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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Special... editions? Likely not.

You probably did, actually, considering the theatrical editions haven't been widely rereleased since the 90s.

11. Pancakes or waffles?

12. Top 5 imoutos?

13. Is English your first language?

14. Are you interested in Rogue One at all?

15. How do you feel about the current Star Wars team seemingly distancing themselves from the prequels?

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1. What are your current impressions on the general situation of the world?

2. What political situation (in the world) do you find the most concerning and why?

3. What would you want to find at the "edge" of the universe?

4. How much do you know of black holes and what do you think one would find inside of one?

5. What (if any) theories do you have for events prior to the (supposed) Big Bang?

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Which flower do you think best describes your personality?

Do you think your astrological sign fits you?

Which of the seven deadly sins do you think is the least harmful?

Do you play any musical instruments or sing?

"First and current impressions of me?" That is, if you have any.

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Sorry, I was mostly busy today with grading midterms and classes and anime club. Wednesday is generally a busy day for me and today especially more so because of the midterm. I should be more available from now though!


You probably did, actually, considering the theatrical editions haven't been widely rereleased since the 90s.

Ah, yeah, I watched it in like, 200x, so yeah

11. Pancakes or waffles?

It really depends on the specific pancakes or waffles, but generally I'd prefer waffles.

12. Top 5 imoutos?

Oh, boy, this is a pretty big question and it could be interpreted in many different ways. I assume this is referring to fictional imoutos. But what qualifies as an imouto? Only imoutos by blood? What about step-sisters or adoption? What about a character who has a sister-like bond with someone else, but they aren't technically related?

And finally, do you want me to rank the top five imoutos based on how much I like the characters, or should I rank the top five imoutos based on their imouto characteristics and bonding? For example, Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender is an imouto (by blood) but she's not really much of an imouto to her older sibling (Zuko). I guess I'll do both here, then.

Top Five Imoutos (actual imoutos, including step-siblings and adoption) ranked by character:

1. Ryougi Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai

2. Flandre Scarlet from Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

3. Last Order from To Aru Majutsu no Index

4. Lily Baskerville from Pandora Hearts (she was adopted into the Baskervilles, so I think she should count)

5. (spoilers) Matsunaga Sara from Ever17: The Out of Infinity

Top Five Imoutos (actual imoutos, including step-siblings and adoption) ranked by imouto-ness:

1. Shiro from No Game No Life

2. Hikigaya Komachi from Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru

3. Natsume Rin from Little Busters!

4. Ushiromiya Ange from Umineko no Naku Koro ni

5. Doma Umaru from Himouto! Umaru-chan

13. Is English your first language?


14. Are you interested in Rogue One at all?

Never heard of it, nope

15. How do you feel about the current Star Wars team seemingly distancing themselves from the prequels?

Dunno why they would do that, the prequels were awesome. But eh, I guess most of their fanbase didn't like the prequels...? idk

first and current impression?

First - Some random person in IPC who can be pretty rude sometimes

Current - Can still be pretty rude, but she tries to understand and fix her flaws and can be quite mature and responsible about stuff she cares about.

what got you interested in touhou?

A variety of factors, really. I think it all started in April 2009 when the guys at another chatroom I went to were all playing SWR. It was mostly those guys who contributed to my interest, but there were also a few people here, like Harudoku and Emily who influenced me as well. Ultimately though, it was after watching Bad Apple!! and Locked Girl, as well as reading the opening post on this thread, which got me to start getting into Touhou.

why Yuuka?

tbh I'm not really sure myself... It was just love at first sight. Well, I've loved flowers since I was a kid, especially sunflowers, so that might have something to do with it. And I'm also a physical masochist, so...

what would you say helped inspired your adoration of imoutos?

irl I have four wonderful siblings and as I grew up I became really fond of sibling bonds. I have older brothers, an older sister, and a younger brother, but no younger sisters. Well, I did have one cousin who I've loved dearly as my own younger sister, but uh, she's not around anymore and I really miss her...

why is your beard so great?

Probably because I never shaved. It certainly feels great when I run my fingers over them~

impressions, if any

First - Meiling

Current - Somebody that I really admire and respect and I wish I could talk to you more, but you rarely speak in any of the chat groups that we're both on :(



1. What is the best way to prepare potatoes?

It wouldn't be fair to call one of them the best way since all the other ways make amazing potatoes too!

2. Why potatoes?

They can be cooked in a variety of dishes, all of which taste awesome.

3. Have you played any of the older FE games?

Not the first one, but I played all of them from FE2 until FE13

4. Do you cycle?

I actually don't know how to ride a bike, heh

5. Which languages do you speak?

Mainly just English. I can speak a bit of Bengali for simple conversations and some Malay for very basic communication. I tried learning some other languages but my proficiency in those are negligible.

Impressions question here

First - Somebody who is always depressed for reasons I can't understand

Current - Somebody with a beautiful heart who had to endure a lot of troubling experiences, resulting in a kind but vulnerable personality that is often misunderstood or overlooked.

Favorite songs in video games

Let's go with a top ten:

1. Last Remote from Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism

2. Reset (Thank You) from Okami

3. Gerudo Valley from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

4. Disturbance in Agustria from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

5. Venus Lighthouse from Golden Sun: The Lost Age

6. Confrontation ~ Presto from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

7. Let Life Loose from Battle Moon Wars

8. Yggdrasil from Riviera: The Promised Land

9. Terra's Theme from Final Fantasy VI

10. Champion Theme from Pokemon X/Y (link reveals Champion, which is spoilery)

Favorite boss in a not-2hu games

Definitely Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

thoughts on the true best star wars movie, the christmas special?

Huh, did it come out yet? If yes, I haven't watched it yet. If not, then eh, I'm not really having any expectations or anything.

1. What are your current impressions on the general situation of the world?

Needs more familial love

2. What political situation (in the world) do you find the most concerning and why?

I'm actually kinda clueless about politics tbh...

3. What would you want to find at the "edge" of the universe?

A void?

Seriously though, I don't believe that the universe has an "edge".

4. How much do you know of black holes and what do you think one would find inside of one?

Not much outside of sci-fi stuff. That all seem to relate to the 4th dimension or something. As for what I think, the inside of a black hole is either a void or a distortion of the 3-dimensional world that causes it to be impossible for humans to perceive it.

5. What (if any) theories do you have for events prior to the (supposed) Big Bang?

My personal theory is that there were no events prior to the Big Bang because the Big Bang was when time started, so there was no concept of a before that is applicable to the Big Bang.

Which flower do you think best describes your personality?

I'm not sure, tbh. As I said before, my favorite flowers are sunflowers, but I'm not really sure what they represent personality-wise. Or any other flower, really. Maybe I should take a "What Flower Are You?" test...

Do you think your astrological sign fits you?

Considering that my birthday is displayed on my profile, was this a roundabout way of asking if I lost my virginity?

Seriously though, I don't actually know much about astrological signs or their implied characteristics, so... idk

Which of the seven deadly sins do you think is the least harmful?

I actually believe that ALL the seven deadly sins except gluttony can actually be very beneficial virtues in certain contexts. But well, that's not what you're asking, I guess. At their worst, I would say gluttony is the least harmful, since the effects of gluttony alone (when not accompanied by another different potentially harmful characteristic) would be mostly restricted to self-harm, and not hurting others. Furthermore, the self-harm would be primarily physical (again, assuming that it's just pure gluttony alone and not accompanied by another negative attribute), as opposed to emotional or psychological damage (which I consider to be more harmful).

Do you play any musical instruments or sing?

I like to sing Japanese songs a lot when nobody is listening, especially in the shower, does that count?

Nope, I don't really play any musical instruments or sing seriously.

"First and current impressions of me?" That is, if you have any.

First - Interesting person, I wanna talk to him more!

Current - Interesting person, I wanna talk to her more!

What are your thoughts on me still not having finished Umineko?

Go and finish it already, you protocrastinator!

Interestingly, during my anime club meeting, I spent like two hours discussing VNs, mostly on Umineko logic arguments (and Clannad's ending).

*impressions question*?

First - Crimmy's cousin, maybe he's like her.

Current - Nope, he's nothing like Crimmy, but he's still a cool dude and I managed to get him into the glorious world of VNs, yessssss

What would you do to a bird that refused to sing?

Wait patiently for it to sing?

Kill it?

Or coax it to sing?

Ignore it and continue reading my VN.

1. Favorite flower?


2. Favorite constellation?

No clue about constellations, oops

3. Favorite gaming company?


4. Do you like Aqua's song?

...whose song???

1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

Insistence on trying to see the best of others, I guess.

2. What are your most common negative thoughts.

"I have so much work due in 12 hours... Well, I can worry about those later, lemme go read some VN / play a game / watch an anime / etc!"

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

There are probably a lot of these, but off the top of my head there's Dragon Quest, Persona, Suikoden and Rune Factory.

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

Tough question... Logic Puzzle Game, I guess.

5. What would the difficulty be set at?

Mildly difficult, I suppose.

6. What type of weather describes your mind?


7. Favorite touhou track?

Last Remote from Subterranean Animism

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?

The Violin.

9. What FE character do you relate to most?


Seriously though, Ephraim has a wonderful twin sister so no, I can't really relate to him. This question is actually pretty hard... I guess I'll go with Micaiah for now.

10.First and current impressions of me?

First - Random dude from HHH

Current - Active Touhou player who is slowly starting to understand and appreciate the importance of enjoyment in Touhou, and hopefully also in video games in general or any form of entertainment media.

How are things, proto?

Hi SeverIan! Going pretty good. Grad School is pretty tough though... Edited by Formina Sage
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Huh, did it come out yet? If yes, I haven't watched it yet. If not, then eh, I'm not really having any expectations or anything.

it's a really old thing[spoiler=the intro]

also, question time: what's the convex hull problem?

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16. Baked or sweet potatoes?

17. Mashed or baked potatoes?

18. Which 5 PC-98 characters do you think should be brought back in Touhou?

19. Would you play a 3D Touhou?

20. Favorite Touhou fangame?

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it's a really old thing[spoiler=the intro]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oicjDieAyJs

also, question time: what's the convex hull problem?

Given a bunch of points in arbitrary order, find the smallest subset of points that will form a convex polygon that encloses all the other points.

It's one of the most famous problems in computational geometry

6. Have you played Project X Zone?

Nope, never heard of it

7. If you have, what do you think of what's been shown of Project X Zone 2 so far?


8. Sigurd or Leif?


9. Have you ever ridden a horse?

A few times, actually, all when I was a kid. Not in the last few years though.

10. Brownies or cupcakes?


ok real talk why haven't you played Xenoblade???

Which platform?

Proto you imbecile you missed the entirety of the question

You have to pick those three answers. :J

Oops, sorry! In that case, uh, wait patiently for it to sing.

16. Baked or sweet potatoes?

Baked Potatoes!

17. Mashed or baked potatoes?

Tough decision, but mashed potatoes, I guess.

18. Which 5 PC-98 characters do you think should be brought back in Touhou?

Okazaki Yumemi, Shinki, Sariel, Mima, Rika

19. Would you play a 3D Touhou?

Depends on how fun it is.

20. Favorite Touhou fangame?

Genius of Sappheiros, definitely.
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Oh shit, in 16 I meant regular, not baked.

21. Opinion on Gengetsu?

22. What are your thoughts on sand?

23. Do you remember how many breads you've eaten?

24. Would you rather live a long, uneventful life or a short but exciting one?

25. Do you want to live forever?

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3. I ended up liking Kikuri, Elis and Sariel a lot more due to Touhou Puppet Dance Party, how does that make you feel

4. Have you played any of the Puyo Puyo games

5. What other shmups do you play

6. Have you played an F-Zero game

7. How do feel about Taco Bell

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any, tbh

some (3DS) are more accessible than others (Wii), tho

Ah, yeah, I can probably get the 3DS one, maybe.

Oh shit, in 16 I meant regular, not baked.

Regular as in...? Raw?

21. Opinion on Gengetsu?

Adorable nee-chan~! Also an easy Ex boss aside from those evil needles at Gengetsu Spark.

22. What are your thoughts on sand?

Pretty cool Psynergy, love the animation and concept, though its application on puzzles seemed pretty limited so Sand was mostly used for doing the same stuff over and over again.

23. Do you remember how many breads you've eaten?


24. Would you rather live a long, uneventful life or a short but exciting one?

Hmmm... I'd want a longer life if it gives me more chances to make others happy, but that would be pretty exciting for me so uh, I guess I'd go with the latter.

25. Do you want to live forever?

I think this depends on how my physical and intellectual states would change in this hypothetical scenario of living forever. If living forever involves absolutely no growth beyond knowledge and experiences, then I would probably say no.

3. I ended up liking Kikuri, Elis and Sariel a lot more due to Touhou Puppet Dance Party, how does that make you feel

Well, I like Elis and Sariel. Don't care about Kikuri. But eh, TPDP makes everyone look adorable so I'm not too surprised.

4. Have you played any of the Puyo Puyo games

Nope, never heard of them.

5. What other shmups do you play

None :P

6. Have you played an F-Zero game

The N64 and GBA ones. They're pretty hard >_>

7. How do feel about Taco Bell

What's Taco Bell?
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6. Are you interested in law?

7. Are you interested in history?

8. What is the origin of the name 'Proto'?

8. How did 'Hattycakes' originate?

9. Why is Sacred Stones your favorite FE game?

10. Any interest in playing FE1? Why or why not?

11. Why did you join SF?

12. Care to explain Konngara's disturbingly low (and obviously wrong) position on your Touhou sorter?

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26. eBooks or physical books?

27. Do you think visual novels should be considered video games?

28. Do you enjoy audio books?

29. Is it better to read a book in its original language, or in the language the reader is most familiar with?

30. Are you afraid of death?

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