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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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24. Why are you so awesome?

25. Favorite Pokemon region?

26. What would your anime self look like?

27. Favorite or funniest post/chat quote you've seen on here?

  • I don't think I'm amazing or anything, but I think I have a variety of skills and the ability to learn most things quickly. I don't know if that qualifies as 'awesome', but I think it's pretty cool.
  • Kanto, because of nostalgia.
  • http://kobato.wikia.com/wiki/Kiyokazu_Fujimoto slightly different hairstyle, though, an different color hair.
  • The quotes I like are in my signature.

1. Have you heard of Bangai-O Spirits?

2. You should review it on your website. Nice site BTW.

3. Impression of me?

4. How many questions have you answered now?

  • Nope.
  • I haven't written a review in a long time. I'd actually intended to change the format of my reviews to video reviews, but I never got around to taking the time to do it. One day...
  • I have none. haha
  • A lot, I think. I don't know quite how many, but it seems like there was a lot.

6. Forgiveness or retribution?

7. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

8. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

9. What achievement in your life are you most proud of?

10. First and current impressions of me?

  • Usually forgiveness. Sometimes retribution.
  • I notice you're giving two drastically different extremes as options here, but my own personal philosophy is that of balance. To create a desirable environment, you must first draft your own policies and work on implementing and pursuing those. People who follow under this rule may or may not act as expected, but as long as you have a good starting framework, you can react to situations and respond appropriately, revising policy as you go. You need a combination of active and passive rule to be an effective ruler.
  • Neutral good. Sometimes the law is wrong, but the spirit of the law is what is important.
  • Getting my bachelor's in EE and graduating with honors.
  • Don't really know enough about you to give an impression. People keep asking me this, but unless I've interacted with you more than a few times, I generally don't form an impression. I assume everyone is a decent, well-intending human being unless they act in a way that suggests otherwise, but that requires more than a single post or two to evaluate.

Lastly, my vote for this round goes to Charlie/Musashi/Starman.

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You can only nominate two people, Jyo.


You're a doofus mumu.

I'll go ahead and opt out before it even gets started, lol.

If Tangerine would opt-back-in, I would also vote for Tangerine.
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If Tangerine would opt-back-in, I would also vote for Tangerine.

Technically, we'll only allowed to vote for two people and you voted four. But you're the overlord, so... I guess what you say goes. X)

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Technically, we'll only allowed to vote for two people and you voted four. But you're the overlord, so... I guess what you say goes. X)

Starman is Charlie is Musashi. You dun goofed. I know him as Musashi, since he's been around since FESS; however, a lot of people know him as Charlie and his current name is starman. haha

it doesn't help that he played into this joke himself

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Hatt, could a rule be added asking people to not complain about not getting nominated or receiving enough nominations? I understand if you would prefer not to bother adding this rule given that only one person really performs the aforementioned behavior.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Hatt, could a rule be added asking people to not complain about not getting nominated? I understand if you would prefer not to bother adding this rule given that only one person really performs the aforementioned behavior.

...Sorry. I was trying to be somewhat sarcastic. Apologizes if that didn't get through.

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Austin and Boron

Hatt, could a rule be added asking people to not complain about not getting nominated or receiving enough nominations? I understand if you would prefer not to bother adding this rule given that only one person really performs the aforementioned behavior.

Yeah. If you get nominated it's because people want to hear what you have to say. Begging people to nominate you is a sure way for them to not want to lend their ears to you.

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