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What is your least favorite Fire Emblem game?



144 members have voted

  1. 1. Least favorite game

    • Dark Dragon Sword of Light
    • Gaiden
    • Mystery of the Emblem
    • Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Thracia 776
    • Binding Blade
    • Blazing Sword
    • Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance
    • Radiant Dawn
    • Shadow Dragon
    • New Mystery of the Emblem
    • Awakening
    • IF/Fates
    • Love them all!

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It seems this thread has now become the official Shadow Dragon hate thread.

Well... I had a long post but....care if add to the shadow dragon hate cause I really hate shadow dragon like alot. I love all the fire emblem games (some more then others), but I hate shadow dragon, bad maps, far to many units plus instant class switching equals me not if any one , a story worse then 6's none existent story (at least 6's adds to 7's story well they both improve each other), in fact the only I like about it is Beck (who is really fun) and I guess the music.... which is not all that great (tiki's song is really good).

Shadow Dragon is the only one I actively dislike, though I seem to dislike Awakening more and more as time goes on.....

number 2 which is still good is 13(for having super one dimensional characters can be explained to two words even after supports like Miriel (likes studying), Gaius (likes candy), Vaike (is dumb) ect., story going off the deep end in the second half, and some broken stuff and mixed niggles like no light magic , also War Monks, Valkyries, Sages, and Knights/Generals sucking, mixing magic and weapon users to much (it's like in the tellius games why on earth would I give my sage a knife ie the dark rider's pointless sword) with classes that make little sense for it, a coupled dark magic user can wipe out entire armies that are several levels them above with Nosferatu, which cheap and easy to get, ect),

number 3 which are still great games are 10 (for lacking any kind of focus and giving the perfect example of how to turn a good story into a bad one, there is no way the same person that wrote fe 10 wrote fe 9) , and 6 (to many units, some weird maps, weird hit percents the whole game, and like no story).

number 4 is 8 which has no stand out problems, but just feels somewhat uninspired, still amazing though(great characters and villain's, solid gameplay).

number 5 is 4 a absolutely amazing and unique game, I just haven't played enough of it (only beat it once) know if it is a masterpiece, and it has it's flaws.

And 7 and 9 are Masterpieces, and works of art. I have deeply studied both 7 and 9 (as they are both worthy of it) their character feel real (which the two exceptions being Lowen and Illaya) and their stories are both masterful and deep, never shoving their theme's in your face, being enjoyable on the surface and profound when put under the microscope. The gameplay in both is also balanced with almost no bad units and some of the best map design in the series, and really they just are Fire Emblem at it's best in my less then humble opinion.

haven't played enough of 5 to really say but is not looking good for it... yet to play the rest.

Edited by Locke087
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I feel alone now that I know a lot of people hate Awakening. *Cries in the corner*

Nah, people don't hate Awakening (or at least not most people on SF) they just like it less than the others.

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Fates is still MIA in the West so the Zelda Cycle hasn't kicked in yet.

Lemme guess, the Zelda Cycle is thus:

-New Zelda game gets released

-New Zelda game gets pockets of hate

-Newer Zelda game comes out

-The newer Zelda game gets pockets of hate, whereas the previous game doesn't get as much hate as it did before

...Or something like that.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Ϲharlie, October 16, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Ϲharlie, October 16, 2015 - No reason given

Oh come on!

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Lemme guess, the Zelda Cycle is thus:

-New Zelda game gets released

-New Zelda game gets pockets of hate

-Newer Zelda game comes out

-The newer Zelda game gets pockets of hate, whereas the previous game doesn't get as much hate as it did before

...Or something like that.

Yep. Wind Waker came out. Got tons of hate. Twilight Princess came out. Got tons of hate. Wind Waker is now considered okay. Skyward Sword comes out. Got tons of hate. Twilight Princess is now considered okay. Wind Waker is now considered masterpiece.

It might just have been that I was hanging out with a different part of FE fandom at that time, but before Awakening came out it was FE4 that was considered the masterpiece and Radiant Dawn was considered the worst (not many people even knew that Shadow Dragon existed, and those that did just considered it forgettable). Then Awakening comes out and it's the worst and FE5 is the best.

Don't know if Zelda Cycle actually applies to FE fandom, but I'll wait and see. If I start seeing unending praise for FE6 or 7 I'll know.

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Yep. Wind Waker came out. Got tons of hate. Twilight Princess came out. Got tons of hate. Wind Waker is now considered okay. Skyward Sword comes out. Got tons of hate. Twilight Princess is now considered okay. Wind Waker is now considered masterpiece.

It might just have been that I was hanging out with a different part of FE fandom at that time, but before Awakening came out it was FE4 that was considered the masterpiece and Radiant Dawn was considered the worst (not many people even knew that Shadow Dragon existed, and those that did just considered it forgettable). Then Awakening comes out and it's the worst and FE5 is the best.

Don't know if Zelda Cycle actually applies to FE fandom, but I'll wait and see. If I start seeing unending praise for FE6 or 7 I'll know.

yeah FE5 being "the best" hasn't exactly caught on

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Of all the Fire Emblem games I've played, I'd have to say FE13, although I will admit that game does some things right as well, despite things that irk me. I'm not particularly a fan of the plot, and feel it covers far too many clichés than it should (I don't find clichés a terrible thing in storytelling, yet for this game it felt too much). Children became more of a burden than enjoyable, and the lack of objective variety turned off my interest at times. Characters also weren't all that interesting to me, asides from a certain few. I won't say it's a bad game--it had a terrific UI at the very least--yet there are still things that irk me about the game where other games of the series get it right for me.

If I had to include the games I have not played, FE6 would get my vote. I've read a basic scenario of the game, and based off things others have said as well, it doesn't seem all that appealing to someone like me. The whole concept of it basically being a retelling of Marth's games just seem lazy to me. The thought of playing someone even weaker than Eliwood with virtually the same basic personality scares me. =(

I didn't find Tellius slow at all... But maybe I just have a lot more patience than others with some games. I will admit that a couple chapters or so did have annoyingly slow enemy phases though, namely the ones that had a lot of enemy units and JUST HAD to move just about every single freaking enemy every turn... Like Part 2 Endgame in RD or Gebal Castle in PoR.

I feel the same way. I don't mind 'slow games', especially when they tell a story. I felt very engaged with the story Tellius told, although I can understand some people not liking the games if all one cares about is the gameplay aspect. I will admit I'm very surprised at how many people don't care for FE10, although I suppose it's to to do with a lot of people wanting its story to live up to certain expectations its previous game put in place. Yet I still stand by my personal opinion that FE10 was an excellent game to finish off the Tellius Series, and make Ike even more of a badass.

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FE7 because it's boring and I've never played 1/2. All the characters but Canas are terrible.

Also lol at Awakening winning

Hype backlash at its finest

FE5 because the 'wait' command is above the 'staff' command

wait nevermind this

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I'm honestly surprised that Binding Blade has so little votes, not because it's bad, but I remember in a similar thread a while ago that it was taking a lot of hate comments. I know there are a lot of people who like it as well, but I remember that only half a year ago, Sacred Stones and Blazing Sword were given bundles of praise IIRC.

Path of Radiance winning and Shadow Dragon losing seems to be the same as most threads I see like this. I'm not surprised about FE13 either.

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I'm honestly surprised that Binding Blade has so little votes, not because it's bad, but I remember in a similar thread a while ago that it was taking a lot of hate comments. I know there are a lot of people who like it as well, but I remember that only half a year ago, Sacred Stones and Blazing Sword were given bundles of praise IIRC.

Path of Radiance winning and Shadow Dragon losing seems to be the same as most threads I see like this. I'm not surprised about FE13 either.

I honestly have a feeling that it's more of "oh this game isn't my least favorite, but I want to see it with more votes, so I'm voting for it" than it is "this is my least favorite."

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Yep. Wind Waker came out. Got tons of hate. Twilight Princess came out. Got tons of hate. Wind Waker is now considered okay. Skyward Sword comes out. Got tons of hate. Twilight Princess is now considered okay. Wind Waker is now considered masterpiece.

It might just have been that I was hanging out with a different part of FE fandom at that time, but before Awakening came out it was FE4 that was considered the masterpiece and Radiant Dawn was considered the worst (not many people even knew that Shadow Dragon existed, and those that did just considered it forgettable). Then Awakening comes out and it's the worst and FE5 is the best.

Don't know if Zelda Cycle actually applies to FE fandom, but I'll wait and see. If I start seeing unending praise for FE6 or 7 I'll know.

Huh. So I was on the mark. Seems that I must've heard about this somewhere else...

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It might just have been that I was hanging out with a different part of FE fandom at that time, but before Awakening came out it was FE4 that was considered the masterpiece and Radiant Dawn was considered the worst (not many people even knew that Shadow Dragon existed, and those that did just considered it forgettable). Then Awakening comes out and it's the worst and FE5 is the best.

Your observations seem extremely selective.

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I'm not complaining, I'm just saying what it is. Honestly, I was expecting a lot of hate for Shadow Dragon anyways. Go to town on ragging on your least favorite all you want, that's the point of the thread. Don't think I'm complaining just for pointing something out.

My apologies then. Your phrasing was very close to the typical "wah, you don't like a thing I like so you're a hater" rhetoric.

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I still stand by my stance that there is no such thing as a bad Fire Emblem game.

However, the one I have the least fun with is FE1, because there are better alternatives (Such as Shadow Dragon and FE3 Book 1) avaliable, and it should really only be played for the 8-bit novelty. It was great for its time, but it hasn't aged well.

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I'd go as far to say there isn't a single "bad" FE at all. FE1 is great and even ahead of its time, though clunky and aged now, of course

From what I have played/own I'd have to say Shadow Dragon. The ugly art style and gaiden chapter requirements ruin it. The fact that FE12 never got localized stings even more, SD was supposed to finally bring Marth the west and it kinda sucked. Part 2 of Marth's story never even made it here officially. They should have just remade FE3 completely , both books in 1 game again.

SD is also the series at it's lowest point IMO, The supposedly fantastic Tellius games failing to sell well, and now this shoddy remake comes along....


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I don't really hate any but by far, out of the ones I played, RD was the least enjoyable.

Plot was bad, how Miccy was just thrown aside for Ike was dumb af, the support system, how you have to play and finish the game at least twice if you want to get all characters annoys me(but that is just me), how Part 2, the shortest part if I remember correctly, is the best since Miccy or Ike are not in it.

It also just annoys me with how it could have easily been the bets game in the series with all t brought back from older games like have both an anima and magic triangle, skills, a good weight system etc but its flaws really draw it back.

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Plot was bad, how Miccy was just thrown aside for Ike was dumb af, the support system, how you have to play and finish the game at least twice if you want to get all characters annoys me(but that is just me), how Part 2, the shortest part if I remember correctly, is the best.

I agree with all of this.

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Plot was bad, how Miccy was just thrown aside for Ike was dumb af, the support system, how you have to play and finish the game at least twice if you want to get all characters annoys me(but that is just me), how Part 2, the shortest part if I remember correctly, is the best

Bold: You might be the first person I've seen to consider part 2 the best - most everyone else I saw discussing RD considered it the weakest part of the game.

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Bold: You might be the first person I've seen to consider part 2 the best - most everyone else I saw discussing RD considered it the weakest part of the game.

I like it because Miccy and Ike are not present. Both of their appearances really ruin the plot IMO and Elicnia is one of my favorite Tellius characters and it was nice seeing her away from Ike. While yes it does not have the amount of significance the later parts and hell even Part 1 have, it is still my favorite part.

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