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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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59 minutes ago, Ieanne said:

Yes, you read that correctly.

frickin weirdo


61. Tell me what you want, what you really really want!

62. Android or Apple?

63. Apples or Pears?

64. Favorite home cooked food (perhaps from your parents)?

65. Favorite place to eat out?

66. You watch Star Wars?

67. You watch Star Trek?

68. Do you watch the stars?

69. What's your favorite number?

70. Ever see dancing with the stars?

71. If you were a superstar, what would you do with your money?

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On 1/18/2018 at 4:54 PM, Ieanne said:

17. Err... I dunno what kinda games you'd like but, Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is like a combination of Ys and Cold Steel 1/2 and has little nest eggs of CS2. The story itself is alright, I suppose.

Oh, darn. I forgot to mention that I'm mostly into JRPGs. Silly me! Of course, me telling you this means...


21. Is your current avatar Mitsuki, or is it just me?

22. Meow or wow? (Cats or dogs?)

23. Favorite Gym Leader?

24. Favorite Trial Captain?

25. Opinion on Sun and Moon's Pokedex entries?

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3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

frickin weirdo


61. Tell me what you want, what you really really want!

62. Android or Apple?

63. Apples or Pears?

64. Favorite home cooked food (perhaps from your parents)?

65. Favorite place to eat out?

66. You watch Star Wars?

67. You watch Star Trek?

68. Do you watch the stars?

69. What's your favorite number?

70. Ever see dancing with the stars?

71. If you were a superstar, what would you do with your money?

61. That song, man. I want lots of money.
62. Android.
63. Hmmm... I have a tough time deciding on fruits. I guess pears.
64. Pozole.
65. Fuddruckers.
66. Not at all.
67. See above.
68. If I could see the stars outside.
69. 0
70. No.
71. Buy sukus.


3 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Oh, darn. I forgot to mention that I'm mostly into JRPGs. Silly me! Of course, me telling you this means...


21. Is your current avatar Mitsuki, or is it just me?

22. Meow or wow? (Cats or dogs?)

23. Favorite Gym Leader?

24. Favorite Trial Captain?

25. Opinion on Sun and Moon's Pokedex entries?

You might. It's an action RPG.
21. Yes.
22. Cats but I love them both.
23. Jasmine.
24. Lana
25. I never paid attention lol.

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42 minutes ago, Ieanne said:

That song, man. I want lots of money.

Tis' a good song, and wanting lots of money is a good thing too

55 minutes ago, Ieanne said:


Ahhh satisfaction :^_^:

1 hour ago, Ieanne said:

I have a tough time deciding on fruits. I guess pears

mmm a fruit lover of sorts?


72. Top 5 fruits ~

73. Plum, nectarine, or peach?

74. Did you know that the skin on a Kiwi is edible?

75. Ever eat a pomegranite?

76. What do you do when you're angry?

77. What's so good about Sukus anyway?

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

72. Top 5 fruits ~

73. Plum, nectarine, or peach?

74. Did you know that the skin on a Kiwi is edible?

75. Ever eat a pomegranite?

76. What do you do when you're angry?

77. What's so good about Sukus anyway?

72. omg why. I guess it'd be... blueberries, bananas, watermelon, peaches, and..... longan. Gotta google that.
73. Peach!
74. Nope. I'm kinda surprised.
75. I don't believe so.
76. Um... be angry? Hurt myself, cuss a lot.
77. They're cute, they're superior, they are just super cute.

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20 minutes ago, Ieanne said:


how obscure! Never heard of that before... hm

20 minutes ago, Ieanne said:

I'm kinda surprised.

Yeah it's supposed to be full of fiber or something

20 minutes ago, Ieanne said:

Hurt myself, cuss a lot.


nothin' better than a good cussin'!


78. Ever heard of a rambutan?

79. You've probably had star fruit before right? What do you think of it?

80. Oh yeah, I don't know if anyone asked this already but why do you type your words so small?

81. Have you ever eaten an apricot, and do you think they're good?

82. There's a lot of different types of apples. I think there's like... over seven thousand in the world. What is your favorite kind of apple?

83. What is a typical outfit for you?

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6 hours ago, Ieanne said:

63. Hmmm... I have a tough time deciding on fruits. I guess pears.


13. How did you get such bad opinions on fruit?
14. You know that apples are the best fruit, right?
15. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
16. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?
17. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
18. Forgiveness or retribution?
19. Efficiency or thoroughness?
20. First and current impressions of me?
21. Will you be reading more Tolkien in the future?

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25. What was the name of your turtle?
20. What's the first thing you plan to do once you reach east side?
15. Since you totally agreed to start cooking, totally, what do you plan to cook first?
10. Favorite scent/fragrance/etc?
05. What seems like a good idea?

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13 hours ago, Arcanite said:

78. Ever heard of a rambutan?

79. You've probably had star fruit before right? What do you think of it?

80. Oh yeah, I don't know if anyone asked this already but why do you type your words so small?

81. Have you ever eaten an apricot, and do you think they're good?

82. There's a lot of different types of apples. I think there's like... over seven thousand in the world. What is your favorite kind of apple?

83. What is a typical outfit for you?

78. Nope.
79. Uhh... I did but I never knew its name until now. I loved it. I'd love to have some more but I haven't seen any in the past few years.
80. Because it's pretty for me. :P AND I AM PETTY. 
81. I haven't eaten much of those but yes, I do like them.
82. Fuji apples or something.
83. Just some pretty dress and if it's cold, a nice matching scarf.

12 hours ago, Mister IceTeaPeach said:

16. What's your favorite of your LPs?

17. Can you cook?

18. If so, do you enjoy it?

19. How would you describe yourself in three words?

20. What's your feedback of your interview?

16. I don't watch LPs much but the last time I did that was great was NakaTelli (or something) doing Persona 4.
17. Not really.
18. N/A
19. Um... meek, girly in some aspects and to be super negative, pathetic.
20. Not enough questions. It was fun.

9 hours ago, Marcus Aurelius said:


13. How did you get such bad opinions on fruit?
14. You know that apples are the best fruit, right?
15. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
16. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?
17. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
18. Forgiveness or retribution?
19. Efficiency or thoroughness?
20. First and current impressions of me?
21. Will you be reading more Tolkien in the future?

wow what
13. YOU have bad opinions of fruits.
14. No, you biased. But I do like apples too.
15. Japan
16. In between. 8)
17. Legal naturalism.
18. Forgiveness, ideally.
19. Efficiency.
20. First: who is this guy let's approach him
now: closest confidant, huge nerd but still a good person
21. no sorry nerd

6 hours ago, Soledai said:

25. What was the name of your turtle?
20. What's the first thing you plan to do once you reach east side?
15. Since you totally agreed to start cooking, totally, what do you plan to cook first?
10. Favorite scent/fragrance/etc?
05. What seems like a good idea?

25. I was boring when I was younger so I didn't name it.
20. uh... unpack my sukus!
15.wtf when did I agree :U i can cook decent fried rice so why not?
10. I don't really like much.
05. For what.

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5 minutes ago, Ieanne said:

Not enough questions. 

If you raise it from more than 10 I can fix this issue


84. What's your favorite song from your favorite genre of music?

85. What are your opinons on pineapple on pizza?

86. Favorite pizza topping!

87. Should I ask the rest of my questions like this?

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

If you raise it from more than 10 I can fix this issue


84. What's your favorite song from your favorite genre of music?

85. What are your opinons on pineapple on pizza?

86. Favorite pizza topping!

87. Should I ask the rest of my questions like this?

84. Umm... maybe Blue Destination from Trails of Cold Steel 2.
85. Ew but then again I only eat cheese or pepperoni pizza.
86. Oops I answered that in the above.
87. No, it's my thing!

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6. Favorite Digimon? 

7. What were some of your favorite games that came out last year? 

8. Most gripping book you've ever read? 

9. The silly ol opinions of me question 

10. Duck or Noodles? 

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2 hours ago, Jedi said:

6. Favorite Digimon? 

7. What were some of your favorite games that came out last year? 

8. Most gripping book you've ever read? 

9. The silly ol opinions of me question 

10. Duck or Noodles? 

7. Tokyo Xanadu eX+, Trails in the Sky 3rd (though just for English release)... that's all I could think of from the top of my head.
8. Uhh...  Hercule Poirot's Death on the Nile
9. I forget the first and now, you're a great person and understanding and random and such a nerd. Mostly nerd. :P
10. What. >_> DUCK ALL THE WAY.

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1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

5. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

6. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

7. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

8. If you could time travel, where would you go?

9. What are your pet peeves?

10. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

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4 hours ago, Ieanne said:

Ew but then again I only eat cheese or pepperoni pizza.



88. Why do you only eat cheese or pepperoni?

89. Come up with your own explanation for why the sky is blue~

90. Do you exercise?

91. Not sure if this was asked, but favorite flavor of ice cream?

92. If nothing else, what is your one redeemable quality?


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26. Saddest video game you ever heard of or played?

27. Weirdest video game you ever heard of or played?

28. Saddest anime you ever watched?

29. Do magical girl animes interest you?

30. Have you heard of Regal Academy?

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3 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

1. What three words best describe you?

2. How do you think success should be measured?

3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

4. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

5. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

6. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

7. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

8. If you could time travel, where would you go?

9. What are your pet peeves?

10. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

1. I think someone asked that, but it'd be meek, timid, and anxious.
2.Accomplishments and what was done to reach it.
3. Oh boy, there are a lot of things that scare me. Even for irrational fears. To name a few, fear of: abandonment, rejection, heights, the future.
4. I wouldn't say narcissistic than dishonesty.
5. I'm not entirely sure of all the unspoken social rules. Depends too.
6. Hmm... money lol.
7. I usually prefer things easy, especially in video games, but a  LITTLE challenge doesn't hurt. I'm just not quick on the uptake for stuff. 
8. The future!
9. Arrogance, ruthlessness, narcissism, manipulative, uhh.. are what i can think of at the moment.
10. I don't watch TV anymore but from what I watched in the recent past would be Futurama and Spongebob.

3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

88. Why do you only eat cheese or pepperoni?

89. Come up with your own explanation for why the sky is blue~

90. Do you exercise?

91. Not sure if this was asked, but favorite flavor of ice cream?

92. If nothing else, what is your one redeemable quality?


88. Because I"m a fucking lplain.
89. Because I said it is blue.
90. I should do it more often.
91. I don't think it's been asked but I'd say strawberry or vanilla.
92. Uh...... kindness? maybe.

2 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

26. Saddest video game you ever heard of or played?

27. Weirdest video game you ever heard of or played?

28. Saddest anime you ever watched?

29. Do magical girl animes interest you?

30. Have you heard of Regal Academy?

26. I'm not sure... there was a sad moment in Trails of Cold Steel 2 but that'd be spoilers.
27. All the VNs I tried.
28. Not sure either. I don't watch anime anymore, for a while too.
29. Nope.
30. Nope.

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1 hour ago, Ieanne said:

Because I"m a fucking lplain.

At the very least, you like Strawberry ice cream!

1 hour ago, Ieanne said:






96. Why is your favorite number 0?

97. What is 2 + 2?

98. What a?

99. How many more questions do you think I should ask?

100. What is the most fondest memory you've ever had in your whole entire life?

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13 hours ago, Ieanne said:

21. no sorry nerd

my heart......... breaking..........

4 hours ago, Ieanne said:



22. Why legal naturalism?
23. The biggest drawback to legal naturalism is that everyone has different opinions of what justice is. There is no objective set of rules for people to live their lives, only their own conscience, which is bound to lead to inequality (and at worst chaos). Let's say you're building a society based on legal naturalism, how would you try to remedy this?
24. What happened to Dorcas?
25. Do you have a favorite Chinese Mokou?

2 hours ago, Arcanite said:

98. What a?

This is my favorite.

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7 hours ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

This is my favorite.

Of course it is heh

Also Im gonna be busy so I figured I'd ask this if I never got back in time


101. Do you like waffles?

102. How did you enjoy your interview, now that it's basically over? I know you said you wanted more questions so

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11 hours ago, Arcanite said:

At the very least, you like Strawberry ice cream!





96. Why is your favorite number 0?

97. What is 2 + 2?

98. What a?

99. How many more questions do you think I should ask?

100. What is the most fondest memory you've ever had in your whole entire life?

94. Um... "kyuuu"
95. SUKU
96. Because it is zero, it is nothing.
97. 5
98.  Don't forget the a!!
99. No idea. :P
100. Hmmm.... not entirely sure. Maybe back in 2006 when I was almost in a relationship with this guy in Serebii.

9 hours ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

my heart......... breaking..........


22. Why legal naturalism?
23. The biggest drawback to legal naturalism is that everyone has different opinions of what justice is. There is no objective set of rules for people to live their lives, only their own conscience, which is bound to lead to inequality (and at worst chaos). Let's say you're building a society based on legal naturalism, how would you try to remedy this?
24. What happened to Dorcas?
25. Do you have a favorite Chinese Mokou?

This is my favorite.

im sorry
Oh right that's true.
22. I have a thing for justice than law. Though honestly, I prefer something in between.
23 Hmmm.... I'm not sure but probably something like a collectivist view of justice but I guess even that has its issues.
24. I ate him.
25. I don't know enough of Chinese Mokou to answer this. :(

1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

Of course it is heh

Also Im gonna be busy so I figured I'd ask this if I never got back in time


101. Do you like waffles?

102. How did you enjoy your interview, now that it's basically over? I know you said you wanted more questions so

101. I LOVE waffles.
102. It was fun too.

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