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Fluffy Elle and Nanny Questions


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shepard i like you as a person which is why i'll refrain from ragging on you like i would a newfag, but you have to take things on this forum with a grain of salt.

It doesn't always work that way, but yes it does apply sometimes and it's something you have to be wary of

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Errant , look baby

You started this and you have to deal with it

Don't mess with me never again

I don't wanna be harsh with people like you

A crybaby , idiot , nerd , stupid , and a freak. Look up

I love ppl

Okay ?

I may be childish

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I still feel like a newfag.

I doubt I'll ever not feel like a newfag.

Oh well.

Well I mean once you've been around for years and years... you kind of can't get away with feeling new to the place~

Unless you don't actually stick around long enough for that to happen

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Errant , look baby

You started this and you have to deal with it

Don't mess with me never again

I don't wanna be harsh with people like you

A crybaby , idiot , nerd , stupid , and a freak. Look up

I love ppl

Okay ?

I may be childish



This is the last I am going to say on this.

Elle. If you can't be bothered to even read/understand what I post... Then don't bother talking to me.


The only one, "messing with anyone" is you.

The person who started this... Is you. By repeatedly calling me names, and others names, here, in chat, in the forum games section and elsewhere.

If you think that is in any way shape or form remotely OK... I am here to tell you it is not, and I have asked you previously, nicely to stop... Now I am telling you directly. Stop calling me names. That is verbal abuse. Plain and simple.


You say one thing and do the complete opposite. You say you don't wanna be harsh. Then rip into me for some imagined slight.

Do people make you feel that way? Those words you tried to describe me with? ...if so, I am sorry. But that is also, your issue. Quit projecting your crap onto me. :|


You say, you love people. Right... Bull.

You only seems to love yourself and your fragile little ego. :\

You try to excuse your acts by claiming to be childish? This is beyond childish. Seriously maybe, get some help from people or some counselling if you are actually this mentally/emotionally immature and not just excusing BS behaviors. o_O

I don't expect to get along with everyone. But I will try to be civil to those I dislike, and I will encourage others to do the same.(hence olive branches, hence calling stuff that is rude out.)

I am done trying to reason with the unreasonable. I am done playing nice. I would ask you not to talk to me, or about me again. Don't mistake being polite and diplomatic for being some kind of pushover. >:|

...anyways at this point, I have moved on. I prefer to enjoy myself and have fun. ;)

So I am gonna drop it... As getting involved in debates over pettiness and rudeness doesn't interest me. :)

Do whatever/say whatever you want. But I will not participate in your bs anymore. I will not be talking or interacting with you further... Do likewise.

*Shep out*

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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You try to excuse your acts by claiming to be childish? This is beyond childish. Seriously maybe, get some help from people or some counselling if you are actually this mentally/emotionally immature and not just excusing BS behaviors. o_O

tfw people dont notice elle is quoting song lyrics

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tfw people dont notice elle is quoting song lyrics

Which is nothing to make them feel bad about~

not everybody knows every single reference so when it goes unexplained (and even taken too far for too long) there's going to be confusion

Edited by Freohr Datia
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whoa, you think I might find it easy?

no, it is easier for you to be politically correct when looking at an event that does not directly involve you, but being politically correct is a difficult task. there is a frame of reference involved, and you're being compared to the individual that is directly involved in the situation. my statement stands. being politically correct is a great trait to have, but you dont have to be so pedantic about every little thing mentioned. of course if this is a force of habit then i have no argument against it, carry on.

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Q2. i had to look up the distinction and all of the results are fuckin stupid geek i guess

Q3. very yes

Q4. beyond lazy

Q5. strawberry but if this is about ICE CREAM FLAVORS then NEITHER

Edited by PKLucas531
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Q. xXHoshiHeartsXx ~ What do you want to do with your life ?

idk nothing

Q. Charity ~ Are you a nerd or a geek ?

im trash tbh

Q. Saffaria ~ Are you adorable , cool , and elegant ?


Q. Specta ~ Are you lazy ?


Q. Aryabug ~ Chocolate or Strawberry ?


-- 5 favorite songs

  1. history by exo-m
  2. mama by exo-m
  3. love u more by super junior
  4. danger by bts
  5. boy in luv by bts

-- bestfriends in SF / friendz


-- height

i refuse to answer

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no, it is easier for you to be politically correct when looking at an event that does not directly involve you, but being politically correct is a difficult task. there is a frame of reference involved, and you're being compared to the individual that is directly involved in the situation. my statement stands. being politically correct is a great trait to have, but you dont have to be so pedantic about every little thing mentioned. of course if this is a force of habit then i have no argument against it, carry on.

You're explaining to me what I know perfectly fine, so maybe you misunderstood my response. I get that some bias can cloud my judgement but that doesn't make me give up trying.

It doesn't matter whether I'm being compared to anybody or not, I have an overprotective personality (thanks mom) and I could see complete strangers getting upset over something or getting bullied and always find the need to go and try to help fix it and set things straight. Admittedly this can even get me fiery if the situation is bad enough especially if people are being incredibly rude, because I really can't understand why people even want to stir up trouble when that just makes everything unpleasant. But I've made plenty of mistakes before and I've been trying to get better about it by trying to put myself in someone else's shoes and considering ranges of possibilities to try to be as unbiased as possible (since I haven't experienced every situation in the world, this obviously isn't 100% foolproof but I don't like not trying at all, and my brain is far from perfect).

But yeah, it's just a thing that I can't help... but I find it tends to bring up more trouble than it would have if I'd just stayed out and in the end of it all I and many others just come out of the situation disliking me more for it because I take a bad situation further trying (and usually failing) to fix it... And yes I know I am nobody's mother.

So believe me, I really wish I could just go on "not caring" like everybody says you should do in fftf/on the internet because in the end I'm just feeling really bad about it. But I haven't successfully stopped myself (aside from avoiding chat threads) because I keep thinking "I think I'll be able to fix it this time and not just annoy everybody or myself!!!" (I don't, btw, you telling me to stop is already showing I failed this time too...)

and now that I've finished typing this all, I think even this post is me caring too much again but I guess I'm not taking it back

like I guess this post just spawned because I just realized I did wrong again

Edited by Freohr Datia
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its a force of habit seems like, like i said i have no argument against that because it is completely fine. those people that tell you to stop caring can go eat a dick

kinda ironic because i guess i was hinting at that? i dont know

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*wanders back into thread*

*pats Frank and Fre both affectionately on the shoulders*

...you both are cool in my books. ;)

I appreciate both of your very different responses to this situation, as both gave me some good things to think about,especially in how I was coming across potentially, and about whether I even needed to worry about responding. :)

...anyways, yeah. I can relate to both those responses, the super investment/sometimes over investment and wanting to fix things and have everyone get along... As well as just ignoring people who aren't worth my time/cutting off toxic individuals and just avoiding them rather than playing their games. Those are literally my two default responses. Wanting to be the Hero or the Outsider... And it's damn hard to find the balance in between... :\

...yeah anyways, I said my piece already. Thank you again, Frank and Fre for giving me stuff to think about. I am at peace with it now, so I am gonna go back to having some fun. ;)

*wanders back out of thread*

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