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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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SF Interview #97: Tryhard
Interview ends on 6/11/2016.

Final nomination count:

5: Tryhard

4: Lil Bean
3: Kirie
1: Pride
1: Quintessence

Tryhard, I'm too dumb to figure out how to write in red on mobile

There's actually a thread pinned in FftF just for that type of thing.

Edited by Hattusili the Egg
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1) Are you really a Try Hard irl?

2) Pick the country with the nicest flag (yours doesn't count :P )

3) Favourite sport to watch/play?

4) A particular videogame franchise you can't stand, but everybody else loves?

5) What is love?

Edited by Ken Masters
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who, me?

1. u wot m8?
2. Do you like Pub food?
3. Opinion on Brexit
4. obligatory impressions question
5. Which is more annoying? Bagpipes, or a Town Crier?

1: i refuse to conform to your stereotype of what all british people supposedly sound like
ur mum m9

2: pubs aren't exactly my ideal place in the first place (i know, binge drinking's all the haps in the UK but not for me). the food's alright sometimes

3: it's dumb. i kinda already outlined my rough opinion of it in the actual brexit thread for those that do venture into serious discussion but my opinion is that it will essentially change little and make life harder and more expensive for those who vote for it the most because they feel they have no other choice after being told the EU is a cause of their problems when it is not.

4: some of your arguments confuse me but you don't seem like a bad person and seem to try your best to be civilised which I can appreciate even if I do have some issues with your positions, which is fine. otherwise I haven't really seen you around too much.

5: they might not be medieval age town criers but people shouting on the streets annoys me far more than bagpipes
but I've heard bagpipes all my life up in the city centre where I live so it's maybe that.

1) Are you really a Try Hard irl?
2) Pick the country with the nicest flag (yours doesn't count :P )
3) Favourite sport to watch/play?
4) A particular videogame franchise you can't stand, but everybody else loves?
5) What is love?

1: not particularly, i find it quite hard to care and have a relatively uncompetitive nature
I do occasionally get salty when losing repeatedly, but generally not for long and only for certain things

2: :Spain: I like the red/yellow color combination. I suppose this also means I like China and the USSR unironically.

3: not really surprising but football (soccer for you filthy americans). I don't really play it anymore but it was pretty much the only sport I watch.

4: it's not really "can't stand", but a lot of nintendo franchises I couldn't care less about. i haven't played a mario or zelda game in years and have no great memories of ocarina of time or such. as you can imagine in this opinion I'm sort of a minority on this forum.

to try a franchise I actually dislike, probably pokemon is the one I can think of the top of head that people go crazy about. i used to like it (obviously), but now I don't care for it at all and think it has overstayed its welcome (though it still makes that cash money so I know it's not going anywhere)

5: an abstract concept

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1: Obligatory "What are your first/current impressions of me?" question

2: Are you the one who I'm distantly related to through Clan Leslie or am I misremembering?

3: A video game, movie, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

4: Aspirations in life?

5: Are you sticking to the 5 question limit?

4) A particular videogame franchise you can't stand, but everybody else loves?

Hey, that's one of the questions I always ask. :P

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1. thoughts on British Food

2. thoughts on civ

3. thoughts on u

4. why mobas???

5. impressions

1: bad by cuisine standards, good for sustenance. it's not pretty nor particularly tasty, but it does the job even if its poor quality.

what you're wanting me to say is that it is bad so there

2: civ as in civilization? I like the games and I'm probably gonna pick up civ 6 when I get a new computer (fingers crossed soon).

then again, I was never really super addicted to them as 'one more turn' like the meme goes. I just played a decent amount and had fun.

3: uh i dunno i'm me and stuff

try to be nonserious most of the time, occasionally venture into serious topics against my better judgement, aloof and pretty much hate people because yeah

and I have a hard time describing myself as evident

4: mobas were created on the seventh day when god was resting by the devil. that's why they bring so much pain and suffering to the world.

to be completely honest, I've had quite a chuckle at people who take the games too seriously more and more, so that's fun.

5: oh-oh it's in bold that must mean it's important

you manage to be less serious than me for more of the time. to me, that is a model user. keep it up and teach me tbh, i need it

1. What are you??

2. How are you?

3. What is your opinion on jellyfish?

4. What is your favorite food?

5. Impressions of me if any??

1: a memer tbh

2: i am tired recently from starting work and not really knowing what I'm doing but it's good to have time to chill

i'll probably feel a lot better when I rent a flat and get some disposable income

3: one stung me when I was younger so I HATE THEM i guess

4: i like spaghetti with a spicy sauce, my family got chilli powder from Tunisia for years and they used that to make pretty bombastic spaghetti

steaks are also top tier

5: i don't know enough about you to make a judgement unfortunately, consider that a good thing :smug:

1 - Impressions

2 - favorite souls game

3 - favorite souls boss

1: you seem like an opinionated guy who is not very serious most of the time considering your posts in HHH. and i'm an opinionated guy who is not serious most of the time. so I guess i can't judge at all

2: mmmm tricky. i actually got a problem with people continually putting dark souls 1 up on a pedestal as the pinnacle when it has some glaring flaws including the deteriorating quality towards the latter half of the game. I think dark souls 3 is consistently better and while it does not reach the heights of dark souls 1's beginning, especially since it was the first one I played, I think it is my favourite. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to play it as much as DS1 because I've been busy. Otherwise, I like Dark Souls 2 more than your average person who seems to hate it, but have seen its problems over time as well as opposed to Bloodborne and DS3 after it released, Demon's Souls is quirky and floaty but is still very good. and I don't know if you're counting bloodborne but that is excellent as well.

so like DS3 > DS1 > Bloodborne > DS2 = DeS I guess?

3: I haven't played the Bloodborne DLC past the first boss for reference, which I've heard had some really good bosses, but I got two here:

Thematically, Maiden Astraea from Demon's Souls. Unfortunately the fight is not mechanically good at all. I kinda like the Fool's Idol from Demon's Souls as well in the same way.

Overall, as cliche as it is, probably Ornstein and Smough. It really caused me problems when I was first fighting them but its an obviously great boss fight. Manus and Artorias of course get honorary mentions, and Pontiff Sulyvahn, the Dancer and the Princes are great from Dark Souls 3 too. Even though I say O&S I have trouble picking one as the best because there's so many great fights in Souls.

1: Obligatory "What are your first/current impressions of me?" question

2: Are you the one who I'm distantly related to through Clan Leslie or am I misremembering?

3: A video game, movie, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

4: Aspirations in life?

5: Are you sticking to the 5 question limit?

Hey, that's one of the questions I always ask. :P

1: you are cool with me and generally have opinions I agree with, more or less. that clearly means that you are right in these cases.

2: nah, you're not misremembering. well, perhaps, anyway. it's kind of unclear how sects (offshoots of clans) worked but since the clan my surname is under (Laing) has pretty much no history to it, it is likely that they were originally from clan Leslie. unfortunately I don't really know enough about clan history to make any claims about that.

3: hm, dynasty warriors franchise? I wouldn't say everyone hates it but it isn't exactly well-received in the west and is seen as niche, so I might consider that.

nothing else is coming to mind right now. maybe I'll think of something applicable later.

4: i don't know what I'm going to do next week never mind the future. mostly I've been trying to just sort my life out for now and worry about the future later. I've gone down a path of getting a degree in computer science but I'm not sure if that's what I really want to do or if I'm just doubting that decision after spending four years for it, and I figured out much less past that. Such is life.

5: i actually never posted in this thread previously. i mean i probably would but that's why i don't know why people are interesting in interviewing me

but at least I get to be a selfish git and perhaps I'll ask some people questions in the future.

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1: What made you join Serenes Forest?

2: What is your opinion on the Fire Emblem franchise?

3: Favorite video game console?

4: What was the worst thing that happened to you so far?

5: How casul is this forum?

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1: What made you join Serenes Forest?

2: What is your opinion on the Fire Emblem franchise?

3: Favorite video game console?

4: What was the worst thing that happened to you so far?

5: How casul is this forum?

1: it was back in 2010 and was the biggest fire emblem forum around. plus, i had some friends on it. no real particular reason past that.

2: i've lost interest in it to be honest. I haven't played fire emblem for over a year now I think. I might come back to eventually, but I didn't particularly like the direction it went after Awakening so unless something changes with newer games I'm just gonna chill.

3: PS2. I played it a lot, and it was pretty much the only console I had along with my PC growing up.

4: wow throwing out the depressing questions aren't we. in life I assume. i've been fairly lucky in life considering so far, but probably the death of my grandfather. pretty much the first funeral I went to, but even then let's just say I wasn't approving of his views and it was still bad.

5: it's pretty fucking casul

but it ain't gonna change is it

off to sleep for 2nite

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.The most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

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  1. Personal favorite of your own LPs?

  2. Personal favorite LP which isn't yours?

How did you get to know Mage Knight 404 and his friends?

Any franchise you haven't played yet but you want to?

Which five sights / cities would you recommend me, if I planned to make a trip to Scotland?

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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