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4Koma & Character Book Translations [COMPLETE]


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Those comics make me wonder about the relationship between Mikoto and Yuugiri.

Mikoto didn't seem like the type that would have a murdeous woman as a bodyguard, but then again, that ruthlessness is probably needed to be the queen's bodyguard.

Who knows what sort of craziness you run in this job.

I think Susukaze talked about the subordinates picking their liege (Kamui/Suzukaze A), so maybe Mikoto didn't do anything special. I guess the resulting arrangement makes as much sense as Marx picking Pieri for her potential killing prowess.

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I actually don't quite understand the right comic for kagerou. I thought her drawing was bad but it looks pretty good imo (?)

Edit: mobile plz

The joke about her pictures is that they are hard to understand. Kind of like Yu Kobayashi's drawings, but without the horror, I guess.

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The brutal truth.

I personally blame the Dragon genes. Though this does bring up a disturbing thought. I'll just spoiler it below.

Does Kamui transforms into their dragon form whenever they are in heat or when they are mating?

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How is the picture of a lake during the sunset NOT an average day?

I think Kamui thought the sunset actually looked like a painting? Anyway, I think the joke is kind of lost. Here, the picture is not difficult to interpret at all.

I personally blame the Dragon genes. Though this does bring up a disturbing thought. I'll just spoiler it below.

Does Kamui transforms into their dragon form whenever they are in heat or when they are mating?

[spoiler=Eww]That makes the Chapter 5 scene where Kamui pins down Aqua feel more disturbin'g than it should.

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I personally blame the Dragon genes. Though this does bring up a disturbing thought. I'll just spoiler it below.

Does Kamui transforms into their dragon form whenever they are in heat or when they are mating?

I think Kamui thought the sunset actually looked like a painting? Anyway, I think the joke is kind of lost. Here, the picture is not difficult to interpret at all.

[spoiler=Eww]That makes the Chapter 5 scene where Kamui pins down Aqua feel more disturbin'g than it should.

Anybody else remember these, courtesy of Nekoknight?


On a more pleasant topic...

Kagerou's second comic is definitely nice. I'm liking Kamui's naively cheerful stalker-esque characterization in these.

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Can we just say that Fates fucked up really hard by having both a marriage system and so many potential ways for people to be related? Looking hard enough at the potential relationships and combination of relationship of Fates makes things so much more disturbing.

Kamui can marry Fuuga, who was her stepfather's best friend and is Tsukuyomi's adoptive dad. Tsukuyomi can potentially be Kamui's stepson and Fuuga can potentially be Kamui's father-in-law. Shara also seems to canonically have a crush on Kamui if Kamui is not her mother. Tsukuyomi can marry Hinoka and Sakura. So Kamui can be married to Fuuga and have her step-niece slash granddaughter have a crush on her.

Speaking of nieces (and nephews), I can't blame male Kamui nearly as much because the sisters' children can be almost any of the kids. But Shinonome and Kisaragi are always Ryouma and Takumi's children. If Kamui doesn't marry a sibling, they never find out that they're not related. In other words, in everyone's POV (except for Ryouma's, I suppose) when female Kamui romances Shinonome and Kisaragi, she is romancing her blood-related nephews.

You can marry Gunter and Yukimura, who basically helped raise you in Nohr and Hoshido, and according to this comic Yuugiri is like a mother figure. And you can marry her.

I'm still not over the whole marrying siblings thing.

I think the only canon that exists is that Kamui, regardless of gender, is a sexual deviant.

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Kamui can marry Fuuga, who was her stepfather's best friend and is Tsukuyomi's adoptive dad. Tsukuyomi can potentially be Kamui's stepson and Fuuga can potentially be Kamui's father-in-law. Shara also seems to canonically have a crush on Kamui if Kamui is not her mother. Tsukuyomi can marry Hinoka and Sakura. So Kamui can be married to Fuuga and have her step-niece slash granddaughter have a crush on her.


[spoiler=Story stuff]

I haven't played IK but since Kamui's heritage is apparently more of a central topic in that route, does Kamui learn she's not blood related to her Hoshido siblings there? In that case, for IK, it wouldn't (assuming you romance them after the plot revelation) be known incest to romance the "nephews" of Kamui.

Edited by NekoKnight
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[spoiler=Story stuff]

I haven't played IK but since Kamui's heritage is apparently more of a central topic in that route, does Kamui learn she's not blood related to her Hoshido siblings there? In that case, for IK, it wouldn't (assuming you romance them after the plot revelation) be known incest to romance the "nephews" of Kamui.

I've heard that Mikoto tells Kamui and the Hoshido siblings as she's dying in chapter 24, but I can't read Japanese so don't quote me on that. It doesn't really make things better, as Kamui can still marry one of the Hoshidans or the children well before chapter 24, and no one really seems to react to the revelation either.

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I've heard that Mikoto tells Kamui and the Hoshido siblings as she's dying in chapter 24, but I can't read Japanese so don't quote me on that. It doesn't really make things better, as Kamui can still marry one of the Hoshidans or the children well before chapter 24, and no one really seems to react to the revelation either.

It may have completely gone over my head, but I don't believe this is true. Granted my Japanese is quite limited and I was pretty much having it read to me by someone who is fluent in Japanese, but unless they omitted this I don't think it is ever revealed (although I haven't played Hoshido nor married siblings, Ryouma's S support suggests it's common knowledge that they're only half siblings. A few chapters later, Kamui still refers to Sumeragi as "Father" so no matter what that family relation is still present even through S support. I totally agree that sibling marriages were just a big error on their part. It just kind of comes off as gross especially when you can marry your 12-year-old adoptive sister who continues to call you "Big Brother." Not much better for the other younger siblings. The fact that this game seems conflicted between its huge familial themes (even amongst characters like Gunter and Yuugiri) and its bang-ability is really sloppy.

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It may have completely gone over my head, but I don't believe this is true. Granted my Japanese is quite limited and I was pretty much having it read to me by someone who is fluent in Japanese, but unless they omitted this I don't think it is ever revealed (although I haven't played Hoshido nor married siblings, Ryouma's S support suggests it's common knowledge that they're only half siblings. A few chapters later, Kamui still refers to Sumeragi as "Father" so no matter what that family relation is still present even through S support. I totally agree that sibling marriages were just a big error on their part. It just kind of comes off as gross especially when you can marry your 12-year-old adoptive sister who continues to call you "Big Brother." Not much better for the other younger siblings. The fact that this game seems conflicted between its huge familial themes (even amongst characters like Gunter and Yuugiri) and its bang-ability is really sloppy.

Wow, if it's not even revealed in the route where things relating to Kamui's real heritage is part of the plot, then supports are literally the only place where it's revealed. This is pretty much bullshit. There was no reason to make Kamui not related to the Hoshidos other than to make them eligible for marriage. Screw this plot.

Did Mikoto at least reveal Shenmei to be her sister as she's dying?

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