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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1 hour ago, Chen said:

favorite German author

would you trade your soul away to mephistopheles

what German dishes can you make

Opinions on sauserkraut

None of them really left much of an impression.

I can't trade away something I don't have. That'd be fraud. :V

As long as I have access to a cookbook, I can probably make anything that isn't overly complex.

Sauerkraut, you mean? I hate it!

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Hi there Scarlet; hope 2017 is treating you well.

> Have you ever made a wish on a shooting star?

> Social construct you dislike the most?

> A message you would write on the moon for everyone here to see?

> Do you believe in astrology?

> How would you describe yourself?


> Impressions of SF?

> impressions of the new FE?

> Impressions of this thread?

> impressions of life?

> impressions of me?


> If you were an Fates character, what would be your personal skill?

> Who would be your S+ and A+ supports?

> Favorite FE skill?

> If you could have participated in any battle in the FE series, which one would it be?

> A class you would like to see added to the FE series?


16: who is the character in your avi/sig?

17: should darkness always be evil?

18: can light ever be evil?

19: how dark and edgy are you?

20: darkest quote you like/favorite 'dark' quote?

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16 minutes ago, ___ said:

Hi there Scarlet; hope 2017 is treating you well.

...so far it hasn't treated me worse than 2016!

> Have you ever made a wish on a shooting star?

> Social construct you dislike the most?

> A message you would write on the moon for everyone here to see?

> Do you believe in astrology?

> How would you describe yourself?

1. I like the concept in a romantic sense, but I don't actually believe in it, so no.

2. Does "all of them" count?

3. It would have to be incredibly huge to be reasonably legible, so in order to actually fit in the limited space I'd be working with, I guess I'd go with a simple "Hi". :V

4. I like the concept in media, but I don't actually believe in it in reality.

5. The same way I did just earlier~!

> Impressions of SF?

> impressions of the new FE?

> Impressions of this thread?

> impressions of life?

> impressions of me?

6. It's a nice place! Probably one of the most relaxed forums I know. (It's also one of the only ones that are still actually alive, but that's beside the point.)

7. The Gaiden remake seems pretty cool. I'm looking forward to it!

8. It's a cool idea! More forums should do that.

9. Life is terrible, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying what I can, does it?

10. I think I noticed your avatar a couple of times while browsing the forums, but that's probably about it.
(I'm not proud of it, but in case you haven't noticed yet, I'm kind of bad at remembering people, haha...)

> If you were an Fates character, what would be your personal skill?

> Who would be your S+ and A+ supports?

> Favorite FE skill?

> If you could have participated in any battle in the FE series, which one would it be?

> A class you would like to see added to the FE series?

11. Tenacity: Survive any attack with 1 HP remaining as long as HP isn't already at 1 when hit

12. Not telling~!

13. The FE9 version of Wrath. What can I say? I like flashy crits, even if they're not always very practical.

14. I'm not sure. If I had to participate in them, I'd probably see it through all the way and participate in all of them.

15. FE13 and FE14 really delivered in that regard, so I'm honestly not sure.
Actually, maybe some kind of red mage? A class with swords and multiple different types of magic, that is - but that'd require Light and Dark magic to return to being their own sub-types.

16: who is the character in your avi/sig?

17: should darkness always be evil?

18: can light ever be evil?

19: how dark and edgy are you?

20: darkest quote you like/favorite 'dark' quote?

16. That's Rumia from Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil~

17. Not at all! As TVTropes would say, Light Is Not Good and Dark Is Not Evil~

18. Absolutely! It may not be the most eloquent way to put it, but light can be just as blinding as darkness, right?

19. According to a friend I'm so edgy, I'm cutting the air around me at all times. I'm not sure if I agree. :P

20. That's a fantastic question, but I'm really bad at actually remembering quotes...

Just now, Fire Emblem Fan said:

7. What is your greatest hope for Shadows of Valentia?

8. What is your greatest fear for Shadows of Valentia?

9. Which FE antagonist is your favorite?

10. Do you speak any foreign languages?

7 & 8. I haven't really thought about it much, especially considering I've never played the original Gaiden. I'll judge the game when it's actually out!

9. Fire Emblem's antagonists tend to be pretty generic, but... Ashnard, probably. He doesn't do what he's doing for simple shits and giggles, he actually has a philosophy that he firmly believes in - and that makes him all the more intimidating!

10. English, evidently!

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19 minutes ago, Scarlet said:

...so far it hasn't treated me worse than 2016!

1. I like the concept in a romantic sense, but I don't actually believe in it, so no.

2. Does "all of them" count?

3. It would have to be incredibly huge to be reasonably legible, so in order to actually fit in the limited space I'd be working with, I guess I'd go with a simple "Hi". :V

4. I like the concept in media, but I don't actually believe in it in reality.

5. The same way I did just earlier~!

6. It's a nice place! Probably one of the most relaxed forums I know. (It's also one of the only ones that are still actually alive, but that's beside the point.)

7. The Gaiden remake seems pretty cool. I'm looking forward to it!

8. It's a cool idea! More forums should do that.

9. Life is terrible, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying what I can, does it?

10. I think I noticed your avatar a couple of times while browsing the forums, but that's probably about it.
(I'm not proud of it, but in case you haven't noticed yet, I'm kind of bad at remembering people, haha...)

11. Tenacity: Survive any attack with 1 HP remaining as long as HP isn't already at 1 when hit

12. Not telling~!

13. The FE9 version of Wrath. What can I say? I like flashy crits, even if they're not always very practical.

14. I'm not sure. If I had to participate in them, I'd probably see it through all the way and participate in all of them.

15. FE13 and FE14 really delivered in that regard, so I'm honestly not sure.
Actually, maybe some kind of red mage? A class with swords and multiple different types of magic, that is - but that'd require Light and Dark magic to return to being their own sub-types.

16. That's Rumia from Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil~

17. Not at all! As TVTropes would say, Light Is Not Good and Dark Is Not Evil~

18. Absolutely! It may not be the most eloquent way to put it, but light can be just as blinding as darkness, right?

19. According to a friend I'm so edgy, I'm cutting the air around me at all times. I'm not sure if I agree. :P

20. That's a fantastic question, but I'm really bad at actually remembering quotes...

7 & 8. I haven't really thought about it much, especially considering I've never played the original Gaiden. I'll judge the game when it's actually out!

9. Fire Emblem's antagonists tend to be pretty generic, but... Ashnard, probably. He doesn't do what he's doing for simple shits and giggles, he actually has a philosophy that he firmly believes in - and that makes him all the more intimidating!

10. English, evidently!


2: sure does c:

9: good strategy.

10: ah, no worries. I am the worst at remembering names, so you're not alone, and not the one with the poorest memory.

12: Why don't we do this: pick one S+ support; then pick 4 or 5 unrelated names. Let me take a two shots at it; if I get it right, obviously I win that little bit of information, if not, I will put my curiosity away and not bother you again. What do you say??? I'll be honest, I'm curious. (if you'll play along but wish to keep the info private, pm me the answer if I win???)

13: I respect that. I'm the same.

15: do you like Final Fantasy, by any chance?

19: I think I can see where you're friend is coming from c:

20: make one up? Or just any quote you'll like people to attribute to you.


21: why does your avi character use an Italian Renaissance doctor's mask?


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41 minutes ago, ___ said:

12: Why don't we do this: pick one S+ support; then pick 4 or 5 unrelated names. Let me take a two shots at it; if I get it right, obviously I win that little bit of information, if not, I will put my curiosity away and not bother you again. What do you say??? I'll be honest, I'm curious. (if you'll play along but wish to keep the info private, pm me the answer if I win???)

15: do you like Final Fantasy, by any chance?

20: make one up? Or just any quote you'll like people to attribute to you.


21: why does your avi character use an Italian Renaissance doctor's mask?


12. Because I don't want to~!

15. Not much, actually. The series isn't bad, but I think it's vastly overrated compared to so many other, more inspired franchises.

20. I'm also not very good at making up quote-worthy lines on the spot, but... There's actually one I used to use in my previous signature.
"Perhaps the most terryfing trait of all is curiosity." Or "Ignorance is bliss", if you prefer.

21. Under normal circumstances she actually doesn't, but that piece in my signature is a reference to Darkest Dungeon, where the Plague Doctor class wears the same kind of outfit. Considering the nature of that game and what Rumia represents, I found it quite fitting~!

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10 hours ago, Scarlet said:

12. Because I don't want to~!

15. Not much, actually. The series isn't bad, but I think it's vastly overrated compared to so many other, more inspired franchises.

20. I'm also not very good at making up quote-worthy lines on the spot, but... There's actually one I used to use in my previous signature.
"Perhaps the most terryfing trait of all is curiosity." Or "Ignorance is bliss", if you prefer.

21. Under normal circumstances she actually doesn't, but that piece in my signature is a reference to Darkest Dungeon, where the Plague Doctor class wears the same kind of outfit. Considering the nature of that game and what Rumia represents, I found it quite fitting~!

15: what are some of these franchises you find inspiring?

20: something bugs me about those quotes, but well, they're interesting quotes regardless.


> Have you ever searched for the end of a rainbow to see if there's a gold pot at the end of it?

> What would you rather be attacked by: a bear, a shark, a lion, or a crocodile?

> If you where a character in a game, what character personality/stereotype would you most likely fit?

> If you had to play a game with your life on the line, which game would you chose to play?

> A video game villain you would like be the apprentice of?


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1 hour ago, ___ said:

15: what are some of these franchises you find inspiring?

> Have you ever searched for the end of a rainbow to see if there's a gold pot at the end of it?

> What would you rather be attacked by: a bear, a shark, a lion, or a crocodile?

> If you where a character in a game, what character personality/stereotype would you most likely fit?

> If you had to play a game with your life on the line, which game would you chose to play?

> A video game villain you would like be the apprentice of?


15. As far as JRPGs go, the Tales Of franchise probably is a good example, although I haven't played a lot of them myself.

21. Nah. I consider myself a pretty rational person for the most part~

22. None of them. :V
Although I guess that doesn't count... Of these, I suppose the bear seems the least dangerous? Well, depending on what kind of bear it is, anyway.

23. The shrinking violet, probably, although I'm not quite that shy... I think.
Maybe some kind of strategist instead? I do like giving advice to people when it's about something I happen to be good at.

24. Preferably one I cannot lose. Tic Tac Toe is a good example, provided I go first. :P
If it has to be a video game and I just need to beat it rather than compete against someone, one of the 2D Mario platformers not named The Lost Levels will do.

25. ...nobody really comes to mind.

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15: that's...an interesting example, to put it one way.

> what do you do when rationality can't help you?

> A video game world you would like to visit?

> If you made a game, what would the game be about?

> do you like silent protagonists?

> what social position/standing do you generally like your main characters to be in? For example, commoners, royals, some other type of high or low noble, or a commoner with some power or authority, or a commoner at the very bottom of society.

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10 hours ago, ___ said:

> what do you do when rationality can't help you?

> A video game world you would like to visit?

> If you made a game, what would the game be about?

> do you like silent protagonists?

> what social position/standing do you generally like your main characters to be in? For example, commoners, royals, some other type of high or low noble, or a commoner with some power or authority, or a commoner at the very bottom of society.

26. ...well, I get annoyed, I suppose!

27. Gensokyo~!

28. It'd probably either be a horror-themed exploration game in a style similar to Ib, Mad Father or Yume Nikki, or a Metroidvania about TotallyNotManaketes if I was feeling more ambitious~

29. I don't mind them. I definitely prefer them over protagonists who just don't know when to shut up. :P

30. I don't really care as long as it makes for an engaging story~!
(I might have a slight bias towards low nobles as long as they don't act all haughty and arrogant.)

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How did you enjoy your interview?

Some traits you like in other people?

Some traits you dislike in other people?

Something you enjoyed as a kid but grew to not like as much when you got older?

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4 hours ago, Trisitei said:

How did you enjoy your interview?

Some traits you like in other people?

Some traits you dislike in other people?

Something you enjoyed as a kid but grew to not like as much when you got older?

It was a nice change of pace~

Honesty and respectfulness!

Arrogance, ignorance and stubbornness.

Watching TV. It's easy to grab a child's attention, but as I grew older I began to realize just how dull most of what is broadcasted actually is.

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a: What's your hairstyle like?

b: favorite outfit?

c: which do you prefer: handshake or hug?

d: how would your friends describe you?

e: how would you like your friends to think of you?

f: would you write a biography about yourself? And if so, what would you title it?

g: Do you do practice any form of art? If yes, what type of art?

h: What color do you wear that you think makes you look best?

i: weirdest gift you have ever received?

j: Would you sign up for a service where a random stranger (teenage girl, old man, some one with a language you don't know, etc) calls you every morning to wake you up?

k: Would you ever work for any such service?

l: Ever worn an outfit/costume to a costume party/halloween party/ cosplay convention/just because you can? If so, which costume was it?

m: On days when you feel your worst, what helps you make it through the day? Anything in particular you tend to do?

n: On days when you feel your best, is there anything you particularly like to do?

o: do you do sports?

p: a historical character/figure you would like to be like or look up to?

q: best eye color for villains? should it always be red?


...sigh, I feel I should have started asking stuff a few days sooner.

would you do this again if you ever had the chance????

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On 2017/2/2 at 7:03 AM, Scarlet said:

Yup! I'm pretty sure I did indeed post in that one thread at some point~

You sure did, took me awhile to find it. Man, hunting through old FFTF with no search function (shakes fist at indexing process urging it to complete faster) was both tedious, but also nostalgic. Popped into a bunch of old threads, like one Wist started from when a bunch of folk were theming from もしも明日が晴れならば, found some hilarious threads from when Obviam was hitting on eclipse, found the classic Iron Maiden threads, just, a lot of good memories from here.

2) [I guess] What's your favorite memory from the olden years of Serenes Forest?

3) Ever plan on hosting another mafia game, or are those days fully behind you at this point?

4) I saw you had impeccable taste, as far as enjoying Yousei Teikoku goes. Ever listened to much Denkare?

5) What's a question you wish you'd been asked, and its answer?


Edited by Balcerzak
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End set:

v: how important is money to a relationship?

w: they say a picture is worth a thousand words. If one were to take a picture of you, what pose would you take, what would be your facial expression, hand gestures, outfit, lighting set up/background, etc?

x: have you ever had a crush or relationship with or on some one online?

y: favorite song/music theme from video games or anime? From real bands/artists?

z: your favorite topic for: intellectual conversation? casual? Any topic you avoid/dislike?

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1. Which FE games have you played?
2. What are your opinions on the older FE games? If you haven't played them, would you like to play them?
3. What makes Sacred Stones your favorite FE?
4. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (such as The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings)?
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
6. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?
7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
8. Forgiveness or retribution?
9. First and current impressions of me?

On 2-2-2017 at 2:27 AM, Scarlet said:

Hard to say, considering there are so many subgenres. Can't go wrong with Metal, though. I also really like gothic style pieces and music box arranges.

If you don't know of them yet, may I suggest Blind Guardian?

On 2-2-2017 at 5:22 PM, Scarlet said:

13. I really like how when you lose a unit in FE5, the music changes to a much more grim tune for the remainder of the chapter. I'm honestly a bit disappointed this little detail never returned.

Wow, me too. I really like that in FE5 (except in the final chapter, where it totally ruins the mood).

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9 hours ago, ___ said:

a: What's your hairstyle like?

b: favorite outfit?

c: which do you prefer: handshake or hug?

d: how would your friends describe you?

e: how would you like your friends to think of you?

f: would you write a biography about yourself? And if so, what would you title it?

g: Do you do practice any form of art? If yes, what type of art?

h: What color do you wear that you think makes you look best?

i: weirdest gift you have ever received?

j: Would you sign up for a service where a random stranger (teenage girl, old man, some one with a language you don't know, etc) calls you every morning to wake you up?

k: Would you ever work for any such service?

l: Ever worn an outfit/costume to a costume party/halloween party/ cosplay convention/just because you can? If so, which costume was it?

m: On days when you feel your worst, what helps you make it through the day? Anything in particular you tend to do?

n: On days when you feel your best, is there anything you particularly like to do?

o: do you do sports?

p: a historical character/figure you would like to be like or look up to?

q: best eye color for villains? should it always be red?


...sigh, I feel I should have started asking stuff a few days sooner.

would you do this again if you ever had the chance????

a. Believe it or not, but it actually matches the one Rumia has in my avatar and signature~!

b. There are a lot of great outfits, so I can't really decide~

c. A simple handshake will do, although I don't mind a hug if it's from a friend~

d. I don't really know! Ask them, not me~!

e. As a good, reliable friend~

f. Nah. There's honestly nothing interesting about me that I could be writing about.

g. I've given various forms a go, but I'm not good at any of them and don't have the patience to become good at any of them. Unless you count roleplaying as art.

h. Probably a combination of red and black~

i. A friend once gifted me "Shower With Your Dad Simulator" on Steam as a prank. :V

j. No, that sounds weird. I prefer waking up on my own anyway.

k. Probably not.

l. I've dressed up for Halloween before~

m. I go play my favorite video games~!

n. Even more than usual, roleplaying! When I'm feeling good, my creativity is at its best~

o. I used to, but I no longer can.

p. Nobody really comes to mind.

q. Red is fine, but it really depends on the character itself! Any color will work as long as it suits the villain~

...and sure, why not? This has been pretty fun~

8 hours ago, Balcerzak said:

You sure did, took me awhile to find it. Man, hunting through old FFTF with no search function (shakes fist at indexing process urging it to complete faster) was both tedious, but also nostalgic. Popped into a bunch of old threads, like one Wist started from when a bunch of folk were theming from もしも明日が晴れならば, found some hilarious threads from when Obviam was hitting on eclipse, found the classic Iron Maiden threads, just, a lot of good memories from here.

2) [I guess] What's your favorite memory from the olden years of Serenes Forest?

3) Ever plan on hosting another mafia game, or are those days fully behind you at this point?

4) I saw you had impeccable taste, as far as enjoying Yousei Teikoku goes. Ever listened to much Denkare?

5) What's a question you wish you'd been asked, and its answer?


I can imagine! Thanks for linking it~
...although I gotta say, I've changed a lot since then. I barely recognized my own posts. xD

2. The mafia games for sure! I no longer have the patience for them, but I remember them fondly~

3. While I do have a few ideas for setups in mind, I don't think I'll find the motivation to actually go through with hosting a game anytime soon.

4. I'm ashamed to admit that I've never even heard of Denkare. I'll look them up later~!

5. I can't think of anything that hasn't already been asked~

7 hours ago, ___ said:

End set:

v: how important is money to a relationship?

w: they say a picture is worth a thousand words. If one were to take a picture of you, what pose would you take, what would be your facial expression, hand gestures, outfit, lighting set up/background, etc?

x: have you ever had a crush or relationship with or on some one online?

y: favorite song/music theme from video games or anime? From real bands/artists?

z: your favorite topic for: intellectual conversation? casual? Any topic you avoid/dislike?

v. It shouldn't make a difference! Do you love your partner or their wealth?

w. I don't like having my picture taken.

x. Nope~

y. I cannot possibly list a single pick for either of these!
...the only one I can list is my favorite piece of Rammstein, which is probably "Klavier"~

z. I don't really have any favorite topics to talk about, but the one thing I don't like talking about is the future. I prefer not to think about it.


6 hours ago, Chen said:

have you ever gone on pooshlmer?

ever gone on motk?

ever gone on /jp/?

have you ever had a presence in the touhou "fandom"?

thoughts on the concept of a "fandom" in general?

I've never even heard of it!

I've browsed MotK once or twice casually, but I mostly just go there when I'm looking for translations of Touhou fangames~


I highly doubt it! I can barely even 1cc Lunatic~

It's nice to be able to come together with other people and talk about something you like as long as you don't take it too far~

3 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

1. Which FE games have you played?
2. What are your opinions on the older FE games? If you haven't played them, would you like to play them?
3. What makes Sacred Stones your favorite FE?
4. Are you familiar with Tolkien's works (such as The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings)?
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
6. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?
7. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
8. Forgiveness or retribution?
9. First and current impressions of me?

If you don't know of them yet, may I suggest Blind Guardian?

1. Everything from FE4 onwards, although I haven't beaten FE4 itself. I got bored at the beginning of chapter 9, I believe.

2. The first three really haven't aged well, so I'm satisfied with having played the remakes (and playing the upcoming Gaiden remake). I dislike FE4 for its really terrible balance and its oversized maps, but I quite enjoyed FE5. FE6 was alright (much more interesting than FE7 in my opinion), but unremarkable.

3. There's a lot of little factors, and I'd be hardpressed to really pinpoint them all! It just "feels" best to me, if that makes sense~

4. It's hard not to be familiar with them to some extent, although I've never gone out of my way to watch the movies or read the books.

5. In my own secluded little paradise~
...which doesn't exist, but I guess living where I already do isn't so bad.

6. I have no idea! I can't really see myself ruling over anyone in the first place.

7. Naturalism! The law is made to be just, but it's far from perfect. When the law fails to be just, then justice should come before the law.

8. Hate just breeds more hate, so as difficult as it may be at times, the correct answer is forgiveness. Besides, taking revenge on someone is a terribly empty feeling.

9. You seem a little stern, but that's probably just because I myself tend to be rather childish in comparison~

Blind Guardian? Thanks, I'll look it up~!

23 minutes ago, Eleanor Hume said:

17. Which parts have you played?

18. Opinion of the series?

17. Phantasia (didn't like it), Symphonia (fantastic), Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (meh) and Abyss (pretty good).
Furthermore, I have Xillia sitting around here just waiting to be played, but with my ever-growing backlog of games, I just don't really find the time to.
I've also watched a couple of videos of Vesperia and the Destiny 2 remake~

18. I like the series as a whole, even though there are a couple of "bad" entries. In particular, I really enjoy the combat system of the 3D entries. It just feels good.

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28 minutes ago, Scarlet said:

never even heard of Denkare. I'll look them up later~!

It's short for 電気式華憐音楽集団 but either of them should be an adequate search term. You'll probably think the vocalist sounds familiar at least, but let me know if you have any other opinions after you've given a listen.

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