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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Nightmare won the poll, but he has been offline for longer than 10 days.

His Interview will therefore be put on hiatus. It will be held as soon as he wishes to return.

This week's Interview will therefore go to the second-highest nominee.

SF Interview #90: Ghast
Interview ends on 18/9/2016.

Final nomination count:

9: Nightmare
6: Ghast
3: NinjaMonkey
2: Quintessence
2: ___
1: Mage Knight 404
1: Jotari
1: Aquakat
1: Arch
Edited by Hattusili the Egg
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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1. How many entrants are for FEE3 so far?

2. Has Dozla been crit by that Zanbato Mercenary since you made that video?

3. Why do mangs fans hate you?

4. Will you do a proper FE4 LP once you are done with your first pt?
5. What do you think the ESRB rating of Bloodlines would be?

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Hello, Ghast, I love your LP's and plot review vids.

1. Impressions of me, if any? I've followed and posted comments on your channel (and Mangs) for about a year now, under this user name and as Rezkeshdadesh, if you remember me.
2. Opinions on Lilith? (I loved your one liner about how she died as she lived. I'd like to hear your full opinion. Don't hold back. I sorta like Lilith, but love hearing people's opinions on FE. I think she should have played a bigger role in the story.)
3. Opinions on Leo in Fates? (Leo's my son's name)
4. Opinions on Est characters? (Esther's my daughter) (For both, I don't mind if you don't like them, I won't take it personally, though I think you liked Leo.)
5. Are you sticking to the 5 question limit?

Nightmare won the poll, but he has been offline for longer than 10 days.
His Interview will therefore be put on hiatus. It will be held as soon as he wishes to return.

Since that would have been a re-interview, will that only apply every 10 interviews or during the regular ones, too?

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1. Impressions, if any

2. Favorite food?

3. Favorite holiday and why?

4. Do you like math? Why or why not?

5. How did you find SF?

1. Say hallo to my leettle friend!

2. Frozen blueberries because its like eating ice cream but you don't want to kill yourself afterwards.

3. Christmas because food coma.

4. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

5. I found SF through The Emblem Brigade!

1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?
2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?
3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?
4.Furthest you've ever been from home?
5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. Telling my former basketball coach to go fuck himself or not dying from accidently getting high on bathsalts.

2. Barbara Streisand's The Third Album

3. Yes I do!

4. I'd like to say New York but I don't know geometry.

5. Mega Skarmory

How does it feel to be the proud Archbishop of the Church of Arden?

It's an honor and blessing to be given the privilege of such a glorious position.

1. this is wrong?

2. why would you scar me for life on that one call


2. LOOL do you mean the one where I was at work and I screen shared that weird BDSM website? Because that was Ha larious

1. How many entrants are for FEE3 so far?

2. Has Dozla been crit by that Zanbato Mercenary since you made that video?

3. Why do mangs fans hate you?

4. Will you do a proper FE4 LP once you are done with your first pt?

5. What do you think the ESRB rating of Bloodlines would be?

1. I haven't counted, but I guarantee there will be some more by midnight tomorrow because everyone procrastinates.

2. No, he's been gone a long time... it's... time to move on...

3. They don't hate me anymore. But basically when he and I were LPing Bongquest I kept ripping into the story and people got cheesed by it.

4. lolno. I can't handle LPing FE4 as a normal thing. It's too uneventful and boring. I do find FE4 to be a great game to live stream, though.

5. Teen, because it deals with mental illnesses such as PTSD, depression and schizophrenia. And there's profanity to boot.

What had you join SF originally?

Another game series you enjoy ?

Preferred weather condition?

1. I wanted to post my sprites and Bloodlines here!

2. Kirby :3.

3. Fall/Spring weather: cool and crisp but not too snowy.

1. How did you and Mangs meet?

1. I think in the Fire Emblem Facebook group? I asked him if he wanted to LP my hack, he put it on his to-do list. Then he contacted me again saying he'd play it.

Hello, Ghast, I love your LP's and plot review vids.

1. Impressions of me, if any? I've followed and posted comments on your channel (and Mangs) for about a year now, under this user name and as Rezkeshdadesh, if you remember me.

2. Opinions on Lilith? (I loved your one liner about how she died as she lived. I'd like to hear your full opinion. Don't hold back. I sorta like Lilith, but love hearing people's opinions on FE. I think she should have played a bigger role in the story.)

3. Opinions on Leo in Fates? (Leo's my son's name)

4. Opinions on Est characters? (Esther's my daughter) (For both, I don't mind if you don't like them, I won't take it personally, though I think you liked Leo.)

5. Are you sticking to the 5 question limit?

Since that would have been a re-interview, will that only apply every 10 interviews or during the regular ones, too?

Hey, Rezzy! Thanks!

1.I can't find your channel, if I saw your avatar maybe I could remember. But thanks for sticking with me!

2. I don't really remember much about her tbh. She seemed like she'd make an OK flagship character for FE14 if IntSys didn't keep trying to kill her off for stupid reasons. And in revelations she just dicks around in the castle not offending me, so I have no complaints.

3. I like Leo a lot in the game because I like his snarky/conservative attitude. He also has a habit of emulating what the player might be thinking in certain situations, which is nice since it helps me believe that IntSys actually can write a good story, but again, they just don't care to.

4. I'm pretty neutral on Ests, I don't tend to use them that often. its mostly just the mainstream FE community that kind of get annoying with their obsession over them.

5. I don't mind answering questions! So screw the limit!

Oh, hi Ghast(Station)!

1. Your favorite FE romhack?

2. What do you like the most of your own romhack Bloodlines?

3. How did you get introduced into FE?

4. A game mechanic which doesn't exist in FE yet, but should be introduced in future part(s)?

5. Why do you look so good?

1. Favorite romhack is probably currently TRTR since Prime's attitude towards the hack is very chill. He doesn't take giant leaps, nor does he try to make a bunch of crazy mechanics like the rest of us. He just does what he does and enjoys it. It's a good attitude to have.

2. The thing I like the most about my own romhack is the crazy ideas I can pull off. Of course, non of it would be possible without my team and the crazy hackers that actually do the gritty tech work, but I take a lot of pride in trying to think outside the box/taking big risks.

3. I played Melee lol.

4. hmm... multiple branching dialogue decisions like in Mass Effect. I think that would be pretty neat to see.

5. I lift weights and shop at thrift stores. >:)

1. What inspired you to make "This is what happens in FE" videos?

2. Opinion on memes?

3. Favorite rom hack?

1. I honestly couldn't tell you. One night I was bored and just on a whim made the FE7 video. I saw how well it was received and decided to keep going!

2. They're what makes the world go round these dayzzz

3. TRTR again!

1. How do you feel about the reception in your hilarious "This is what happens in" series?

1. It's very nice and rewarding :) I'm glad I can make so many folks entertained. In the end, having folks laugh, enjoying my stuff is what gives me the confidence and motivation to keep going!


Thanks for the questions, everyone! This is really fun !

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6: Aspirations in life?

7: Have you lived in a rural area your whole life? How do you like owning horses? (I grew up across the road from a cow farm.)

8: How long does it take you to draw your paint-adventures characters?

9: Have you found out who the King of Nestra is, yet?

10: Why can't Azura just show Leo the Lens of Truth ball in Conquests?

Hey, Rezzy! Thanks!

1.I can't find your channel, if I saw your avatar maybe I could remember. But thanks for sticking with me!

2. I don't really remember much about her tbh. She seemed like she'd make an OK flagship character for FE14 if IntSys didn't keep trying to kill her off for stupid reasons. And in revelations she just dicks around in the castle not offending me, so I have no complaints.

3. I like Leo a lot in the game because I like his snarky/conservative attitude. He also has a habit of emulating what the player might be thinking in certain situations, which is nice since it helps me believe that IntSys actually can write a good story, but again, they just don't care to.

4. I'm pretty neutral on Ests, I don't tend to use them that often. its mostly just the mainstream FE community that kind of get annoying with their obsession over them.

5. I don't mind answering questions! So screw the limit!

Thanks, I haven't made any videos myself, but just have the account for watching videos, and like commenting a lot. I tend to switch avatars semi-frequently. I'm currently using the blonde-girl Pokemon Club avatar, and before that it was my Pokemon X girl with a Charmeleon, I think. Lately, I've been using my self-drawn avatars, mostly.

I haven't played Gaiden myself, but watched your LP, which made me a bit interested to try it once I get enough time. I was able to watch your and Mangs Conquest coLP. I've got the Revelations one on my watch-later list, but I'm way behind on that and am only about halfway through, due to being busy with work and family.

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Did you ever think you were going to be a moderator?

How would you describe yourself?

What would you say was your proudest creation on your "This is what happens in FE" drawings?

Would you say you are happy with were you are currently in life?

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6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Opinion on polygamy?

10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

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1. Favorite romhack is probably currently TRTR since Prime's attitude towards the hack is very chill. He doesn't take giant leaps, nor does he try to make a bunch of crazy mechanics like the rest of us. He just does what he does and enjoys it. It's a good attitude to have.

Sorry if my question might be dumb, but what is TRTR?

Never heared of it, but it has my interest now.

6. Favorite FE LP?

7. Favorite videogame theme?

8. Any place(s) you would like to see in the future?

9. Which language(s) can you speak besides of English?

10. Which language(s) would you like to learn in the future?

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