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Gaming PC or Console


PC or Console  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. What platform do you use for gaming?

    • PC
    • Console ( Home and Handheld)
    • I don't play games.
    • I neither own a PC or a Console but I do play games.

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So I wanted to a ask a question to all of the Serenes Forest members... What gaming platform do you prefer? PC or Console ( It can be home or handheld ) . Why?

Edited by Anecki
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I grew up with console gaming, and don't do much PC gaming aside form League, and a few other games that could also be played on console.

So console it is for me.

Maybe add a poll so we can visually see what people prefer?

This is a FE fan site though so it wouldn't surprise me if console were to win out.

Edited by Raven
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Used to play on consoles exclusively. Ever since I built my first gaming PC, it's almost PC exclusively (still have a 3DS), though I do play several console games on it using emulation.

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PC's definitely. I always like to have options and PC's have far more possibilities then consoles have. For example, Real Time Strategy games work rather badly on consoles, as does most menu-heavy stuff in general. And despite the XBOX in particular being infamous for it's shooters, a mouse + keyboard works far better for aiming. Then of course there is modding, far better specs, etc...

Consoles used to have one big advantage over PCs: They were simple. Playing consoles used to be so damn comfortable. Funnily enough, when I got my first console, I actually thought that loading times were something inherit to PC games.

Yet, the days were I could simply plug in a module into the console and start playing are long gone. Now you always have some accounts, need to download patches as early as the first day of release, have to mind your system's memory... stuff got complicated over the years. I mean, it's still easier but no longer to such a degree that I would say that it matters all that much.

Developers and publishers tend to favor the consoles, so not only are games developed to take the limitations of consoles into account but they also tend to make shitty PC ports. For every great Metal Gear Solid V port there seems to be an customer-insulting Arkham Knight port. But I will not blame the platform for publishers taking their customers for granted. Besides, it's not like consoles are strangers to shitty ports.

Edited by BrightBow
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I've been steadily moving away from home consoles for a while now. A few exclusives isn't enough incentive for me to choose a platform that will, in the long run, provide much less of an experience.

That said, handheld consoles still have their intrinsic quirks to keep them different from PCs, and I don't see myself straying away from them anytime soon.

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Consoles used to have one big advantage over PCs: They were simple. Playing consoles used to be so damn comfortable. Funnily enough, when I got my first console, I actually thought that loading times were something inherit to PC games.

Yet, the days were I could simply plug in a module into the console and start playing are long gone. Now you always have some accounts, need to download patches as early as the first day of release, have to mind your system's memory... stuff got complicated over the years. I mean, it's still easier but no longer to such a degree that I would say that it still matters all that much.

I did notice that consoles get more complicated as time passes by. Why can't they ever bring back the good old console style where you only needed the CD/DVD for the game and the main controller in order to enjoy a game? I guess capitalism kills simplicity and creative liberty.

Developers and publishers tend to favor the consoles

I wonder why? Maybe because there are portable consoles. I heard Japan will be focusing more on developing games for portable gaming devices ( that includes Android of course ), and I guess the laptop doesn't count as a portable PC, LOL.

For every great Metal Gear Solid V port there seems to be an customer-insulting Arkham Knight port. But I will not blame the platform for publishers taking their customers for granted. Besides, it's not like consoles are strangers to shitty ports.

I guess Kojima Productions is better in porting their games than Warner Bros. Even so, there are still some great ports from console games that took advantage of the PC's control scheme ( like Valkyria Chronicles... suprisingly SEGA made something worth it unlike Company of Heroes 2, and I wish Compile Hearts could've thought of taking advantage of the fact that the mouse can be used to adjust the game's camera instead of the "IJKL" keyboard control scheme ).

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I bought a Wii U for the Nintendo games I love, but for the rest of my gaming needs, my PC works well enough and I'd recommend getting one over the Xbox One or PS4 unless you really want The Last Guardian like me. (the only thing that's making me seriously consider getting a PS4)

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Developers and publishers tend to favor the consoles


_Harder to pirate.

_They get money from console producers.

_Younger, easier to to satisfy customers.

_Less troublesome technology problems.

_Easier to port a console game to pc than from pc to a console. A PC can go with any control theme while a console is only playable with certain control theme (take a look at WoT on XBOX and on PC and you will understand how the gameplay of the game on XBOX is inferior to the PC version just because of the poor control theme).

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I play both too... But there's no option for that in the poll, so... I do play console games more often though, simply because I have more of them. But I enjoy my few PC games just as much.

imo, home console > PC > handheld.

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_Easier to port a console game to pc than from pc to a console.

This is false. PC version to console ports are much easier to deal with in terms of compatibility, development costs and productions.

Majority of the Capcom games use the MT Framework engine which allows developers to develop the PC version first and then they port their games to the consoles 2nd. All of the Capcom games you play ranging from Street Fighter IV, to Resident Evil and even Ace Attorney 5 were all built on the PC version first before they were actually made to be compatible and playable on the console. This is also why games like Resident Evil Revelations were on so many different platforms and it ran very smoothly for all systems.

It is also why Call of Duty can be played on many platforms because they were all built on the PC version first.

Console game to PC are much more difficult to deal with since most of their games are designed to run on that specific hardware. It is why many console ports to PC are usually locked to 30fps or have very little options to change the graphical looks of the game. It's why ports from console to PC usually don't run as smooth, have compatibility problems for most PCs and generally have performance issues.

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My favorite are home consoles, thing is, my current routine isn't friendly with either home consoles or PC because I don't have enough time to focus on a game and play it full time; hence why I prefer fooling around with Awakening or building teams on Alpha Sapphire, or just playing Pokemon Shuffle on mobile because yes.

There are awesome PC games I played during my childhood like Age of Mythologies, Warcraft III, KOTOR 2 and SWTOR but yeah I'm not in the mood of focusing and playing these games.

Edit: also, I forgot I have Child of Light on PC and haven't even beat it since months lol.

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Handhelds are top tier imo, no contest.

PCs are more convenient than a console + cheaper in every sense, but idk I tend to like console games more, and prefer the controller connected to the console rather than to the thing with the screen. I've never had a non-handheld console or legit pc games at the same time, so it's hard to really pick one, personally.

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