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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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13 hours ago, Hattusili I said:


Also, great to see a fellow Aragorn lover.


Then you can expect more FE-related questions later, but first

Oh man, I hope you're prepared for my next questions.

6. Opinion on Achilles?
7. Opinion on Agamemnon?
8. OPINION ON PRIAM (the King of Troy, not the descendant of Ike)?
9. Opinion on Paris (the son of Priam, not the capital of France)?
10. OPINION ON HECTOR (the son of Priam, not the brother of the Duke of Ostia)?

I forget what it was about BUT YEAH 

6. A very flawed and interesting individual, he slowly realizes the meaning of like love & care, but his anger blinds him, despite good intentions, he's a tragic figure. Also super greatest warrior 

7. Agamemnon is another tragic figure, while wise in some of his choices as king, is very weak in others and often lets his emotions take over. His conflict with Achilles could have been so easily solved if his lust & greed didn't take over. 

9. Paris... Is kind of an idiot, youthful but very very stupid and almost single handedly caused the war.

10. Hector was always awesome, the man of reason who has to face the grim reality of the Trojan invasion. Always great when he's in focus. 

11. I think its a nice nod to the original name they had planned for Ike even if it was hella unfitting.

9 hours ago, TheEnd said:

6. Which orbment system do you prefer - TitS's or ToCS's?
7. How did you handle the revelation that your waifu's glasses are merely aesthetic/symbolic, unlike Machias's?
8. How would you feel if she were to host a radio talk show in CS3?
9. Do you wear glasses yourself?
10. First and current impressions... of the FE4 Thread?

6. TitS, because of how you have to think about it all, ToCS does have the fun stacking you can do with some really cool new quartz though. 

7. I was FINE with it, but I had her keep them on of course. She'd look cute either way. 

8. That would be the greatest call back, although I think she'd be a little too shy. 

9. Nah I don't actually! 

10. I thought it was an ELITE OLDIES CLUB, and it KIND OF IS, but all of you are cool so its fine :P: 

5 hours ago, Futaba said:

- favourite animal
- what's your video games genre?
- do you cook? if so, what do you enjoy cooking?
- do you enjoy reading?
- do you enjoy watching television? if so, what are some of your favourite shows, whether animated or real life stuff?

- Wolves! Although White Tigers come really close 

- Lots of platformers, RPGs and Hack N Slashes. I generally play everything though but if I had to say 1, it'd probably be platformers 

- I cook every now and again, I'm particularly fond of meats & pastas 

- Yeah I read quite a bit, or used to, I need to get back to that. 

- Uhhh from time to time, I mostly watch stuff online nowadays, but I did watch the recent Samurai Jack season on TV. I used to avidly watch NCIS, and several cooking shows in terms of real life stuff. I also really like old school cartoons, and anime haha. 

3 hours ago, James Bond said:

1. What class would you give to Kliff in Echoes?
2. Would you visit Greece if you ever had the chance?
3. Which is the favourite video you have made so far?
4. Favourite weapon in FE?
5. How cloudy is the Dark Side?

1. Since I like memes, I make him a mage every time.

2. Yes I would, Athens in particular. 

3. Uhhhh probably this one 

Just for how fun it was to do 

4. Probably the Sword of Seals, since shooting fire is cool. 

5. Has a chance of meatballs 

1 hour ago, Anime27Arts said:

1. How force sensitive are you? 

2. Is your power level over 9000?

3. What color is your lightsaber? 

4. What's your favorite jedi fighting style or form? 

5. Thoughts on the up coming Star Wars VIII?

1. I push doors open with my mind. :P: 

2. I wish it was, i'd be lucky to even be on par with "FARMER WITH SHOTGUN" 

3. Green, always, unless its Kotor then its Viridian 

4. Form V, which my favorite Jedi Kyle Katarn (who is sadly not with us anymore due to the explosion of the Extended universe) was a master of. 

5. It looks really good, but hearing Mark Hamil not being a fan of how Luke is being portrayed makes me a bit wary. 

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11. Falcom decides to make a Trails musou. Who would you want in the roster?
12. How important is a game's soundtrack to you?
13. Would you rather see Falcom stop putting effortless concerts in their games, or start doing stuff like this instead?
14. Since I linked that anyway... are you familiar with the Yakuza series?
15. And since I've run out steam now... impressions

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- would you be interested in touhou as a game?
-  what hair colour do you prefer on guys?
- same but for girls
- ice cream flavour
- how much water do you drink in a day?

shhhh i'm kinda running out of questions but :^)

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6. Favorite gemstone? 

7.Team Instinct, Mystic, or Valor?

8. Favorite Pokemon gen?

9. Hoshido or Nohr?

10. Though you are Jedi knight and bound to their code, do you tend to play around with the force more than you should be? I.E. pulling pranks. If so what fun things do you do with the forces?

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2 hours ago, TheEnd said:

11. Falcom decides to make a Trails musou. Who would you want in the roster?
12. How important is a game's soundtrack to you?
13. Would you rather see Falcom stop putting effortless concerts in their games, or start doing stuff like this instead?
14. Since I linked that anyway... are you familiar with the Yakuza series?
15. And since I've run out steam now... impressions

11. Well we'd have to include the main duos for a start.
Estelle, Joshua, Lloyd uh... I dno who his second is yet, Kevin, Ries, Rean, Alisa (not my first choice but eh). 
Olivier, Agate, Emma, Jusis, Fie, Tio, Elie, Randy etc keep going haha 

12. Fairly important. I like being pumped up during certain things or relaxed, it can help carry a scenes emotion. 

13. I'd have liked CS1's concert to be animated way better yes. 

14. I know OF it, but I haven't played any of them yet, I need to. 

15. COOL OLD DUDE, still kind of keeping to that :P: you're fun to chat to about games overall. 

2 hours ago, Futaba said:

- would you be interested in touhou as a game?
-  what hair colour do you prefer on guys?
- same but for girls
- ice cream flavour
- how much water do you drink in a day?

shhhh i'm kinda running out of questions but :^)

- I have played ONE of them, Imperishable Night, I've actually been meaning to try a few others. 

- Brown or Red 

- Black, Red, Blonde 


- Uhhh a few glasses or bottles. If I remember haha. 

21 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

6. Favorite gemstone? 

7.Team Instinct, Mystic, or Valor?

8. Favorite Pokemon gen?

9. Hoshido or Nohr?

10. Though you are Jedi knight and bound to their code, do you tend to play around with the force more than you should be? I.E. pulling pranks. If so what fun things do you do with the forces?

6. That would be the Emerald 

7. Mystic 

8. 3 or 2, its a very close contest for me. 

9. Hoshido for its fun characters & classes, but I prefer Nohrs gameplay. So Hoshido overall 

10. I might tip things over near people just to get a funny reaction! Or just little dorky things like that.

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- what do you do when you feel depressed/down?
- would you ever play persona 5?
- opinions of cats
- do you use your phone frequently or just when you need to?
- what's your favourite restaurant?

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hi jedi! thank you for the gift I appreciate it ;;

1. Do you have any recommendations on how to build Estelle and Joshua towards the beginning? 

2. What are your top 5 characters of all time?

3. What about video games?

4. Films?

(sorry if it's been mentioned already I skimmed a lot of it ahhhh)

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1 hour ago, Futaba said:

- what do you do when you feel depressed/down?
- would you ever play persona 5?
- opinions of cats
- do you use your phone frequently or just when you need to?
- what's your favourite restaurant?

- I try to play things that are upbeat or talk to my close friends or my Mother, she always knows how to calm me down/feel loved 

- I intend to down the line, its not on my current priorities. I still need to finish playing through 4, but now I got Tales of Berseria on sale I might play through it first, I haven't played a Tales game since Abyss. (I liked Abyss I just couldn't find Vesperia or I had other things coming out around Xilia and stuff).

- I quite like cats, I used to be more a dog person, but I think nowadays I'd get a cat. Probably a maine coon. 

- Depends on the day, I use it often sometimes or If i'm talking to friends. Or heroes. 

- My current favorite restaurant is probably a place here in Newport called Georgies

21 minutes ago, Koneko said:

hi jedi! thank you for the gift I appreciate it ;;

1. Do you have any recommendations on how to build Estelle and Joshua towards the beginning? 

2. What are your top 5 characters of all time?

3. What about video games?

4. Films?

(sorry if it's been mentioned already I skimmed a lot of it ahhhh)

No problem! I saw you were looking out for it, decided to get it for you, because I love the Trails games, also I think you'll quite like it! 

1. I use Estelle mostly as a healer/mage, while Joshua lays the smackdown with Dual Strike & his speed thanks to the Action quartz. As you get further you'll get alot more options with both! (Although Dual Strike might not be so readily available due to CP not coming back that fast at the start haha).

2.  Ohhh a good one. Probably... 
Sonic The Hedgehog 
Agate Crosner (Trails) 
Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy) 
Zero (Megaman X) 
Emma Millstein (Trails) 

3. THATS A HARD ONE, but if I had to rank games I really adore. 
Ogre Battle 64
Sonic 3 & Knuckles 
Trails in the Sky The 3rd 
Super Mario Bros 3
Seiken Densetsu 3
(I seem to really like 3rd titles) 

4. Hmmmm
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World 
A Knights Tale 
The Princess Bride 
Lord of the Rings (Whole trilogy ties)
Star Wars Episode 5 

Edited by Jedi
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1. Favorite FE class?
2. Opinion on Mr. Satan?
3. Favorite fighting game?
4. Can you win against Gharnef?
5. Can you defeat Air Man?
6. Are you okay?
7. How would you feel if you had a cat and it always jumps onto where you have your computer setup at?

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>Liking Anri's Way




8. Thoughts on each FE Lord(for FE10, Micaiah i guess)

9. Of the Dragons on FE12 which ones are your favorite

10. Post the most satisfying part of FE games you have played

11. Same as 10 but most disapointing. Does it sounds like Yamcha?

12. Favorite DQ protagonist

13. Character that you like aesthetically, but not the character itself, and vice versa

14. Thoughts on DQ Monsters

15. What is the least favored aspect of a Fire Emblem class that you like the most(e.g. lets say my favorite is Manakete, and i say my least favored aspect is the fact that none of them is an actual dragons/the dragon design isn't that cool)

16. Is there a game that you enjoyed for being hard, but at the same time did not fully enjoy because its too hard?

17. Favorite and Least Favorite genre of video game



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16. Have you played Phantasy Star? What do you think about Sega's decision of choosing PSII for their small collection of free games for mobile?
17-20. If Falcom were to make a game (or minigame) about the past (or present) of an Enforcer, who would be your picks? Do you see what I did here

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1. What's your impression on Echoes's voice actors?
2. Did you enjoy said game?
3. Who is "your waifu" that TheEnd mentioned?
4. What was the moment that you enjoyed the most in this year's E3?
5. How would you describe Anakin Skywalker?

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- favourite mythical creature
- what do you think of Mara from SMT? (google if needed)
- legal positivism or naturalism?
- if you know someone or a group of people are doing something illegal but you know the police can't mobilise because they lack evidence or whatever but you are able to do something, would you do it? (you can ask me to elaborate if my wording is confusing)
- favourite fruit

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!!! I love Seiken Densetsu 3

5. What are your favorite combinations to play as in SD3 and why?

6. What are your strengths and weaknesses as an individual?

7. What have been some of your favorite LPs people have done in BlackFang Comms and why?

8. What are your favorite dishes to cook and/or eat?

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On 6/21/2017 at 2:54 AM, Jedi said:

A-D - I always thought the Dream Eaters looked kind of derpy in that same way Bidoof does. 

E. Is a really good theme, I wish we got more Sakura Wars localized than 5, I played 1 in Japanese with a guide. 

F - Cats doing funny things are always cute. 

2. Fridge, because it reminds me of a Kirby power from Crystal Shards 

3. Espeon and it has been since I originally got Silver 

4. I haven't played Sumo unfortunately but I heard they were really out there. 

5. Steel! Or Ice, one of the two.

A-D: I just went with those four, because of the cat-dog appearance. And the link attack where you bounce around on a giant Meow Wow (or Flowbermeow or Meowjesty).

E. Ditto.

F I put that in my sig because of the name "getoutoftherecat".

4. Oh. And to say they're out there is an understatement - just look at Bewear's Pokemon Moon entry. And think about the fact that a Bewear is now taking care of Team Rocket. And that's not even getting into the Mega Evolution stuff... Let's just say the Pokemon anime was on to something in that aspect (See: Korrina's Lucario).

On 6/21/2017 at 5:29 PM, Jedi said:

6. Sheik, Marin, Lana, Young Link, Ruto & Ganondorf are my personal favorites to play, but I like playing as pretty much everyone.

7. Favorite missions are usually maps that require tons of micromanagement so any of the Wind Waker added maps, because they made you switch alot between characters, favorite mission types tend to be the "Don't get hit" variety because I like testing my own skills at dodging and blocking. 

8. Yes I have seen a few, (I also saw a Gold one, ohko a captain and I was like, "HE WAS ONE DAY AWAY FROM RETIREMENT YOU MONSTER") 

9. Sheiks Harp for favorite, Lana's summoning gate for least (at least her book is super fun). 

10. I might have to come back to this, I've blanked on most of them for the moment.

6. My favorites to use are, in no particular order, Marin, Agitha, Lana, Medli, Ruto, Zelda, and maybe a few others that I can't think of atm. Anyways, I kinda like playing as pretty much everyone too.

7. Actually, when I said "mission types", I meant Traitors, Giant Bosses, KO Competition, Quiz, etc., but ehh. Anyways, my least favorite missions in general are any missions where your team starts out losing morale *glares at the one where you unlock Link's level 2 Great Fairy in Legends, which also happens to be an escort the messengers mission*, or those that lock me to a weapon type that doesn't get the job done fast enough. As for missions themselves, there's the warrior quiz next to where you unlock Twili Midna  in Legends (bad enough it's with Zant, but the worst part is that (this is specific to Legends) the last question has you try to defeat the Dorf while trying not to kill a Bokoblin. If doesn't help that the first question has the Obvious Right Answer paired up with a dark weak character), the one under Young Link's level 2 weapon (I just can't kill whichever one of the Giant Bosses I target first before the other two notice, and then it all goes to hell in a handbasket; also, Ganon tends to wander in the area where the Imprisoned is, if I try to kill that one first), among others. For favorite, I like KO Competitions (I can't help but laugh hysterically every time I take out a Rogue unit and make low-level grunts spawn ["The low-level grunts are confused! Their morale is suffering as a result!"], which not only cuts the Yellow Team's KOing power, but also gives me a chance to pad my lead or catch up depending on the situation, in addition to the Rogues being out a fighter for a while) and Quizzes (aside from that stress inducer mentioned above).

8. I've seen them too, but I often ignore them. And I knew Gold Cuccos were dangerous, but hoo boy. Guess that's another reason why not to get locked in a keep with two Gold Cuccos fighting it out (unless you got unlucky and had them spawn in the keep you happened to be in; if that happens, then you might as well restart).

9. My least favorite weapon is Link's Gauntlets (good for crowd control, not so much for officers, and especially not good when you get surrounded by officers (See: the defeat the forest dragon stage in the Wii U game). My favorite is tougher - some of the weapons I like have special attacks that I don't tire of seeing (like the Summoning Gate, because ravaging enemy lines by summoning a giant Cucco never gets old).

10. The trickiest ones to me, Legend mode wise, tend to be the one where you need to defeat Volga twice while keeping everyone alive (note that said stage starts out with the BAD GAIZ getting a morale boost, so it's easy to wind up with a named character getting worn down), or the one where you need to delete the traitors and The Imprisoned within 10 minutes (because the Imprisoned is a major timesink). Also, the one where you need to open the Enemy Base before either Darunia or the Allied Base winds up in danger (good luck with that since by the time you can assist him, chances are Darunia is close to being in danger).


11. Did you unlock the Greatest Secret Character of All Time (AKA, the Giant Cucco)?

12. Opinions on the following:

a. The "It's over 9000!" Meme


c. Sukusuku Hakutakus

13. Favorite Smash stages?

14. Can your Smash mains pass over the Death Pool?

15. Can your Smash mains pass the V-Hole Challenge?

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On 6/21/2017 at 5:29 PM, Jedi said:

1. Yes I have, one of middle eastern design and of course a Katana, no serious training though. 

2. Uhh probably Kid, eventhough he has some great moments especially with Piccolo.

3. Highly depends on the series, but dubbed usually if its an acceptable one. I have some series I can watch subbed or dubbed both. Such as Dragon Ball and Gurren Lagann.

4. I haven't had it in quite some time, but I do recall enjoying it. 

5. Usually me going to my cousins or friends, the few times I did.

1: I figured you at least owned one, to be honest! #Pic demanded

2: Best Dad is Piccolo. Kid Gohan was cool though; gave us some insight on how combat potential developed, especially during the Saibamen/Nappa fights. Icarus was cool too.

3: YuGiOh you obviously prefer dubbed then, yea?

4: Next time I'm in Oregon (how about next time you're out of Oregon) we go out for shushi. You're enough of a traditional samurai, you need some more seafood in your diet.

5. Gotchya. You didn't go out for sleepovers often then? BUT HOW COULD YOU TEENAGER WITHOUT SLEEPOVER

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16 hours ago, Ercdouken said:

1. Favorite FE class?
2. Opinion on Mr. Satan?
3. Favorite fighting game?
4. Can you win against Gharnef?
5. Can you defeat Air Man?
6. Are you okay?
7. How would you feel if you had a cat and it always jumps onto where you have your computer setup at?

1. Swordmaster 

2. While he can be funny I generally find him really annoying. 

3. Fatal Fury Real Bout 2

4. I have the almighty STARLIGHT so yes 




7. I'd be annoyed but pet the attention seeking bastard anyways.

15 hours ago, JSND said:

>Liking Anri's Way




8. Thoughts on each FE Lord(for FE10, Micaiah i guess)

9. Of the Dragons on FE12 which ones are your favorite

10. Post the most satisfying part of FE games you have played

11. Same as 10 but most disapointing. Does it sounds like Yamcha?

12. Favorite DQ protagonist

13. Character that you like aesthetically, but not the character itself, and vice versa

14. Thoughts on DQ Monsters

15. What is the least favored aspect of a Fire Emblem class that you like the most(e.g. lets say my favorite is Manakete, and i say my least favored aspect is the fact that none of them is an actual dragons/the dragon design isn't that cool)

16. Is there a game that you enjoyed for being hard, but at the same time did not fully enjoy because its too hard?

17. Favorite and Least Favorite genre of video game


Marth: Kind of standard, but inspiring and has a pretty good character arc in FE3/11, he's also really cool. (Partly thanks to smash)

Alm: Very relatable, his VA sells that though. Not as brash as he could have been but enjoyable non the less. 

Celica: She was really good & funny until she met Jedah then she drank stupidity potion.  

Sigurd: Flawed and brash hero done correctly. 

Celice: Calm & intelligent, does a good job at following his father while being his own man

Leif: The most human of the protagonists, he makes mistakes and isn't afraid to dust himself off and try again. 

Roy: A fun protagonist if you put in all the other stuff, such as the manga showing him being somewhat of a tactical prodigy and more a lover than a fighter.

Eliwood: The White Knight personified, he goes through a very good arc of acceptance and the need to take up arms, my favorite lord since the beginning. 

Hector: Brash, Wild. But honest and loyal a very good foil for Eliwood. 

Lyn: While I like her culture and the stuff she believes in, I feel the game severely underutilized her. She isn't really important besides her small side story in the prologue

Eirika: Naive in the same way they'd make Celica, likeable but has a number of stupid moments

Ephraim: I've never been the biggest fan, charging into a castle with 4 men and succeeding, but hey he's a cool dude. I just have issues with his whole "I"M A BADASS WATCH OUT" but Seth kicks that out of him so its not as bad as it could be 

Ike: I feel is one of the best developed protagonists in FE, starting, small (almost getting Rolf & his Sister killed if not for Shinon) and other various early mistakes kind of mold him into a good leader over time, his speech at the end is pretty motivating. (He's also my main in Smash 4)

Although the line I remember most from him is this funnily enough. 


Micaiah: An interesting character with several good "grey" moments, however I feel again she is underutilized, Ike takes too much of the screentime in FE10 to really let her Shine (plus why would you use Shine in FE10 anyways). 

 Kris: Ugh, takes Jeigans & Marths lines, at least they weren't the notable one for killing Medeus or something, the only time Kris really "shines" would probably be in their relations to Katarina, or their supports (With Wolf in particular). But overall Kris actually weakens Marth as a character and thats kind of irritating, the avatar concept IS neat but I feel its poorly done. The most so here. 

Chrom: Imagine Sigurd & Ike put into a blender, but with more of a general sense of justice and with an incapability to let things go, you get Chrom, but by all means he's probably one of the most comedic lords, just for being the straight man to all his armies antics, I quite like the guy and look forward to using him in Warriors. 

Robin: If Zhuge Liang could be more anime and have way less personality. 

Lucina: Has the same problem Lyn does, but shes like a huge Future Trunks reference so I can like her by that merit 

Corn On the Cob: Really poorly done outside of Birthright (where they are in a more supporting role). I don't want to beat a dead horse, their design is really cool though. 

9. Tiki probably. Although I like her dragon form in 3 more. 

10. The most satisfying time was probably when I beat Manster in FE5 the first time, or got the draft record in FE6 (for about 10 minutes). 

11. Probably FE13 when I realized the final arc was super rushed eventhough the arc previous was kind of fluff. (I also found it generally LAME outside of the Grima fight)

12. 5's he's always had that rockin sage look going for him 


Also he's like super ripped, I forgot that haha. 

13. is this general or Dragon Quest related? 

14. I love their designs, I think Toriyama excels at monster designs which can be seen in Chrono Trigger & Dragon Ball as well. 

15. Its such a small detail but I always thought archers & snipers should have a quiver on their person. Although magic arrows out of thin air is funny. 

16. My Love hate relationship with I Wanna Be The Guy perfectly personifies that question. 

17. Platformers for my favorite, rhythm for least.  

11 hours ago, TheEnd said:

16. Have you played Phantasy Star? What do you think about Sega's decision of choosing PSII for their small collection of free games for mobile?
17-20. If Falcom were to make a game (or minigame) about the past (or present) of an Enforcer, who would be your picks? Do you see what I did here

16. Yes I'm quite the big fan of Phantasy Star 4, I've played the others through, but II is probably not the best starting point for people, someone better tell those poor fools to buy bars for Nei. 

17. Loewe! 

18. Walter 

19. Bleu 

20. McBurn (I don't like the guy but it could give me a reason to accept that he's somehow #1) 


10 hours ago, James Bond said:

1. What's your impression on Echoes's voice actors?
2. Did you enjoy said game?
3. Who is "your waifu" that TheEnd mentioned?
4. What was the moment that you enjoyed the most in this year's E3?
5. How would you describe Anakin Skywalker?

1. Very very good. 

2. Yes I quite enjoyed it overall, while lacking as good of gameplay as Conquest or Birthright, I feel it made up in every other area, and it feels more like an RPG than a tactics game. 

3. Emma Millstien from Trails of Cold Steel. 


4. If you know how much of a Dragon Ball nut I am... This was it. 

5. An honorable by flawed individual I think the movies portrayed him a bit too whiny, although episode 3 got it down finally I think. Shame about 2. 

10 hours ago, James Bond said:

6. How much do you hate this new Forum update?

Its annoying but not as much as I thought. 

9 hours ago, Futaba said:

- favourite mythical creature
- what do you think of Mara from SMT? (google if needed)
- legal positivism or naturalism?
- if you know someone or a group of people are doing something illegal but you know the police can't mobilise because they lack evidence or whatever but you are able to do something, would you do it? (you can ask me to elaborate if my wording is confusing)
- favourite fruit

- The Pegasus, always been a fan of things standing for beauty and pureness and all that. 

- I know and have fought Mara, its... Disturbing in just that right SMT way lol 

- I've always been more for Natural law, but thats probably because i'm a Christian, I think both ideas have their merits. But i'll go with my beliefs on this one ^^ 

- While I'd like to go out and do something about it, I think fear would kick in, unless they were involved with something I felt I had no choice but to involve myself in. Then I'd probably be dumb and dive headfirst.

- Watermelon and Strawberries. 

7 hours ago, Koneko said:

!!! I love Seiken Densetsu 3

5. What are your favorite combinations to play as in SD3 and why?

6. What are your strengths and weaknesses as an individual?

7. What have been some of your favorite LPs people have done in BlackFang Comms and why?

8. What are your favorite dishes to cook and/or eat?

Gasp, didn't know you played it! 

5. Lise, Hawk & Angelica, probably just in terms of balance, but I also really like how the 3 play off each other. 

6. I think my strengths are my general kindness, loyalty and willing to push through anything to get stuff done. 
Weaknesses would be more along the lines of, I get frustrated easily, I'm stubborn, I lash out sometimes, also I have a bad habit of not letting things go 

7. Uhhh our Sonic Adventure 2 one, which still needs to finish up haha, everyones schdules are so messed up. 

8. Good ol Surf & Turf, or simple Enchiladas! 

4 hours ago, Ϲharlie said:

Favorite Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super moment?

Favorite Dragon Ball technique?

Opinion on Dragon Ball GT?


Probably this 

Honorable mentions go to, Gohan teaching Videl how to fly, Goku's training on Korrin Tower, the hilarious Pinball Defense System, Goku meeting Grandpa Gohan again, Piccolos Sacrifice, Tien vs Tao, Yamcha winning the baseball game for Universe 7, Krillin's wish for 18. The Father Son Kamehameha

Favorite technique? Would probably be Gohan's very rarely used Energy Shield technique, because you don't see defensive techniques in Dragon Ball very much. Besides the Androids. Hellzone Grenade, Tri-Beam, Spirit Ball, Destructo Disk, Kamehameha, Final Flash and such are all pretty high up there.

I think GT has plenty of good ideas, just poor execution, I do actually like the Baby & Shadow Dragon Arcs, and the series has one of my favorite anime openings. 

I always thought you were really cool! I just never got a chance to talk to you really, glad that seems to be changing. You seem to have a good sense of humor. 

2 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

A-D: I just went with those four, because of the cat-dog appearance. And the link attack where you bounce around on a giant Meow Wow (or Flowbermeow or Meowjesty).

E. Ditto.

F I put that in my sig because of the name "getoutoftherecat".

4. Oh. And to say they're out there is an understatement - just look at Bewear's Pokemon Moon entry. And think about the fact that a Bewear is now taking care of Team Rocket. And that's not even getting into the Mega Evolution stuff... Let's just say the Pokemon anime was on to something in that aspect (See: Korrina's Lucario).

6. My favorites to use are, in no particular order, Marin, Agitha, Lana, Medli, Ruto, Zelda, and maybe a few others that I can't think of atm. Anyways, I kinda like playing as pretty much everyone too.

7. Actually, when I said "mission types", I meant Traitors, Giant Bosses, KO Competition, Quiz, etc., but ehh. Anyways, my least favorite missions in general are any missions where your team starts out losing morale *glares at the one where you unlock Link's level 2 Great Fairy in Legends, which also happens to be an escort the messengers mission*, or those that lock me to a weapon type that doesn't get the job done fast enough. As for missions themselves, there's the warrior quiz next to where you unlock Twili Midna  in Legends (bad enough it's with Zant, but the worst part is that (this is specific to Legends) the last question has you try to defeat the Dorf while trying not to kill a Bokoblin. If doesn't help that the first question has the Obvious Right Answer paired up with a dark weak character), the one under Young Link's level 2 weapon (I just can't kill whichever one of the Giant Bosses I target first before the other two notice, and then it all goes to hell in a handbasket; also, Ganon tends to wander in the area where the Imprisoned is, if I try to kill that one first), among others. For favorite, I like KO Competitions (I can't help but laugh hysterically every time I take out a Rogue unit and make low-level grunts spawn ["The low-level grunts are confused! Their morale is suffering as a result!"], which not only cuts the Yellow Team's KOing power, but also gives me a chance to pad my lead or catch up depending on the situation, in addition to the Rogues being out a fighter for a while) and Quizzes (aside from that stress inducer mentioned above).

8. I've seen them too, but I often ignore them. And I knew Gold Cuccos were dangerous, but hoo boy. Guess that's another reason why not to get locked in a keep with two Gold Cuccos fighting it out (unless you got unlucky and had them spawn in the keep you happened to be in; if that happens, then you might as well restart).

9. My least favorite weapon is Link's Gauntlets (good for crowd control, not so much for officers, and especially not good when you get surrounded by officers (See: the defeat the forest dragon stage in the Wii U game). My favorite is tougher - some of the weapons I like have special attacks that I don't tire of seeing (like the Summoning Gate, because ravaging enemy lines by summoning a giant Cucco never gets old).

10. The trickiest ones to me, Legend mode wise, tend to be the one where you need to defeat Volga twice while keeping everyone alive (note that said stage starts out with the BAD GAIZ getting a morale boost, so it's easy to wind up with a named character getting worn down), or the one where you need to delete the traitors and The Imprisoned within 10 minutes (because the Imprisoned is a major timesink). Also, the one where you need to open the Enemy Base before either Darunia or the Allied Base winds up in danger (good luck with that since by the time you can assist him, chances are Darunia is close to being in danger).


11. Did you unlock the Greatest Secret Character of All Time (AKA, the Giant Cucco)?

12. Opinions on the following:

a. The "It's over 9000!" Meme


c. Sukusuku Hakutakus

13. Favorite Smash stages?

14. Can your Smash mains pass over the Death Pool?

15. Can your Smash mains pass the V-Hole Challenge?

7. Ko Competition then. 

11. Yes I did, and it was quite the fun romp. 

12. a. Was kind of funny to me back then, but its gotten a tad tired since. 

B. A good theme that is a taaaaaaaaad overused. 

C. I think they are adorable, my only exposure to them is @Futaba however haha. 

13. My favorite smash stages are probably Castle Siege, Lylat Cruise and for lol purposes, Hyrule Temple, Pokefloats, Any F-Zero Stage. 

14. Definitely not lmao

15. Kind... Of 

1 hour ago, Elieson said:

1: I figured you at least owned one, to be honest! #Pic demanded

2: Best Dad is Piccolo. Kid Gohan was cool though; gave us some insight on how combat potential developed, especially during the Saibamen/Nappa fights. Icarus was cool too.

3: YuGiOh you obviously prefer dubbed then, yea?

4: Next time I'm in Oregon (how about next time you're out of Oregon) we go out for shushi. You're enough of a traditional samurai, you need some more seafood in your diet.

5. Gotchya. You didn't go out for sleepovers often then? BUT HOW COULD YOU TEENAGER WITHOUT SLEEPOVER

1. They're sadly in storage or i'd humor you 

2. Yeah, I quite liked the whole thing with Piccolo explaining how Yamcha & the Saibaman are moving so fast and how to detect them. 

3. Yeah I do, its a shame the uncut dub was cut short. 
The dialog was so much improved 

4. I'd like that quite a bit. 

5. Uh I was kind of anti-social outside of my close friends, and well Tiff :P: 

29 minutes ago, sylveonzoroark said:

1. First/current impressions of me?
2. Favorite Zelda game?
3. Favorite thing to wear?
4. Opinion on jellyfish?
5. Can you draw?

1. A fun loving positive girl who likes CUTE stuff, kind of similar opinion now, you've always had this kind of positive energy (maybe Kim just rubbed off on you :P: ) 

2. Majora's Mask, I love how much you actually get to interact with the world and how it ties into the game itself. Plus its kind of dark but not too dark for Zelda, they found a very good balance. 

3. I love jackets & scarves. So I usually wear one of those, not in the summer though! 


5. No I can't! I wish I could though, maybe I should have practiced when I was younger.

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3 minutes ago, JSND said:

Q13 is general


Also kinda funny you chose V's since i've been binge watching this thing



Ok so 13. 

Character I like the look of but not the character themself. 

Probably Eldigan in FE4, he's just 


Stupid. But he looks snazzy 

I'm not fond of how Liu Bei looks in the newer dynasty warriors but I like how they've portrayed him. We need THIS look back 


Also lmao i've been meaning to check that out for the longest time.

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