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[FE7] Ultra Sadistic ENM Draft: The Second


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[11:39:43 PM] Jedi: in theory

[11:39:49 PM] Jedi: but then you can't get Geitz

[11:40:00 PM] Jedi: SRC did you pick

[11:40:05 PM] Elieson: he didn't

[11:40:13 PM] SRC: 2 lazy

[11:40:16 PM] SRC: pick jaffar for me

[11:40:18 PM] Jedi: comeon man

[11:40:20 PM] Jedi: post

[11:40:23 PM] Jedi: lol

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[11:39:43 PM] Jedi: in theory
[11:39:49 PM] Jedi: but then you can't get Geitz
[11:40:00 PM] Jedi: SRC did you pick
[11:40:05 PM] Elieson: he didn't
[11:40:13 PM] SRC: 2 lazy
[11:40:16 PM] SRC: pick jaffar for me
[11:40:18 PM] Jedi: comeon man
[11:40:20 PM] Jedi: post
[11:40:23 PM] Jedi: lol



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I need to do some calculations on Chapter 16. The archers annoy me.

Serras like this


Fuck you too

...I wouldn't wish that Serra on anyone.

do slow things down, don't they!

Can someone remind me how FE7 Warp staff works again?

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Oh yea.

I was GONNA pick Renault because of the free Warp staff and what I couldn't remember as unlimited warp (dondon's fe10 run made me doubt myself), but I guessssssss


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[spoiler=So a wizard, a fencer and a stripper walk into a tent...]499da71db6.jpgb5ca5efa54.jpgfdab9677e9.jpgd782830755.jpg

Elieson: Team Illiteracy 5e7f8dfad4.jpg7edc42e3f4.jpg

I expect Great Things from this team, mainly because Ch26x can give Nino a free chance to catch up, and can also help Ninian get some extra exp, at the acceptable cost of like two-three turns to recruit Nino in Ch26. Bartre the Brave will need speed early on to double all those 0 speed things so I hope he gets +1 speed

SRC: Team Really Really Toughb4c0a5bd97.jpga5d1e3a086.jpg

IMO the most built-to-not-reset a bajillion times team. Though, SRC needs to get Nino, so on top of a Thwomp, it's gonna be a long hike for these guys

Jedi: Team Dankest Angstc7d43597cc.jpg0885571a32.jpg

Erk means the better map when it comes to Jerme/Kenneth, but I don't know how much Karel is going to help. Wo Dao exclusiveness may come pretty clutch though against Morphs and stuff

Zasplach: Team Ax Hax 59d34c0b74.jpgfc176b34cb.jpg

All that muscle. This team has so little variety though, until Eliwood promotes to add the third weapontype to the bunch. Recruiting Harken is hard work though IIRC

Lopey: Team We're Gonna Get Lost d75c61e069.jpgff978ca87b.jpg

Poor Lopey

Icemario: Team So Much Skin0ba41cc96f.jpg81c2528921.jpg

I can see this working out, what with the ease of access of Crit weaponry, Lyn being functional for quite a while in Normal mode and Hawkeye basically being the most powerful mountainwalker alive.

ZM: Team Beauty and the Beastc3b6573864.jpg3448ea6ffc.jpg

Dorcas is a bro with all that Con, but I don't think he'll have any axes to use it all with. Louise is good enough in Normal mode, and should probably eat that Energy Ring that Dorcas brings. Good looking team and SUCH BOWS

eclipse: Team Ultra Squish abf1e66c45.jpg5efe2c3d99.jpg

Well at least eclipse will have somebody to use some utility and get access to a neato map like Jedi is. Eliwood's gonna have to work hard to not only plow through earlygame, he'll have to race to even get Legault in the first place. It'll be nice having Serra able to promote relatively early on...I just hope she isn't stuck with 6 Mag again. Too bad promotion time for Legault suuuuuuucks.

Skellow: Team Fashion Forward8c4a8a6fbc.jpgc3655a741c.jpg

This team could be pretty successful, because Guy's very useful early on and Canas doesn't come that much later. Canas can pick up the slack when Guy starts to hit a slump in Lanceland, but Guy shouldn't have any problem keeping up since funds will allow him to keep a healthy supply of swords on hand. Good luck getting that Luna tome in Chapter [Dragon's Gate] Skellow!

Quintessence: Team Nothing in Common c186613091.jpgffa4433b31.jpg

Eliwood solo until these two dorks arrive practically back-to-back. Gonna be glass cannon-y for a bit, but Lucius can dodgetank for quite a while and Dart's a tank once he gets going. That Ocean Seal won't be too hard to get either and Guiding Rings are easy to come by.

Refa: Team Swords and Swords29d54463a3.jpg5f8e8d0a93.jpg

I honestly don't know why Refa did this, since he's able to steal a Speedwing and give it to...Athos? I guess if Matthew can (and he has) get good Strength, he'll be good. Just sucks that he won't promote forever.

Gradivus: Team No Lances for Gradivus 7da34fc2c7.jpg4d62521fc7.jpg

This is a decent looking team too. It'll be tough to feed Wil kills early on, but once Pent joins up, the game's pretty much done as long as Pent doesn't run out of tomes to slaughter people with. Plus, Pent can arguably make some use of the Warp staff from Ch27 which is something that almost nobody else except eclipse can even attempt to do

[spoiler=Undrafted Sadfaces] 8dd8addbe9.jpga440e5878a.jpg[/spoiler]


  • 2-3 people failing to complete the run
  • eclipse having an allergic reaction to Legault's shampoo and him not capping any stats by 20/20 except speed
  • Lots of bitching and whining
  • Lots of Str/Spd rigging
  • More videos of silly chapter completions
  • A bunch of hate mail to Jedi's inbox for wanting to do something so downright mean!
Edited by Elieson
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I demand my team name be changed to Team Bending the Rules :P:

Chapter 16 - 9+4/78


If I hadn't taken the penalty, I'd be looking at 16 turns. Minimum. And I'd miss Chapter 16x, because there's way too many archers. So yeah.

Gave Marcus a couple of Javelins and had him go to town. Lowen was there to burn random numbers, and Eliwood managed to kill enough archers to cap his level. Broke his Rapier in the process, though.

Serra did some facetanking, and the other reason why I brought Marcus along was so that I could get a door key and chest keys, and then have Serra raid the lower treasure room. The Hero Crest is there for more money. The Unlock staff will be needed later.

Name     Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    20.00  31  17   16   17   17   11    7
Serra    Cleric   2.91  18   3    5    8    7    4*   6
Chapter 16x - 5/83

Serra did some facetanking, while Eliwood ran across the village and talked to Fargus. Recruited Canas on the final turn. I have PLANS for that Skill Book!

Chapter 17 - 5+4/92


Either I find a way to clear out those shamans, or Serra eats it.

Went shopping for some stuff thanks to Florina, then had Marcus and Eliwood clear out the left side. Eliwood walked up to the boss and showed him who's really boss.

Serra facetank count: 34

Name     Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    20.00  31  17   16   17   17   11    7
Serra    Cleric   3.21  19   4    5    8    7    4*   6
Chapter 18 - 10/102

Most of the fun was clearing out certain nomads, so Florina could ferry Dart to safety. Eliwood eventually picked Serra up, walked over to Uhai, and critted his face in.

Serra facetank count: 48

Chapter 18x - 10/112

The mages really like piling up in a useless bunch. Had to do a bit of RNG experimenting so they wouldn't do that.

Serra got the Goddess Icon and tanked mages like a boss.

Edited by eclipse
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Why are you guys saying that Nino costs turns? Battle Before Dawn is always 15 turns no matter what.

Should have gotten a 13th person and given them that amazing Geitz + Renault combo.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Chapter 15:7/52

Ran straight east through the mountains, Hector cleared out everything in front of Eliwood, got a 'C' support between the 2 lords.

Chapter 16:12/64

Ran up the hallway, not much to say, other than the Caelin guards are retarded

Chapter 16x :4/68

Hector is officially strong, lots of running forward with a hand axe.


Eliwood 16.24 29 13 13 13 12 13 6 A SWORD Hector 'C'

Hector 19.16 36 20 12 15 13 17 02 A AXE Eliwood 'C'

Hector got some near perfect levels in Port of Badon.

Chapter 17:4/72

Hector destroys the universe, bought some more handaxes, Eliwood slowly levels up, really gonna need some seals soon ugg.

Chapter 18:6/78

Shenanigans entail from having to rescue dart with florina, moving her out of the range of the pirates, if you go through the middle, you can pull all the bowmen and kill the longbow dick and leave her in the middle, needed Eliwood to finish off Uhai.

Chapter 18x:6/84

Just a never endless run to the boss, luckily Hector is very strong.

Chapter 19: 5/89

Florina picks Lyn up and goes ahead, Merlinius tanks the sniper, Hector wrecks Darrin, must continue on the good fight.


Eliwood 19.70 32 16 15 15 14 15 7 A SWORD Hector 'C'

Hector 20.00 36 20 13 16 13 18z 02 A AXE Eliwood 'C'
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Chapter 19 - 10+4/126

So I either bring my entire army to wall a couple of units, but I have to finish the map before the pegasi rip them apart. . .or I have Marcus go with Eliwood to wreck face, save Merlinus, recruit Legault, somehow feed my new recruit Darin's corpse, and STILL finish faster than if I didn't take the penalty.

Serra facetank count: 57

Name     Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    20.00  31  17   16   17   17   11    7
Serra    Cleric   4.32  20   4    5    8    7    4*   6
Legault  Thief   13.46  27   9   11   16   11    8    3
Chapter 20 - 3/129

Legault got just enough of everything last chapter to survive the first two turns. Eliwood chipped with a Steel Sword, and then he finished with the Killing Edge (which now has four uses left). Serra managed to heal Ninian. Once.

Name     Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    20.00  31  17   16   17   17   11    7
Serra    Cleric   4.43  20   4    5    8    7    4*   6
Legault  Thief   15.93  29  10   11   18   13    9    3
Ninian   Dancer   1.24  Uh-huh
Chapter 21 - 3/132

Legault immediately went after the ballista, then was danced by Ninian straight into the fray. Eliwood sort-of followed, and thanks to some clutch dodging and Serra, I was able to clear this on turn 3 (Killing Edge still OP).

Other stuff: Isadora rescue-dropped a NPC into the hellhole in the middle, to keep heat off of everyone else. Serra nommed the Angelic Robe on turn 1. Lyn managed to recruit Heath on the final turn. THE MINE IS MINE!

Name     Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    20.00  31  17   16   17   17   11    7
Serra    Cleric   4.66  27*  4    5    8    7    4*   6
Legault  Thief   17.26  29  10   13   19   14    9    5
Ninian   Dancer   1.68  Uh-huh
Chapter 22

Pent died. FML.

Edited by eclipse
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Jedi: Team Dankest Angstc7d43597cc.jpg0885571a32.jpg
Erk means the better map when it comes to Jerme/Kenneth, but I don't know how much Karel is going to help. Wo Dao exclusiveness may come pretty clutch though against Morphs and stuff

Karel is gonna help with crit rates on morphs yeah, also an extra body vs the likes of Linus who probably can't hit him will be nice, well least the first time. Also where did you get these adorable images.

Chapter 22

Pent died. FML.


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He walked up to one of the bandits and blew him a kiss. The bandit was so enamored that he tripped and fell on Pent, instantly killing the smaller man.

(reality: Pent attacked one of them at melee range, don't ask)

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Chapter 11 8/8

So I had trade shenigans and I was going for 7 turns but then my Eliwood got good levels so I just rolled with it, and got the str ring.

Name    Class  Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood Lord   5      21  9    6    10   10   5    1

Chapter 12 8/16

Eliwood goes towards mountain, Eliwood orko's most of the enemies, boss has a 0% hit rate on him when on the mountain, if the Mercs were slightly slower I maybe could have 7 turned this, also Hector and Oswin clean up the top half, because you know. Free

This happened so many times




As of Chapter 13 this is what he looks like

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Lol that mental image is quite the sight.

Also i'm tired or something, because i'm somehow having trouble doing the 7 turn of chapter 11.

yeah I had trouble too with the 7 turn but actually managed to do it, Elidoof had to get spd, fortunately he got 2 levels

Edit: well he got third one after killing da boss.

Also those images are adrobs eliedoof! Btw ive gotten 4 game overs on chapter 11. Eliwood is terrible

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Mine saved moar turnz!

C27 7/153 turns

Pent went Paladin mode. Gotta love the special rule for fliers since Pent can't take on the Longbow!NT within 7 turns while routing the rest, most importantly Linus, so Florina ferried Wil to distract him.

Eliwood (20/1.00): 37 HP / 13 Str / 14 Skl / 20 Spd / 18 Lck / 13 Def / 10 Res / A Swd D Lnc

Wil (20/16.88): 45 HP / 22 Str / 19 Skl / 21 Spd / 13 Lck / 14 Def / 17 Res / S Bow

Pent (20.00): 39 HP / 23 Mag / 23 Skl / 24 Spd / 20 Lck / 18 Def / 21 Res / S Anima A Stf

C28 3/156 turns

Pent rescues + warps Eliwood on turn 1, then gets danced to warp him near the boss. Eliwood just went next to Gregor, which made him leave the tile so Eliwood can seize.

Eliwood (20/1.93): 37 HP / 13 Str / 14 Skl / 20 Spd / 18 Lck / 13 Def / 10 Res / A Swd D Lnc

Wil (20/16.89): 45 HP / 22 Str / 19 Skl / 21 Spd / 13 Lck / 14 Def / 17 Res / S Bow

Pent (20.00): 39 HP / 23 Mag / 23 Skl / 24 Spd / 20 Lck / 18 Def / 21 Res / S Anima A Stf

C29 11/167 turns

Hahaha Eliwood got fourteen levels

Got all the treasure

Eliwood (20/15.67): 48 HP / 18 Str / 24 Skl / 24 Spd / 26 Lck / 15 Def / 15 Res / A Swd B Lnc

Wil (20/17.82): 46 HP / 22 Str / 19 Skl / 21 Spd / 14 Lck / 14 Def / 17 Res / S Bow

Pent (20.00): 39 HP / 23 Mag / 23 Skl / 24 Spd / 20 Lck / 18 Def / 21 Res / S Anima A Stf

Edited by Gradivus.
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Chapter 11 - 7 / 7

Bartre	04.43	31 11 05 05 05 05 01 AXE-D
Ninils	-
Nino	-
Athos	-

Bartre the Brave. BARTRE THE BOSSKILLER. WORKING ON THAT THWOMP LEVEL, and 2/3 levels with speed ain't bad!

Had to play some Hand-Axe shenanigans to get the Dracoshield & pull the 7 turn, but it just meant no missing, rather than Critrigging. No crits are boring.

Chapter 12 - 9 / 16

Eliwood	05.50	21 09 07 09 08 06 02 SWD-D
Bartre	06.43	32 13 06 07 05 05 02 AXE-D
Ninils	-
Nino	-
Athos	-

Hector went Shopping for 4 Iron Swords and an Iron Axe!

Finally some low-stress levels. I tried so hard to feed the Bosskill to Bartre, but Eliwood just wouldn't miss that 96 Steel Sword while sitting on the Mountain. Hector got 2 crits. Thanks bro. Still @ 40/40 Rapiers. Skipped the Secret Book since I can't rescue Hector/Oswin and get them to the village on time, and I'll be damned if I leave Eliwood to solo anything right now.

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Also where did you get these adorable images.

Kiyoko-chan's dA, of course. Though, I've had these saved in my hard drive for probably over 5 years by now, since they were in my backup from before I got my house 5 years ago.

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C29x 5/172 turns

Used the arena, bought stuff randomly.

Eliwood (20/17.21): 49 HP / 19 Str / 26 Skl / 24 Spd / 28 Lck / 16 Def / 17 Res / A Swd B Lnc

Wil (20/18.15): 46 HP / 23 Str / 20 Skl / 22 Spd / 15 Lck / 14 Def / 17 Res / S Bow

Pent (20.00): 39 HP / 23 Mag / 23 Skl / 24 Spd / 20 Lck / 18 Def / 21 Res / S Anima A Stf

C30 3/175 turns

Warp so good.

Gave a robe to Nils so he doesn't get oneshot.

Turn 1, Eliwood rescued Wil, who killed a Cav, and got warped, Pent got danced so he can warp Eliwood again. EP, the Swordmaster crits Pent for 3 damage (lol) and Eliwood counterkills a bunch of enemies with Brave Lance. Turn 2, Pent rescue staffs Nils, gets danced and warps Eliwood into the boss area, he then dropped Wil into Limstella's range. Wil killed Limstella with 2 Silver Bow crits and one hit (11% chance), having 2 combat rounds since Limstella doesn't have Bolting in Elimode.

Eliwood (20/19.10): 50 Str / 20 Str / 26 Skl / 24 Spd / 28 Lck / 16 Def / 18 Res / A Swd B Lnc

Wil (20/19.72): 47 HP / 24 Str / 20 Skl / 22 Spd / 16 Lck / 15 Def / 17 Res / S Bow

Pent (20.00): 39 HP / 23 Mag / 23 Skl / 24 Spd / 20 Lck / 18 Def / 21 Res / S Anima A Stf

Final 4+1/180 turns

Body Ring to Athos.

Wil took on Uhai's squad and helped out against the generals. Athos killed the mage type room and the warriors (Luna critted Brendan), and finished Lloyd after Brave Lance!Eliwood had facetanked him. Pent took on Jerme + Ursula and helped a bit against some leftover enemies, then he warped Athos to Nergal so he with Aureola + Durandal!Eliwood can do the kill. The Dragon got killed by Luna!Athos.


ELIWOOD (332B 184W): Soloed the earlygame, merely decent later, since he was str-screwed, but it didn't restrict his performance too much. Gave him an extreme exp dump so his stats would be decent for the final rout.

WIL (218B 114W): Hahaha I was like "should've picked a 1-2 range user" before starting the run but he did pretty well, his stats were good throughout the game and he saved a ton of turns. Contrary to Elie's prediction, getting exp for him was pretty easy since there were a lot of 2-range units he could counter in earlygame.

NINILS (32B 0W): Yeah.

PENT (111B 90W): He's borderline impossible to kill, got the Afa Drops too and became a very mobile and hard to stop frontliner with boots. Warp was very useful on some maps.

ATHOS (8B 7W): Very useful in final.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Chapter 13 - 6 / 22

Eliwood	07.24	22 10 08 11 08 06 03 SWD-C
Bartre	06.68	32 13 06 07 05 05 02 AXE-C
Ninils	-
Nino	-
Athos	-


Eliwood went swimming while Bartre went and OHKO'd some trees. Thanks to the Facetanking rule, I had Matthew/Marcus block the mercenary and one loldier (all on Matthew's unequipped face), forcing a Loldier to suicide on Eliwood. This let me pull Bartre down to hand-axe the other Loldier on Turn 4, let Eliwood ORKO the archer, and get Marcus setup to pull Guy up on Turn 5. Eliwood had exactly enough movement to get one tile in front of Boeis, and with 10 Str and one Rapier crit, he ORKO'd Boeis on EP, freeing up the seize on Turn 6. Bartre double'd back and on Turn 6 and visited Merlinus, recruited Guy, bought 5 Hand Axes with Serra and finally Seized.

Matthew unecessarily dodged the Loldier, but would've only taken 14/18 damage from Merc+Loldier, which is a testament to show just how easy NORMAL mode is.

Chapter 13x - 7 / 29

Eliwood	09.98	24 11 09 13 08 07 03 SWD-B
Bartre	08.56	34 13 07 09 05 05 03 AXE-C
Ninils	-
Nino	-
Athos	-

EZ stuff. Just charge north. Bartre goes to the boss, Eliwood goes for the loot. If it seems backwards from the norm, it totally is.

Bartre killed Puzon on counter with his amazingly accurate Iron Axe. Eliwood scored the village just in time. I had to have Eliwood use the Killing Edge to ORKO the snag, to the Northeast, otherwise I would not have made it to the village in time. Unreal demands are unreal.

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