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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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56. How do you feel about W.D Gaster.

57. The Amalgations and True Lab in general?

58. What's the first game you ever beat on your own (No guides or help from people, etc)?

59. What game systems do you own?
60. How do you feel about your bedroom?

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32. Cake.

33. Cookies and cream, same flavor goes for ice cream as well.

38. The genre would be a sandbox game.

Hell yeah, you know what's up. There's a Hershey's Chocolate Creme Pie and Cookies & Cream pie from Edwards that are both really good though, try them sometime.

Rip Shezzy's SMT game.

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11: are you willing to die your hair? blue? red? green? pink?

12: favorite subject in school?

13: favorite historical feeling?

14: do you know any other language besides english?

15: favorite animal?

16: would you like to ride a whale?

17: opinion of technology?

18: ever watched stuff like DBZ? Pokemon? Digimon? Ranma 1/2?

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19: in a scale of 1 - 10, where do I rank?

20: is the 1 in that scale the best rank or would that be the 10?

21: what is the scale rating?

22: about question 13 in my last post, I made a typing mistake, not surprisingly. here's what I meant: favorite historical figure?

23: do you use an alarm? if so, does your alarm have a ringtone?

24: what do you think is the most important invention in human history?

25: do you drink tea?

26: favorite word?

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61. I feel like it's brown or something afaik, but what color was your hair?
62. Your eyes?

63. If you were in a standard JRPG, what level would you be?
64. Favorite book genre?
65. Favorite pizza topping?

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28: do you really think that changing your name has helped you get more questions?

29: why do you think girls get asked more questions than guys in this thread?

30: are the guys here less interesting than the girls?

31: how do you react to some in grief?

33: what's your most frequent mistake in writing?

34: how have you liked your interview so far?

35: how many countries have you visited?

36: do you like gambling?

37: which president should be the next one to get his face on a bill? how much should that bill be worth?

38: sports?

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66. When and if you get married at some point, would you want kids?
67. Would you rather have a son or daughter?
68. How do you feel about this interview as of now - is it everything you wanted it to be?


uggggh there was more stuff I wanted to ask but as I was rearranging these to fit them in I forgot! man this is gonna bug me all night.

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If you could wipe any deity from canon (Greek, Norse, Egyptian, whatever), who would it be?

Thing that annoys you the most about SF?

What is your opinion on nihilism?

If you had to trade in your ability to play viola for another skill, what would it be?

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You skipped 17, sir.

22. Are you familiar with the later 'historical' rewritings of the myth of the Trojan War (the stories of Daresand Dictys)?

23. What are your most common negative thoughts?

24. Are you familiar with Heraclitus?

25. What is your favorite pastime (besides napping)?

26. So which FEs have you played, actually?

27. Given the chance to change one historical event, which event would you change and why?

28. First impressions of me?

29. Have you ever been to the Netherlands (or do you intend to go there someday)?

30. Have you ever been to the Kingdom of the Netherlands?

31. Favorite thing(s) about Homer's works?

32. Is there any advice you would give to practically anyone?

33. King, consul, dictator, triumvir or emperor?

34. If you already feel kinda bad about missing out on the story of Oromë creating the rainbow, then how do you feel about missing out on the Lay of Leithian (the tale of Beren and Lúthien in poetry form)?

Haha, checkmate.

60. It's pretty big, got a nice sliding door out to the pool, and it's own bathroom, so yeah, I love it.

u wot

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Scrub, the Lay of Leithian is evidently superior.

28. Already gave you them, even though that wasn't really the question.

I thought that was just current impressions.

22. No, I am not, but I do know that the Roman's enjoyed rewriting the homeric tales with Roman heros instead of Greek ones.

If I recall correctly, these two tales were 'historical' (i.e. everything is human action, not divine intervention) rewritings of the epics. They were the main sources for medieval accounts of and stories based on the Trojan War.

35. What is your opinion on the terms 'Western Roman Empire,' 'Eastern Roman Empire' and 'Byzantine Empire?'

36. How much do you know about Roman constitutional law?

37. If your knowledge of Roman constitutional law is sufficient to answer this question: given the choice, would you rather be a plebeian aedile, a people's tribune, a quaestor, a curule aedile, a praetor or a consul, and why (bonus points if you can explain in what time period you would exercise chosen function)?

38. What is your opinion on capital punishment?

39. What is your opinion on legal inviolability/immunity (as enjoyed, for example, by Dutch kings and Roman people's tribunes)?

40. Favorite author?

41. What would an ideal day look like for you?

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Which historical city do you like the most between Rome and Athens?

What is your most favorite ancient capital?

Thoughts on constitutional monarchies? (Examples: UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Japan, Malaysia... Etcetera)

Edited by Naughx
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Regarding the terms 'Western Roman Empire,' 'Eastern Roman Empire,' 'Byzantine Empire,' I'll give my opinion as an example: I think they are terms that are convenient to easily explain history, but lack nuance, and, from a viewpoint of Roman constutional law, the terms are technically wrong and should be collectively qualified as 'Roman Empire.' So on the one hand I'm not against usage of these terms (it's convenient and easy), but for the sake of correctness (and greater historical understanding) it should be made clear that the terms are inventions for the sake of convenience, and are technically wrong.

42. Would this information change your answer in any way?

43. Why people's tribune?

44. The King of the Netherlands is inviolable. This means that he can't be tried for breaking the law. However, Dutch parliament, deciding upon a proposal from the council of ministers, can decide to declare the king 'out of state,' meaning that he is no longer fit to rule and a regent is appointed to carry out his tasks. The thought behind the system is that the king should be able to put aside the law for the greater good, but cannot take this so far as to commit injust deeds. What is your opinion on this system?

45. When it comes to law, should we strive for maximum codification or should we find a proper balance between codified law and law of custom? In case of balance, where should that balance lie?

46. Favorite story from the Silmarillion?

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42. Well, if the Roman consitution is applicable to all territories of the Roman Empire, then yes, it is wrong.

Consider this: the empire was indeed split into Western Parts and Eastern Parts, each with their own Emperor. However, other government institutions were shared (magistrates, though occasionally a consul's authority would be limited to a specific territory, and the senate, until the establishment of an eastern senate by Constantius I) and the empire was considered a whole, ruled jointly by the two emperors. When one died, the other would rule the entire empire until the establishment of a new co-emperor. Besides, no Roman thought of himself as a 'Western Roman,' 'Eastern Roman' or 'Byzantine.'

44. One hand, I feel that no one should be above the law, but I also agree that in some situations you really need to be a little more flexible for the greater good so...I'd say it's a decent enough compromise.

There is also ministerial responsibility as a counterbalance to royal inviolability, but the Dutch constitution is so hopelessly complicated when it comes to the king's powers, I didn't want to make the question more difficult than it already was.

47. If you were Elrond or Elros, would you choose to be a Man or an Elf, and why?

48. Favorite Elvish race (e.g. Vanyar, Noldor, Teleri, Sindar)?

50. Have you heard of Kortirion?

51. Would you rather live in Valmar or Tirion?

Edited by Marcus Tullius Cicero
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71. How do you feel about yourself in general?

72. What do you like about yourself?

73. What do you wish you could change about yourself?

74. Is there anything in particular that really influenced your current personality?

75. How do you feel about SF in general?

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46. What style of shooting do you like in shmups? Straight, laser, or spread?

47. Would you play Ether Vapor?

48. 2D or 3D?

49. Do you ask enough questions, or are you satisfied with your current knowledge?

50. If your mind was an animal, what animal would it be?

51. What do you think of dragons?

52. Opinion on the superior weather snow?

53. What would you look for first through a telescope?

54. If you could traverse to any point in the universe with no repercussions on your human body, where would it be?

55. If you could relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

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S1: physics, chemistry, or math?

S2: what is your opinion of character-based alphabets? think japanese, mandarin, etc.

S3: Is our society too self-absorbed?

S4: top five, or best list, of your favorite actors?

S5: If I showed you an anime clip from youtube, would you watch it?

S6: if you wrote a book, what would you title it?

S7: if did write a book, would you base any of your characters on any of the members you have met here?

S8: how many social media platforms do you use?

S9: opinion on the milky way galaxy?

S10: would you pilot the mecha in soledai's avi/sig set if it was real and you were given the chance?

S11: do you like movies about the life of famous people? which have you watched?

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S12: favorite scientifical figure?

S13: if i changed my name, what would you recommend i name myself next?

S14: do you visit other forums?

S15: what's the best thing you take away from this interview?

S16: what supervillian would you play if offered the roled in a movie?

S17: how critical are you of others?

S18: one profession you would never want to work in?

S19: do you have a catch phrase? or something you say with a lot of frequency?

S20: do you like girls with long, short, or midlength hair? favorite hair style?


Bonus Question:

you and I are about to face off in life-or-death contest playing a game. what game do you chose for us to play?

done and done, miss popular.

Edited by Xyr
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