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4Koma & Character Book Translations [COMPLETE]


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Anybody else notice that the section on each character page that marks what campaigns they're in has four sections?

It's for the Amiibo charcters, never mind.

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Ugh, both of Jakob's are disappointing. Neither are funny, especially the one with his son. He has so much sass. It shouldn't be hard to come up with something good...

My thoughts exactly. They make me kind of sad. I was expecting to giggle a little. But...ah well.

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Ugh, both of Jakob's are disappointing. Neither are funny, especially the one with his son. He has so much sass. It shouldn't be hard to come up with something good...

Exactly. All the first one showed me is that Jakob shouldn't be a parent. Ever. Parental jealousy is not okay especially when its at that level or at the level of Zephiel's father.

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Parental jealousy to the point of Desmond's or even Joker's is definitely not okay, yeah. While Takumi admitted in his support with Kisaragi that he got envious of Kisaragi's skills, he was definitely ashamed of it and apologized for it. Making it obvious that yes, it's not a good thing to be jealous of your kid. It bothers me that Joker's jealousy is written off as "part of his personality" in the tone of the supports.

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Parental jealousy to the point of Desmond's or even Joker's is definitely not okay, yeah. While Takumi admitted in his support with Kisaragi that he got envious of Kisaragi's skills, he was definitely ashamed of it and apologized for it. Making it obvious that yes, it's not a good thing to be jealous of your kid. It bothers me that Joker's jealousy is written off as "part of his personality" in the tone of the supports.

Yeah it's definitely not okay. I was happy with Takumi when he apologized to Kisaragi for being jealous of him. When I got to Joker's b and a supports with Deere I was disturbed at what I read. He should never be a parent.

Y I K E S. Like, we had a problem with Tharja and Noire, can we not repeat that issue? I really hope localization tones that shit down.

I hope they tone it down too, but considering how Tharja and Noire still went in the localization I am not feeling very hopeful unfortunately.

Edited by Frelia
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Yeah, Joker's two comics are highlighting my two least favorite traits about him: being a terrible parent and being a jerk to pretty much everyone besides Kamui. It's a shame that those traits just about sum up his entire character...

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Some of the 4koma strips are good but I can't help but feel that as a whole, they are unambitious. A number of them just point out a characters personality and don't make any humorous comments on it. Joker, Elise, Camilla... The 'joke' for one of the Ryoma strips is "He has long hair, like his dad" and the joke for a Hinoka strip is "she can't cook, because she's a tomboy".


The .hack 4koma is an example of doing it right, with equal parts humorous interactions and character exaggeration. I laughed a lot at those.

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Okay, usually I was more of a stalker in this forum than anything and prefer to keep most of my opinions for myself, but now that the controversy regarding Joker/Deere relation has risen up again thanks to that comic, I just have to share my piece of thought regarding them both.

May get a bit too spoilery though, so I put this below the spoiler tag just to be safe (and to cut space for those who are not interested, heh~)

Mostly, whenever their relationship comes to discussion, I read how people consider how horrible Joker is as a Father, meanwhile that Deere is just a poor victim with nothing to blame like Noire.

However, the arguments are usually coming from their support, and none have brought up the conversation that takes place during Deere's Paralogue. There, it comes out clearly how Deere is the one who first challenging Joker on this Best Butler competition. Moreover, he even aims to take over Joker's position as Kamui's Butler behind his own Father's back!

Dia: ...That won't work. Because...Kamui-sama is my aspiration...the master I long for.
Kamui: Eh? M, master?
Dia: Doesn't my father serve you, Kamui-sama...? So, I'm the same. I want to be the butler who'll replace Father...
Kamui: Hmmm. I haven't thought of such relationship...
Dia: Am I...Am I not fit to be Kamui-sama's butler?
Dia: My feelings (thoughts) for Kamui-sama...I believe, I won't lose to Father there either...
Kamui: No, it's not like that...

While Joker has his life to thank for to Kamui as his reason for his absolute loyalty, Deere wants to take that position to be Kamui's Butler not only just because of respect but also to defeat his Father. That is saying something, and honestly, considering how competitive Joker is to begin with, I think it's a very rational reaction of him to take the bait and accepting Deere's challenge. Unless he's a Saint, I can't believe that someone like Joker will just back out after hearing this:

Joker: “…Does it really matter? Still, if you keep on having such a slack attitude like that, you won’t get accepted by my comrades, you know.”

Dea: “No, it can’t be possible. I am confident that I will be liked by everyone….”

Joker: “What?”

Dea: “After all, Father, you are an unsociable butler, aren’t you…But, I’m different. I will offer everyone an excellent service…Well, anyway, just give me that coffee beans you brought already. I will make everyone coffee in exchange of greeting…”

Joker: “Wha–!? But, it’s my job to make everyone drink…”

Dea: “You ought to be prepared…Father. When it comes to a butler’s work, I will snatch it away from you mercilessly. From now on, I am really looking forward to it….”

So, yeah. Deere's is not as innocent and poor soul as how most people treat and consider him in my opinion.

Another argument, Joker never really cares of Deere and has never visited him when he was young due to the choice of translator's word. Originally according to the script, Deere mentions:


I can't speak Japanese. But, quick translate reveals that あまり means 'not much' which is far from 'not at all'. Every kids in Fates can't see their parents often, which makes Deere wasn't a special case.

Even if that's not the case, I still have my arguments against that.

If Joker doesn't really care of him, why would he take a lot of trouble crossing across pocket dimension (in some star like outrealm, not just mainland) just to bring his son some coffee beans Deere has asked Joker to bring to him like stated in his own paralogue? And that coffee beans also then used by Deere to gain everyone's favor towards him over Joker as stated at the end of his Paralogue.

Joker: “Oi, Dea! I have come all the way to visit you! …Sigh, no answer. He’s probably being as apathetic as ever. Why must I come delivering coffee beans for my son in the first place again. I am not his butler….

Moreover, Joker mentions in Deere's paralogue over how Deere has always like that since he was young...which is impossible to claim if he has never visited him in the first place.

Dea: “Eeeh…Gimme a break already. Fighting is seriously a drag, and it’s tiring…Moreover, healing is also an important job, isn’t it?”

Joker: “………….You have always been like that even since way before. You’re quick to become a coward when you see your opponent is armed. It seems that it hasn’t changed at all.”

Dea: “Gimme a break already…with that story of past. It’s true that there were times like that…but this time is not the case.”

Deere and F!Kanna support also suggests that Joker has been training Deere a lot in martial fighting when he was young. So much that Deere has never been defeated in bare-handed fighting and has some nice abs to boot.

Dea: “Are you really…want to practice? It will take…a lot of times, you know? Improving your fundamental physical condition…In order to learn hand-to-hand martial arts…you have to continue (training) straightforwardly everyday…Only after doing that…you can make it real. I, for one, had been spending a lot of time…getting all of these skills driven into myself by my father…

Lastly, if Joker has never cared about Deere, what is his reason to be freaked out when he realized that some enemies are going toward's Deere's place, to keep Deere safe by hiring a bunch of Knights to protect and take care of him while he's in the outrealm, and to fight for him anyway since Deere is reluctant to fight as he finds fighting is troublesome and tiring, and healing is more of his style? Deere's smiling too when he sees how his father has given up asking him to fight and Joker go fights the enemies by himself in the end....probably like a kid who's happy that his father does as he wants.

Joker: “No…Is it the enemy!? Why is it here…Impossible…Was I being tailed!? Towards the mansion…!? No, you can’t go there! Shit…! Dea, be careful!”

Deere may be a pacifist, but you can't forget that this boy is also a qualified lazy bum who, among other things, have done:

Kanna: “Dea! From today I will be under your care for the bare-handed combat practice!”

Dea: “Yeah yeah…Well then, let’s start by running…”

Kanna: “Understand! How far should I run?”

Dea: “Until Kanna feels satisfied, I guess…Come on, go with you…”

Kanna: “Yes! I’m going now!”

Kanna: “I-I’ve come back! Dea!”

Dea: “Zzz…Zzz…”

Kanna: “Eeeeh!? Is he sleeping!?”

Dea: “…Huah? So, you came running…”

Kanna: “Dea! You made me go running while you took a nap yourself!?”

Joker: “Oh…? Then, why did you let your caretakers fight for you?”

Dea:It’s their job to take care of me, isn’t it? That’s why I’d feel bad for robbing their job away from them.”

Joker: “…Does it really matter? Still, if you keep on having such a slack attitude like that, you won’t get accepted by my comrades, you know.”

He walked on the path of the butler, the same as his father Joker. He was fired from taking naps too often but, because his characteristic abilities were so great, it appears that he was never troubled for places to work.
Husband Deere, is the same as usual even after becoming a royal and spends every day idling.

Epilogue source.

As much as I find it bad from Joker's part to insist Deere to take up on fighting, please do remember that as Kamui's butler (thus close to them), Joker may have his own great share witnessin the war that is in fact ongoing during Deere's childhood. He may have insisted for him to learn fighting so that Deere can defend himself as suggested here.

Joker: “You bastard…That’s my line. You are supposed to strike them with martial arts. Still, why are you only doing the healing!?”

Dea: “Why now all of sudden…Isn’t it like this already since way back. I like…playing butler since I was young. That’s why I am taking care of everyone…”

Joker: “Hah? Playing butler is not something we need now. You fight together with us too!”

Also, don't forget that considering his past and his own parents' lack of love towards him, Joker probably has never understood himself how a parent should act...which among other thing not knowingly sparring with your own son because you know you have advantages over him like in the infamous Joker/Deere B-rank.

Joker: “But, I do not remember my parents’ face by my own will. That’s because my parents have abandoned me when I was young.”

Aqua: “…………”

Joker: “I was born into a family with a high position, yet my parents’ relationship had completely chilled. I couldn’t even find a moment where I saw my parents having a conversation happily in my memories.

Aqua: “…………”

Joker:They held no love even for their son. When I had gotten old enough to understand what was going on around me, they put me into Nohr Kingdom’s custody as servant. That was all I have to tell about my parents. It was a boring story, wasn’t it.”

The closest parental figure Joker has is probably Gunther. And Gunther was also the own who has made him a very capable Butler he is now. But, unlike Deere, it didn't came out from a mere talent he's born with. His skills were coming from tenacity and trainings...Gunther's hellish training regimes, to be specific.

Gunther: “You have to learn how to show your respect with your seniors. I will strictly teach you how. Just like back then…”

Joker: “Sto-Stop that! Gimme a break already! Your coaching…Like hell I’m gonna get through it again!”

Gunther: “You, who came to the Royal Castle to be a servant…Scrubbing the floor all by yourself…You were merely a brat who couldn’t do a thing back then.”

Joker: “Like I could help it. I was a young master once, after all.”

Gunther: “However, you still devoted all the strength you had inside you (doing the scrubbing).”

Joker: “And yet…It still resulted to nothing.”

Gunther: “…………….”

Joker: “No matter how desperate I tried…It’s not like I would just suddenly able to do something that I couldn’t before.”

Gunther: “Soon, you were shunned by everyone…You had even lost your place to belong in the Royal Castle.”

As you can see, unlike his son who can still get jobs done despite slacking off, Joker really had to work his butt off to get wherever he's now. Also, just a theory, but I can see how Joker then applying Gunther's training to Deere's himself as like stated earlier, Gunther's the closest Joker has as a parental figure and his coach to become a Butler...which is what Deere himself aims to be.

At the end note...

By this, I am not claiming that Joker is one of the better father in Fates. BUT, he's not the only one who has to bear ALL the blames. Deere has also his own parts to play in their relationship and he's far from being a cute abandoned puppy like some love to claim. In fact, he's actually just like his own Father in some way, and imo, their relationship also reflects Joker/Gunther's relationship.

Just be honest, though. Do we really have to have all of the Parent/Kid relationship in Fates to be so lovely and idealistic despite what may each part has experienced? As much as I loathe Joker's ego towards Deere in their B-rank, I think that their relationship is still 'interesting' as it's more realistic tand has some explanations behind it.

Also, thank you so much for doing this, Kirokan!

I was considering to get this book earlier, but now after seeing the mixed quality of the arts and the stale humor in the comic...I guess it'd be a no in the end. I may just save my money for now and hoping that one day they will publish some other books with better quality.

Still appreciate what you have done a lot, though! <3

Edited by Vinterkonvalj
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Okay, usually I was more of a stalker in this forum than anything and prefer to keep most of my opinions for myself, but now that the controversy regarding Joker/Deere relation has risen up again thanks to that comic, I just have to share my piece of thought regarding them both.

May get a bit too spoilery though, so I put this below the spoiler tag just to be safe (and to cut space for those who are not interested, heh~)

Mostly, whenever their relationship comes to discussion, I read how people consider how horrible Joker is as a Father, meanwhile that Deere is just a poor victim with nothing to blame like Noire.

However, the arguments are usually coming from their support, and none have brought up the conversation that takes place during Deere's Paralogue. There, it comes out clearly how Deere is the one who first challenging Joker on this Best Butler competition. Moreover, he even aims to take over Joker's position as Kamui's Butler behind his own Father's back!

While Joker has his life to thank for to Kamui as his reason for his absolute loyalty, Deere wants to take that position to be Kamui's Butler not only just because of respect but also to defeat his Father. That is saying something, and honestly, considering how competitive Joker is to begin with, I think it's a very rational reaction of him to take the bait and accepting Deere's challenge. Unless he's a Saint, I can't believe that someone like Joker will just back out after hearing this:

So, yeah. Deere's is not as innocent and poor soul as how most people treat and consider him in my opinion.

Another argument, Joker never really cares of Deere and has never visited him when he was young due to the choice of translator's word. Originally according to the script, Deere mentions:

I can't speak Japanese. But, quick translate reveals that あまり means 'not much' which is far from 'not at all'. Every kids in Fates can't see their parents often, which makes Deere wasn't a special case.

Even if that's not the case, I still have my arguments against that.

If Joker doesn't really care of him, why would he take a lot of trouble crossing across pocket dimension (in some star like outrealm, not just mainland) just to bring his son some coffee beans Deere has asked Joker to bring to him like stated in his own paralogue? And that coffee beans also then used by Deere to gain everyone's favor towards him over Joker as stated at the end of his Paralogue.

Moreover, Joker mentions in Deere's paralogue over how Deere has always like that since he was young...which is impossible to claim if he has never visited him in the first place.

Deere and F!Kanna support also suggests that Joker has been training Deere a lot in martial fighting when he was young. So much that Deere has never been defeated in bare-handed fighting and has some nice abs to boot.

Lastly, if Joker has never cared about Deere, what is his reason to be freaked out when he realized that some enemies are going toward's Deere's place, to keep Deere safe by hiring a bunch of Knights to protect and take care of him while he's in the outrealm, and to fight for him anyway since Deere is reluctant to fight as he finds fighting is troublesome and tiring, and healing is more of his style? Deere's smiling too when he sees how his father has given up asking him to fight and Joker go fights the enemies by himself in the end....probably like a kid who's happy that his father does as he wants.

Deere may be a pacifist, but you can't forget that this boy is also a qualified lazy bum who, among other things, have done:

Epilogue source.

As much as I find it bad from Joker's part to insist Deere to take up on fighting, please do remember that as Kamui's butler (thus close to them), Joker may have his own great share witnessin the war that is in fact ongoing during Deere's childhood. He may have insisted for him to learn fighting so that Deere can defend himself as suggested here.

Also, don't forget that considering his past and his own parents' lack of love towards him, Joker probably has never understood himself how a parent should act...which among other thing not knowingly sparring with your own son because you know you have advantages over him like in the infamous Joker/Deere B-rank.

The closest parental figure Joker has is probably Gunther. And Gunther was also the own who has made him a very capable Butler he is now. But, unlike Deere, it didn't came out from a mere talent he's born with. His skills were coming from tenacity and trainings...Gunther's hellish training regimes, to be specific.

As you can see, unlike his son who can still get jobs done despite slacking off, Joker really had to work his butt off to get wherever he's now. Also, just a theory, but I can see how Joker then applying Gunther's training to Deere's himself as like stated earlier, Gunther's the closest Joker has as a parental figure and his coach to become a Butler...which is what Deere himself aims to be.

At the end note...

By this, I am not claiming that Joker is one of the better father in Fates. BUT, he's not the only one who has to bear ALL the blames. Deere has also his own parts to play in their relationship and he's far from being a cute abandoned puppy like some love to claim. In fact, he's actually just like his own Father in some way, and imo, their relationship also reflects Joker/Gunther's relationship.

Just be honest, though. Do we really have to have all of the Parent/Kid relationship in Fates to be so lovely and idealistic despite what may each part has experienced? As much as I loathe Joker's ego towards Deere in their B-rank, I think that their relationship is still 'interesting' as it's more realistic tand has some explanations behind it.

Also, thank you so much for doing this, Kirokan!

I was considering to get this book earlier, but now after seeing the mixed quality of the arts and the stale humor in the comic...I guess it'd be a no in the end. I may just save my money for now and hoping that one day they will publish some other books with better quality.

Still appreciate what you have done a lot, though! <3

Wow, thanks for that explanation. I agree with you.

I thought as well that his personality and the treatment of his son were products of his childhood.

I mean how was he supposed to turn out? His parents not only abandoned him but never showed him any love in the first place. You can't even say that his parents were poor and thought they were giving him a better chance at life by sending him to work at the castle. They were well off and could've had nannies raise him if they didn't want to. And then to go into such a hard environment... He just seems to have shut himself off from everyone except Kamui.

I've seen from some of his other supports that he does still care for people. He just doesn't like to show it at all.

I didn't know Deere was like that, though. I was neutral on him before, but I'm not too sure I like him that much... Seriously. Why does everyone in this game have to be so Kamui-centric?

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There seems to be some characters with a dimmed/faded amiibo logo it seems then...?

It's easy to put that under scan quality, it also shows in some pages where the colors wash a little.

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Felicia's comics were disappointing and they once again focus on her gimmick which I find not very funny (it was amazing see her freeze Kamui in an ice block though). Gunter's first comic is a bit Kamui-centric, but it wasn't too bad. Gunter's second comic was nice though.

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Felicia froze Kamui in an ice block, huh?

>Kamui frozen in ice block

>Kamui is the avatar

>Aang is also the avatar

>Aang was frozen in an iceberg for 100 years

It all makes sense now

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Felicia froze Kamui in an ice block, huh?

>Kamui frozen in ice block

>Kamui is the avatar

>Aang is also the avatar

>Aang was frozen in an iceberg for 100 years

It all makes sense now

Illuminati confirmed?

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I just hope no one makes Frozen references about Flora/Felicia when the game comes to the west...

Do you really think they are gonna let the oportunity go?

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