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[FE7] Ultra Sadistic ENM Draft: The Second


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Chapter 14 - 14/50

Eliwood charged through all the cavaliers at the start with a rapier, Erk died after a while, I brought and sent Marcus to the armory after most of the enemies were dead and have him buy some more swords in preparation for Lyn next chapter.

The rain wasn't helpful admittedly and I feel I could probably shave off a turn, but I don't want to restart because I got pretty good level-ups.

Name     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WRNK
Eliwood  16.52  31  13   13   14   14   11    8   A-SWD
[AVG]    16     30  12   13   13   14   10    5   N/A

tfw my eliwood is barely above his rounded average stats

Thought he'd be doing a lot better than that comparatively with that mad resistance stat.

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Eliwood basically carried the playthrough for the first half until Raven and Matthew were strong enough to help (and in Raven's case, actually existing), so mad props for that. Other than that, he got crazy speed blessed and I have no real problem with how his other stats turned out (he also got pretty ridiculous after promotion, maybe a side effect of giving him the Afa's Drops).


Surprisingly competent. I'll be honest, I only picked him because he was the earliest fighting character available, but his 6 move came in handy in more than one occasion (and saved a few turns to boot). I mean, don't get me wrong I'd rather have Lucius, but I guess Matthew was pretty good in his own right (especially with that 13str before promotion am I right). He got weirdly skill and luck blessed, which was actually kind of helpful.


There's not much else to say about him that you couldn't intuit from my playlogs. He was pretty good from the moment he joined, but it was mostly self improvement stuff (okay, and being good by virtue of just being another unit in a play style so sorely lacking in those) until the first chapter with Kishuna where he really started paying off with some sick rescue drops. Missing the Killing Edge kind of hurt his ORKOing potential (would saved a few choice turns which hurts) but otherwise there's nothing to complain about. I mean, just look how ridiculous he is without HM bonuses!


Dancer/10 (which means he saved mad turns and allowed for some neat strategies that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to do). I liked Ninian more, though. Also man, I just noticed that that's some crazy low CON he's rocking. I think even Nino could rescue him.


Thank god for Athos, I would have spent at least four more turns on the Final Chapters without his help.

And with that final unit analysis done, I'm done with this draft for real! Catch you all later.

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Chapter 26 - 15 / 133

Eliwood	20.--		31 14 12 16 15 11 07 SWD-A
Bartre	18.97/20.--	60 28 23 23 14 18 18 AXE-S | BOW-C (Consumed: 1 Secret Book)
Ninian	05.99		18 02 00 14 13 06 08 -----
Nino	07.89		21 09 10 13 11 04 08 TOM-C (Consumed: 1 Afa's Drops)
Athos	-

Entire team ran left as fast as possible. Fuck the right side.

Scored the Boots & Rescue. Used Afa's Drops on Nino mid-battle and got her a kill on the Mage/Shaman/Bishop on the bottom right corner. Lost the Brave Lance but I doubt I'd have been able to use it anyway. Lost the Delphi Shield ohnoes!

Even Zephiel got a kill {Spoilers, he does this a lot}

This was one of the easiest chapters ever and unless you want the Ch26x Speedwings and EXP, you don't even need to worry about Nino.

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Dude you have Dorcas. I'll be amazed if your run isn't strikingly similar to mine, with the added benefit of Louise who is pretty dang cool

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Chapter 26x - 20 (FREE) / 133

Eliwood	20.--		31 14 12 16 15 11 07 SWD-A
Bartre	18.97/20.--	60 28 23 23 14 18 18 AXE-S | BOW-C (Consumed: 1 Secret Book)
Ninian	07.96		20 02 00 16 14 06 10 -----
Nino	20.--/01.00	28 18 19 20 21 10 18 TOM-A | STF-E (Consumed: 1 Afa's Drops)
Athos	-
Nino Training Time

Managed to get her to Lv20.00 on the very last Wyvern Rider guarding Limstella. Bartre got Killer Axe crits on Sonia. Biggest pain in the arse was keeping Jaffar alive. In all honesty, after a super sluggish EXP dump into Nino, I still had 2 extra turns to blow, and I thought I was doing poorly.

Oh yea, Speedwings Get. Probably gonna give the boots to Bartre for this chapter, since I didn't need to give them to anyone last chapter and Eliwood's a chump. Nino's not quite good enough to earn them now but I need them now more than ever because ughhh CoD

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Don't worry Elieson, I have a slight sadistic streak that I plan to tap into for this.

Ch.11 8/8

I miss Marcus already. But Rebecca got some nice EXP because people meat shielded her.

Ch. 12 8/16

Oswin & Hector helped a lot and Dorcas died. Eliwood got a lucky crit that saved me a turn.

Name Class Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res. Weapon Rank

Eliwood Lord 6.04 22 8 6 7 10 7 1 B Swords

Rebecca Archer. 5.16 20 7 7 10 5 4 2 D Bows

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base speed Eliwood doubles mages in Chapter 25 EHM

Dude you have Dorcas. I'll be amazed if your run isn't strikingly similar to mine, with the added benefit of Louise who is pretty dang cool

Plus, it's ENM. Yeah, I'm just lazy

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Chapter 15 - 8/58

Sent Eliwood through the mountains because I felt like it., Lyn and friends kinda went through the forest but kinda didn't because I wanted to feed Lyn some kills while it was still a good time for her but didn't want her to get curbstomped.

Eliwood kinda ignored the units beyond the mountains, and I used the Killing Edge to critikill the boss in the form of a 1RKO, and immediately seized. Probably could've gotten Lyn more exp, and possibly shaved a turn, but good enough given they got some nice levels.

Eliwood	18.35	 33 15 14 16 15 11 08  SWD-A
Lyn	05.92    19 06 10 12 06 02 00  SWD-C

Praying for Lyn to get strength this time, she was screwed in my ongoing HHM run and barely got speed either.

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Still believe!

Chapter 16x - 5/74

Can't do it any faster because Elidoof gets at best one tile short by PP4 if ever the road is clear, which is false because Lucius is at base and is unable to kill consistently.

Lucius went to the forest tile and had to master dodge everything and eat the Elfire from the mage which leaves him almost dead, fortunately these scrubs display 30~ hit rate while the archer has 40 something hit. Lucius took his turns to get plenty of experience and levels. Sadly he didn't get enough Spd, 12 spd at lv 8 is underwhelming lol, anyways, it wasn't needed to kill enemies.

Elidoof went west and one rounded Damian with the last 2 Rapier uses, and just one rounded the other cavs and the two silver axe pirates with Iron Sword. Didn't get Canas. Lucius got the Short Bow and Florina bought some Lightnings because Lucius's tome almost breaks!

Chapter 17 - 5/79

Raeg, more enemies in the middle. Elidoof had to full move because Lucius just chips him despite having high Magic, got the Ring, Red Gem and Pure Water. Also Merlinus is like lv 7 or 8, he has fallen like 4 times by now, poor dude haha.

Chapter 18 - 7/86

Got Dart! Gawd my units are squishy as fuck, Dart got ganged by pirates, the nomad, and the nosShaman, he got plenty of levels though. Lucius and Eliwood went south and ganged on Uhai. Lucius one shots nomads lol.

Chapter 18x - 7/93

I think it was 7 turns, not 5. More self improvement. Lucius got Goddess Icon. Oh I forgot to mention that Lucius ate 2 Goddess Icons by now, he had like 13 Lck or so ~

Dart and Eliwood full moved to Aion, Dart is already a beast at one shotting mages and one rounding knights, he killed Aion and got levels.

Chapter 19 - 5/98

Lucius promotes and ate the cav squad, Eliwood came at the back. Dart killed some knights, the longbow archer and the sniper, so boss. Lucius had to crt Maximus because Dart was left down at the beginning, and to kill at EP the rest of the cavs and avoid chokepoints. Lucius killed Darin and has already 24 mag, I don't even. Also no Legault.

Chapter 20 - 3/101

Stoopid Oleg doesn't target Lucius. Lame chapter, got Shine, Restore and Fiora bought some Hand Axes, Iron Swords and more Lightnings. Lucius caps Magic and has like 20 skl/sp by lv 6.

Chapter 21 - 2/105

Lucius goes DOWN and reks Eubans. No Heath nor Rath. Lucius eats Isadora's Angelic Robe for the sake of life.

Chapter 22 - 2/107

Lucius full moves to the first Warrior and kills him at EP. Dart kills the nomad up NORTH, Eli stays near Merlinus so the other cav doesn't target him forcing it ti sd at Dart. Fiora rescues Matt, gets danced and drops him near the Ocean Seal spot, cantoing a bit up to avoid the enemy mage. At ep, stuff dies at Lucius, Dart and Pent. By nex phase, Lucius full moves left and kills the bandit with Shine, equipping it to crtkill the last boss. Fortunately Lucius has S rank already and nice crt with Shine. Eliwood full moves down and gets danced to kill the archer near ninian. At Ep, the mage near Fiora targetted Ninian and died to Hawkeye at OP. Pent killed the last knight. Matt got the Ocean Seal.

Chapter 23 - 3/110

Dart gets Afa Drop and Ocean Seal, and both him and Lucius full move up and team up on Lloyd. Lucius doubles him and Dart rigs the hit to get the level.

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Chapter 24 - 11/121

Dart trains and goes UP. He buys killer weapons and shine. Elidoof gets LUNA. Lucius goes left then down and gets Hammerne.

Chapter 25 - 7/128

KENNETH. Dart ferries Elidoof up to the throne and he doubles literally everything. Kills wyverns and one.shots mages. Lucius kills the prepromotes on the first room getting the chest key, then he follows Dart. By the end, dart drops eli at 5 tiles from the throne, Lucius kills the mage that chokepoints and Dart one rounds Kenneth. Eli seizes.

Chapter 26 - 15/143

Dart left with Ninian, Eli and Lucius right. Dart gets danced and kills a bunch of enemies, getting a shitton of levels and capping hp, str and sp at lv 14. Lucius helps eli and kills the thief with Rescue, then he full moves to the left chest room and gets the Boots with the chest key dropped by the sage on kenneth's map. Dart kills Ursula and then goes to the bishop on the inferior right corner of the map. Lucius caps spd and res.

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Chapter 24 - 11/159

Eliwood runs to the west, grabs Luna, then runs to the east to sweep out the northern part. Legault runs back and forth near the tent area, and after clearing out what he could (either through Filla's Might or Lancereaver), I sent him to get Hammerne. I managed to shop like crazy with Heath, hitting both stores for stuff (Killing Edges, Shine, Mend). Serra hit B staves in time to swipe Pent's Physic and get some much-needed experience. Ninian did an impressive amount of facetanking.

Name     Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    20.00  31  17   16   17   17   11    7
Serra    Cleric   7.19  29*  6    7   10   10    4*   8
Legault  Thief   20.00  30  11   14   20   16    9    5
Ninian   Dancer   4.69  17   0    0   13   12    5    6
Chapter 25 - 8/167

That fucker with Bolting has 36 displayed hit against Ninian. . .and the first hit is when Ninian is in a forest (that's 16 displayed hit). Thanks to several failed attempts (most of which were due to bad positioning, which cost me turns), I saw that the numbers in the RNG were pretty low. . .after all, Ninian, Serra and Legault were taking multiple hits, and Ninian's not exactly a slouch at dodging.

Legault saved a turn by carrying Eliwood while it was snowing. On turn 7, I managed to get Eliwood and Legault in the chamber before Kenneth's room. Legault nabbed Eliwood's Killing Edge, and killed something in front of him, while Eliwood ran within seizing range. Serra and Ninian continued to run towards Legault and Eliwood, dodgetanking everything along the way. On turn 8, the wonky-ass RNG paid off, and Legault managed a double crit on Kenneth (I had Ninian in range with Filla's Might, which would've cut the criticals necessary down to one). Since Ninian didn't have to enact Plan B, I had Serra use Mend on two units, which nabbed her a pretty good level.

Name     Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    20.00  31  17   16   17   17   11    7
Serra    Cleric   9.03  30*  8    7   12   11    4*   9
Legault  Thief   20.00  30  11   14   20   16    9    5
Ninian   Dancer   5.59  18   0    0   14   13    5    6
Edited by eclipse
Am I wasting my time with these stats? I had a pretty big error that I just fixed!
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Didn't have the time to do it this week, I will start shortly.

Also I thought Canas exp counted toward getting Kenneth's Chapter but turn out it doesn't.


Ok so I thought I edited my post but everything disappeared and I'm not gonna do it again, so I'll just post the turncounts.

Chapter 11 - 8/8

Chapter 12 - 8/16

Chapter 13 - 11/27

Chapter 13x - 7/34

Chapter 14 - 10/44

Chapter 15 - 8/52

Chapter 16 - 12/64

Eliwood rushed to the throne. I needed Guy to kill the archers blocking Eliwood's path so I couldn't get the Hero Crest.

Also there was only one soldier left with 1 HP at the end of the map, I was really lucky.
Name    Exp   HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapons Ranks
Eliwood 19.29 31 16  14  18  12  12  8   A Sword
Guy     11.71 26 10  15  17  10  7   3   B Sword
Edited by Skellow
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Chapter 16 - 9+4/71


I tried this with just Lyn and Eliwood, clearing the chapter would've taken about fifteen turns but by then the soldiers got wrecked, so I had to restart for the gaiden.

Anyway on the successful run I had Eliwood frontrun while Lyn murdered anything that he didn't get, she was pretty crit-happy. Marcus made sure anything in range of her didn't live to see their own phase, and not a single soldier because Lyn killed Raven since she was lagging behind.

Eliwood	19.04	 34 16 15 16 16 12 08  SWD-A
Lyn	08.50    21 09 12 15 08 04 01  SWD-C

rip the ten res eliwood but oh yes the strength procs

the draft gods have answered my prayers

Chapter 16x - 4/75

Sent Lyn into the woods near all the powerful units, equipped the Mani Katti and had Eliwood take the bottom route to stall the Paladin with an Iron Sword. Lyn was dodgy enough to not get hit at all in addition to being able to wrap up the map by the fourth movement, while gaining three levels that despite ripping her strength combo, hers is five levels above average anyway and she got some interesting growths instead; she's fairly defensive now.

She's pulling a lot of weight already and I'm very pleased.

Eliwood	20.00	 35 16 16 16 16 12 09  SWD-A
Lyn	11.02    23 10 14 17 09 05 04  SWD-B

Chapter 17 - 5/80

Lyn and Eliwood rushed through the shamans, Lyn was really dodge-happy this time around so I didn't even need to sift the Pure Water on to her. Eliwood was blocked off by shamans when I pushed Lyn ahead to not get murdered by the mercenaries, and tried to Mani Katti the boss, but no crits.

Instead she dodges his Luna, and then does it again to kill him on the enemy phase. No complaints.

Eliwood	20.00	 35 16 16 16 16 12 09  SWD-A
Lyn	13.94    24 11 15 19 10 05 04  SWD-B

Chapter 18 - 8/88

No idea how you successfully keep Dart out of combat while also offing the boss in six turns.

neither Lyn nor Eliwood can rescue him, and I was forced to take the bottom route

Eliwood	20.00	 35 16 16 16 16 12 09  SWD-A
Lyn	15.68    25 13 16 20 12 05 05  SWD-A

Chapter 18x - 7/95

Another mad rush where Lyn was clearing a path for Eliwood, including how she 1RKO'd the boss. With Eliwood's level capped there was no reason to kill enemies unless they would interfere with a faster chapter clear.

Knights were a pain and ate through Mani Katti uses but I preferred to give Lyn the potential experience and the Rapier is pretty worn down anyway.

Eliwood	20.00	 35 16 16 16 16 12 09  SWD-A
Lyn	19.36    29 16 19 20 15 05 06  SWD-A

Chapter 19 - 5/100

Sent Hector next to Merlinus, and the other two through the cavaliers and the paladin boss

Eliwood	20.00	 35 16 16 16 16 12 09  SWD-A
Lyn	20.00    30 16 20 20 16 05 06  SWD-A

Chapter 20 - 3/103

Had Ninian push Lyn forward the first turn to clear a bunch of enemies near the boss, then had the same for Eliwood so he could cut off a wyvern rider looking to murder Ninian. Eliwood lent Lyn his Killing Edge and she went to 1HKO the boss with a critical.

Eliwood	20.00	 35 16 16 16 16 12 09  SWD-A
Lyn	20.00    30 16 20 20 16 05 06  SWD-A
Ninian	01.23    14 00 00 12 10 05 04  NONE

Chapter 21 - 3/106

Eliwood got Ninian'd down through the enemies while she dodged the ballistarcher and Lyn helped clear a path. 1RKO'd the boss using a Rapier.

Eliwood	20.00	 35 16 16 16 16 12 09  SWD-A
Lyn	20.00    30 16 20 20 16 05 06  SWD-A
Ninian	01.57    14 00 00 12 10 05 04  NONE

Chapter 22 - 4(?)/110

Lyn went west a bit, Eliwood went southwest, they reconverged after Eliwood snatched Hawkeye and Pent did most of the work.

Eliwood	20.00	 35 16 16 16 16 12 09  SWD-A
Lyn	20.00    30 16 20 20 16 05 06  SWD-A
Hawkeye 04.00    50 18 14 11 13 14 10  AXE-A
Ninian	02.11    15 00 00 13 11 06 05  NONE

tfw skipping the tactician thing at the start costs me the Afa's Drops

Chapter 23 - 4/114

These are becoming progressively more plain, it seems. Probably because these aren't very long runs of the maps.

I've never been on this map before so I was probably inefficient, but I Ninian'd Lyn and Hawkeye on to the boss. Hawkeye made room, Lyn thankfully critikilled Lloyd because he was able to 1HKO if he hit and it went into the enemy phase. Eliwood just beat up some monks near the starting point so Ninian didn't have to lose more health.

Eliwood	20.00	 35 16 16 16 16 12 09  SWD-A
Lyn	20.00    30 16 20 20 16 05 06  SWD-A
Hawkeye 04.00    50 18 14 11 13 14 10  AXE-A
Ninian	02.11    15 00 00 13 11 06 05  NONE
Edited by Icemario
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Chapter 26 - 15/182

This was done in phases:

Phase 1: Legault carries Eliwood a bit, while Serra uses that Unlock staff to open the door. Yes, this was necessary. Eliwood recruits Nino while Legault runs back the way he came and down the hall to the north of Zephiel.

Phase 2: Used Eliwood to block a door to pin the Rescue!Thief. Eliwood made said Thief regret everything, and gives the Rescue staff to Ninian. Nino retraces Legault's steps.

Phase 3: Legault catches Boots!Thief at the last second, then sits on the stairwell to the north of the treasure room to keep the Shamans from spawning. Eliwood hangs out in front of Zephiel's room.

Phase 4: Eliwood keeps Zephiel safe while Legault catches a breather. Serra gets a good amount of healing in, thanks to Zephiel not dodging, Ninian not dodging, and Eliwood going a wee bit too far forward and eating a couple of Boltings.

Phase 5: On the final turn, Nino reaches Jaffar and talks to him. Legault runs to the left, which is close enough for Serra to Physic and Rescue him, which in turn gives her another level.

tl;dr: I got all the important treasure and 26x on the final turn.

Name     Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    20.00  31  17   16   17   17   11    7
Serra    Cleric  11.04  31* 10    7   13   12    5*  11
Legault  Thief   20.00  30  11   14   20   16    9    5
Ninian   Dancer   7.02  20   0    0   16   14    7    7
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incoming [almost] 20 turns of Serra/Ninian training and a legault promotion!

Yep! Would've been more, but Serra got stuck on an island. Still, it was more than enough~! :P:

Chapter 26x - 20

Brought Florina and Heath along, to keep Nino and Jaffar out of combat. Promoted Serra, and gave her a bunch of light magic.

The enemies didn't know what hit them. I had to keep Legault and Eliwood a bit back, as so not to aggro the Berserk guy. Once that platform showed up, I had Legault jack the Seraph Robe. Other pilfered items include a Red Gem and a Fell Contract. My team relied on items to keep themselves healthy. On turn 19, I had Legault on Filla's Might walk up to Sonia. Sonia missed (not that it mattered, he could take a single hit) and Legault got a crit (36 damage total). On the next EP, all I had to do was make sure that Legault hit (again with Filla's Might), which he did. . .so Eliwood walked up and seized like a boss.

Serra hit B light magic.

Name     Class   Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eliwood  Lord    20.00  31  17   16   17   17   11    7
Serra    Bishop  13.09  42* 20   14   18   19   10*  22
Legault  Thief   20.00  30  11   14   20   16    9    5
Ninian   Dancer   9.29  21   0    0   18   16    7    8
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