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I was wrong about genocide mode being the first ending one should try to reach. It turns the game into Touhou. Yes, I'm looking at you, Undyne and


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I was wrong about genocide mode being the first ending one should try to reach. It turns the game into Touhou. Yes, I'm looking at you, Undyne and


Yeah, you definitely shouldn't go for genocide first. Not only does doing it

alter the true pacifist ending in a not good way

but also it's super hard to get i still haven't beaten


god damn

also I have an important question for all of you

have you heard any of the fantastic mashups people are making with undertale music

they're all amazing

and I don't just mean like slamjam smokeweed etc. (even though people are making those as they do with pretty much everything) I mean shit like THIS

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I barely know anything about JoJo but I am 100% sure I saw one of those I'll try to find it again

someone made/is making a playlist with a lot of them you should totally check it out


i found it


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When in doubt, put it in your sig and spoiler it.

That goes for anyone that wants to advertise cool stuff from this game, but doesn't want to spoil it (FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME).

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Something fascinating I find about Undertale pacifist is how it manages to portray an incredibly diverse spectrum of relationships.

[spoiler=Straight]Dogamy and Dogaressa[spoiler=Also (name spoilers)]A historical example with Toriel and Asgore, though they are now very clearly divorced.

[spoiler=Gay]Royal Guards 01 and 02

[spoiler=Lesbian (plot-relevant spoilers)]Undyne and Alphys

Alphys is also an example of bisexuality.

. . . a friend of mine joked it even included narcissistic.

[spoiler=In case you couldn't figure that one out]It's Papyrus

Also, there is a very heavily-implied transgender character in the form of

[spoiler=Actually pretty freaking spoiler-heavy since you need to do some obscure stuff to see some of the hints]Mettaton

It brings shame to quite a few bigger titles that such a comparatively tiny game manages to represent so much within it.

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Watched the Genocide Route ending because the final boss was too strong. I regret nothing.

Omega Flowey is nothing compared to Chara in levels of nightmare fuel. His Saw face and extremely creepy laughter actually managed to scare the hell out of me. And then he reveals the player character was merely his puppet, who went on a killing spree of innocent monsters and his possible friends which is a total reverse of Frisk's personality because of Chara's influence, and then destroys the world despite anything Frisk wills by the end of the game, if there is any will or personality left on him that wasn't destroyed by Chara's possession. And then he turns every possible ending into nightmares as bad as the genocide route ending.

I think he's worse than Giygas and Omega Flowey together.

But the question is, why is Frisk his original self in the neutral and pacifist endings? How did he win over Chara's influence? Also, repeating the question someone asked (but the answer wasn't enough to quell my doubt), there is no reason why Frisk would identify themselves as Chara and then in the epilogue reveal his name is actually Frisk, so what's the point? There could've been more subtle ways to hint that we're actually naming the Fallen Child and not Frisk.

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Shezzy and I have been discussing it in Last to Post a lot for the past few days. I woulda done it more in here if I found it sooner.

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Seriously, who is this Toby Fox, lol.

He made the Halloween Hack, which is a pretty messed up romhack of Earthbound. He also did some Homestuck music

Oh, he also uses the song Megalovania (Sans' battle theme) in like everything hes involved in but the version in Undertale is easily the best

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According to TV Tropes, at certain points in the game, if you quickly return to the start of the room you're in,

you'll catch sight of Flowey quickly receding into the ground. He's been following you this entire time, foreshadowing his sudden appearance at the Barrier. You led him safely right to Asgore.

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According to TV Tropes, at certain points in the game, if you quickly return to the start of the room you're in,

you'll catch sight of Flowey quickly receding into the ground. He's been following you this entire time, foreshadowing his sudden appearance at the Barrier. You led him safely right to Asgore.

The first time that happened to me I had no idea what it was, but I realized later on. So yeah, that does indeed happen.

TV Tropes also says that

Flowey never shows up in the ruins if you kill him in a Neutral Run. Is that true?

Yep. He's pretty much gone if you do that. You don't even have to fight him anymore.

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I watched an LP if the True Pacifist ending. Wow, who would have thought that this game would have been that good. I loved the music and battle system and especially the characters.

[spoiler=Gays and Lesbians]

It was so awesome they had Royal Guards 1&2 become a couple. <3 I love it how Royal guard 1 absolutely lost his cool when Royal Guard 2 went shirtless haha.

I totally thought that Papyrus was going to a gay option too, but then he instantly friendzones Frisk, which is funny.

It was cute that Alphys and Undyne got together, too.

Flowey, holy crap what a terrifying thing. I haven't watched the genocide play though, nor do I ever plan to. I might watch that Chara jumpscare since I've heard it's super creepy.

I love how this game deconstructs typical JRPG cliches and throws them on top of themselves.

My one complaint were the dogs and Tem cats; I felt that they drew me away from the immersion of the story. But, I'm only nitpicking there...

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Flowey, holy crap what a terrifying thing. I haven't watched the genocide play though, nor do I ever plan to. I might watch that Chara jumpscare since I've heard it's super creepy.

I love how this game deconstructs typical JRPG cliches and throws them on top of themselves.

My one complaint were the dogs and Tem cats; I felt that they drew me away from the immersion of the story. But, I'm only nitpicking there...

The jumpscare is indeed horrifying, yes. I never played the Genocide route and also don't intend to, but I watched a video showcasing all the major differences in that route. The jumpscare spooked me so hard, I wasn't expecting it in the least.

Probably best not to watch the Genocide route, yes. It really messes up the experience, I think. Knowing what a monster you're treated like there, knowing the lovable cast could easily be dead in that route. I couldn't do it.

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The jumpscare is indeed horrifying, yes. I never played the Genocide route and also don't intend to, but I watched a video showcasing all the major differences in that route. The jumpscare spooked me so hard, I wasn't expecting it in the least.

Probably best not to watch the Genocide route, yes. It really messes up the experience, I think. Knowing what a monster you're treated like there, knowing the lovable cast could easily be dead in that route. I couldn't do it.

True, call me a sensitive person, but I grew too attached to the characters; I wouldn't be able to stomach watching them die.

The designer truly is a genius to add this level of depth and humanity to pixelated characters...

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Does Chara do the nightmare face jumpscare thing again. That thing got me the first time around, really spooked me.

Maybe I should look it up on a night when I don't have school tomorrow and more people are in the house.

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One of the things that really made me laugh my 2nd playthrough involved Undyne:

When you go through the game while killing some monsters, she'll say she hates you or that you piss her off because all the monsters you've killed. But if you do the pacifist ending, she'll say she thinks you're a coward who's too afraid to fight and she hates you for that, too.

I also like that the little monster kid will say something like "man, I'm not that big a fan of Undyne anymore, she's kinda mean" if you take a route through snowdin during the epilogue of the pacifist run.

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I'm doing a genocide run but I'm currently stuck at

Undyne the Undying. I'm also reluctant to actually finish it knowing that it messes up my save forever unless I edit the files, which feels like cheating.

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