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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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5. Huh. I wasn't even aware there was a 5 question limit. Serves me right for not reading the OP. >_> But, yeah, having read over the rules now, I'm fine with dropping that. Everyone can feel free to ask me as much as they like, and I'll do my best to answer everything timely.

haha, don't worry about it. I think it happens a lot more than one would think. Thanks for going along with the questioning c:

6 Do you have a favorite card? If so, why is it your favorite?

7 Have you played Tokyo Mirage Sessions?

8 What sort of art do you like doing?

9 If you were a character in an FE game, what class would you have? What would be your personal skill?

10 Do you plan on leaving the Netherlands to live elsewhere?

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1. Who would be one FE character you'd like to see a Cipher card of?

2. Besides FE, what are some other game series' that you find yourself enjoying?

3. What makes Radiant Dawn your favorite?

4. Favorite music artists?

1. Most of the characters I've been most excited for (Florina, Ethlyn, Elincia, Hector) have gotten cards, thankfully. I think the character that hasn't gotten a card yet that I'm most excited to see is L'Arachel; really excited to see Sacred Stones and Gaiden Cipher love someday...

2. FE is probably my overall favourite game series, but I also love Project Zero/Fatal Frame (PAL/NA names for the series), Ace Attorney, Mario Kart, the Bravely Series, and Pokémon, as far as active series goes. For defunct game series, I'm a big fan of Golden Sun and Lunar. I'm kind of conservative in terms of the series I choose to play, I guess, since I don't have a whole lot of free time and/or money, but all of these are basically insta-buys for me.

3. It's very hard for me to pick a favourite FE game. In reality, it tends to flop between Genealogy, Blazing Sword, Radiant Dawn, or Awakening, based on my current mood, which game I've played most recently, the current phase of the moon and alignment of the planets, etc. and so forth. In terms of specially why I like RD, I think it has a great cast, a very ambitious plot (some flaws, but overall a very engrossing story), and some really fun and unique gameplay. I love that the various sections of the game force you to use a wider variety of characters than a typical FE game, even if you still end up making a team of the best in the end. My only real gripes is how little attention the Dawn Brigade gets (both plot- and gameplay-wise, making them difficult to use later in the game) and how much the Greil Mercenaries hijack the story (poor Micaiah), but overall it's super solid and I love it.

4. I'm not really much of a music person these days. The majority of the music that I listen to is video game soundtracks (FE, AA , Chrono Trigger, Ouendan, and Bravely mostly these days), some anime music, or Homestuck music (the best thing to come out of that webcomic). Some of my favourite traditional bands/artists though are X-Japan, Malice Mizer, Jack Off Jill, Hole, Fiona Apple, the Dresden Dolls, No Doubt... that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Mostly I listen to music while I'm cleaning or doing some other mundane tasks that require little thought, since having music playing in the background (anything with vocals especially) tends to disorient me and distract me while I'm working, so I guess that's why I don't really listen to it much anymore.


Aaand I can see that a few more posts have popped up while I was typing up these responses, but it's time for me to head off to bed now, so I'll tackle those tomorrow morning!

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1: Impression of me, if any?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do plan to have any or already have some?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you love that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else loves?

6: Does being 31 feel any different than being 30?

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.The most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

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but I also love Project Zero/Fatal Frame

Piqued. Then again from what I've seen before, your tastes are quite good :U

1. Which Fatal Frame did you like most? And why, if you feel so inclined. (without spoilers if you can help it)

2. Have you ever had paella? If so, what did you think of it? If not, would you try it?

3. Favorite time of day?

4. A natural phenomena you'd like to witness?

5. What would your class be in something like D&D?

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1. Have you played the older FE games?

2. How do you feel about your interview being the 100th?

3. Which languages do you speak?

4. Favorite thing about the Netherlands?

5. Least favorite thing about the Netherlands?

1. Most of them! I'm currently in the middle (well, closer to the beginning; I think we're around C9 or so) of playing FE1 with a friend, and I've played to completion at least once: Gaiden, Genealogy, and everything from the GBA games onwards. I plan on playing FE3 after we've finished FE1, and I was hoping to wait for a new, more complete translation patch before tackling Thracia, but I may end up playing it before then depending on how things go.

2. It just means I'm extra special, obviously. :U I didn't really even know what this was until a friend pointed out to me that I'd been nominated, though. I mostly just hope that you all enjoying asking me questions and have some fun with it. I am!

3. English is my mother tongue and the only language I'm comfortable speaking. I know enough Dutch to pass my residency exams (about an A2 proficiency), and while I can read and understand it well enough, I'm very uncomfortable speaking it to anyone outside of a few stock phrases that I use when shopping, etc.

I've also studied Spanish, French, Latin, and Japanese in the past, though sadly I've forgotten most of what I've learned from all of those. I do plan on picking up Japanese again at some point, though, to help me with Cipher stuff if nothing else.

4. How close by everything is! The whole country is about 1/3 the size of my home state (Illinois), so everything is super tiny and close, at least to my way of thinking. It works on both a large and a small scale. Large-wise, I can travel to the most distant parts of the country by train in about 3 hours, and it's super close and simple for me to travel to other European countries as well (hubby took me to Disneyland Paris for a weekend for my birthday last year!). On the closer side of things, I have about 10 grocery stores within walking distance, and I'm also walking distance from the heart of downtown and the main shopping areas, etc. If I don't feel like walking, the public transportation is also really good, so it's a very simple matter for me to hop on a tram or bus and get where I need to go easily and efficiently.

5. Store opening hours. Outside of downtown Amsterdam (and even for many of the place IN downtown), the majority of stores close around 5pm every day and are even closed completely on Sundays. It's quite a culture shock coming from the US where I'm used to 24h stores (I miss Meijer ;~;) and even regular stores being open later in the evenings, and of course everything being open on Sundays. It's really annoying sometimes. -_-;

haha, don't worry about it. I think it happens a lot more than one would think. Thanks for going along with the questioning c:

6 Do you have a favorite card? If so, why is it your favorite?

7 Have you played Tokyo Mirage Sessions?

8 What sort of art do you like doing?

9 If you were a character in an FE game, what class would you have? What would be your personal skill?

10 Do you plan on leaving the Netherlands to live elsewhere?

6. Just one? Oh boy. If I had to pick one... my signed SR+ Elise card from Series 2. It was the first SR+ card I ever pulled, it has super cute art, and Elise ended up being one of my favourite characters from Fates, too. And it's one of the most expensive Cipher cards to boot.

7. Despite actually getting it a day before release day, I'm still working on playing through it. I'm only on the 2nd dungeon or so? This probably makes it sound like I'm not enjoying it since it's taken me so long, but I actually really like what I've seen so far, I've just had a lot of things keeping me busy and away from it (Fates, vacation, surgery, and now my recovery). I've never played at Atlas game before, so some of the gameplay and mechanics and over my head, but overall it's been pretty fun, and I'm looking forward to playing more (even if it'll probably take me another year to finish at this rate).

8. I used to draw a lot more than I do now. I actually have a dA account with some of my recent works, though it's mostly just Pokémon that I've drawn for the sake of making various fake TCG cards. Based on that sample size, I guess what I most enjoy now is drawing Pokémon. :U I used to do sprite work and would draw my D&D characters and the like, though that's all pretty old stuff.

Actually, I guess if it counts, writing is my main preferred form of art, at least in theory. Like drawing, I haven't actually DONE any in a while, but I'm constantly writing stuff in my head and have pretty detailed plans for a few works, whenever I can actually get them down on (digital) paper, anyway.

9. Troubador -> Valkyrie probably fits me best. I'm definitely more mental than physical, I enjoy playing healers, and I love animals, and I also love using magic classes in FE, so it seems to fit together well. I really like Ophelia's bibliophile skill as a personal (I'm a very voracious reader), but if I were make up my own... something to help me survive better, I think. Perhaps -1 damage taken for every adjacent ally?

10. I already left elsewhere (Chicagoland, USA) to live in the Netherlands, and I don't really plan on moving again sometime soon. While I wouldn't be adverse to moving if something came up (such as my husband getting a nice job opportunity or whatever), both of us are planning to stay in Amsterdam for the foreseeable future. That said, in the very worst case scenario that something awful happens and my husband dies young, I would probably move back to the US. I haven't really established enough roots here to be comfortable living here without him, especially since my command of the language is so poor.

1: Impression of me, if any?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do plan to have any or already have some?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you love that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else loves?

6: Does being 31 feel any different than being 30?

1. Hey, I recognize your Titania avatar! I'm pretty sure I've seen you around and posting before, but that's about all, sorry. ^^; I belong to quite a few forums and see so many online people that I kind of have a hard time keeping track of everyone until/unless I've talked to them personally for quite some time. And because I get overwhelmed by new people easily, this isn't something I do often, either.

2. I'd really like to have a novel published someday. Of course, I need to get the bloody thing actually written first. Maybe someday.

3. I do not plan on having kids for a number of reasons, but mostly what it comes down to is that I simply don't want them, and neither does my husband. My pets are my children. <3 Don't tell my parents, though; my mom hints at least once a week how much she would like grandchildren.

4. Hmmm... this is tough. I guess I'm not really sure what sorts of things that other people generally hate. There are some games that I like that are kind of obscure (like Lunar and Fatal Frame), but I don't really think they're hated, just not commonly known. I guess I've seen a lot of animosity (or apathy at best) directed at Fire Emblem: Gaiden, and I actually really enjoyed playing through that, despite it's slowness and shitty UI. I like almost all horror films, so there's probably plenty of fodder there that people generally hate. I seem to recall the first Silent Hill movie being thoroughly shat upon at the time, but I really loved it and still do (I never saw the other one). For books, I rather love Mercedes Lackey as very simple, fun, and light-hearted fantasy reading, though she seems to be generally panned as an author in most of the fantasy communities I've been a part of over the years. I guess that'll do.

5. The first thing that immediately comes to mind is Final Fantasy 7. I tried playing it a few times on the original PS1 and more recently on Steam (I got it on a good sale at a friend's urging), but I just can't seem to get into it and I don't think I've gotten more than an hour or two into it. I also tried the Final Fantasy game that was remade for the DS (3?), but gave up immediately around the first boss when my team got absolutely creamed and I realized the game expected me to just grind random encounters to level up (forced grinding in games is a huge pet peeve of mine, especially if it's not interesting).

6. So far my entire 31st year has been spent in recovery from surgery, so it's definitely been different from 30, but probably not a very accurate representation of how the whole year will feel.

Opinions of the following:


I have absolutely no idea what they are, but they're fucking adorable. <3

1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.The most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

1. This might seem weird, but I really think my greatest achievement has been learning to manage and control my mental illness. I suffer from depression and some pretty severe anxiety that has crippled me at various points throughout my life, with my low points in life being spent in various mental hospitals on like 6 different kinds of meds. It took a lot of time and effort, but I've really wrestled my life back under control and I've learned to function normally under most situations. I could probably kick the rest of it if I were willing to go back on medication, but meds were such a shit show to me personally that I really have serious misgivings about going on them again, so I prefer my current methods.

2. Have I introduced you to my lord and savior, Fire Emblem Cipher? Here are some of my favourite (semi?-)obscure things that I like recommend to people in general:

Games: Fatal Frame/Project Zero series (really awesome, atmospheric, and somewhat obscure survival horror game; the Wii U entry isn't as strong as the others overall, but is hands down the best use of the Wii U Gamepad that I've ever seen) and the Lunar series (old school turn-based RPG with some great humour, fun mechanics, and overall a good time and my own first experience with the JRPG genre).

Anime: Rose of Versailles (late 70s shoujo/historical fiction set during the French Revolution. Super melodramatic and amazingly awesome) and Maison Ikkoku (80's long-running romantic comedy that does wonderful long-term character building and is a really nice balance of romance and comedy; the manga is awesome as well)

Book Authors: Lynn Flewelling (mostly I hear her talked about in LGBT fantasy circles, but otherwise she's fairly unknown; two completed series; the Tamir Triad and the first 2 books of the Nightrunner series are some of my favourite fantasy novels), Natsuo Kirino (Japanese crime/mystery writer; amazing characterization and very atmospheric storytelling), Paulo Coelho (Portuguese writer who writes some weird ass shit, but really great), and Peter S. Beagle (mostly known for his novel the Last Unicorn that was adapted to a fairly well-known cartoon movie back in the 80s, but his other stuff is also great; also I've met him and he's a super nice guy).

3. Yeah, it's okay. I used to do a lot of acting and so I got used to hearing myself talk a lot while practicing lines.

4. I travel between Chicago and Amsterdam a lot, but I suppose the furthest place I've been from both of those places would be Curaçao, which is where my husband and I went on our honeymoon. Very beautiful and tonnes of fun! I'll be going to Hawaii next spring for a cousin's wedding, so I suppose that will be the new winner.

5. The open night sky away from civilization, so no light pollution or anything. This was up in rural Minnesota, so basically the middle of nowhere. Billions of stars, the Milky Way, it was just gorgeous. It was only the one night that I was able to see it (the rest of my trip was cloudy/snowing), but it was super amazing.

1. Do you like hurting other people?

2. What kind of music do you enjoy?

3. Are you familiar with Dark Souls?

4. How would you describe you joining this place and ending up as the Cipher correspondent?

5. How would you express the ultimate rage?

1. Nah, I'm way too nice for that. Hell, I apologize to someone else if I hurt myself on them.

2. I kinda answered this in a previous question, but most of music I listen to is instrumental video game soundtracks.

3. Very vaguely. It's not really the kind of game that interests me much.

4-1. I don't really remember joining SF. I think I made this account sometime after I realized the old FEU died, but I didn't really become active here until after Awakening came out in Europe, which really invigorated my love of Fire Emblem. Even then, I still mostly lurked and didn't post all that much until Cipher was announced and really opened up my inner fangirl. Combining my love of FE with my love of TCGs... it's like IS made the game solely with the intention of taking my money!

4-2. I was really shocked when Vincent reached out to me about formally working for the site and doing the Cipher coverage. I'd obviously been active in the subforum, helping to maintain organized threads to keep track of the sets and reveals, and working on capping the screenshots, but doing the news officially for the main site was a big step up. I was really honoured to be offered the job and I'm working hard to make sure that I don't let Vincent and everyone down. I'm still rather unconfident in my skills, but I do hope that everyone is enjoying the coverage and that hopefully it opens up a few new people to the awesomeness that is Cipher.

5. I would probably just completely shut down. It takes quite a lot to get me angry, and I don't think I've ever felt legitimate rage, but when it does happen, I generally turn it inward and get very quiet.

1. Do you like the Dutch language?

2. Opinion of vanilla vla?

3. Favorite videogame theme?

4. Favorite five places / sights of NL?

5. Favorite food made by NL?

1. It's actually pretty fascinating, so I guess that's a yes. I've had a lot of fun learning it. I wish it wasn't such a trial for me whenever I have to try talking or writing in it, though.

2. Vanilla is good, best with chocolate flakes. I think chocolate vla is my favourite flavour over all, though, though I haven't had any of the weird ones.

3. Corridors of Time from Chrono Trigger

4-1 Kalverstraat in Amsterdam. I think it's beautiful and wonderfully symbolic of the Netherlands as a whole: a modern shopping street at ground level with beautiful, historical buildings rising above. It has everything from designer stores, to dingy souvenir shops, to a tiny ass church, to a museum.

4-2 Valkenburg aan de Geul. Sure, it's kind of touristy as shit, but it's a lot of fun. I love the caves and the castle ruins and the hike up to the Wilhelminatoren, plus just wandering around and looking at the old structures and shit. So much fun, and very different from a lot of the rest of the Netherlands (especially Holland, where I spent most of my time).

4-3 The beaches at IJmuiden. Easy to reach from my home (there's a bus that goes right there that stops right by my house :U), much less crowded than Zandvoort, super nice dunes. Also I got my kitty in IJmuiden, so I guess I have an extra reason to be fond of it.

4-4 Vlissingen. Just a neat small beach city with lots of history and fun shit. Zeeland in general is pretty cool and has a pretty unique feel to it. I love the walk from the train station to the main part of the city especially. Also they have a reptile museum that's pretty neat.

4-5 SAIL. Finally got to see my first one last year. Seeing all those cool old tall ships was super beautiful and amazing. I really hope my parents can come out for the next one in 2020 since I think my dad especially would love it.

5. Just one? Probably kroketten. I could eat them every day and not get bored. I actually made my own from scratch once and it was a pretty cool experience, though super messy and long.

1. Obligatory "impressions of me" question.

2. Which Cipher deck has been your favorite?

3. How would you recommend someone who might be interested in getting into Cipher get into it?

4. Favorite Cipher artwork so far?

5. Have you collected every card?

1. I'm guessing you like Fire Emblem. :U Like Rezzy, I'm pretty sure I've seen you posting around, though I haven't talked with you personally enough to have any kind of serious impression.

2. I haven't actually built a deck, but if there's a Hector MC deck that's actually viable, I might choose to build one for the hell of it, just because I love that fucker so much.

3. First of all, let me take this opportunity to plug the Newcomers Guide to Cipher that I wrote for SF and the Cipher wiki that has a lot of basic information about the cards and the game.

Otherwise, where you go from there really depends on the person. There are a few different ways I would suggest getting into it, depending on your interests:

If you're interested in the actual game itself, the wiki is a great resource for learning the rules and getting into the basic of the game, and then we have a thread in the subforum that shows off some popular decks, so you can get an idea of strategies. If you don't have anyone in person to play with, you can play online with other people from SF and other communities using programs like LackeyCCG or FECipherVit. If you do have friends that are interested, pick up a couple Structure Decks (you can get them for about US$10.50 on AmiAmi), and maybe some cheap singles or booster boxes to augment, depending on how much you're willing to spend.

If there are just a few cards you're interested in collecting for the sake of the artwork or certain characters, pop on over to the Trade/Buy/Sell thread in the Cipher forum. There are people all around the world that would be happy to sell you singles, and most of them aren't very expensive; it's really just the popular/competitive SR(+) and hard-to-get promos that are priciest. I often sell N/HN/R cards pretty cheap to people who just want to get some cards of their favourite characters. When you're buying 3-4 boxes each set, you end up with a lot of extras. (Full disclosure, you can also buy plenty of singles online on like eBay and such, but they tend to be horribly overpriced).

If there are lots of cards you want, and you don't mind spending a bit of money, there's the booster box option. They're ¥5000 on AmiAmi (about US$45) each, and that gives you 16 packs (11 Rs, 4 SRs, and 1 R or SR+) plus a bunch of goodies. Booster boxes aren't a bad investment compared to buying singles if there are lots of cards you want, and you might luck out and get something really valuable. Plus it's just fun to open a bunch of packs! You can trade your spares for other cards as well.

Regardless, if you're buying sealed products, AmiAmi is best and cheapest. If you want singles, buying within the community is best and cheapest (unless you live in Japan).

4. Bah, just one again. That makes it very hard. I think I'll have to go with the joined-art SR+ cards for Sigurd and Deirdre, but I have lots of honourable mentions. The art is probably my favourite thing about Cipher overall.

5. Sadly, no. I'm not a completionist, and even if I were, I'm not rich enough to be able to afford all of the cards. As such, I stick to just aiming to get a full set of all N/HN/R cards and the SR/R/+/promo cards I like the most. As such, I'm content with buying a few booster boxes each set and then trading my spares to get the cards that I don't pull on my own. I do occasionally by singles, but only as a last resort.

1. tits or ass?

2. impressions of me?

dang, i don't have anything else :[

1. Tits all the way. I'm not really much of an ass person. (lolbutts)

2. You're a cat!

Piqued. Then again from what I've seen before, your tastes are quite good :U

1. Which Fatal Frame did you like most? And why, if you feel so inclined. (without spoilers if you can help it)

2. Have you ever had paella? If so, what did you think of it? If not, would you try it?

3. Favorite time of day?

4. A natural phenomena you'd like to witness?

5. What would your class be in something like D&D?

1. The very first Fatal Frame is my favourite. The main villain of that game is actually where my own username comes from! Though, I think the second (Crimson Butterfly) is more refined and an objectively better game, even if I have more of an emotional connection to the first. I hardly remember the 3rd, never got to play the 4th (Japan only *shakes fist*). The 5th has Wii U Gamepad gameplay that is simply amazing; it works really well in the game and is also the best use of the Gamepad that I've seen. However, the story and characters fall flat compared to earlier entries, so it's kind of disappointing in some respects. (the 3DS game is a shitty tech demo and doesn't even count)

In terms of why I think the first one is my favourite... I think it's because it had such a strong impression on me. I've always been a huge fan of horror (books, games, movies, you name it), but playing the first Fatal Frame for the first time... that's actually the first time I've ever been legitimately scared by a piece of horror media. No lie, there were a few times I had to turn the game off and go out for a smoke break because I was shaking so badly. It's got a lot of the best parts of Japanese horror, the atmosphere and how every little thing combines to really bring you into the game and make you feel what Miku feels. And the game's unique mechanics, taking pictures of ghosts to damage and destroy them, forces you to get up and close to the action, despite being so defenseless. The whole thing just really works well. I love it so much.

2. I have and it's delicious! My father-in-law's ex-girlfriend really loved Paella and took us to this hole-in-the-wall Spanish restaurant in downtown Amsterdam that, by her standards, has amazing Paella. It's the only time I've had paella, so I can't compare it to elsewhere, but it really was damn tasty. The variety I had was a chicken/chorizo combo; I've heard fish is a more traditional inclusion, but I don't care for most shellfish so I opted to not go that route. Would definitely eat again.

3. Very early morning. When I was younger, I used to stay up that late; in my advanced age, I'm more likely to wake up that early now. But it's nice and quiet and peaceful. If the weather is nice, I love going out and walking right before sunrise, though I've also found it's a good time to just get a nice big cup of coffee and work on some writing or reading.

4. I would love to see the aurora borealis (or aurora australis, though that's less likely to happen) one of these days. I'm hoping that my husband and I can go up to Scandinavia somewhere at some point and hopefully get to see it (as well as other stargazing opportunities).

5. I generally prefer to play support types, do I tend to learn Bard or healing/magic-focused Cleric in D&D. That said, my most memorable character was a Wilder in a Psionics-focused campaign. Used to play a lot of D&D and other tabletop RPGs (primarily 3.5 and Star Wars Saga or D6) back when I lived in the States.

5. Favorite time of the year?

6. An FE you like the least and why?

7. Favorite sweets?

8. A trait in people you greatly appreciate?

5. Autumn is definitely best, so I'm in my element now (even if this is a bit colder of an autumn than I personally prefer; it's still great).

6. Of the ones I've played, probably Shadow Dragon. Not that I dislike it (though I used to), it's just my least favourite of a series of games that I generally enjoy. Gaiden requirements, sprites/art style, and minimalist characters and storytelling are probably the biggest contenders.

7. Stroopwafels, mint/dark chocolate combo, brownies without frosting, chewy chocolate chip cookies, or anything with peanut butter in it.

8. Being a good communicator. Lived through way too many shit situations/relationships that would have been vastly improved by people being willing to fucking talk to each other instead of pussy-footing around a situation or otherwise not communicating about shit. It's so frustrating. Relatedly, movies/tv shows/etc. having plot points that could be easily resolved if people would just sit down and have a fucking conversation are one of my biggest pet peeves in media. It's such a fucking awful trope.

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5. I would probably just completely shut down. It takes quite a lot to get me angry, and I don't think I've ever felt legitimate rage, but when it does happen, I generally turn it inward and get very quiet.

You realize that's not good for you.

Edited by Sirius
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1. This might seem weird, but I really think my greatest achievement has been learning to manage and control my mental illness. I suffer from depression and some pretty severe anxiety that has crippled me at various points throughout my life, with my low points in life being spent in various mental hospitals on like 6 different kinds of meds. It took a lot of time and effort, but I've really wrestled my life back under control and I've learned to function normally under most situations. I could probably kick the rest of it if I were willing to go back on medication, but meds were such a shit show to me personally that I really have serious misgivings about going on them again, so I prefer my current methods.

2. Have I introduced you to my lord and savior, Fire Emblem Cipher? Here are some of my favourite (semi?-)obscure things that I like recommend to people in general:

Games: Fatal Frame/Project Zero series (really awesome, atmospheric, and somewhat obscure survival horror game; the Wii U entry isn't as strong as the others overall, but is hands down the best use of the Wii U Gamepad that I've ever seen) and the Lunar series (old school turn-based RPG with some great humour, fun mechanics, and overall a good time and my own first experience with the JRPG genre).

Anime: Rose of Versailles (late 70s shoujo/historical fiction set during the French Revolution. Super melodramatic and amazingly awesome) and Maison Ikkoku (80's long-running romantic comedy that does wonderful long-term character building and is a really nice balance of romance and comedy; the manga is awesome as well)

Book Authors: Lynn Flewelling (mostly I hear her talked about in LGBT fantasy circles, but otherwise she's fairly unknown; two completed series; the Tamir Triad and the first 2 books of the Nightrunner series are some of my favourite fantasy novels), Natsuo Kirino (Japanese crime/mystery writer; amazing characterization and very atmospheric storytelling), Paulo Coelho (Portuguese writer who writes some weird ass shit, but really great), and Peter S. Beagle (mostly known for his novel the Last Unicorn that was adapted to a fairly well-known cartoon movie back in the 80s, but his other stuff is also great; also I've met him and he's a super nice guy).

3. Yeah, it's okay. I used to do a lot of acting and so I got used to hearing myself talk a lot while practicing lines.

4. I travel between Chicago and Amsterdam a lot, but I suppose the furthest place I've been from both of those places would be Curaçao, which is where my husband and I went on our honeymoon. Very beautiful and tonnes of fun! I'll be going to Hawaii next spring for a cousin's wedding, so I suppose that will be the new winner.

5. The open night sky away from civilization, so no light pollution or anything. This was up in rural Minnesota, so basically the middle of nowhere. Billions of stars, the Milky Way, it was just gorgeous. It was only the one night that I was able to see it (the rest of my trip was cloudy/snowing), but it was super amazing.

@1, Why would you think that would seem weird?

@2, I'm already pretty familiar with Lunar, The Rose of Versailles and The Last Unicorn. In fact my biggest claim to fame on youtube is this video. Goodreads told me Beagle released a new book this year but as I'm in China I'm not all that prepared to get it just yet (and I'm well set for books for the next few months). If you happen to read it, tell me if it's worth checking out. Good to hear he's a nice person though because I find it morbidly hilarious that his greatest claim to fame was a book he published in his early twenties and he hasn't managed to match it's success throughout the entire remainder of his long life. I imagine that could leave someone feleing pretty disheatened.

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@1, Why would you think that would seem weird?

@2, I'm already pretty familiar with Lunar, The Rose of Versailles and The Last Unicorn. In fact my biggest claim to fame on youtube is this video. Goodreads told me Beagle released a new book this year but as I'm in China I'm not all that prepared to get it just yet (and I'm well set for books for the next few months). If you happen to read it, tell me if it's worth checking out. Good to hear he's a nice person though because I find it morbidly hilarious that his greatest claim to fame was a book he published in his early twenties and he hasn't managed to match it's success throughout the entire remainder of his long life.

I guess because it's not really something tangible, or something that most people know about and/or appreciate. It felt like kind of a copout answer to me, even though I sat and thought about it for a good ~15 mins or so and I definitely think it's more important and worthwhile than some of the other things that I could mention.

And I'm definitely planning on picking up Peter's new book when I'm in the States next year! His history of issues regarding TLU is such a sad story, and even sadder that it's still ongoing to this day, but I definitely wish him the best.

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I guess because it's not really something tangible, or something that most people know about and/or appreciate. It felt like kind of a copout answer to me, even though I sat and thought about it for a good ~15 mins or so and I definitely think it's more important and worthwhile than some of the other things that I could mention.

I've asked that question to everyone who's been interviewed in this thread since I jumped on the bandwagon and getting over mental issues is the most common response. Alongside getting a Degree of some sort.

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Hope you're fully recovered from your surgery soon c:

> What do you like best about stargazing?

> Does it evoke any emotions in particular?

> Do you have a favorite constellation?

> Do you follow or believe in astrology?

> Would like to go to the moon or mars? Live there?

> How do you feel about us being the only known planet with life in the universe?

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9. What about Autumn do you enjoy the most?

10. Something new you've been meaning to try?

11. Least favorite subject back in school?

12. Impressions of me, if any

13. Something you used to enjoy that you find dull nowadays?

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I've asked that question to everyone who's been interviewed in this thread since I jumped on the bandwagon and getting over mental issues is the most common response. Alongside getting a Degree of some sort.

I guess I'm just a bandwagoner then. :P

If you'd like a bit more unique answer, the other thing I was debating putting down was that I completed writing a novel with NaNoWriMo one year. I even went above and beyond and finished the whole thing, not just stopping at 50k words, and it ended up being somewhere around 65k. Unfortunately, I've lost the digital file and all I have left is a single hard copy that I printed out for editing purposes. Even more unfortunately, upon rereading it a couple years later to edit it, I discovered it was pretty shit and would need a lot of editing to be viable. But I'm still super proud that I finished it in the first place, and consider it a pretty important accomplishment.

Thank you for that Cipher info! :D:

6. Favorite Pegasus rider in Fire Emblem?

7. Favorite Healer?

8. Favorite Knight?

9. Favorite Christmas color Cavalier duo?

10. Favorite romantic ship?

6. PKs have a lot of my favourite characters, so that's tough. Just one... I think I'll go with my very first PK and pick Florina.

7. Oh, that one's easy: L'Arachel. (though Ethlyn comes in pretty close second)

8. Excluding reclasses in later games, I'll have to go with Oswin. He's the only Knight I've legitimately used without being forced to.

9. This prize goes to the original Cain and Abel. They've got a really nice dymanic and I often find myself using both of them rather than just letting them dual to the death to see which one gets better level ups (which is usually how I pick which Christmas cav I end up using for a given game).

10. Kirie x Kirie's Husband. OTP. Unless you meant Fire Emblem, in which case I think I'll have to go with Hector x Florina.

Hope you're fully recovered from your surgery soon c:

> What do you like best about stargazing?

> Does it evoke any emotions in particular?

> Do you have a favorite constellation?

> Do you follow or believe in astrology?

> Would like to go to the moon or mars? Live there?

> How do you feel about us being the only known planet with life in the universe?

Thank you! ^^ It'll probably be a while longer still, though thankfully it's not very difficult, just long and tiring.

1. I've always been interested in space, stars and planets, other galaxy. Though when it comes to stargazing I just think it looks fucking cool and is very peaceful.

2. Peacefulness, tranquility. It makes my problems feel small.

3. Probably Cassiopeia, if only because it's always pretty easy to spot.

4. My mum is super into astrology so I was raised with it, though I don't really think much of it myself. I sometimes have fun reading my horoscope for amusement, but I put about as much stock in it as I do a magic 8 ball or a fortune cookie.

5-1. When I was a kid, I actually really wanted to be an astronaut. My dream was to go to space camp and then eventually to space itself. Sadly that dream was shattered the first time I took a plane ride and learned how prone I am to motion sickness. As cool as it would be to BE on the Moon or Mars, I'd probably have to be sedated during the entire trip there or I'd be puking on everyone and generally incredibly miserable. Kinda sucks when life shits on your dreams like that. Were the motion sickness not an issue, though, I'd totally be all over it.

5-2. Now, living on the Moon or Mars, probably not so much. I'd have no problems living in a sparse environment or being lonely away from people and civilization, and the idea is really cool, but I do get rather people claustrophobic being in close quarters with others for long periods of time, and based on the environment alone, that would like be a necessity, and for long periods of time, too. As such, I don't think I'd really be the best person suited for such a colonization mission. I suppose I'd miss my kitty, too.

6. I don't really think we're fully alone, but I'm not sure if we'll ever actually find any other life either, let alone something we can communicate with. It's kind of a needle in a haystack sort of deal. Contemplating the universe is a pretty sobering thing, though. There's still so much out there to see and explore, and hopefully we'll keep getting further and learning more.

9. What about Autumn do you enjoy the most?

10. Something new you've been meaning to try?

11. Least favorite subject back in school?

12. Impressions of me, if any

13. Something you used to enjoy that you find dull nowadays?

9. The weather is the main thing, cool and cloudy and damp, but without the melting snow and allergies of spring. Insects are starting to die off, so I don't have to worry about them getting in the house. My birthday is in autumn, as is my favourite holiday (Halloween).

10. I have a pretty large handful of games that I've bought on Steam that all seemed really good to me at the time but I haven't touched. I should get around to that one of these days, but I keep putting it off.

For something a bit less dorky (and because probably everyone has tonnes of unplayed Steam games :U) there's also a Peruvian restaurant that recently opened up nearby that I'm looking forward to trying. I've never had Peruvian food before (or anything else South American, as far as I know), but the menu looked super tasty.

11. Physical Education. As a rather well-endowed female, I was always incredibly self conscious about basically all the activities we had to do, which isn't really a welcoming environment by any stretch of the imagination. And going to school in Illinois, it was a requirement for every single year of my mandatory education, too.

In terms of actual intellectual pursuits, probably English. As much as I love reading and writing (and I really do), I always found the classes themselves dull and the work very uninspiring. I often barely coasted by, despite all of my teachers praising my work, because I couldn't be bothered to do busy work or turn in rough drafts and all sorts of other stupid busywork that would lower my grades, and it always felt like English had a lot more busywork than any other class.

12. Your username feels very sad. Otherwise, like I said to the others who have asked similar questions, I don't really have much impressions of anyone that I haven't spent a lot of time talking to privately.

13. Online chatrooms/chatting. I used to be on a bunch of IRC servers and group chats and had tonnes of friends on my MSN list that I would talk to every day. That number has dwindled significantly. I belong to a few Discord servers, but only one I really 'actively' participate in (and even then I'm still labeled as a lurker), and very few people that I talk to individually. I'm not really sure what changed. Maybe I just have less time, or maybe I've just forgotten how to talk to people.

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I think it's beautiful and wonderfully symbolic of the Netherlands as a whole: a modern shopping street at ground level with beautiful, historical buildings rising above.

You've never been to Eindhoven, I presume?

6. Opinions on FE1 so far?

7. Do you bike?

8. Are you interested in history?

9. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (like The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings)?

10. Favorite pastime?

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If you'd like a bit more unique answer, the other thing I was debating putting down was that I completed writing a novel with NaNoWriMo one year. I even went above and beyond and finished the whole thing, not just stopping at 50k words, and it ended up being somewhere around 65k. Unfortunately, I've lost the digital file and all I have left is a single hard copy that I printed out for editing purposes. Even more unfortunately, upon rereading it a couple years later to edit it, I discovered it was pretty shit and would need a lot of editing to be viable. But I'm still super proud that I finished it in the first place, and consider it a pretty important accomplishment.

Haha. I've heard that one a few times as well.

1) I suppose graduating college? Though, on a personal level, I recently completed a novelization I've been working on for two years, so that felt nice.

Turns out when you group a lot of people with a similar interest in one place they come up with similar answers. Anyway,

6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Opinion on polygamy?

10.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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