concealed somewhere in this post, I figure it'd be more fun if you found it!
4. To acquire an address that isn't a hospital.
5. I've seen enough kids grow up in my time to know that they're the future and how we treat them today determines which retirement home they put you in tomorrow. I guess that explains why most of mine live on the other side of the ocean
6. Unfortunately, I am not obligated to answer this question, but I'm lifting it assuming I don't get like 50 questions from one person.

1. It's beautiful, you completely capture my derpiness perfectly, and I see you seem to remember my unfortunate tendency to share too much information, unless the TMI referred to something else?
3. The two top contenders are you saying 50 in question 6, but I like I remember you mentioning being at least 60 at some point, so I guess the TMI is a clever puzzle. T isn't a Roman numeral, so we go with MI, which would be 1001, likewise we can go with the "li" in like, giving us 60. Elsewhere, it looks like you were born in the reign of George VI, or earlier.

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I spent several minutes trying to figure out what that thing was. They were among the least productive minutes of my life. I also spent several minutes trying to see if I remembered who you were, the results were just as empty! However, being the good sport I am, I'll give an ARTIST'S IMPRESSION.


Fat Dog Mendoza was a really weird show, same shape as that sheep thing though!

...;_; It's okay about me though, I also always change my usernames so yeah.

...I almost got offended but that image made me laugh irl so it's okay.

Question: What made you join SF and become its furniture?

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6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?
7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?
8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?
9.Should men wear skirts?
10.I don't normally ask for impressions, so I won't. Instead I'll ask specifically for a portrait of myself.

6. Oscar Wilde, Mozart and Da Vinci. I get bored of war stories and I really don't feel like splitting dinner with Hitler.

7. Terry McGinnis, Shrek and Parco Folgore.

8. Gaston, the Joker and Dio. We'd have a great time!

9. No, commando is way better.

10. I actually had some sort of impression, I remember you mentioning being an extra on Game of Thrones, which I know nothing about so I tried to think of something similar to it. The only thing I could come up with was Harry Potter so that'll do.


1. When/how did the "Shin level up" joke originate?

2. Do you like using Shin in FE 6?

3. If Arden and Horace got into a fight, how close of a fight would it be?

1. It was probably when I did my Let's Rage run of FE8. Most of my level ups were pretty horrible, the most amusing being skill and luck alone. After that it kinda just caught on!

2. As a unit he's pretty OK, he's kinda dull as a character though! Swag name makes up for it.

3. Horace would fall to his knees, in total awe of the majestic opponent he had to face. He'd dishonourably sudoku himself and suffer eternal number torment.

man i thought this was a coincidence and i was like "haha it's funny that you said that because joseph hates japan" but then i realized it was from that part where they were like "I HATE JAPANESE COFFEE" "actually it's american coffee"

or maybe this is your actual opinion and it's just a huge coincidence

or you're just actually joseph i don't know

either way i posted here so i probably have to ask questions!

1. What is your favorite snack?

2. What's a song you like a lot?

3. Are you in fact, 5 years old?

4. Where does the name "Shin" come from? Does it relate to your shins? that was two questions

5? 6?. impressions because despite the fact that you probably have no idea who i am i want to see what you'll since i have no avatar right now

1. I have a soft spot for CHICKEN.

2. This.

3. Contrary to popular belief, I have decided that I had to move on from being 5 years old. It was a phase that I was going through at the time and I can assure everyone around me that it is not something I am looking to do again.

4. Oddly enough it was a combination of the parts of your leg between your knees and ankles and the moonspeak term for death god that appeared frequently in 90's ANIMOO.



I like to think your avatar is just a silhouette of Patrick with an afro. Now that's UNIQUE.

7: Is Gaston your favorite Disney character?

8: Is Crumpetland England, or another area of the UK?

9: Since you dislike Corn, does that carry over to dislike for Corrin?

10: Favorite Historical era?

7. Either him or Scar, they're both pretty amazing villains in their own different ways.

8. It's actually a small island between the US and the UK, it's where the crumpet was invented! No, it's just a term for England.

9. I wasn't impressed with the looks of Fates in general anyway, although Corrin gives me slightly less diarrhoea than corn.

10. Probably the 1500's, England went through a lot of changes and the politics was generally pretty interesting.

2. Draw my portrait, err... I mean, impressions?

3. Who is the best JoJo? Please note that any answer other than Johnny is wrong.

4. Favorite part of JoJo?

2. Uh...


It makes sense in context, JoJo just works that way.

2. Joseph, although 4!Josuke and Giorno aren't a huge distance behind.

3. Part 4, it was probably the best written and had a really good supporting cast.

what makes you better than your arch nemesis, general horace?

There's a whole list of reasons, but some of the main selling points include being able to walk into a room without turning sideways and also being able to look at a lasagna for more than five minutes without eating it.

1. impressions because I actually sort of know you

2. favorite flavor of joseph?

3. are you scum

1. I'm afraid my only response is to draw a PICTURE.


Chill bro, not being angry is way more fun.

2. Part 3, he's not quite as predominant but he's pretty interesting outside of the spotlight.

3. Always.

Question: What made you join SF and become its furniture?

Many moons ago, I joined SF in hopes that somebody knew how to hack FE4 so I could learn and do AMAZING THINGS. Turns out nobody could, go figure! Otherwise I've just been part of drafts, mafia, smash and roleplay. I haven't found a good enough reason to leave just yet!

6. What's your favorite gaming console?

7. Do you have a favorite era of gaming?

8. Favorite genre of game?

9. Have you ever owned any goldfish?

10. Favorite season?

6. Probably the SNES, a lot of the games I liked appeared on it!

7. A very good question, I'd probably say the 2000's, when gaming had started to become more commercial but people could still afford to be somewhat creative with their ideas.

8. I couldn't say, I'm one of those annoying people who plays a little of each genre, although FPS titles might sneak the prize.

9. Never, not even a bronze fish!

10. Autumn, it's not quite as hot as summer but not as wet as winter!

1. Your artist's impression of me?

2. Do you speak any languages other than English?

3. Are you interested in history?

4. Are you interested in law?

5. Do you ever cycle?



Hat egg?

2. I can just about get by in German, and have small amounts of receptive Spanish, Polish and Moonspeak. I used to be able to Latin back in the day, but I've forgotten most of it!

3. I'd say I was, although war history isn't my cup of tea. I much prefer to see how society has developed itself in aspects other than its ability to murder each other!

4. I can't say I do, I don't pretend to understand law, I just follow it enough to avoid JAIL.

5. I used to cycle I fair bit, back in my third year of Uni, I'd cycle 10 miles to a certain class every Wednesday for a good while!

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1. Favorite FE Archetype?
2. What song would you like to be played at your funeral?

3. Currently playing FE4 for the first time and I'm on Chapter 6, should I recruit Johan or Johalva?
4. Worst game mechanic in FE?
5. Do you play Smash Bros? If so who is/are your main(s)?

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