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Someone save me.

I've done a genocide run up to Sans so I could save the file and fight him whenever I wanted.

God he's tough but I'd recommended fighting him at least once, even if you restart right after. Which prevents the genocide flag from appearing.

Shame he doesn't have new dialogue when you restart and meet up with him again after you get spared and dunked.

[spoiler=100% the game]

I "can" and thus "have to"

After I beat Sans I'm going to start collecting more save states around so I can experience anything whenever I want.

Of course that also means completing genocide and then disabling/enabling the files that let the game know I did it.

Best part is Sans won't remember either, looks like I am above consequence.

Suck on that Chara

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Shame he doesn't have new dialogue when you restart and meet up with him again after you get spared and dunked.

Actually, he does, you have to get to the scene where he's sparing you again and attack him as you normally would, he has unique dialogue. Unless you mean restarting the game and getting back to that point. I'm more upset that Flowey doesn't have unique dialogue for restarting after he tells you to do so.

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About Flowey and the genocide run

I was also surprised that he didn't say anything new. He begs the player to stop during the end of the genocide run, and if you do as he says and reset the save file he comments on how it was boring of you to do so. What the hell.

Edited by Rapier
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Finished the game earlier today. It's really something special. I don't think I've ever found myself so attached to characters in a piece of fiction before.

I killed Undyne and Flowey in my run. I didn't want to kill Undyne, but I couldn't figure out how to spare her, so I just gave up and killed her. I regretted my decision greatly. Flowey was killed more out of curiosity than anything else I suppose.

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I finished the pacifist run.

I cried.

I didn't cry during the pacifist run but I think it's the closest I've ever gotten with a video game.

Finished the game earlier today. It's really something special. I don't think I've ever found myself so attached to characters in a piece of fiction before.

I killed Undyne and Flowey in my run. I didn't want to kill Undyne, but I couldn't figure out how to spare her, so I just gave up and killed her. I regretted my decision greatly. Flowey was killed more out of curiosity than anything else I suppose.

RE to your spoiler:

I think that not killing Undyne was the one thing I looked up during my first playthrough. Unfortunately, I had already killed some monsters and Undyne told Papyrus she doesn't like hanging out with murderers.

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I finished the pacifist run.

I cried.

I was crying during the whole pacifist ending.

Reminds me of the youtube comment that said something like: Undertale had a big flaw: How am I supposed to play a bullet hell when I can't see through my tears.

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I feel like the reason Undertale's characters feel so captivating is because of simplicity: in terms of design, every single one of the major characters have designs that are cartoony and simple (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSxgeonLnplhGAVUYAL-GUiKCqiipthQwhIRqM44XgKJQOjHXb-lyWdmeNkSQ) yet are each very much distinct from each other, and even though they are definetly not the most depth-filled characters we've seen, the clever and witty writing makes every single one of them feel distinct and memorable, finally, there's the last reason we are so attached to them: They can die, it's hard to explain this one, but basically, the fact that we know these characters could have been killed by our very own hands makes them... okay, as i said, it's difficult to put this into words. But can you understand it?

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There are at least two characters i really relate to in some way.


[spoiler=Alphys and Asgore]

While im no where near as introverted as Alphys, i can kinda feel for her in how she feels so useless or a failure. That she cant do anything right. But it wasnt for a lack of trying either. Alphys is strongly implied to still really care about the Amalgams, thus finding a measure of solace in her failures. I can kinda relate.

I kinda feel for Asgore too. He doesnt want to hurt people really. He cant look you in the eye when trying to wreck you. He acted out of rage, when it came to the whole Let's Kill A Bunch Of Humans To Bust The Barrier Business. I know how it is to do something irreparable in the heat of a rage. And having to deal with the consequences and following through with it. Asgore's struggle to remain chipper as things go to shit all around him (and partially for his own actions), is just something i feel on a deep, cosmic level.

The other characters are just too fantastic as well. They are really lovable and i can see why people get SUPER attached to them.

[spoiler=The Others]

Toriel is wonderful and one of my ultra faves in the game. Shes so sweet but willing to really put her foot down. (plus Goat) I actually understand perfectly well why she bailed on Asgore. If i had been her, i may have done the same tbh. Plus, who doesnt love a good bad joke?

Sans is hilarious and seems pretty easy going. I love how he really loved his brother, Papyrus. He trolls Papyrus, but will fucking end you if you murder Papyrus. Sans' awareness about how things roll in that world, is a little unnerving and im unsure how he caught on tbh. Im a bit confused as to what that weird machine in the back of their house is. He fills our lives with incidental music, bad puns, bad font, and a lot of fun.

Mettaton's backstory read to me like someone in transition. I loved that! A ghost (implied to have been female) who wanted to a cool, fabulous body and become a star! Thats exactly what happens. Mettaton becomes a suave, fab robot with the help of Alphys. Alphys, eager for a friend and to succeed in something at last, does just that. Mettaton is amazing. I cant help but root for him.

And then there's Undyne. Shes so much fun! And a real DETERMINATOR. Undyne doesnt believe in giving up. She suplexes things because she can. Her digging on Alphys is so cute. Undyne is just the kind of person who would inject another with confidence. Just like she did with Papyrus!

Speaking of Papyrus, hes the biggest cinnamon roll ever. He shows us that one can love themselves while loving others and never judging. Papyrus isnt really fantastic at anything else but being a big cinnamon roll. And his friends would never want it any other way. He lives for spaghetti, puzzles, hanging with his friends, and being a Cool Dude. Is it any wonder that people often cannot go through with murdering him on a No Mercy run? He also places the Friend Zone as one of the best things in the world. His biceps even have sunglasses.

Napstablook is someone i think we all know, or have known at one point. A pretty down in the dumps sort of person, but never ever tries to bring you down with them. Their idea of kicking back is listening to spooktunes and laying around like garbage. But its oddly rewarding when they do it with another person. (especially because SPACE)


Despite it all, we still love Napstablook. Napstablook is Dapper.

Id go on and on about all the minor characters, but ill spare you. The only one i DIDNT like was Burgerpants.

Send help, im totally mad for this game. And no, i cannot bring myself to do No Mercy.

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[spoiler=The Others]

Sans is hilarious and seems pretty easy going. I love how he really loved his brother, Papyrus. He trolls Papyrus, but will fucking end you if you murder Papyrus.

actually one thing I really like about sans is that he doesn't do that

even if you decide to murder his brother, he still refuses to hurt you because of his promise to Toriel, unless you've killed basically the whole world

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actually one thing I really like about sans is that he doesn't do that

even if you decide to murder his brother, he still refuses to hurt you because of his promise to Toriel, unless you've killed basically the whole world


You Genocide, he will end you and call you a dirty brother killer. And he has every right to do it.

However, if you do destroy Papyrus, Sans wont appear at all after that. You find him all over the place otherwise.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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actually one thing I really like about sans is that he doesn't do that

even if you decide to murder his brother, he still refuses to hurt you because of his promise to Toriel, unless you've killed basically the whole world

It also has to do with the fact that he knows he can't beat you. He knows about resetting, saving, and loading. His dialogue during the genocide fight also suggest that he knows how futile his efforts are since he can't kill you. Which is what leads him to trying to force you to quit instead since that's the only way he could win.

Also he doesn't try and stop you normally is because no matter how horrible you are he knows that the world will end up right back where it started eventually so he doesn't bother trying to stop you. That is until you attempt the genocide run where if you succeed the world is completely destroyed. That's the point where he has to care since if he loses the world gets destroyed.

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Undertale actually got nominated for a few categories for Game Awards 2015 which is pretty awesome!

It got nominated for: Best Role-Playing Game, Game for Change and Best Independent Game.

I'm surprised that it didn't get nominated for Best Score/Soundtrack but then again that's probably just me being totally bias towards 8-bit/retroey music. The soundtrack in the game is bloody amazing oh my god.

I hope it wins one of those categories.

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You Genocide, he will end you and call you a dirty brother killer. And he has every right to do it.

However, if you do destroy Papyrus, Sans wont appear at all after that. You find him all over the place otherwise.

Actually, I don't believe he ever shows up again until the final boss of the genocide run once you kill Papyrus. Oddly enough, he doesn't even mention Papyrus when you fight him.

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[spoiler=Sans. There's a video in this spoiler, it contains the variations of the neutral endings you can get.]

I like how chilling it is that he's just calmly angry at you for all the junk you did.

"anyway, never come back here. you are not welcome."

Even worse is from the Undyne only ending. A lot of these are even worse than genocide, just seeing all the damage you've caused in some of them.

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You Genocide, he will end you and call you a dirty brother killer. And he has every right to do it.

However, if you do destroy Papyrus, Sans wont appear at all after that. You find him all over the place otherwise.

He actually only calls you a dirty brother killer if you kill Papyrus on a Neutral ending run, not Genocide.

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My favorite character was probably Sans, i just find him really interesting, mostly due to me being a lover of bad jokes (Just look at my profile pic) as well as due to all the questions he raises, he:

-Can apparently control space and time, as seen by the Grillby's scene and his teleportation attacks, wheter he has some power that allows him to do that or if he just uses his tech is unknown.

-Has some sort of connection to WingDings Gaster as one of his attacks is the Gaster Blaster.

-Knows about the true nature of Determination, it's unknown if he has some sort of source that gives him information on what happens in different timelines or if he's just really good at deducing things.

And his personality is also interesting, he has grown so jaded with all of the timeline jumping that has been hapening that he simply doesn't care about anything other than things he finds to be fun, he could try to change things, but every single one of his efforts to try to improve the world would simply be erased as if they never happened at all.

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I imagine the part of the game that especially got me emotionally might seem relatively mundane to people who've consumed a lot of anime media JRPGs with themes like, or comparable to anime Undertale. Not feeling particularly well-equipped to describe it all this instant but here goes nothing

[spoiler=literal final end spoilers, non-spoiled stay out f'real]

SAVEing everyone during the last encounters with Asriel, and then him in turn (and then watching his resolution), were what did it. Just being reminded of having relationships where I could do something for somebody when they were feeling rotten or out of touch by reaching out to them, and where they could do the same for me.

I had to take about a minute just to go, like. "Wow." "...I miss that a lot."

(Give or take a corollary that those relationships are possible for anybody to make)

That and the (again, probably relatively mundane/platitudey-sounding) point being made that there can be good people buried under a lot of scared, defensive bile, people for whom it can be worth holding out hope. Even when that person is a monstrous soul-devouring sentient apocalypse

I love Burgerpants because he's the perfect depiction of the tendencies he presents, and also

Y'all got the OST?

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So, I just finished the True Pacifist Route. I guess that means Genocide Route is next.

I'm having reservations about doing the Genocide Route. I don't think I have it in me to kill Papyrus.

Why exactly do you want to do a Genocide run? If it's "I want to see all the endings and differences", be warned, the Genocide route is filled with deconstructions of a Completionist mindset, the entire message of the route is basically "Just because you can doesn't mean you should".

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Genocide route has answers and information about characters so that's a reason to do it.

That's pretty much why I went through it, but I could've seen a LP on youtube instead of going so far. In the end, I guess sans was right. I did it because I could, because I was curious for the characters' reactions and because I wanted to kill random enemies to compensate for a pacifist run.

Papyrus was the hardest to kill, from an emotional standpoint. He's the kind of guy I can relate with the most. I was ok with the rest.

I also love Burgerpants and Temmie. Actually, scrap Papyrus, I relate more with the former. Dude's so snarky and sour in a funny, exaggerated way.

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