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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. What would you rate Shantae and the Pirates Curse on a scale 1-10, and why?

2. Did you unlock all the wallpapers for the file select?

3. What's your favorite Zelda and Metroid games, and why?

4. If Federation Force were a person, how would you treat it?

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Oh cool the question limit was lifted

4(?). Which of the games of the Smash series have you played?

5. Of those games, which have you played most extensively?

6. If SSBM was one of those games, how hard can you spam tech skill?

7. How come Fox's Fire fox goes a further distance than Falco's Fire Bird?

8. Have you played Undertale?

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6: What's your opinion on busty women in the real?
7: What games are you addicted to, if any?

8: Have you considered using the Waterfox browser?

9: How are you not an admin yet

10 What do you not like about Fire Emblem?

11: Is there anything you like about Metroid: Other M?

12: What's your opinion on Another Metroid 2 Remake, if you have one?

13: Do you like where you live?

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8: Have you considered using the Waterfox browser?

Well the latest version of Firefox has a amd64 release for Windows* so using Waterfox seems redundant.

* On Linux nearly every packages are 64-bit except if you use multiarch. (On a amd64 install)

Edited by Naughx
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*Is flattered*

11. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

12. If you could relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

13. Do you trust your own instincts? Why or why not?

14. Cake or pie? What kind?

15. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

11. Meteor shower.

12. Play more games.

13. Yes, because I'm smart.

14. Chocolate cake.

15. Benevolentia

1) Favorite character to use in Smash 4?

2) What do you think of DK returns and Tropical Freeze?

3) First and current impressions of me?

1. R.O.B.

2. Not as good as the original trilogy.

3. Cold, but wise.

Do you main Fox McCloud in Smash 4?


what is the best part of yuri?

do you like chicken?

what part of the world would you live in for the food?

if you could eat a post which would it be?

if you could eat an avatar which would it be?

1. No dicks. Hey, you aren't Yasako.

2. Yes.

3. Italy.

4. The next one I respond to.

5. The next one I use.

if you could eat a member who would it be?


1. What would you rate Shantae and the Pirates Curse on a scale 1-10, and why?

2. Did you unlock all the wallpapers for the file select?

3. What's your favorite Zelda and Metroid games, and why?

4. If Federation Force were a person, how would you treat it?

1. 8.5/10 because moving around in that game is awesome. And Tan Line Temple.

2. Yes.

3. Windwaker and Prime 2 because they are the best. (I just like them the most)

4. I wouldn't.

Oh cool the question limit was lifted

4(?). Which of the games of the Smash series have you played?

5. Of those games, which have you played most extensively?

6. If SSBM was one of those games, how hard can you spam tech skill?

7. How come Fox's Fire fox goes a further distance than Falco's Fire Bird?

8. Have you played Undertale?

4. All of them.

5. Probably Melee, but I've dumped hundreds of hours into all of them.

6. I can't.

7. Because NairoFiyur .

8. No.

26. Have you played Mother 3?

27. Which FE game is your second-favorite?

28. Favorite male FE character?

29. Have you ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

30. Do you like Star Wars?

26. No.

27. Fire Emblem.

28. Volug.

29. Yes.

30. It's alright.

6: What's your opinion on busty women in the real?

7: What games are you addicted to, if any?

8: Have you considered using the Waterfox browser?

9: How are you not an admin yet

10 What do you not like about Fire Emblem?

11: Is there anything you like about Metroid: Other M?

12: What's your opinion on Another Metroid 2 Remake, if you have one?

13: Do you like where you live?

6. They are women.

7. None at the moment.

8. No.

9. Tangerine won't leave.

10. I don't think there's anything I inherently dislike about the series overall, just individual aspects of the games on their own. I'm a little wary of the shift over to more fanservicey designs, but I want to play Fates before really judging.

11. I like the gameplay concepts.

12. I don't have one.

13. Yes.

What do you think of this?


Everything I think I know is a lie.

do you remember me from years ago? (FEFL)

how's life?

grand canyon, himalayas, antarctica, where do you go? (can only pick one)

fav. band? or bands that you like if you can't pick.

do you play an instrument?

1. Yes.

2. Worth living.

3. Grand Canyon.

4. Kalafina.

5. Not these days, but I played Clarinet in high school.

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6. Is Camilla's design a problem? (i think she's cool)

7. Do you like Alphys

8. if not then why not

9. do you partake in Cloud like I do

10. On a scale of 1 to 10, where is our goddess Carina Reeves?

5. Only the lower half.

6. I do not know what that is.

7. I still do not know what that is.

9. I am drug free.

10. 5/7.

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How amusing.

Your answer to 13 is amusing to me.

16. So are you smart because you trust your instincts? Or are you implying that because you're smart, you should trust your instincts?

17. If you had 49 seconds to address the world, what would you say?

18. Which of the seven deadly sins(pride, wrath, etc.) do you closely relate to?

19. Preferred music genre?

20. So when will you play other Warriors games?

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do you like faustian bargains?

would you make a faustian bargain?

do you like puffy dresses?

favorite christmas food?

what color would you make all the lights in your house?

1. When other people make them.

2. No.

3. Yes.

4. Salmon.

5. Bright.

How amusing.

Your answer to 13 is amusing to me.

16. So are you smart because you trust your instincts? Or are you implying that because you're smart, you should trust your instincts?

17. If you had 49 seconds to address the world, what would you say?

18. Which of the seven deadly sins(pride, wrath, etc.) do you closely relate to?

19. Preferred music genre?

20. So when will you play other Warriors games?

16. The latter.

17. (They don't know they can hear me. I'll wait it out and no one will ever know anything happened)

18. Sloth.

19. Not rap.

20. When a good one gets on Steam for a low price.

What would be your first action as an administrator of serenesforest.net?

Probably warning someone for necroposting.
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I don't usually post questions here, I haven't done so for a while. But I didn't want to disappoint you in case for even an instance you thought "where's Raven's questions?" so here they are

I don't really know what to ask, so here goes:

1. How has the recent holidays been for you?

2. Did you see everyone you wanted to over Christmas/new year? Or maybe you got everything you wanted, assuming there were things you wanted.

3. How are you spending your new years? Just over 4 hours left for you, I believe.

4. Do you have any resolutions? What are they?

5. Tell Matt that Shaun said hey & happy new year.

6. Happy New Year! -- When it comes to you, of course. I'll probably be sleeping in 4 hours' time lol.

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How many necro and double posts do you think we've had in the past two weeks?


My condolences

Also, what do you mean by good one?

One that is well received.

I don't usually post questions here, I haven't done so for a while. But I didn't want to disappoint you in case for even an instance you thought "where's Raven's questions?" so here they are

I don't really know what to ask, so here goes:

1. How has the recent holidays been for you?

2. Did you see everyone you wanted to over Christmas/new year? Or maybe you got everything you wanted, assuming there were things you wanted.

3. How are you spending your new years? Just over 4 hours left for you, I believe.

4. Do you have any resolutions? What are they?

5. Tell Matt that Shaun said hey & happy new year.

6. Happy New Year! -- When it comes to you, of course. I'll probably be sleeping in 4 hours' time lol.

1. Standard. Which is good, I suppose.

2. I saw fewer people than ever this year, which I consider a success. There were a few things I wanted, and I got one of them.

3. With my family.

4. To make it to 2017.

5. Sure thing.

6. Thanks!

Hey, those last two weren't even questions!

31. Have you played any of the PS1 Spyro the Dragon games?

32. What video game systems have you owned?

33. Favorite character in all of video games?

34. Do you drink coffee?

35. Do you watch The Simpsons?

31. No.

32. GB, GBA, DS, 3DS, SNES, N64, GC, Wii, Wii U, PS2, PS3, PS4. Some shared.

33. Honestly, there isn't a clear pick for me here, so I'd probably have to just go with Jill from PoR/RD. And because I'm sure it's coming: outside of FE, I'd pick Noire (Hyperdimension Neptunia)

34. No.

35. No.

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11. Favorite Fire Emblem class?

12. Least favorite?

13. Have you played a Layton game?

14. Fiora (Xenoblade) or Kira (Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright)?

15. how could you rate my darling goddess 5/7 she's perfect

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One that is well received.

I hope you don't mean like reviews or something, because gaming media is superficial as fuck when it comes to Warriors "it's all tedious, repetitive hack and slash, they're all the same, etc"

Also, there are only 3 warriors games on Steam currently; Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete, Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires, and Samurai Warriors 4-II

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11. Favorite Fire Emblem class?

12. Least favorite?

13. Have you played a Layton game?

14. Fiora (Xenoblade) or Kira (Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright)?

15. how could you rate my darling goddess 5/7 she's perfect

11. Valkyrie.

12. Knight.

13. No.

14. Fiora.

15. Do you know what 5/7 is?

I hope you don't mean like reviews or something, because gaming media is superficial as fuck when it comes to Warriors "it's all tedious, repetitive hack and slash, they're all the same, etc"

Also, there are only 3 warriors games on Steam currently; Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete, Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires, and Samurai Warriors 4-II

I take both critic and general player opinions into account.
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