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Question on Skills; to remove, or not to remove, that is the question

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Hi there! Me again!

So I've just recruited some familiar faces (Jill, Zihark, Tauroneo) and by chance I have learned you can remove skills for them to become scrolls. Nifty! So naturally, I am experimenting with this new ability to see what I can DO with it. For example, I took Leonardo's Cancel and gave it to Edward, see how that works out. I'm torn over Zihark/Tauroneo, who will likely be seeing some bench/shield time being promoted already; is it wise to remove their skills, say give Resolve to Sothe, or Adept to Ilyana? I know the skills don't go back on so easily (odd that) so it will be ruining the characters if I do so. It's a fun addition, but is this ever a double edged sword.

So yea, just curious what others have done in the past with skills, and if anyone would be willing to share some advise/insight. Thanks for your time!

Full Team details for those interested: I am using Micaiah, Edward, Nolan, and Ilyana as my main damage units at the moment, Sothe as a shield, Laura as healer (duh), with Leonardo and Meg warming up the bench (Meg's a cutie, but so under leveled! Why?). Aran and Volug are on the fence, with Aran trying to keep up, and Volug being too powerful/Jeigen-ish and not being able to disarm him. With the new recruits, I want to add in Jill for sure, and Zihark and Tauroneo will likely be shields/benches seeing as they are promoted already. Sothe/Micaiah A support, Edward/Nolan B support, Laura/Aran C support.

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If you plan to use the characters, keep the Skills on them. They don't take up any slots unless you remove them.

I've never used Tauroneo so I always took Resolve off of him. It's a great Skill that could go to someone that needs it more, like Edward. If you want to use Edward over Zihark (he isn't as bad as you think he is), then Edward would really appreciate Adept too.

I don't recommend using Ilyana too much if this is your first play-through. I approve of who you bench, and put Aran and (probably) Volug on it too.

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In case you didn't know, certain skills take more points to use than others. Zihark and Tauroneo's skills take 15 points to use, so regular unpromoted units can't use them. You get more points after you promote, but the only people that can use Adept and Resolve right now are Tauroneo, Zihark, Sothe, Volug, and Micaiah. I'd recommend taking resolve off Tauroneo, as basically anyone else will use it more often than him. You can put it on your meatshields so they can dodge more at low health, or to Micaiah so a boost to offense after sacrifice or something. Adept would only really be helpful if you end up using one of the prepromotes, as Micaiah doesn't get much use out of it.

Also Ilyana sucks longterm, You probably shouldn't bother with her.

Edited by Phantom037
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Ilyana has the best availability in the game. She has FAR more room to grow and improve than literally anyone else you get in Part 1. It's fine if you ignore her for a while, she'll have PLENTY of time to catch up.

Also, if you want to bring any items with you from part 1 to Part 3, stick them on Ilyana, because you won't be seeing the Dawn Brigade for a LONG time. *grumblegrumblestupidIke*

Edited by Ritisa
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Skill suggestions:

  • Give Leonardo's cancel to units who often attacks in close range and have good skill (Edward, Nolan)
  • Wrath on Edward is good, even if it can kill himself. You can make good use of it when he attacks with wind edges, storm swords and the tempest blade later.
  • Nihil on Nolan is fine. If you don't bring him to the endgame, put it off in time.
  • Micaiah is the only first tier unit, who can use Tauroneo's resolve. A very good skill because she lacks on speed. Very important in 1-9 at least.
  • Imbue is good for Zihark because he has 6 magic.
  • Renewal is good for Volug or Sothe.
  • Keep adept on Zihark because it's based on speed. Zihark has more than 2x higher speed growth than Ilyana has.
  • Vantage from 1-E is based on speed too. Good for Edward or Zihark.

BTW you don't need to bring any skills from the DB to the GMs (except for pass maybe) because their chapters are much easier.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Ohhh, hadn't considered Resolve on Micaiah. That and sacrifice would be interesting. I have her with Discipline for faster weapon ranks, as her rank is much lower than anyone else's right now.

I went ahead and grabbed Resolve off Tauroneo, and Fortune off of Meg too (can't use it yet, but figure if I'm not going to use her either, might as well). Edward has Cancel, and Sothe has renewal for now (as he's practically immortal as is, this makes it insanely so). Once Micaiah gets her weapon rank up a bit, I'll switch her over to resolve, and see what trouble I can get into with that. Beastfoe (I think it's called) is also sitting in inventory, as no laguz in sight next chapter.

Team thoughts: I'm pretty sure Aran and Volug will get the bench soon, myself. I do like Zihark and I can see him getting a spot eventually, but I'm letting the unpromoted units do the work for now, let them earn exp. Once units start to promote, I'll give him a revaluation, see how he holds up. Right now, Micaiah is level 11, Edward is 14, Nolan is 16, and Ilyana is 15, Sothe is level 4. Laura is a problem for the team, being only level 4 (yuck) so she's so frail I'm not sure if she's going to last as a healer without staff abuse, and it's just as likely I'll get a better healer eventually, or one of my mages will promote to get healing (don't know that, but safe assumption based on other games). Sothe/Micaiah, Nolan/Edward all work well, and I thought Laura/Aran would hold up, but they are not able to keep up. Ilyana has some nice stats (good data transfer) so she's doing fine without supports at moment, though if things work out, could end up supporting Zihark (as I recall, they even support in PoR). We'll see!

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Imbue is good on Tauroneo because he combines high magic with high defense. But for now, he doesn't really have to worry about enemies anyway.

Wrath is too risky to use on melee units, but Micaiah can make good use of it. She usually dies in one hit anyway and she can safely get herself towards low HP by using Sacrifice.

And when you see Tormod, you might want to remove Celerity from him. He doesn't get a lot of use out of it.


Team thoughts: I'm pretty sure Aran and Volug will get the bench soon, myself. I do like Zihark and I can see him getting a spot eventually, but I'm letting the unpromoted units do the work for now, let them earn exp. Once units start to promote, I'll give him a revaluation, see how he holds up. Right now, Micaiah is level 11, Edward is 14, Nolan is 16, and Ilyana is 15, Sothe is level 4. Laura is a problem for the team, being only level 4 (yuck) so she's so frail I'm not sure if she's going to last as a healer without staff abuse, and it's just as likely I'll get a better healer eventually, or one of my mages will promote to get healing (don't know that, but safe assumption based on other games). Sothe/Micaiah, Nolan/Edward all work well, and I thought Laura/Aran would hold up, but they are not able to keep up. Ilyana has some nice stats (good data transfer) so she's doing fine without supports at moment, though if things work out, could end up supporting Zihark (as I recall, they even support in PoR). We'll see!

Actually, Volug will stay forced for quite some time. Mages only get access to staffs on third tier, so Laura will continue to be an valuable asset. As for Illyana, she is in a really bad spot. Mages are bad enough in this game as it is and tomes are hilariously weak, but Thunder magic has both the worst accuracy and the worst damage output. Her speed growth is also bad.

Edited by BrightBow
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Ohhh, hadn't considered Resolve on Micaiah. That and sacrifice would be interesting. I have her with Discipline for faster weapon ranks, as her rank is much lower than anyone else's right now.

Resolve on her is super helpful in 1-9.

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Ohhh, hadn't considered Resolve on Micaiah. That and sacrifice would be interesting. I have her with Discipline for faster weapon ranks, as her rank is much lower than anyone else's right now.

Yeah, discipline is good on her before you get the resolve skill.

Then you can give discipline to Aran to bring him fast to lance level A to use Tauroneo's silver lance.

Sacrificing Micky <50% HP is exactly how you must use resolve.

Jill is the best contender for beastfoe because of canto. However it's good for each unit who has vantage furthermore (Jill can't have this combo). Nolan with tarvos should be able to oneshot a tiger with beastfoe.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Zihark is a pretty good unit but he doesn't really need Adept to do his thing so you can give it to somebody else. But don't waste it on shit units like Edward or Leonardo unless you play easy or normal mode in which case it doesn't really matter what skills a unit has for the most part. Resolve is kind of a waste on Tauroneo so I'd take it off of him and give him Imbue since he has 12 base mag.

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So in an attempt to not make thirty new topics, I'm going to try and cheat a bit here, see how this works.

I'm nearing the end of section 1 (the title of 'endgame' is sort of telling) and I'm wondering how the transfer of items/gold works between sections. Ritisa mentioned using Iiyana to transfer scrolls and items between chapters 1 and 3, so I'm wondering if there is anything special I should be doing at this point. I'm sitting on some stat boosters, not knowing if I should use them on this section of characters, or hold on to them. I know vaguely that there are several chapters/sections, and from what I have picked up Micaiah's team has the hardest go of things. Mostly, just worried I'm going to screw something up here.

Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks for your time with my first run of this game. I have a serious problem of OVER thinking every scenario, so I appreciate your patience :)

Team notes: Micaiah is level 20, Sothe is level 5, Ilyana, Nolan and Edward are now 20/1, and Jill is level 19 (with 99 experience and a master seal on her, ready to promote this chapter). Laura is level 10/1, as she was never going to get level 20 without staff abuse and at the time I couldn't afford that many staffs lol (money was quite low for a while) Zihark/Tormod/etc have gained a little exp here and there, but no levels. Aran made it to level 9 before getting the bench. Micaiah has resolve stolen from General T, Sothe has renewal and discipline, Nolan has Meg's fortune, Edward has leonardo's cancel and paragon, and Ilyana has beastfoe.

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So in an attempt to not make thirty new topics, I'm going to try and cheat a bit here, see how this works.

I'm nearing the end of section 1 (the title of 'endgame' is sort of telling) and I'm wondering how the transfer of items/gold works between sections. Ritisa mentioned using Iiyana to transfer scrolls and items between chapters 1 and 3, so I'm wondering if there is anything special I should be doing at this point. I'm sitting on some stat boosters, not knowing if I should use them on this section of characters, or hold on to them. I know vaguely that there are several chapters/sections, and from what I have picked up Micaiah's team has the hardest go of things. Mostly, just worried I'm going to screw something up here.

Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks for your time with my first run of this game. I have a serious problem of OVER thinking every scenario, so I appreciate your patience :)

Team notes: Micaiah is level 20, Sothe is level 5, Ilyana, Nolan and Edward are now 20/1, and Jill is level 19 (with 99 experience and a master seal on her, ready to promote this chapter). Laura is level 10/1, as she was never going to get level 20 without staff abuse and at the time I couldn't afford that many staffs lol (money was quite low for a while) Zihark/Tormod/etc have gained a little exp here and there, but no levels. Aran made it to level 9 before getting the bench. Micaiah has resolve stolen from General T, Sothe has renewal and discipline, Nolan has Meg's fortune, Edward has leonardo's cancel and paragon, and Ilyana has beastfoe.

Ilyana leaves Micaiah's team and doesn't come back until Part 3. I like bringing Paragon and some money for that section of the game, because that's when you'll meet your strongest units. However, you might want to keep Paragon on the Dawn Brigade if you plan to use them in the long-term. Part 2 introduces you to two units that have Paragon, both coming equipped with it.

Fortune isn't that good of a Skill IMO. I'd replace it with almost anything else if I got the chance. (Unless Nolan's Luck really is that bad.)

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So in an attempt to not make thirty new topics, I'm going to try and cheat a bit here, see how this works.

I'm nearing the end of section 1 (the title of 'endgame' is sort of telling) and I'm wondering how the transfer of items/gold works between sections. Ritisa mentioned using Iiyana to transfer scrolls and items between chapters 1 and 3, so I'm wondering if there is anything special I should be doing at this point. I'm sitting on some stat boosters, not knowing if I should use them on this section of characters, or hold on to them. I know vaguely that there are several chapters/sections, and from what I have picked up Micaiah's team has the hardest go of things. Mostly, just worried I'm going to screw something up here.

Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks for your time with my first run of this game. I have a serious problem of OVER thinking every scenario, so I appreciate your patience :)

Team notes: Micaiah is level 20, Sothe is level 5, Ilyana, Nolan and Edward are now 20/1, and Jill is level 19 (with 99 experience and a master seal on her, ready to promote this chapter). Laura is level 10/1, as she was never going to get level 20 without staff abuse and at the time I couldn't afford that many staffs lol (money was quite low for a while) Zihark/Tormod/etc have gained a little exp here and there, but no levels. Aran made it to level 9 before getting the bench. Micaiah has resolve stolen from General T, Sothe has renewal and discipline, Nolan has Meg's fortune, Edward has leonardo's cancel and paragon, and Ilyana has beastfoe.

Beastfoe needs to stay with the Daeins. The group Ilyana transfers to has no use for it. Thus, you'll want to remove it from her, and store it in the convoy, if you haven't already.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Shade and fortune can be sold unless you're going to train Ilyana in the long run.

It depends on you which group to give paragon.

I usually bring it to the GMs because you can benefit much more from it. In part 3 the GMs have 9 chapters while the DB only has 3 chapters to use it.

Though the DB needs the exp. especially if you're not very experienced with the part 3 chapters.

Like I already said the GM doesn't need any skills because this party is strong enough already.

Maybe a bit money though. You could give the water jewel from 1-F to Ilyana.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Ilyana has the best availability in the game. She has FAR more room to grow and improve than literally anyone else you get in Part 1. It's fine if you ignore her for a while, she'll have PLENTY of time to catch up.

Also, if you want to bring any items with you from part 1 to Part 3, stick them on Ilyana, because you won't be seeing the Dawn Brigade for a LONG time. *grumblegrumblestupidIke*

I was going to say this. I'd say availability matters more than most other factors in this game. Playing through the first time, I wasted a ton of XP on units I only had for like a chapter or two. Radiant Dawn is probably the easiest game to cap stats, apart from Awakening, with the way Bonus XP works.

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