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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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2 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

5. Will you be raising or otherwise altering the limit? 

@Claudius I: Please be informed that in accordance with the agreed policy, the limit for questions is hereby lifted.

Sorry for delaying, guys - I was gone all day. 

5 hours ago, Byakuren Hijiri said:

1. Opinions of the following:

  Hide contents


a. ee06c1c24e.gif

b. e67647148a.gif

c. 5e7683bee6.jpg


2. Do you think you have rigid, porous, or healthy boundaries with people? If you wanna specify between acquaintances, friends, close friends, romantic partners, sure thing. For reference, here are some common traits of each:

Rigid boundaries: 
* Avoid intimacy and close relationships
* Unlikely to ask for help
* Has few close relationships
* Very protective of personal information
* May seem detached, even with romantic partners
* Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection

Porous boundaries:
* Overshares personal information
* Difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others
* Overinvolved with other's problems
* Dependent on the opinions of others
* Accepting of abuse or disrespect
* Fears rejection if they do not comply with others

Healthy boundaries:
* Values own opinions
* Doesn't compromise values for others
* Shares personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share)
* Knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them
* Accepting when others say "no" to them

3. Branching from the above question, which kind of boundary do you have for:
* Physical (personal space and physical touch)
* Intellectual (thoughts and ideas)
* Emotional (personal feelings)
* Sexual (emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality)
* Material (money and possessions)
* Time (how someone uses their time)

  1. Not bad, not bad. Quite cute.
  2. Probably a mix between porous and healthy. 
  3. As follows:
    1. Physical: porous/healthy
    2. Intellectual: porous
    3. Emotional: porous
    4. Sexual: have little to no experience in that regard, so can't say
    5. Material: healthy/rigid
    6. Time: porous/rigid
2 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

Hey Siggy! 

1. Opinion of me?

2. Opinion of my new nickname for you?

3. How did you get into FE?

4. How did you get into SF?

  1. You are, as the Québécois put it, un bon gars (a good guy).
  2. It could be far, far worse.
  3. In high school, I saw a friend playing FE8 (chapter 6 or so?) and got hooked. Unfortunately, when I asked which FE was playing, he only said "Fire Emblem" - so I landed up playing FE7 (which was called just Fire Emblem in North America) for two weeks.
  4. I happened upon it while browsing around and didn't even bother lurking - I just started an account.
2 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

Alright let's go:

1. Thoughts on me?

2. Favorite video game?

3. Favorite fictional weapon?

4. Will you allow anyone to go turbo on you like Arcanite did to me?

  1. Un bon gars 
  2. Too many of them to name at once. A few examples: Crusader Kings II, Fire Emblem 8, Hearts of Iron IV.
  3. Aureola, Fire Emblem 6 and 7 or Andúril, LOTR. (Incidentally, I had never heard of the Monado until I saw your signature.)
  4. See response to @SullyMcGully's question five. 
1 hour ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

1. Damage, Tank, or Healer?

2. Morning or Night?

3. Tea or Coffee?

4. Least favourite colour?

5. Winter or Summer?

  1. Damage or tank.
  2. Night.
  3. Tea.
  4. No idea.
  5. Summer - it might be hot as hell, but at least you don't have a risk of slipping and falling on the sidewalk.

*stretches, drinks water* Any more?

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6. What books/movies/games did you used to dislike, but enjoy now?

7. What books/movies/games did you used to enjoy, but now dislike?

8. What books/movies/games do you like, but most people seem to dislike?

9. What books/movies/games do you dislike, but most people seem to enjoy?

10. PVP or PVE?

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17 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

@Claudius I: Please be informed that in accordance with the agreed policy, the limit for questions is hereby lifted.

  1. Un bon gars 
  2. Too many of them to name at once. A few examples: Crusader Kings II, Fire Emblem 8, Hearts of Iron IV.
  3. Aureola, Fire Emblem 6 and 7 or Andúril, LOTR. (Incidentally, I had never heard of the Monado until I saw your signature.)
  4. See response to @SullyMcGully's question five.

*stretches, drinks water* Any more?

Well I'm too lazy to go turbo on you. Arcanite however is already planning my reinterview

and yet the monado isn't your favorite anyway?

5. Is that regular or flavored water?

6. Explain your username, specifically why?

7. Do you listen to video game OSTs frequently?

8. If yes, favorite video game song?

9. If no, favorite song anyway.

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I don't know what to do when others steal my questions.

Hello Sigismund!

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. Are you a fan of the Byzantines?

IV. How about the Vikings?

V. Favorite history to learn about?

VI. Are you very interested in mythology?

VII. Fight or flight?

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22 minutes ago, Mister IceTeaPeach said:

1. How did you become that great in speaking multiple languages?

2. Five favorite places you have visited yet?

3. Five favorite videogames?

4. Was Santa Claus kind to you this year?

5. Hast du diese Frage verstanden?

Bonus: What happened to the chess thread?

  1. It may just be the way my brain works, or it may be something to do with the fact that I voraciously devour foreign-languages books.
  2. Toronto, Portland, Seattle, Texas (especially Austin and Galveston), and Bangladesh
  3. Fire Emblem 8, Pokemon HeartGold, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, Crusader Kings II, Hearts of Iron IV.
  4. A lot of cash, so probably yes.
  5. Oui, je les ai compris. - Ich habe die Fragen verstanden. Ich danke Ihnen.
  6. Chess thread? I'll go check later.
Edited by Sigismund of Luxemburg
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10 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I don't know what to do when others steal my questions.

You're too late! They're my questions now.

I may not be Arcanite, but I can keep the questions coming now that schools out, so get ready Siggy!

6. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
7. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
8. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
9. Are you more artistic-oriented or mechanical-oriented?
10. Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner?
11. What is the toughest job you have ever done?
12. What is the dirtiest job you have ever done?
13. What is the most rewarding job you have ever done?
14. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?
15. What is the most risqué thing you have ever done?
16. What is your favorite number?
17. What is your favorite color?
18. What is your favorite year before you were born?
19. What is your favorite year after you were born?
20. What is your favorite season?

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1.Favorite Food?

2.Thoughts on Coin-Operated Arcade Machines?

3.Is historical fiction worthwhile, too slangy, or decent but inferior to reading straight history?

4. How does the degree of social mobility reflect on different civilizations? 

5. FE7's normal mode is just as appalling  easy as other games in the series. Did all the people in 2005 who lorded their game's gameplay over FE8 intend to have a footnote (meaning hector hard mode) or did attacking FE8 just catch on without the need for self-reflection?

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1. What is your opinion of me?

2. How did you become the leader of the Grammar Nazis?

3. Explain why Luxembourg's debt is $3.781 trillion.

4. What is your favorite movie?

5. Favorite TV show?

6. What is your favorite subject in school?

7. Favorite elective in school?

8. Are you an active practitioner of any religious faith?

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7 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

You're too late! They're my questions now.

I may not be Arcanite, but I can keep the questions coming now that schools out, so get ready Siggy!

6. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
7. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
8. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
9. Are you more artistic-oriented or mechanical-oriented?
10. Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner?
11. What is the toughest job you have ever done?
12. What is the dirtiest job you have ever done?
13. What is the most rewarding job you have ever done?
14. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?
15. What is the most risqué thing you have ever done?
16. What is your favorite number?
17. What is your favorite color?
18. What is your favorite year before you were born?
19. What is your favorite year after you were born?
20. What is your favorite season?

Oh, hell. I'd rather have a Katyusha firing at me...

Here goes:

  1. Neither-nor. Both animals make me jittery.
  2. Generally more of a night owl.
  3. I exhibit a combination of both traits.
  4. Artistic? I really don't know.
  5. I exhibit all three depending on the circumstances. In languages, for example, I am visual and auditory.
  6. Toughest job? A project on the history of Russia - it took me about thirty hours.
  7. Dirtiest job? Cleaning the toilet (which, admittedly, isn't too bad at my house in light of the fact that our family showers once or even twice a day).
  8. Most rewarding? That project above - it was displayed very prominently at a school concert.
  9. Riskiest? Probably that time I climbed a forty-foot pole during my grad trip.
  10. Risque? Asking a girl to a dance - she accepted without question, but then  lectured me the next day about how she was only going out with me as a friend and that there were no romantic implications.
  11. 28. 
  12. Red, white, black, and/or yellow
  13. 1066 - I like learning about the Conquest.
  14. 2000 - things still seemed sane back then.
  15. Late summer - when it's sunny but not hot as all hell.
4 hours ago, Reality said:

1.Favorite Food?

2.Thoughts on Coin-Operated Arcade Machines?

3.Is historical fiction worthwhile, too slangy, or decent but inferior to reading straight history?

4. How does the degree of social mobility reflect on different civilizations? 

5. FE7's normal mode is just as appallingly easy as other games in the series. Did all the people in 2005 who lorded their game's gameplay over FE8 intend to have a footnote (meaning hector hard mode) or did attacking FE8 just catch on without the need for self-reflection?

  1. I have no idea. I could only tell you the foods I hated.
  2. If you want to play a game so bad, buy a game console - don't waste your quarters!
  3. Decent but inferior in some situations; in others, worthwhile.
  4. You know, I've never thought about that.
  5. I would not know, as I am not privy to any of this.
2 hours ago, TheGoodHoms said:

1. What is your opinion of me?

2. How did you become the leader of the Grammar Nazis?

3. Explain why Luxembourg's debt is $3.781 trillion.

4. What is your favorite movie?

5. Favorite TV show?

6. What is your favorite subject in school?

7. Favorite elective in school?

8. Are you an active practitioner of any religious faith?

  1. A good man. Decent.
  2. It just happened.
  3. I have no idea. You see, I stopped studying Luxembourg after Joseph Bech and Pierre Dupong.
  4. Downfall is one example - the memes are too funny
  5. Hogan's Heroes or MASH.
  6. Social Studies, mathematics
  7. IT
  8. Mokusatsu. (Send to me in private to know.)

C'mon - is this all? Bring it on, guys!

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It's out of format, but seeing as you take pride in your history of Russia presentation

1: What do you think about the thinning out of Russian subjects in American Universities? During the Cold  war there was a huge upsurge, in courses being offered. However today it's hard to find outside of the biggest universities. I remember when I went to University of Cincinnati the last professor doing ANY Russian subject retired during my sophomore year. This isn't limited to just political science and history, Russian literature is also far less represented than it was 20 or even 10 years ago. 

2: Should Vladimir Putin have sparked a comparable incentive for Universities to teach Russian subjects.? I'm thinking more in terms of 2012-2013.

Edited by Reality
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1: First/Current impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

6: Are you from Luxemburg, Bohemia, or some place else?

7: Opinion on the name Rachel?

8: Opinion on petticoats?

9: Opinion on kilts?

10: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

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21. Do you believe in emotions?

22. Do you believe in love?

23. Do you believe in absolutes?

24. Do you believe in pure evil?

25. Do you believe in the supernatural?

26. Do you believe in life on other planets?

27. Do you believe in God?

28. Do you believe our senses can be trusted?

29. Do you believe the moon landing actually happened?

30. Do you believe human perfection is attainable?

31. What was your favorite subject in school?

32. What is your favorite sport?

33. Can you handle yourself in a fight?

34. Do you consider yourself to be attractive?

35. What is your ideal woman like?

36. What's your favorite non-FE video game of all time?

37. What's your favorite non-FE video game series of all time?

38. What's your favorite video game console of all time?

39. What's one video game you wish you owned, but don't?

40. What's one video game console you wish you owned, but don't?

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4 hours ago, Reality said:

It's out of format, but seeing as you take pride in your history of Russia presentation

1: What do you think about the thinning out of Russian subjects in American Universities? During the Cold  war there was a huge upsurge, in courses being offered. However today it's hard to find outside of the biggest universities. I remember when I went to University of Cincinnati the last professor doing ANY Russian subject retired during my sophomore year. This isn't limited to just political science and history, Russian literature is also far less represented than it was 20 or even 10 years ago. 

2: Should Vladimir Putin have sparked a comparable incentive for Universities to teach Russian subjects.? I'm thinking more in terms of 2012-2013.

  1. In my admittedly limited understanding (of those 30 hours, 25 were formatting and 3 were research; and it was medieval Russia anyway), it is bad but unsurprising. Unfortunately, I cannot substantiate my argument.
  2. Perhaps, perhaps not. I don't know.
3 hours ago, Rezzy said:


1: First/Current impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

6: Are you from Luxemburg, Bohemia, or some place else?

7: Opinion on the name Rachel?

8: Opinion on petticoats?

9: Opinion on kilts?

10: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

  1. First impression: I was kind of awed by you, especially when you told me you're a surgeon in real life. 
    Current impression: Respect. Deep respect. (or at least as deep as respect on a video game forum can get)
  2. To be of service (and to rule a country)
  3. They are nice, but they can be obnoxious. Whether or not I plan to have any will be a matter for when I'm married, which I'm not.
  4. Can't say I remember.
  5. Most modern movies.
  6. "Some place else" is my answer.
  7. Not a bad name. Is that your name, by any chance?
  8. Not something I'd wear, but nice.
  9. I've always wanted to wear a kilt.
  10. Class - Chancellor
    Growths: HP - 110%, Strength - 20%, Speed - 50%, Skill - 60%, Magic - 80%, Luck - 20%... wait, what were the other stats again?
2 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

21. Do you believe in emotions?

22. Do you believe in love?

23. Do you believe in absolutes?

24. Do you believe in pure evil?

25. Do you believe in the supernatural?

26. Do you believe in life on other planets?

27. Do you believe in God?

28. Do you believe our senses can be trusted?

29. Do you believe the moon landing actually happened?

30. Do you believe human perfection is attainable?

31. What was your favorite subject in school?

32. What is your favorite sport?

33. Can you handle yourself in a fight?

34. Do you consider yourself to be attractive?

35. What is your ideal woman like?

36. What's your favorite non-FE video game of all time?

37. What's your favorite non-FE video game series of all time?

38. What's your favorite video game console of all time?

39. What's one video game you wish you owned, but don't?

40. What's one video game console you wish you owned, but don't?

  1. Yes.
  2. Yes.
  3. Yes.
  4. Yes.
  5. Yes.
  6. I do not believe in it per se but I can see it existing. 
  7. @TheGoodHoms - here is a hint to that question of yours, which I answered with "no comment": Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem...
  8. No.
  9. Yes.
  10. No. Errare humanum est...
  11. Social studies, math, phys, chem, IT
  12. If I had to choose one... soccer.
  13. In theory, yes. In practice, who knows?
  14. No. That smacks of narcissism, in my opinion.
  15. Not answering that!
  16. Crusader Kings II or Hearts of Iron IV
  17. Pokemon
  18. Crusader Kings II/Hearts of Iron IV
  19. SNES/Nintendo Switch

Now for the other questions I missed:

23 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

Well I'm too lazy to go turbo on you. Arcanite however is already planning my reinterview

and yet the monado isn't your favorite anyway?

5. Is that regular or flavored water?

6. Explain your username, specifically why?

7. Do you listen to video game OSTs frequently?

8. If yes, favorite video game song?

9. If no, favorite song anyway.

Even if it was my favorite, I'd say it wasn't to see your reaction. 

  1. Regular. Why add glucose into the mix?
  2. Completely random. Was looking for names of powerful historical figures and it was a toss-up between this one and Kazimierz IV of Poland.
  3. Frequently.
  4. Skirmish from Total War: Warhammer OR Vs. Ho-Oh from HeartGold.
  5. Beethoven, Ninth Symphony, 2nd Movement OR Strauss Sr., Radetzky March
23 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I don't know what to do when others steal my questions.

Hello Sigismund!

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. Are you a fan of the Byzantines?

IV. How about the Vikings?

V. Favorite history to learn about?

VI. Are you very interested in mythology?

VII. Fight or flight?

  1. Fire/metal
  2. Sins: pride, gluttony, lust, envy; virtues: faith, hope, justice, prudence
  3. Yes. We should have a Byzantium thread on SF!
  4. Not so much, although I admire their histories.
  5. Medieval European, Chinese or late 1900s.
  6. Not very much. What do you recommend?
  7. Depends.
23 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

6. What books/movies/games did you used to dislike, but enjoy now?

7. What books/movies/games did you used to enjoy, but now dislike?

8. What books/movies/games do you like, but most people seem to dislike?

9. What books/movies/games do you dislike, but most people seem to enjoy?

10. PVP or PVE?

  1. Lord of the Rings, Pokemon
  2. Harry Potter, Hunger Games
  3. Refer to @Rezzy's questions
  4. Depends on my mood.

Finally caught up with the backlog!

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24 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Not very much. What do you recommend?

Hm. Well, Greek mythology is always fairly easy to understand and rather simplistic - its something I think everyone should at least have a basic understanding of. Roman mythology is nigh the exact same as Greek, albeit with different names for deities and characters. I'm fairly certain resources on them are quite commonplace. (I probably have at least 3 books on Greek mythology, excluding Percy Jackson stuff.) Norse mythology is my personal favorite due to a couple of its themes and interesting concepts, though it might be confusing at times. (It should also be noted that a lot of concepts, weapons, characters, etc. in Fire Emblem are named after the mythology, most notable in Genealogy, Sacred Stones, Conquest, and Heroes.) Egyptian mythology is also neat, though half the time I have no idea what is going on there. Those three tend to be the most often studied mythologies; anything beyond them is... hard to find or really weird.

You know what? How about I get you started on mythology! I can give you a bunch of stories to read and give your opinions on, but first, I'd like to know what all you already know.

VIII. ... What myths do you already know about?

IX. Hot or cold?

X. Is the Byzantine Empire part of the Roman Empire or something entirely different?

XI. Favorite Pokemon generation?

XII. Favorite Pokemon type?

XIII. Favorite Pokemon?

XIV. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

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13 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Hm. Well, Greek mythology is always fairly easy to understand and rather simplistic - its something I think everyone should at least have a basic understanding of. Roman mythology is nigh the exact same as Greek, albeit with different names for deities and characters. I'm fairly certain resources on them are quite commonplace. (I probably have at least 3 books on Greek mythology, excluding Percy Jackson stuff.) Norse mythology is my personal favorite due to a couple of its themes and interesting concepts, though it might be confusing at times. (It should also be noted that a lot of concepts, weapons, characters, etc. in Fire Emblem are named after the mythology, most notable in Genealogy, Sacred Stones, Conquest, and Heroes.) Egyptian mythology is also neat, though half the time I have no idea what is going on there. Those three tend to be the most often studied mythologies; anything beyond them is... hard to find or really weird.

You know what? How about I get you started on mythology! I can give you a bunch of stories to read and give your opinions on, but first, I'd like to know what all you already know.

VIII. ... What myths do you already know about?

IX. Hot or cold?

X. Is the Byzantine Empire part of the Roman Empire or something entirely different?

XI. Favorite Pokemon generation?

XII. Favorite Pokemon type?

XIII. Favorite Pokemon?

XIV. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

  1. Some Greek myths, here and there, but not too much.
  2. Warm.
  3. It is (with the Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire) one of the larger inheritors of the Roman legacy. My jury is out on whether it's the Roman Empire or something else.
  4. IV/V.
  5. Steel or Dragon.
  6. Don't have one.
  7. ENTP-T (or was it ENTP-J) - it fits me.
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On 27-12-2017 at 4:45 AM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

@Claudius I: Please be informed that in accordance with the agreed policy, the limit for questions is hereby lifted.

Consider me informed.

Now then, let's begin.

1. So what languages do you speak?
2. Do you have a favourite language?
3. Any favourite words or phrases (in any language)?
4. Do you want to learn more languages? If so, any specific ones?
5. Favourite Roman Emperor(s) (including Byzantine emperors)?
6. Least favourite Roman Emperor(s) (including Byzantine emperors)?
7. Which FE games have you played?

On 27-12-2017 at 4:45 AM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:
  1. It could be far, far worse.

8. Like what? :smug:
9. Can I call you Finrod Felagund?
10. How about Tar-Palantír?
11. How about Rog of the House of the Hammer of Wrath

On 27-12-2017 at 4:45 AM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Andúril, LOTR. 

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

12. How is your Tolkien knowledge?
13. Which of his books have you read?
14. Did you recognise the names I referred to in questions 9, 10 and 11?

8 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:
  1. 1066 - I like learning about the Conquest.

That's interesting, that's @Natalie's favourite year too.

But now I have to ask:
15. William of Normandy, Harold Godwinson or Harald Hardrada (or other...?)? If you want to specify between legal, historical or other preferences, by all means do.

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1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

That's interesting, that's @Natalie's favourite year too.

You should be very careful how you tread here, mister. It's only five days before I'll enact any punish - no wait. The paddle with all my posts on! I'll be quiet now...

1. First and current impressions of yours truly, if any?

2. Countries you've visited?

3. Countries you'd like to visit?

4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose and why?

5. Weirdest thing you've eaten?

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11 hours ago, Claudius I said:

Consider me informed.

Now then, let's begin.

1. So what languages do you speak?
2. Do you have a favourite language?
3. Any favourite words or phrases (in any language)?
4. Do you want to learn more languages? If so, any specific ones?
5. Favourite Roman Emperor(s) (including Byzantine emperors)?
6. Least favourite Roman Emperor(s) (including Byzantine emperors)?
7. Which FE games have you played?

8. Like what? :smug:
9. Can I call you Finrod Felagund?
10. How about Tar-Palantír?
11. How about Rog of the House of the Hammer of Wrath

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

12. How is your Tolkien knowledge?
13. Which of his books have you read?
14. Did you recognise the names I referred to in questions 9, 10 and 11?

That's interesting, that's @Natalie's favourite year too.

But now I have to ask:
15. William of Normandy, Harold Godwinson or Harald Hardrada (or other...?)? If you want to specify between legal, historical or other preferences, by all means do.

  1. Languages spoken: English, French (fluent); German, Bengal, Polish, Italian (conversational); Mandarin, Hungarian, and others (some words).
  2. Polish, English, or German.
  3. In Polish: the number words; in English: defenestration.
  4. I'd like to strengthen the knowledge of the languages I have. 
  5. Justinian, Theodosius, Alexius I, Basil the Bulgar-Slayer
  6. Nero, Domitian, Elagabalus
  7. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 (none completed)
  8. As I said to the religion question, mokusatsu.
  9. Yes, though it isn't so accurate.
  10. I'd be honoured.
  11. Wouldn't mind, though I'd find it weird.
  12. In what regard?
  13. LoTR, the Silmarillion
  14. Yes, all three.
  15. Probably Godwinson or Normandy. The order of succession in that situation was quite blurred, and the kings seemed about the same in merit (to my limited understanding); so I'd want a ruler that was native or came from nearby, since they'd understand the people better.
9 hours ago, Natalie said:

You should be very careful how you tread here, mister. It's only five days before I'll enact any punish - no wait. The paddle with all my posts on! I'll be quiet now...

1. First and current impressions of yours truly, if any?

2. Countries you've visited?

3. Countries you'd like to visit?

4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose and why?

5. Weirdest thing you've eaten?

  1. Yours truly thinks that you are nice, although a bit *ahem* quirky.
  2. Canada, U.S., Korea, Singapore, Bangladesh
  3. Italy, Poland, Germany, Russia, England, Sweden
  4. Poland - being surrounded by all that history would be such a great thing for me.
  5. The bitter melon. (Lumpy, seedy, and bitter... yuck!)
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15 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Yours truly thinks that you are nice, although a bit *ahem* quirky.

Woah thanks.

15 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Poland - being surrounded by all that history would be such a great thing for me.

Yeah, Poland is pretty nice.

6. Favourite books(s)?

7. Do you play any instruments?

8. Are there any instruments you'd like to learn?

9. Favourite flavour ice cream?

10. Do you play FE Heroes?

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Just LotR and The Silmarillion, yet you recognize Rog of the Hammer of Wrath? Impressive.

16. How come you haven't completed any FE games?
17. Why is Domitian one of your least favorite Roman Emperors?
18. How can Didius Julianus not be one of your least favorite Emperors? I mean, his reign is basically a meme. You can't unironically like him. (I'm not sure if you knew of him, but if you didn't, definitely look him up; it's hilarious.)
19. Any favorite Tolkien characters?
20. Have you ever been defenestrated? If not, would you like to be?
21. Have you ever defenestrated someone else? If not, would you like to?
22. Have you ever defenestrated yourself? If not, would you like to?
23. Have I ever told you that I'm grateful to you for introducing the concept of defenestration into my life?

Edited by Claudius I
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On 12/27/2017 at 11:37 PM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

ENTP-T (or was it ENTP-J) - it fits me.

Interesting. I was pegging you as ENTJ but this was reasonable as well.

So now I will get you started on mythology! Hahaha! Starting with Greek!

... Or I would, if I could find a good Greek mythology website. But as it turns out, the best resources for Greek mythology is in books. So, Norse it is!

XV. Thoughts on this tale of Loki the trickster?

XVI. Thoughts on this story about Thor, the manliest man's manly man?

XVII. Do you live somewhere rural, urban, or suburban?

XVIII. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XIX. Katana, broadsword, or scimitar?

XX. Eastern or western dragon?

XXI. Samurai or ninja?

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